Page 4 -The Michigan Daily- Monday, September 14, 1992 MA 1 M17iiILVI. RINNIF ~ Y!E YOuJFA K(G(-PKOFII-F ANTEfRTAINflS?~ .- io Yo0 WA7FT1O9EMAIN ONE? 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 4810) 764 - 0552 Opinion Edilor YAEL CITRO GEOFFREY IARI.LE AMITAVA MAZUMDAR Edited and Managed by Students at the University of Michigan Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Dail's EdEtorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessa riv represent the opinion of the Daily. Conduct code survey means little ANSWE&4tE/) XES' -((jI YOV CANT OFFx C iAiw GUILT-R f o r //~Yu ~~-~ z/ Z . 7"SHl6',T 1EnOMN '7Ai v r i f -e~srAKJ4L . \1L) W N-FP C)UA /N 01 Eighty-nine percent of the responses to the survey regarding the University's proposed c6de of nonacademic conduct were favorable. The administration has brandished this impressive fig- ure as a convincing demonstration of student sup- pqrt for the code. While the figure is not meaning- less, it does not carry nearly the same weight as a sioentifically conducted poll. -,First, the survey was laughably biased. The questionnaire was included with a letter from Vice President of Student Affairs Maureen Hartford and University President James Duderstadt defending the code. And since the code was newly introduced in-the letter, students were asked to respond having no information other than what the administration provided. The letter made no attempt to provide an opposing argument. It had no obligation to do so, of'course, but to pass this off as a fair survey is dishonest. If the Daily were to include a mail-in suirvey at the end of an anti-code editorial, which is tU equivalent of what the administration did, the roults would likely be just as distorted. :;Second, many arguments used in the letter could easily deceive all but the most careful reader. In particular, the examples of violence on campus seem designed to scare students into supporting a cede. The letter rattles off examples of students assaulting professors and roaming the campus with guns. The letter then states, "Unlike every major college and university in the country, the University has no standing policy or process to deal with dangerous or destructive behavior by students or to intervene to protect the victims of such behavior." True enough. What goes unsaid, however, is that the Ann Arbor courts have juris- diction over these crimes. One may argue that the procedures set out under the code would handle campus crime more effectively; to imply that the absence of a code would result in anarchy is, again, dishonest. The accuracy (or lack thereof) of the 89-percent statistic aside, the administration's faith in the importance of student support for its actions has been selective. Two years ago, the administration brushed off an extensive campus poll conducted by the Daily, the Review and Consider, which demon- strated student opposition to deputization of Uni- versity police. Additionally, the administration disregarded an MSA referendum conducted last March in which a vast majority of students expressed opposition to any code by arguing that codes are designed to protect minorities, and the opinion of the majority is therefore irrelevant. They can't have it both ways. In truth, both the MSA referendum and the administration's survey were invalid gauges of student opinion. Student opinion is important, but in the end the decision should be based on the following question: Can a code of nonacademic conduct deal with campus crime more effectively than the American legal system? The Daily has already voiced its opinion. We encourage you to let the administration hear yours. 10 :: : : : : . . . . . . . .:tm .; .;. . . . . .;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., L'ETTE~Ai, il . iRS:::::::::::i:::.1.Vt.", .." What about SAPAC? To the Daily: I appreciated Yael Citro's efforts to bring some much- needed attention to the issue of rape ("Before a woman cries out," 9/10/92). Unfortunately, her argument was faulty and negligent, com- pletely ignoring one of our strongest campus organizations, the Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center (SAPAC). SAPAC, born out of student demand over a decade ago, is dedicated to the prevention of rape as well as assisting survivors. Each year, SAPAC depends upon dozens of student volunteers to lead acquaintance rape work- shops that teach men and women what they can do to help stop rape. Each semester, these workshops are led for dormitories, sororities, fraternities, classrooms, and countless organizations. Undoubtedly, acquaintance rape workshops and other SAPAC services have led to a greater awareness and discussion of rape here on campus, and those efforts deserve to be recognized and rewarded rather than forgotten. Jonna Perrillo SAPA C peer educator Are you interested in writingfor the Daily? If so, come to the mass meeting Thursday, September17 at 8:30. Be there. Clinton on a brighter future To the Daily: called, "Putting People First" and I learned something when I you can find it in your local was in collewhich I have never library or bookstore. wasin olleewhich Ihavae never I want you to know that forgotten and which motivates together we will change America me to this day. I had a professor again. We will fight for what who taught that American's Americans deserve. The right to greatness is based on two ideas: Aoro for college. A good job. that tomorrow can be better than bo Affordable, quality health care. A today, and that each of us has a clean, safe environment. Choice. personal responsibility to make it A government that works together s for the American people. I stilltbelieve that and I hope You have a lot more at stake in youahin gton has done so little this election than I do. You have rshngt has one so hiktle to worry about paying for your for so long that you may think the education. You have to hope that President can't make a difference you'll be able to find a decent job in yourlives. Don't believe it. after school. You have to worry Franklin Roosevelt put millions that you'll fall in love with of Americans to work during the someone who is HIV positive. Great Depression. Harry Truman And you have to hope that one sent millions of Americans to more Supreme Court Justice won't college with the G.I. Bill. Martin take away your right to choose. Luther King Jr. and millions with I hope you will join me in a him pushed the president to great effort to unite Americans, to transform our laws and guarantee create a community where people civil rights. look out for each other, not only What we need is a detailed for themselves. It will be an plan which invests in the future, America where we all have a not a president who talks mock- chance and we all stand together while attem ti stodeci t - whatever our race, religion or whilesxua atteptigttodecmat student aid and cut taxes on the sexual orientation. rich. We are the only industrial- Your voices must be heard and ized country without a national I intend to continue listening. Join health care plan, a national our effort, register and vote. education plan, and a strategy for Together we can change America. the future. Gov. Bill Clinton Al Gore and I have a plan. It's 1992 Presidential Candidate Bush 'Agenda' ignores reality President Bush finally revealed his plans for economic recovery and growth in a speech at the Detroit Economic Club. Months after the close of the primary season and Gov. Bill Clinton's release of his economic agenda, "Putting People Fist," the president felt the time was ripe to ad- dress the central issue of the 1992 presidential campaign. The package, called the "Agenda for American Renewal," is a collection of old ideas, inadequate solutions and cosmetic changes. The Agendarehashes thepresident's inadequate should remind r the "failed poli your mind, Mr. Since the be dent has been u ment is a prof questioned, Bu longest period c directed by Ro dent conceded uttered the wor health-care proposal, offering vouchers and tax record on this breaks to those who cannot afford health insurance. The plan would only allow a fraction of the 35 mil-= lion Americans now uninsured to- purchase a basic plan, leaving mil- - lions still uninsured and health-care costs still spiralling upward. The Agenda simply fails to address the- fundamental problem underlying our health-care system - its in- ~ creasing unaffordability for all Americans. As expected, the Agenda focuses on the importance of educating ourNu children. Few can disagree with TAF suchasentiment. Unfortunately, the -- president insists on centering his program on the idea of school T choice. Choice would introduce free-market philosophy into public C schools, forcing competition between schools by he has not offe allowing parents to select where to send their cuts is irrespons children. On the surface, this may seem a fair plan. president no lo In practice, however, parents would send their themselves - children to a few good schools, leaving the poorer Reaganomics. neighborhood schools unable to compete for funds The presider and good students. ing until some Interestingly, the president touts his 127-per- light on his eco cent increase for Head Start funding and his $240 sible. million increase in funding for the Women, Infants Moreover, t] and Children Nutrition Assistance program. Cer- dent wants to ga tainly the president isn't wrong in funding worth- he had betterc while programs, but maybe his family-valued, increase their s conservative, pass-the-buck Republican friends ing the wool ov -. Is ainable? L ast week the University's Sexual Assault Pre- sent a shift in S/ vention and Awareness Center (SAPAC) se- ing. Ideted a replacement for the recently resigned Certainly bo director, Julie Steiner. General confusion followed fled. Cain come the announcement that Debra Cain would be the director of Help new director instead of Kata Issari - a counselor (HAVEN) in C who served as SAPAC director during the interim experience behi period, and the candidate recommended by the nity. Moreover, SAPAC Search Committee. Debate over the issue of a committee focused on whether SAPAC should focus its re- Student Affairs en-)1I-'n tAn Ann or on rine couneling. It is dents. him that both programs date back to cies of the Great Society." Make up President. ginning of the campaign, the presi- unwilling to admit that unemploy- lem that needs attention. When sh resorted to reminding us of the of peace-time economic expansion nald Reagan. In August, the presi- that a problem existed and finally rds "job training." The president's issue is dismal. When given the opportunity to formulate an ef- fective conversion program to retrain those let-off by the mili- tary, the president submitted an anemic $1 million program to Congress. To compound his many er- rors, the president promises an across-the-board tax cut to all Americans, and promises not to give in to Congress on the tax issue again, "ever, ever." That sounds like aread-my-lips prom- ise. Bush also promises spend- ing cuts to compensate his tax cut. The president would prob- ably target such necessary pro- grams as Medicare, Medicaid, AFDC and other such programs he deems expendable, although red specifics. While promising tax sible, it is refreshing to hear that the nger believes that tax-cuts pay for - the guiding principle of nt's program is long over-due. Wait- 50 days before the election to shed onomic plan was frankly irrespon- he wait wasn't worth it. If the presi- ain the trust of the American people come up with a plan that would tandard of living, rather than pull- ver their eyes. Date rape victim tells personal story The following letter was sent to the Daily. and to a fraternity on campus. It is addressed to the presi dent of that fraternity. Upon the request of the author and due to the sensitive nature of the issues dis- cussed, the names of the author, the man to whom she refers and the fraternity have all been omitted I was raped at a fraternity. I was 19 and a virgin. By the end of my sophomore year I had grown tired of the Greek system and what it had to offer socially. But, my roommate at the time was dating a man in this par- ticular frat and he had told us we could rent a room in the frat house for $100 a month during the sum- mer. This is when I was raped. I know how prevalent rapes, es- pecially ones like mine, are among college campuses. People need to be educated to exactly what rape is and how it affects its victims. No means no. I have struggled for two years wondering whether I really was raped and if it could have been my fault in any way. I have come to the conclusion that it was definitely rape and it was definitely not my fault. I came to this conclusion with no help from my school, friends or family. Unfortunately, rape is something that very few people understand. Rape is not always violent or bru- tal. With this letter I hope to educate at least a few more people about rape so that their chances of being raped are lessened. Dear Mr. President: I am writing because I would like to make you aware of some- you said were offensive. You start to question your behavior. This, for me, led to self doubt and worry which still control me today. I find myself caught in a cycle of wanting people to take care of me, but not trusting them enough to touch me. I am afraid of people, mostly men, and it is not until now that I realize what an influence fraternities and the Greek system in general had on the circumstances of my rape. This letter is my justice. What happened to me was date rape. No court will ever prosecute a little this ordeal. When I discuss what happened to me with other people, I find myself questioning the events that took place. Technically, it was date rape ( I said no and we dis- cussed why I didn't want to have sex, but he did it anyway). But, I know that others will feel that the events sound questionable -espe- cially to a man. My dilemma is probably not unlike what Anita Hill had to deal with when she faced an all-male judge and jury. I, like Hill, am asking you, a group of men, to believe me and 0 0 I am a little frustrated, but mostly saddened at the realization that I must ask your permis- sion for the little justice I want served. I now realize the reality of what others perceive my place in society to be. APAC's focus away from counsel- ath candidates are eminently quali- es to the University after 15 years as p Against Violent Encounters Now )akland county. Issari has years of ind her in the University commu- , she received the recommendation e composed of Vice President of s Maureen Hartford and three stu- boy that went too far. My rape wasn't violent or brutal and that is why I had such a hard time believ- ing it was actually rape. I had tried to stay away from (name) in the beginning by telling him that I wasn't interested in having a boy- friend. Since we had already "got- ten together" a few times, I didn't think it considered rape. After he raped me the first time, I didn't think it was appropriate to say no to sex anymore - we had already done it once, so what harm could it do, right? It did cause a lot of psychological damage. I became very submissive and uncomfort- able around (name). I didn't know what to do after he raped me. We kept having sex for months after- wards. Since we were having sex, I tried to convince myself that it was what I wanted. I tried to convince take action so that incidents like mine don't happen again. I am a little frustrated, butmostly saddened at the realization that I must ask your permission for the little justice I want served. I now realize the reality of what others perceive my place in society to be. Please also consider: the way women are treated and referred to (as sluts, cunts, bitches, chicks, etc...). It all contributes to and con- dones oppression and rape of women. Women, all women, need to be respected. Our society creates an attitude where women are seen mostly as sex objects. Many women know that their only access to power is through white men. This leads women to be quite competitive and seemingly superficial. Women who chose to reject the conventions of 0