a Page 4-The Michigan Daily-- Monday, April 20, 1992 l e wott cl i n vttil 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 764-0550 Editor in Chief MATTHEW D. RENNIE Opinion Editors YAEL CITRO GEOFFREY EARLE AMITAVA MAZUMDAR Edited and Managed by Students at the University of Michigan Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. y :"1i:4[J'r~A~ ' " :.......................:"Y "'1T: "::" :. ::"'T.:.:. ...... .. .. .. 1 k~~~~~~~~.. . . . . . . . . . . ..11::.1":":"::.... ... :.:"::...:.........::":.:.....:..."':.:.... * ..*~.*.. *. A r e. ............p............ ::.:. . .. .... Africenergy nixed;" no student input OKAY, H~LPME. v+47'HR... w'-/k C A 4U5E A RE 4/& ~T rA FAbYcy CoMM iTTF- -r TI5 YEJAF ? RAND - A I b'2 NO... &A NbS THAr'S Sa M1=569-- OF &EV E MA&G l~~- - - Daily ci-culation Students to blame for South U. hurts environment 4 I S ast Thursday;University Vice President of Student Affairs Maureen Hartford sent aletter to Africenergy leader Ramona Porter informing her that the Africenergy cultural celebration, origi- nally scheduled for last Saturday, had been can- celed. This cancellation is unnecessary and will only further worsen the already poor relations between the administration and minority students. The University handled the situation poorly, and by waiting until only two days before the event, showed little respect for the work that had gone into the project. Hartford claims that the major reasons for the abrupt cancellation were poor scheduling and a lack of preparation for the event. This assumption is difficult to believe, con- sidering that Africenergy had been planning it since September. Moreover, the University should not be in the business of deciding which events get to run based on criterion set by the administration. If the Uni- versity were truly concerned about poor planning, it could have informed Africenergy much sooner wd-prevented the regrettable situation that devel- oped. The University also claims that it doesn't want to hold an event so close to exams. This claim is ridiculous and does notexcusethe administration's insensitivity. Does the University anticipate that an event like Africenergy would distract students from studying? If anything, the cultural celebra- tion could have offered a much-needed break from studying for students. Additionally, the administration made its deci- sion to axe the event without even waiting for input from the project organizers. The University in- formed Africenergy leaders about the meeting concerning the abandornment of its scheduled event only one hour before the meeting was held. Conse- quently, the organization did not send representa- tives to the meeting. This is a curious behavior on the part of the University, considering how ada- mantly it spoke about the importance of encourag- ing minority student input regarding the speech code. Is studentinput any less important in the case of Africenergy? The University's relationship with minority stu- dents has become tenuous of late. There is wide- spread feeling among African-American students that the University is not living up to its commit- ment to diversity. Had the University handled this situation better, perhaps it could have tempered these hostilities. I To the Daily: I am really tired of hearing our spoiled student body cry about how unjust the teargassing incident at South U. was. Perhaps the police did not properly forewarn the students before they threw the gas, but I have to wonder why so many students were out there in the first place. Celebration really wasn't the reason since we had lost and most Michigan fans hate Duke. The most prominent reason that I believe the students gathered was to stir up some sort of action. What the police did was expected and desired by many of the students. A lot of the people were angry and drunk, and for that reason they wanted to gather and perhaps release that anger. This was done in many forms. Breaking bottles and taunting the police were the most obvious ones. Had the police not acted when they did, there would have been more severe acts of vio- lence. I think that it is time for our student body to grow up. Sports are enjoyable and it is always good to win and it also hurts to lose, but there is only so much priority that this can take in University life. Gathering in the streets after a loss does not make much sense. It even makes less sense for certain students to foolishly incite violence in reaction to the loss. Jason Buquet LSA first-year student Regian, Bush circumvent Congress N early four years after his departure from the White House, President Reagan continues to make front-page news. As documents of the Reagan administration become increasingly available, ex- actly who America's worst enemy was is unclear. The president, in the process of fighting the com- munists, the terrorists, and the drug war, black- listed Congress as one of many enemy numero unos. The Los Angeles Times reported last week that President Reagan approved arms transfers from Saudi Arabia to Iraq in 1986 without notify- ing Congress. This revelation is not surprising, nor is it unexpected. The Reagan administration's dis- regard for the law and the U.S. Congress seems to have become its trademark. The Arms Export Control Act requires the presi- dent to notify Congress before allowing countries to transfer American-made weapons to a third party. In 1986, official White House policy barred the sale of weapons to Iraq. Yet President Reagan allowed Saudi Arabia to supply Iraq with 2,000-pound American bombs, because he feared a fundamentalist Iranian victory in the Iran-Iraq war. Expecting Congressional op- position, Reagan officials intentionally kept Con- gress in the dark in direct violation of the Control Act. The United States was simultaneously selling weapons to Iran, compounding the violationof the Control Act. This kind of duplicity was not the exception, but the rule in American foreign policy. How the president can be credited with winning the Cold War this way is beyond reason. Furthermore, the realization that Saddam Hussein was dropping American bombs on Allied soldiers should enrage even the most partisan and patriotic Republicans. The story doesn't end with Reagan. Classified documents revealed that President Bush allowed Syria and Bangladesh, both Persian Gulf allies, to keep armored vehicles after the cease fire. Re- sponding to the documents, White House officials insist the United States is pressuring Bangladesh and Syria to return the vehicles. But over a year later, the United States has yet to retrieve its property. No doubt Congress is growing tired of having its authority second-guessed by the president, and will react strongly to continued circumvention of its legal powers. In retrospect, Reagan's dealings with Iraq, Iran and Nicaragua should have resulted in his impeachment. This ought to be an incentive for President Bush to operate within the law. As history documents the activities of the Reagan-Bush administration, the 1980s appears to be a decade of lawlessness in the White House. In the name of national security and American inter- ests, Ronald Reagan subverted the law and the Constitution and rests today in a $6 million ranch. The least Congress and the American people can do is make sure George Bush formulates legal foreign policy. Abortion wait is needed To the Daily: In response to the Daily editorial ("Informed consent or paternalism?") we would like to know what the opponents of the informed consent bill are trying to hide from women seeking an abortion. How can women not benefit from taking time to think through the likely physical and emotional trauma that follows a life and death decision like abortion? Planned Parenthood itself published a report in 1990 confirming the harsh effects of abortion on women: 91 percent of all women who have had an abortion in this country have reported experiencing at least one symptom of post-abortion syndrome, some of the worst being anxiety, major depression and suicidal ideation. As crisis pregnancy counsel- ors, we have seen various responses, ranging from shock to hysteria, following a positive pregnancy test. The abortion industry capitalizes on this emotional paralysis by urging women to make a decision. "before it is too late." How then, can it be insulting to offer information and time for rational assessment of the facts? What is insulting is that women only need to hear half the truth about abortion and its effects. Informa- tion can only empower women! Carolyn Milanowski Social Work graduate student Bridget Hamilton LSA junior To the Daily: After readn Professor Hornback' s r(32692) exposing the Daily's environmen- tal negligence, 'I am compelled to hit you with more thunderous attacks. The Daily has collabo- rated with University students in the most environmentally and economically unsound practice that I have ever witnessed. Have you ever noticed how many copies of your newspaper adorn the floors and furniture of the University? We're all aware of this problem, and most believe that it is due largely to the laziness, apathy and ignorance of most of the students on this campus. Many people are too lazy to put their newspaper back into its original container or into a recycling container. Furthermore, they don't care that they are contributing to deforestation and landfill overflow. Finally, they seem to be ignorant of the fact that the University wastes its money paying for extra Dailys to be printed and for the custodial staff to pick up the discarded papers and throw them into the trash. My argument is that the Daily is simply contributing to this problem by printing so many newspapers. If you were to cut production by, say 50 percent, I would think students would be more willing to pick up a newspa- per that someone has already read. Furthermore, you would be setting an example of conservation for this university. Although there will always be students who think your paper is trash, if you cut production, they might be less likely to treat it that way. Paul Hirschfield LSA sophomore 0' a Best of A2 attacks kinesiology Campaign financ The Campaign Finance Reform Act of 1992 T .1passed the U.S. House of Representatives last week, and the Senate is expected to act on the bill later this month despite the threat of a presidential veto. Although not as comprehensive as reformers hoped, the bill makes significant progress toward taking some of money's influence out of politics and making Congressional campaigns more demo- cratic. The bill places strict limits on the advantages of incumbents. Among these perks, all designed to ensure reelection, are: large staffs that serve as campaign officials, free mailingst often used for political purposes, and easy access to lobbyists willing to dole out money to incumbent campaigns hand over fist. Thanks to these perks, House in- cumbent currently enjoy a 98-percent reelection rate. The bill limits the representatives' ability to abuse the franking privilege by banning bulk mail- ings for a 6-month period before elections; limit- ing the size of Congressional staffs that can partici- pate in election work; and placing voluntary re- strictions on the amounts that Political Action Committees (PACs) can donate to Congressional campaigns. The most innovative aspect of the bill is that it takes the first step toward public financing of e reform overdue campaigns. For candidates who agree to spend under $400,000 on a campaign, substantial public funds will be made available. Candidates thatraise $60,000 will be eligible to receive $200,000 in public funding, provided they stay within the proscribed limits of the law. When campaigns are financed by the public, grassroots candidates stand a greater chance of elections and the influence of big-money contributors is re- duced. President Bush has threatened to veto this leg- islation, claiming the bill benefits the Democratic majority in Congress. More likely, President Bush wants to maintain the flow of campaign donations coming from wealthy PACs to Republican Con- gressional candidates. At a time when the President's own finances during the 1988 campaign have come under fire, it is hypocritical that the president would pass up an opportunity to make progress in this area. With the impetus provided by the House check- writing and post office scandals, Congress has finally - after four years of stalling in committee - moved to make campaigns more fair. If it wants to deemphasize its imperial image before the 92 campaign, this bill is a good place to start. If Bush wants to deemphasize his, he should reconsider his veto pledge. To the Daily: The article analyzing the "Best of Ann Arbor" from the weekend section of the Michigan Daily was an outright attack on the Division of Kinesiology. The best "blow off course" took jabs at our division because, due to lack of classroom space, we conduct some classes in the CCRB. It forgot to mention that in addition to providing recreational facilities for students, the building also houses the offices for the faculty in our division. Therefore, conducting classes in the building allows students better access to speak with their teachers before and after classes. This article also played to the stereotype of "dumb jocks." The fact is, we have many talented students in Kinesiology. Like classes in LSA and other schools, levels of difficulty vary from class to class. I invite the authors of the article to sit in on some of our classes and then make an educated judgement. Brian Biery Kinesiology junior With the upcoming departure of Nuts and Bolts, the Daily is seeking a new comic strip car- toonist. If you are interested in. drawing for the Daily next year, please submit a portfolio as soon as possible. In addition, we are looking for an artist who will drawfor the Opinion page. If you are interested, please call the Daily at 764-0552. a ".:1 :i ] t1}4 "'}{,Y"}t':"i:":. }"}:" 'Y NM1~ }'"411 iG14' " M "Yr}1'114Y}.1}t :i.,"( j, .1" '". ..?' :t "": . .4 .Y:h: ."1..Y1 , . . ."}S.Y:} .SVY". ."S .?/ SY::" .. h . Attica prison, then and now by Philip Cohen In September 1971, inmates at Attica state prison in New York staged an organized rebellion and takeover of part of the prison. The uprising followed intensive political organizing by members of such groups as the Black Panther Party and the Weather- men. It was sparked by the murder of George Jackson in a California prison and the prison administration's refusal to improve conditions for the inmates. To make a long story short, instead of negotiating with the prisoners - who had lttle sunnort from the . ..side .- New as the PBS series Eyes on the Prize. After the uprising, the inmates released a statement which read in part: "These brothers whose lives were taken by Rockefeller and his agents did not die in vain. Why? Because the uprising in Attica did not start here, nor will it end here!" (MIM Notes, Sept. '91) The uprising, and the state repression of Attica and other prison inmates, indeed continues. In the summer of 1990 Attica guards murdered a prisoner named James Charles, in an incident described by a prisoner in a letter to MIM Notes- prison yard. Prison officials r responded by putting the whole' prison on 24-hour lockdown for almost a month. (MIM Notes, Aug. '90) An Attica spokeswoman said Charles died of a mysterious and never-before-diagnosed condition, which "combined with the exertion of attacking the officers caused his death." If you find that hard to believe, ask the LAPD officers who almost killed Rodney King. I'm sure they could explain everything. (MIM Notes, Sept. '90) In a country which imprisons more of its population than any other on earth -- nd a hioher I Nuts and Bolts ANDLM, REa1 M, IF Yv RE EE' J RW .i __ G O oDa1Rumw' Twat MAN I' Ot4e OF A ND. by Judd Winick K AN T ELEPHANT {5 GRAPiM(, GALU. OvER THE SRi=r', A