The Michigan Daily- Friday, January 17, 1992 -Page 3
U.S.-China trade'
conflict near en d
Regents hear
criticisms of
religion class
United States and China reached
agreement late yesterday in a
contentious trade dispute involving
protection of American copyrights
and patents, U.S. officials
The agreement came only hours
before the Bush administration had
said it would begin imposing tariffs
of up to 100 percent on a range of
Chinese exports to the United
As a result of the successful ne-
gotiations, U.S. Trade Rep. Carla
Hills said she was terminating the
threat of higher tariffs on up to $1.5
billion worth of Chinese imports.
"This agreement demonstrates
that in an area of critical importance
to the U.S. economy, China is will-
ing to take important steps toward
bringing its trade regime closer to
international norms," Hills said in
a statement.
U.S. trade officials have called
China the "single largest pirater
worldwide of U.S. copyrights," and
American businesses said they have
lost $430 million annually from
Chinese copyright violations on ev-
erything from drugs and computer
programs to clothing and records.
In the settlement yesterday,
China agreed to join an international
convention that protects copyrights
and said it will begin providing
patent protection for drugs and
agricultural chemicals on Jan. 1,
The agreement, reached only
hours before a midnight deadline,
followed a week of lengthy negoti-
ations and averted a threatened trade
war between the two countries.
Chinese officials said last week
that if the Bush administration
went ahead with tariffs of up to 100
percent on selected Chinese imports,
they would retaliate by imposing
sanctions on up to $1.2 billion of
American goods sold in China.
America's trade deficit with
China was expected to reach $13
billion this year, second only to
America's $41 billion deficit with
While the administration in-
sisted that the higher tariffs would
go into effect without an acceptable
agreement, many American retailers
contended the higher tariffs would
end up hurting U.S. consumers the
by Melissa Peerless
Daily Administration Reporter
A former University student at-
tacked an experimental course dur-
ing the public comments session of
yesterday's regents meeting.
Thomas Nash, a 1984 graduate,
told regents that a class in the Reli-
gion Department entitled "Comedy
in Catholic Contexts" is
"I don't mind a discussion of
Catholicism with criticism, but this
class is about satire, and satire is
defined as ridicule," he said.
The course is being offered as
part of a comedy semester sponsored
by several University departments.
Nash criticized the course de-
scription for its satirical tone, and
asserted that a class of this nature
does not adhere to the University's
anti-discrimination policy, which
prohibits discrimination on the
basis of religion.
He also condemned the course
because it examines in detail the
modernity theory, which permits
more freedom, especially in the sex-
ual arena. He also criticized the
speakers who were chosen to lecture
the class.
"They have chosen Charles Ku-
ran, a dissident priest, who has been
asked by the Vatican not to preach
anymore," Nash said. He added that
such a man could not present a fair
picture of the religion.
Nash said that while this class is
not an isolated incident, it might be
the necessary spark to incite a change
needed for the entire University.
"I would say to you that holding.
up Catholicism to less than charita-
ble discussion happens in many
classes on this campus. Everyone
talks about diversity on this cam-
pus. It is not an excuse to discrimi-
nate against a group just because it is
not an oppressed minority," he said.
As expected, the regents meet-
ing, which lasted only half an hour,
proved to be rather unproductive.
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann
Arbor), who was absent from the
December meeting, criticized the
board's decision to sell a piece of
property which accesses North
"I'm saddened by the sale of the
parcel. I'm sorry that the
transaction was completed," he said.
As a postscript to his presen-
tation on the University's financial
situation, Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer Farris Womack
told regents and administrators it is
necessary to hold on to the Univer-
sity's stock investments despite
fluctuations in the market.
"I want to re-emphasize the im-
portance of staying in the market. If
we had sold our stocks a few weeks
ago, we would be down 11 percent.
Staying in is the secret to making
Vice President for Research
William Kelly gave his annual re-
port on the execution of the Univer-
sity's Policy on Research Grants,
Contracts, and Agreements.
Snow job EAI LOWMAN/Dail
A snowman leans against a 2nd floor apartment on Geddes yesterday.
Stabbing suspect arrested in Ypsi.
The main suspect in Monday's
stabbing outside the Union was ar-
rested in Ypsilanti yesterday.;
Ypsilanti Police, Michigan State
Police, and officers from the
Department of Public Safety (DPS)
collaborated on the arrest.
The man, whose name will be re-
leased tomorrow at his arraignment,
is being held for the stabbing of
House blaze
Fire and Ice SUZIE PALEY/Daily
Chris Thomas, a restaurant chef, sculpts a ferocious dragon at the
University hospital yesterday.
What's happening in Ann Arbor today
police officer
A fire broke out Wednesday at
11:30 p.m. in a house on 933 South
State St. One officer, responding to
reports that a resident was still inside
the house, entered the building via a
fire escape and suffered smoke in-
halation. He was treated at the
University Hospital.
The fire caused substantial struc-
tural damage. The investigation into
the fire's cause is continuing.
Hospital em-
ployee arrested
for fraud
An employee of the University
Hospital was apprehended for two
separate accounts of fraud, according
to DPS reports.
DPS officers were contacted
Saturday by a parking staff attendant
that a vehicle was parked in a handi-
cap spot with a fraudulent handicap
An investigation traced the vehi-
cle to the employee. A warrant check
showed that he was wanted by
Michigan State Police for retail
The subject was arrested and
turned over to the State Police. DPS
Thomas White, a 35-year-old mem-
ber of Ann Arbor's homeless com-
munity. White is listed in fair condi-
tion at the University Hospital.
There is also a possible connec-
tion between White's stabbing and
the murder of another homeless man
last Sunday in Westgate. The Ann
Arbor police are investigating that
is continuing the investigation about
the fraudulent handicap sticker.
Man assaulted
near MLB
A man was assaulted by four
people after telling them that he had
no money on him, a report by the
DPS said.
The victim was approached while
walking on Washington Street near
the Modern Language Building at
9:58 p.m. Saturday, reports said.
When the man said he did not
have any money, he was reportedly
struck in the head. Nothing was
taken from him.
The victim was able to provide a
partial description of the subjects,
including their clothing, but the
suspects have not been identified.
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Animania, mtg, MichiganI
Kuenzel Rm, 6 p.m-midnight.
U of M Chess Club, MichiganI
1 p.m.
U of M Cycling Team. Mass m
Michigan Union, Welker Rm, 8
"Conflict Over the Eco
Transformation of Poland:
Marketeers' vs. 'DemocraticI
Dr. Dariusz Filar. 6050 Instiv
Social Research, 4 p.m.
Safewalk, night-time safety w
service. Temporary service. Su
8 p.m.-11:30 a.m. Stop by 1021
call 936-1000. Full service
Sunday, Jan. 26.
Northwalk, North Campus
walking service. Temporary
Sun-Thur 8 p.m.-11:30 a.m.S
2333 Bursley or call 763-WAL
service begins Sunday, Jan. 26.
U of M Baha'i Club, A Celebr
Diversity, jazz, performances,
groups, dancing; Angell Hall
free, 8 p.m.
U of M Outdoor Recreationt
Adventure Movie Night, CCR]
For Earth's Sake: The Life an
of David Brower, free, 8:30-101
MDA, Charity dance ex
program, Radisson at the
Ypsilanti, $5, babysitting pron
School of Music, annual Collage
concert, 8:15 p.m.
Film Series, The Long Walk Home,
Union, Chrysler Center Aud, free, 5 p.m.
U-M Gilbert and Sullivan Society,
Auditions for Pirates of Penzance,
League, Michigan League Basement, Jan. 17 7-
10 p.m.
neeting.U-M Taekwondo Club. Friday work-
rlP.. out. 1200 CCRB, 6-8 p.m. Beginners
p~. welcome.
U-M Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Club,
practice. CCRB Martial Arts Rm, 6-7
onomic International Center, Betrayed, free,
'Free- refreshments served, Rm 9, 8 p.m.
Left'", Saturday
tute for
All Day Teach-in, Palestine Solidarity
Committee, Nabeel Abraham, Larry
e Fox, Louise Cainkar. Angell Hall Aud
C, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Career Planning and Placement,
walking The Triathlon (9:10 a.m.-noon) - Job
n-Thur, Search (9:10-10 a.m.), Resume
UiGLi or Writing, (10:10-11 a.m.) Interviewing,
begins (11:10- noon), CP&P Program Rm;
safety Minority Career Conference Pre-
sei Conference Workshop, Michigan
service Union, 10:10-11:30 a.m.
Stop by
LK. Full Sunday
Housing Division Resident Staff
ation of Positions, Required Resident Staff
cultural Selection Information Meetings, All
applicants must attend Applications
Center, for positions will only be available at
B, Solo; this mtgs MLB Aud 3, 1-3 p.m.
d Times Huron Valley Greens Big Circle
p.m. Meeting, Washtenaw County
xercise Recreation Building, 960 Washtenaw
lake, (off Platt), Topic: "Addressing Racism
vided, 2 in Social and Environmental Change",
(A campus ministry of the
Christian Reformed Church)
1236 Washtenaw Ct. 668-74211662/2404
Rev. Don Postema, Pastor
"Light of the New Year"-10 a.m.
Quiet Service of Meditation, Silence,
Readings, Prayer, and Singing-6 p.m.
Undergrad Group-Join us for conversation,
refreshments-9-10 p.m.
(A Roman Catholic Parish at U-M)
331 Thompson Street
SAL: Weekend Liturgies-5 p.m., and
511hL:-8:30 a.m.,10 a.m., 12 noon,
5 p.m., and 7 p.m.
Ea: Confessions-4-5 p.m.
SUN., Jan. 19: Social Hour 6-7:30 p.m.
MON... Jan. 20: Catholic Update-7 p.m.
SAL Jan. 25: Sleighride
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