- Ift LI f -V______4__,________1.7_____a__________________ 1aAEU . w I LJ1L I f Most students' only real experience with MSA is the annual election. With the way elections have been handled recently, it's no wonder nobody cares about the Assembly. Director Jacques Rivette's film La Belle Noiseuse isn't everything it claims to be, but several fine performances make it an interesting production. Michigan is 1-1 to open the 1992 football season. The Wolverines both lost and won on Saturday, as the White beat the Blue, 14-12, in the team's annual spring intrasquad game. Today Bright sun, cooler; High 50, Low 29 Tomorrow Partly sunny; High 53, Low 32 Wii it YI One hundred and one years of editorial freedom Vo.C' o.13AnArociga.-Moda, Arl 3 192©192 h Mciga Dil AAPD sends 17 * cars to Nectarine by Melissa Peerless Daily Staff Reporter Seventeen Ann Arbor Police Department (AAPD) patrol cars blockaded the area around the * Nectarine Ballroom Saturday night while a party was held in the club for the Michigan basketball team. E. Liberty Street was closed from State Street to Thompson Street, Maynard Street was blocked off from E. William Street to E. Liberty, and a patrol car was stationed at the corner of State and Washington Streets. About 1,000 students -- most of whom were Black - attended the party, which was sponsored by an independent group. Some students who went to the party said they think the unusually strong show of police force may have been racially motivated. First-year LSA student Nichelle Singleton said, "I don't think that they needed all of those police cars. I thi nk that they were probably there for racial reasons." Singleton said there were not many police officers at the party when she arrived, but when she left, all of the cars were in the street. AAPD officer Joe Campbell said the police presence on E. Liberty was a response to a problem occurring at the club, and not a precaution that had been planned ahead of time. "There was a large crowd in front of the Nectarine Ballroom," he said. "People were trying to get in, but the club was filled to capacity. Some people got disorderly, and the police were there to help out." Campbell said one female student was arrested for larceny, failure to obey a police officer and assault and See PARTY, Page 2 Women march to end sexual assault by Gwen Shaffer Daily Staff Reporter They marched past men and women on their way to fraternity parties. Past students waiting in line to enter bars, and still they marched. Past dorms and libraries. Past people hanging out of doorways and windows, with bewildered expressions on their faces. Ignoring the smirks, they marched on, urging bystanders to join them. About 1,400 women took over Ann Arbor streets Saturday night as an expression of their anger, fear and intention to end sexual assault, during the 13th annual "Take Back the Night" march and rally. "I haven't felt this good in a long, long time," said a sexual assault survivor and University faculty member who did not wish to be identified. "There are so many survivors here - I feel like I'm in some sort of club." As women and men gathered in the City Hall parking lot before the march, several speakers encouraged the crowd to fight sexual assault through action. "Take Back the Night" MC Lynn D'Orio told the ralliers, "The male flood still flows. The current is sexual violence. The current is women kept available for rape, incest, battery and prostitution." D'Orio said there is a tremendous amount of work to be done before all forms of oppres- sion are eliminated, as evidenced by the everyday threat of racism in Ann Arbor and the lack of safe and affordable housing in Washtenaw County. "In the face of this difficult struggle, our faith grows," D'Orio said. State Sen. Lana Pollack (D-Ann Arbor) told the marchers to insist that America's promise of freedom be realized. "We live in the most free country in the world but we squander that freedom when we act as passive recipients of violence and oppression." Pollack urged women to find freedom from violence by becoming political. "We represent the potential voting majority of this country. If we do not vote in our interests, shame on us," she said. Honest Candy from the Domestic Violence Project told the crowd that the traditional definition of sexual assault is not always correct. "As we walk tonight in solidarity and a See FEMINISTS, Page 2 LSA sophomore Amy Harfeld and Art School junior Dorene Red Cloud lead the march for Take Back The Night Saturday night Affirmative action hits Law Review nerve by Bethany Robertson Daily News Editor Political correctness is often crit- icized for stifling discussion of sen- sitive issues. Affirmative action is one such touchy subject, as members of the Michigan Law Review's edi- torial board have discovered. The Law Review is a scholarly journal published entirely by University law students. Acceptance is determined by a combination of augmented grades and a writing competition. The Review's editorial board re- cently decided to continue its affir- mative action policy, but members of the board tried to keep the discus- sion secret for fear of alienating mi- norities in the Law School. Memos detailing the debate were anony- mously dropped off at the Daily and other campus publications. "At first people didn't want it discussed," said Kim Forde-Mazrui, a second-year law student and mem- ber of the editorial board. "People figured the fact that it was being dis- cussed might portray a hostile atti- tude by the Law Review to minori- ties." The policy states: "The Law Review goal is to have at least the same percentage of minorities on its staff as there are minorities in the Law School." Approximately 15 percent of Law School students are minorities. Although the staff changes every year, there are usually about 44 staff members including 12 editorial board members. In a March 23 memo to the edito- rial board, Forde-Mazrui presented several arguments against the Review's affirmative action policy and urged further discussion. "This year's board placed a heavy pre- sumption in favor of its version of affirmative action and a heavy pre- sumption against discussing it," Forde-Mazrui wrote. In response to Forde-Mazrui's memo, contributing editor Louis de Baca wrote to board members and encouraged them not to debate the issue again. "I cannot help but think that those who would wish to do away with the policy are simply in- sensitive to the message that such an attempt conveys to me - that, be- cause I checked the affirmative ac- tion box and they did not, I have no right to be proud of my accomplish- ments as an (Assistant Editor)," de Baca wrote. Editor in Chief of the Law Review Greg Magarian, a board member, also responded to Forde- Mazrui's memo and allowed mem- bers of the board to vote on whether to hold a meeting to discuss the pol- icy. A meeting was held the last week of March, and board members agreed to retain the policy. "The Law Review discussed its selection procedure for new mem- bers. The discussion was open and amiable, and by resounding major- ity, the Review decided to maintain procedures it used last year," I ., Staff, parents agree at Olivet Accord paves the way for students' return after racial brawl OLIVET, Mich. (AP) - Olivet College would provide 24-hour se- curity under an agreement reached by administrators and the parents of fearful Black students who left the campus in the wake of a racial brawl. The accord reached Saturday also calls for letting Black students finish the semester by mail and for making counselors available for students who were upset by the April 2 fracas between about 70 Black and white students. day on the proposal. . Racial tensions exploded on the campus about 25 miles southwest of Lansing after the brawl. It began af- ter a white female student called a mostly white fraternity for help han- dling a dispute with her boyfriend. The day before, there were false rumors on campus that a white fe- male student had been attacked by four Black male students. After the brawl, fires were set in a dormitory where several Black male students live. school's 50 Black students left the campus, citing safety concerns. There are 708 total students at Olivet. Parents and administrators met for about four hours Saturday. "The parents are concerned about the safety of their children and that's a very emotional situation," said Rev. Michael Murphy, a Lansing minister appointed by Olivet Presi- dent Donald Morris to head the school's new Multicultural Affairs Office. See OLIVET, Page 2 Magarian said. But Forde-Mazrui said the fear of being labeled a racist made some board members reluctant to discuss the policy. "Unfortunately, for some reason, people do react that way," Forde- Mazrui said. "I'm a minority person. To me, it doesn't offend me at all to have the policy discussed.... That's why I think I was the only one brave enough to come out and discuss it." Board member Kurt Schmautz said people were hesitant to discuss the policy because of hostile discus- sions last year about the same policy. "I think this year the discussion was substantially more civilized," Schmautz said. "I don't think there's See REVIEW, Page 2 Student inputvital to SAPAC search by Gwen Shaffer Daily Staff Reporter Student participation will play a major role in the Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center's (SAPAC) search for a new coordinator, said Associate Vice President for Student Services Royster Harper. Students will have an opportunity to meet the finalists for the position and give feedback to the University about the applicants. The deadline for resumes and applications was Friday. Annie Delories Sloan, director of counseling services, is chairing the search committee. Harper said the rest of the committee will be comprised of three students, three staff members and three faculty members. Harper said students who cannot be a part of the actual committee will still have a chance to interact with the potential coordinator. "I intend to give several finalists an opportunity to make a 20- to 30- minute presentation and have the audience ask questions and return Faculty members are voting to- On Wednesday, about 35 of the rILE FrPHU IUMY Volunteers pick up the grounds outside the Ann Arbor Homeless Shelter Saturday as part of the "Hunger Clean Up." S " Students give spring cleaning to shelters by Christopher Scherer smoke," Summerfield said. Daily Staff Reporter "We clean it every day but we .i The walls of the Ann Arbor Homeless Shelter were yellow when a group of University students began to clean Saturday afternoon. The paint's original color was off-white, but dirt and cigarette tar had stained the walls. A group of about twelve students gave the Ann Arbor Shelter on Huron Street a thorough cleaning as a part of the "Hunger are not able to do everything. Groups that come in and do this cleaning make a great difference in the environment," Summerfield said. Government cutbacks have also hurt the shelter's ability to perform thorough daily maintenance, she said. The public's negative views do not help the shelter's reputation, Summerfield added. BOX 1111,11101 Ill-l*E I I