Michael Warren resigns as chair of the Student Rights Commission. The University refuses his speech code proposal, and everybody's to blame. Artist Dubi Arie has spent much of his life pursuing what he calls his mission - a painting called Under the Wing of God and the Shadow of Amalek. Read about Arie's 23-year-long struggle. The Michigan baseball team beat Detroit-Mercy yesterday behind the heroics of co-captain Steve Buerkel, who went 4-for-5 with a home run and three RBIs. Today Mostly cloudy; High 55, Low 36 Tomorrow Chance of showers; High 53, Low 38 It t Y tti One hundred and one years of editorial freedom Vol. CII, No. 111 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Thursday, April 9,1992 ©1992 The Michigan Daily Olivet College Black students protest school by Karen Sabgir the dormitory and returned with two Daily Higher Education Reporter Black friends and began knocking Most of the 50 Black students at Olivet College, located in southern Michigan, packed their bags and left campus yesterday, declaring their school unsafe after a "racial war" erupted last week, say Olivet College students. "We completely feel this institu- tion is not deserving of our financial support or our presence," said Henry Henderson, president of Elite, the school's Black fraternity. The incident began as an argu- ment between a white couple at a campus residence hall. The man left on the woman's door. The woman then called some friends in Phi Alpha Pi fraternity to console her af- ter the argument. Fighting broke out when several fraternity members confronted the two Black men. The fight grew as other groups were drawn in, and by the time local police arrived, 70 stu- dents were involved. No property damage was re- ported. However, a few students were taken to the hospital and re- leased later the same evening. See OLIVET, Page 5 Spring has sprung S"~O "S"""' Students - (left to right) LSA junior Matthew Messena, Natural Resources junior Steve Signell, RC first-year student Johanna Frank, LSA first-year student Lesley Benedict, first-year Engineer Joe Webb, LSA sophomore Michelle Koby - sit on upside-down benches on the Diag. Women to rally, march for safe Russian leaders may vote to limit Yeltsin's special power wstreets~ by Gwen Shaffer Daily Staff Reporter Women will be marching to- gether to demonstrate their strength and solidarity Saturday night. The Take Back the Night march and rally, which begins at 7:30 p.m. Saturday at City Hall, is an annual event held for women who wish to assert their right to walk alone at any time of night, organizers said. The march allows women to turn their 'I realized the march is a time for women to do it themselves. It is not men who have to #worry about walking alone at night.' - Karl hlg anger at having to live in a violent, oppressive and sexist society into power, said Jenny Cass, an event or- ganizer. "Take Back the Night was origi- nally put together 13 years ago as a feminist collective to work at stop- ping violence against women and children," Cass said. "The idea was to address the things at the forefront of women's needs." This year's speakers include State Senator Lana Pollack (D-Ann )aturday Arbor); Shari Johnson, who works for "Above a Whisper," a publica- tion featuring the poetry, fiction and art of sexual assault survivors; and Kata Issari, interim coordinator for the Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center (SAPAC). Although men may not march with the women on Saturday night, a rally before and following the march is held for everyone. "We start to- gether and finish together," Cass said. - Karl Ilg, an LSA sophomore who is planning the men's rally, said the purpose of the rally is to show sup- port for men concerned with elimi- nating sexual assault. "Men's role in sexual assault cannot be overlooked," he said. Several speakers will address how racism plays into myths about sexual assault and what male sexual assault survivors experience, Ilg said. In addition, Sociology Prof. Tom Gerschick will speak on men and masculinity. Ilg said he frequently hears com- plaints from men who feel that ban- ning men from the march borders on sexism. Ilg said he used to feel similarly. "I went to the planning meeting and thought I wanted to march also. See MARCH, Page 2 Clinton spars with UAWin" Arkansas Associated Press Democratic front-runner Bill Clinton waded into a nasty labor dispute yesterday, following up a fresh set of primary triumphs by trying to one-up President Bush's leadership style. Paul Tsongas weighed re-entering a race that party leaders said was all but settled. Jerry Brown seemed the odd- man out again, after his brief ascendancy fizzled with a third- place finish in New York's primary. He vowed, "We're not going to go away quietly." Clinton and Democratic party See CLINTON, Page 5 MOSCOW (AP) - Russian lawmakers appeared to be on the verge of revoking President Boris Yeltsin's extraordinary powers yesterday as momentum swung back to his opponents during a crucial parliamentary session. Yeltsin still has time to lobby or compromise before a possible vote today to declare "dissatisfaction" with his market reforms and cancel his authority to issue economic decrees without legislative approval. The loss of his special powers, granted by parliament a year ago, would be a severe blow to the reforms and could lead to an overhaul of Yeltsin's Cabinet. "If the president loses his extraordinary powers and his ability to lead the government, the entire Cabinet of course will resign," Vice Premier Yegor Gaidar, the ar- chitect of the reforms, told a meeting of Yeltsin sup- porters Wednesday night. "I'm afraid the odds are pretty good that the presi- dent will lose his additional powers," said Gleb Yakunin, a lawmaker and Russian Orthodox priest. "You can see that a large part of these deputies are still pro-Communist at heart," Yakunin said. Yeltsin had seized the initiative in the 1,046-member Congress of People's Deputies, dominated by former Communists, with a speech Tuesday warning that a re- duction in his powers could "plunge the country into chaos." He bolstered his support among Russian hard-liners by countering Ukraine's claim to the Black Sea fleet and by speeding up the formation of a separate Russian army. In a corridor just outside the meeting hall, Yeltsin supporters hung a hand-drawn picture of a grenade with a pin in the shape of the president's face. If it were with- drawn, the grenade - labeled "totalitarianism" and "anarchy" - would explode. But Yeltsin's opponents took the offensive yester- day, forcing him to return to his lonely seat in front of the parliament and listen in silence as they accused him of reducing the Russian people to poverty. "Reformers who began the so-called shock therapy See YELTSIN, Page 2 Two men arraigned after firing . guns near by Lauren Dermer Daily Crime Reporter Two Detroit men arrested outside the State Street entrance to the Law Quad during Monday night's up- heaval were arraigned Tuesday in the 15th District Court on felony counts of carrying concealed weapons. Frank Garrett, 27, and Derwin Blessett, 26, allegedly fired .22 and Tennis great Ashe diagnosed with AIDS NEW YORK (AP) - Tennis great Arthur Ashe announced reluc- tantly and emotionally Tuesday that he has AIDS but declared, "I am not sick. I can function very well." Ashe, the first black man to win the Wimbledon tournament, said he contracted the virus during a 1983 heart operation and learned of that fact in 1988. He said he was forced to go public now because a newspa- per had inquired about his health. "I have AIDS," he said. "I am sorrv that I have bee~zn forced to Law Quad .25 caliber gunshots into the air after being denied entrance into a Beta Theta Pi fraternity party. Police arrested one man in front of the Law Quad after he allegedly fired the gunshots. The second man was apprehended after a police offi- cer chased him on foot west on Madison. The maximum penalty for the charge is 5 years in jail or $2,500, Monday and preliminary examinations for both men are scheduled for April 15 at 9 a.m. The incident took place in the midst of a night filled with violence after the Wolverines' loss in the NCAA Championship basketball game. Bottles were thrown, property was damaged, and tear gas was used by police officers to dispel a rowdy crowd. Yasser Arafat shakes hands with Sudanese Vice President Maj. Gen AI-Zubair Mohamed Salish. AP PHO IUT A7-i0 AM