He's back. After a long summer during which you
probably relied on banal things like sitcoms to
make you laugh, you deserve some real humor.
Jon Chait has what you're looking for.
WE EKEND, etc.
"Six bucks for a movie?" This is one of the many
comments overheard at the cinema this summer,
but as Michael John Wilson points out, the real
entertainment isn't even on the screen.
Michigan's Fab Five may be in danger of becoming
a trio, after the suspensions of Chris Webber and
Jalen Rose. However, the basketball program
hopes to rectify the matter.
Warm and humid;
High 82, Low 64
Chance of T-storms, High 82, Low 66
t Itilt't
One hundred and one years of editorial freedom
Vol. CII, No. 126 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Thursday, September 17,1992 ©1992 The Michigan Daily
Search is
.on for new
by Karen Sabgir
Daily Administration Reporter
The search has begun at U-M
Dearborn to find a new chancellor to
replace Blenda
Wilson - now
settling into her
new position as
president at
California State
University at
W ilson (CSUN).
Charlotte Otto, a chemistry pro-
fessor on the Dearborn campus, is
chairing the search committee to re-
place Wilson.
Otto said the search committee
has already met with faculty, stu-
dents and staff and agreed on criteria
for the new candidate.
"We started with the criteria used
for Wilson and decided if they still
met the needs of the campus," Otto
"We reshuffled some of them and
combined some ... but there were
two major changes," she said.
One quality the search committee
is looking for in candidates is expe-
rience with faculty governance, Otto
said. In addition, the team will look
See WILSON, Page 3
U-M launches $1 billion
fund-raising campaign
by Jennifer Silverberg
Daily Administration Reporter
The Campaign for Michigan,
which seeks to raise $1 billion for
the university, will officially begin
tomorrow with a weekend of activi-
ties planned to educate volunteers
and thank donors.
- The campaign - the largest
fund-raising effort ever undertaken
by the U-M or any public university
- seeks to raise $850 million in
cash and pledges and $150 million in
bequests over a five year period.
"It's not life or death but it's es-
sential to maintain the cutting edge
of the university because the other
sources of support are diminishing,"
said U-M Provost and Vice
President for Academic Affairs
Gilbert Whitaker. "The campaign is
a key component of the things we
have to do to stay strong. It's one of
many but it's very important."
Money raised during the cam-
paign will be used for a variety of
programs. Associate Vice President
for Development and Executive
Director of the Campaign for
Michigan Joe Roberson said $340
million will be put toward endow-
ment support, $110 million will be
spent on facilities, and $400 million
will be used as expendable funds, to
be spent in a yet undetermined
In fiscal year 1992, 28 percent of
Breaking down the numbers
The U-M hopes to raise $1 billion in the next five years through
the Campaign for Michigan. The $850 million administrators
plan to raise in endowments is broken down below.
$340 million - endowment support for faculty and students
$400 million - expendable funds to be spent annually
$110 million -facilities, including:
$45 million to build a Center of Undergraduate Education
$15 million for a new School of Social Work building
$25 million for a Cancer/ Geriatric Center for research and
$5 million for athletic facilities, including new tennis courts
and the renovation of the U-M golf course
$10 million for the renovation and remodeling of Hill
$10 million for an engineering center
U-M funding came from state sup-
port, 35 percent from tuition and
fees, 23 percent from federal sup-
port, and 14 percent from gifts and
Executive Director of University
Relations Walter Harrison said tu-
ition rates have almost reached the
ceiling and over the next decade,
state and federal appropriations are
likely to remain the same or decline.
"So the only place we can grow in
terms of revenue is in private giv-
ing," Harrison said.
Roberson agreed. "(President
Duderstadt) hopes we can get private
support to become an equal partner
with the other three parts because the
other three have just about reached
their limit."
The campaign's initial goal was
$750 million until this past June
when a meeting of the National
Campaign Steering Committee, con-
sisting of members such as CBS
News correspondent Mike Wallace
and Regent emeritus Tom Roach,
increased the target to $1 billion.
"I was one of several who felt
that it was a realistic goal and one
that needed to be reached. We are in
See CAMPAIGN, Page 2
Is this how Monet started?
Chris Schroeder, a preacher with the Mt. Clemens Ezekial Project brings
his visual aides to the Diag.
*House hears sexual assault victims' 'bill of rights'
by Hope Calati
and Lauren Dermer
Daily Government Reporters
LSA senior Jennifer Cass was
sexually assaulted in her U-M resi-
dence hall two years ago by a
coworker from her job at the univer-
When she told her supervisor that
she could not continue working with
the assailant, he told her to quit the
job. When the assailant registered
for all of her classes, an LSA dean
suggested she change her schedule.
"It was always, 'You quit. You
should move. You should change
classes,"' Cass said. "(Sexual as-
sault) is a huge problem. They treat
it like it's not a problem because it
will hurt their precious reputation."
Cass and other sexual assault
survivors may find comfort in a bill
introduced by Rep. Tracey Yokich
(D-St. Clair Shores) to the Michigan
House of Representatives Colleges
and Universities Committee yester-
'We need to get this bill passed.'
- Rosanne Wild.
U-M graduate and sexual assault survivor
day. to colleges and universities. "These
Yokich said the Michigan types of crimes are not a difference
Campus Sexual Assault Victims' of opinion between a man and a
Bill of Rights would send a message woman. It is an assault, and the pur-
pose of the bill is to take it more se-
riously," Yokich said.
The proposed bill - modeled af-
ter a 1991 federal act - would re-
quire colleges and universities to
specifically delineate the rights of
sexual assault survivors, including
the right to have such assaults
treated as serious crimes and inves-
tigated by civil authorities.
The bill also would require that
survivors be offered counseling, be
treated with dignity and be granted a
transfer in housing or changes in
class schedules, if desired, to elimi-
nate contact with the assailant.
Rep. Nate Jonker (D-Clio) said a
motivating force behind the bill is
the concern that many colleges and
universities deal with sexual assault
on an internal basis only, discourag-
ing students from going to the po-
Colleges and universities would
See BILL, Page 2
Gore claims Bush
is avoiding debate
GRAND RAPIDS (AP) - Al disservice to the American people."
Gore accused President Bush Next week's debate was canceled
yesterday of avoiding a debate be- yesterday after Bush failed to meet a
cause of his economic record. If it deadline set by the bipartisan
were a movie, the Democrat said, it Commission on Presidential
could be called "Honey, I Shrunk the Debates. Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton
Economy." already has agreed to the three
"And the sequel would be debates recommended by the
'Honey, I Blew up the Deficit,"' commission, but Bush wants only
Gore told about 50 students at the two and a different format.
Applied Technology Center at Grand Bush officials insist they want to
Rapids Community College. debate with Clinton. However, they
The vice presidential candidate say, the Clinton camp has refused to
accused Bush of refusing to attend negotiate privately on the matter.
Tuesday's planned presidential In suburban Detroit on yesterday,
debate at Michigan State University First Lady Barbara Bush spoke with
because he "does not want to have to seniors at an Italian-American center
defend his economic record. in Warren. She urged them to think
"They've got a lot of gall, after of their grandchildren's futures when
the worst economic record since the they vote in November, and stay
Great Depression, to say they're away from the Democrats who she
going to cancel this debate," the said started the country toward the
Tennessee senator said. "It's a See GORE, Page 2
Med Scil to
re-open today
after clean-up
by David Rheingold
Daily News Editor
The seventh floor of Medical Science Research
Building I will open today after U-M workers finish
cleaning up a low-level radioactive spill.
A tiny amount of phosphorous-32 was spilled in a
laboratory last weekend and unknowingly tracked all
over the seventh floor.
Use of radioactive materials in the lab has been
temporarily halted until the U-M feels staff members
are adequately trained with maintenance procedures.
"They won't handle materials until the Radiation
Safety Service is satisfied that everyone is following
procedures when doing radiation surveys after radioac-
tive matter," said Joe Owsley, director of U-M News
and Information Services.
The U-M held a forum yesterday for building users
about the spill and radiation procedures in general.
Researchers who handle radioactive materials are
required to scan the work area afterward to ensure that
none has spilled.
Owsley said Tuesday that he suspects a researcher
accidentally spilled some of the P-32 and did not sur-
vey the area.
The amount of P-32 - a few drops containing
about half a millicurie of radiation - does not pose a
health hazard, U-M and government safety officials
I know my ticket's down here somewhere!
A masked construction worker jackhammers his way through the parking structure on Thayer
St. across from the MLB yesterday, sending clouds of dust over the area.
Fallen incumbents find primary season troubling
WASHINGTON (AP) - Bad checks,
remaining primaries, with Louisiana's
down, one lost in the primary and one is
"Those who squeaked by this tir
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