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January 17, 1992 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-01-17

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Snow ending;
High: 26, Low: 10.
Mostly cloudy;
High: 20, Low: 5.

r*nd neyears ed raree
One hundred and one years of editorial freedom

Wolverines begin
another roadswing
at Illinois.
Page 10.

Vol. CII, No. 59 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, January 17, 1992 The Michigan Daily
Colleges King Day events
vary MKgbigntoal
De.Opening address - Dennis Archer Rackham 9:00 a.m.
Panel discussions 10:30 a.m.
nSabgir Native American land claims Power Center
Daily Higher Education Reporter Redefining women, race and class Union Ballroom
The commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King The future of Detroit Vandenburg Room (League) and MLB 3 by Mona Qureshi by nationally-recognized leaders.
Jr.'s birthday at universities across the country will Redefining the American university MLB 4 and A.H. C Daily Minority Issues Reporter ABC News anchor Carole Simpson,
touch on more than just African-American issues this Redefining empowerment Michigan, Henderson Rooms (League) University students and the United Kwanzaa founder Maulana Karenga, and
year, said spokespeople from various universities. Coalition Against Racism protested having former Michigan Supreme Court Justice
Native American, Hispanic, and Asian American 'Unity March - corner of South U. and East U. noon classes on Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday Dennis Archer lead the lineup of main
viewpoints will be a major part of the civil rights eSpeaker - Carole Simpson Hale Auditorium 2:00 p.m. for two years before their demands were met. speakers.
holiday. 'Closing address - Maulana Karenga Rackham 8:00 p.m. But their efforts paid off. The speakers were chosen for their efforts
"Many Voices, One Dream" is the theme for the This Monday marks the fourth annual in integrating people of color into society,
series of events that began last Monday at the Martin Luther King Jr. Symposium the assistant symposium coordinator Selvan
University of Arizona. Seven students read excerpts University has held. The symposium and re- Manthiram said.
from King's 1963 "I Have a Dream" speech during the EVENT/SPEAKER/LOCATION TIME lated events are sponsored by the Office of He discussed the importance of "futuring"
kick-off rally on Wednesday, King's birthday. *Panel - African American success in the 1990s 12:30 p.m. Minority Affairs and supported by various - assuming an identity and making advance-
The "unique aspect" of the reading was that each Hussey Room (League) schools and student groups on campus. ments for people of color - which falls
student represented a different minority group, said *Speaker - Alex Haley Michigan League Ballroom 2:00 p.m. All classes will be canceled and replaced within the theme of the conference, "The Path
Jesse Hargrove, assistant dean for Minority Affairs. with a series of lectures and workshops run SeeM K, Page 2
It was an attempt to fulfill "a dream to live in a just " 1
society where there is equity,"ahe said. The readers in- n 1992 Kssn rem ans a dream
African American, as well as "Anglo," foreign, and
disabled students. by Rob Patton done away with racial inequality and in- not been enough; America will have to dents are perplexed by, and the media
"We need to bring all of these diverse students to- Daily Staff Reporter justice. deal with fundamental problems in- fascinated with, this phenomenon of
gether ... People need to see all of us together of "I still have a dream. It is a dream And today, nearly 30 years later, as volving its social and economic in- "self-segregation."
different hues and different backgrounds," Hargrove deeply rooted in the American dream. I the University and the nation prepare to equities and the attitudes of its citizens Ximena Zdiiiga coordinates the Uni-
said. have a dream that one day this nation celebrate Martin Luther King Day, the if it is to make more meaningful versity's Intergroup Relations and
Arizona State University will feature a lecture will rise up and live out the true mean- progress in achieving the Dream. Conflict Program, which facilitates di-
Tuesday on the stereotyping of Black, Mexican, and ing of its creed, 'We hold these truths to J l "I have a dream that one day ... sons alogues between students of different
Jewish women, sponsored by the Women's Studies be self evident, that all men are cre- of former slaves and the sons of former ethnic groups. Zi'iga said problems in
Program. ated equal."' slaveowners will be able to sit down to- communication run deeper than they
Louise Dudley, director of University Relations at On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther gether at the table of brotherhood." might appear on the surface, that at
the University of Virginia, said the university, the King proclaimed, to a crowd of a quar- . Despite the end of legal segregation, their root lie the inequalities in Ameri-
city of Charlottesville, and the surrounding county ter million, "I have a dream." Daily News Analysis neighborhoods and schools remain can society.
will sponsor a commemorative lecture Monday in The speech, while probably not his Dream also serves as a measuring stick racially divided in many parts of Amer- "When we deal with conflict, we
honor of King's birthday. best, is certainly his best remembered. for progress in achieving these goals. ica. And while the era of mass lynch- have to deal with more than what's at
"It will lead up to a whole series of things kicking What makes it so memorable, and what Americans have a long way to go. In ings is over, racial violence has not the surface. We have to deal with the
off Black History Month ... But we're making an moved so many at the time, is the idea some areas, the country even appears to ended. inequities at the core of the problem,"
effort to not just focus on that month," she said, of "the Dream." It is a vision of an have moved backward. Removing overt On campus, students often separate she said.
See ACTIVITIES, Page 2 America that has conquered racism: discrimination and legal barriers has themselves by ethnic group. Many stu- See ANALYSIS, Page 2
r I

Vigil recalls war anniversary
Students, Ann Arbor residents call for end to sanctions

Bush to

by Joshua Meckler
Daily Staff Reporter
Huddled in a tight semi-circle
in front of the Graduate Library
steps, their collective breaths
forming an eerie cloud cover, about
75 people attended a vigil last
night commemorating the start of
the Gulf War, one year ago yester-
day, and asked for U.S. sanctions
against Iraq to be lifted.
Tom Abowd, a University grad-
uate student in Middle East his-
tory and anthropology, said to the
crowd, "We have to organize and
fight and work as hard as we can to
lift the sanctions that are killing
Abowd and other speakers
stressed that because Iraq has been
unable to repair its infrastructure,
many Iraqis are still dying, even
though the war is officially over.
Mark Buchan, president of the
Rackham Student Government and
one of the vigil's organizers, said

that by May 1992, as many of
170,000 children under the age of
five will die in Iraq "as a direct re-
sult of the war and sanctions."
Abdul Hakem, an Eastern
Michigan University student and
vigil speaker, said, "When I come
out today, and see a lot of
Americans, I know one thing -
not all Americans are like George
Bush, thank God.
"It shows me if we all get to-
gether, we could change a lot of
things," he said.
Both students and Ann Arbor
residents attended the vigil.
Social Work graduate student
Steve Farough said he came "to re-
member all the people that have
died in the Gulf War.
"The people of Iraq have suf-
fered immensely. The U.N. called
the destruction near apocalyptic."
Ann Arbor resident Susan
Morse came out on the cold night
for similar reasons.

"I wanted to acknowledge the
anniversary of the beginning of the
war and to stand up and say that
people are still dying because of
the destruction that we caused in
that area ... and that the amount of
destruction and the number of peo-
ple has never been acknowledged."
Two coffins symbolically
rested in the snow on the library
steps, and after the speakers had
finished, four people lifted them
and marched them into the fish-
bowl and through the Angell Hall
computing center.
The crowd marched silently be-
hind the coffins, and students
paused from their work on their
computers to see why 75 people
were filing through the room.
The group then left Angell
Hall and walked over to the Law
School, where they marched
through the reading room there.
Students in Angell Hall found
See VIGIL, Page 2

new tax
proposal s
economic proposals President Bush
will announce in his State of the
Union message could include an in-
crease of as much as $500 per child
in families' tax exemptions as well
as other tax breaks to help
Americans buy health insurance,
officials said yesterday.
Bush's plan will also offer first-
time home buyers a tax credit that
will probably be about $5,000, said
one official.
Bush is expected to lay out main
elements in his speech on Jan. 28 and
his proposed federal budget the next
The package is expected to in-
clude provisions to allow savers to
roll Individual Retirement
Accounts into family savings ac-
counts that could be used for spe-
cific purposes, said the officials,
who spoke on condition of
anonymity. Currently taxpayers
cannot use the funds they put in
their IRAs without a penalty until
the age of 59.
The administration is also plan-
ning cuts in Medicare spending, but
one official said they would not
target beneficiaries. Instead, budget
savings would come from attacking
abuse and high charges by doctors
and hospitals.

Carrying two coffins and numerous signs, students march into Angell
Hall last night during a vigil for the Persian Gulf War.

Students question professors
who assign their own texts

by Chastity Wilson
Daily Staff Reporter
Dozens of University professors
are writing or co-writing textbooks
and using them in their classes as re-
quired readings.
But exactly how many professors
use their own books is difficult to
approximate, said an Ulrich's book-
store representative.
The professors who teach from
their own books are not concentrated
in any particular field or department.
They range from psychology, com-
munications, and chemistry to fields
like macroeconomics and Near East-
ern studies.
Students' reactions to professors'
decisions to use their own texts as
required readings also vary.
Some students said that profes-

Rembert had to buy Professor
Christopher Peterson's Introduction
to Psychology last term for $53 in
the Union Bookstore.
Rembert said, "Some professors
feel that their books are the best in
their fields ... Peterson's book is
better than the book I have this term.
I don't think that royalties have any-
thing to do with why he uses it."
However, other students, like
LSA sophomore Joy Sudduth, think

Sudduth's organic chemistry pro-
fessor, Seyhan Ege, co-wrote her
For the first time, Marion Mar-
zolf of the communications depart-
ment is requiring students in her
seminar class to read her book, Civi-
lizing Voices, which sells for about
$29 in the bookstores. Other books
are also included in the course.
Marzolf agreed that for lecture

Brian Gunn and Michigan face no. 1 Stanford this weekend.
No. 1 Cardinal migrates
to Canham for showdown

'I honestly think that it is less confusing and
easier to learn when the professor's teaching
is reinforced by their book.'
- Joy Sudduth,
LSA sophomore


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