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April 07, 1992 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-04-07

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Page 12-The Michigan Daily- Tuesday, April7, 1992
'M' volleyball splits
weekend matches a A

Ailing netters fall to
Buckeyes, Hoosiers

by Dan Linna
Daily Sports Writer
After sweeping Western Michi-
gan in three games at the CCRB
Friday, the Michigan men's volley-
ball team was swept by Michigan
State at East Lansing Sunday.
The Wolverines (15-5-in head-to-
head play) took the first game from
the Broncos, 15-8, and never looked
back in taking the next two games,
15-7, 15-10.
Although Michigan posted a vic-

tory, the Wolverines were not com-
pletely pleased with their effort.
"I think we were playing down to
their level," sophomore Tony
Poshek said. "If we are going to be
the team we are capable of we have
to play at our own level."
The Wolverines were more satis-
fied with their performance Sunday
versus Michigan State, even though
they failed to win a game. The
Spartans took three straight, 15-11,
15-13, and 15-12.


Golden Key
Honor Society

by Adam Miller
Daily Sports Writer
The Michigan men's tennis team
knows why there's an 'M' in E.M.S.
It's in the Wolverines' honor: their
season is in an emergency medical
"We've just been devastated by
injuries - and that is the simplest
way to put it," coach Brian Eisner
Michigan lost at Indiana and
Ohio State, both by 7-2 scores this
weekend, and lost yet another key
player to injury. No. 2 singles player
Dan Brakus, down, 6-4, 4-0, to
Indiana's Chris Decker, retired in the
fifth game of the second set when he
aggravated a shoulder injury suf-
fered last week in practice.
"It doesn't appear to be a rotator
cuff. It appears to be some minor
muscle," Eisner said. "Our trainers
and doctors are evaluating him, and
we hope to get a better indication
from that."
Another setback was Terry Lon-
don coming down with an intestinal
disorder Friday night and missing
the entire trip. While he is ques-
tionable for Wednesday's match
against West Virginia, he'll probably
return this weekend when the Wol-
verines (3-3 Big Ten, 3-10 overall)
host Minnesota and Iowa.
The Wolverines didn't have a fair
shot at the Buckeyes (3-2, 9-8).
Without Brakus, injured the day be-



New Members

The Michigan volleyball team swept Western but fell to State this weekend.

fore, and minus London, Michigan
had only six players available for
singles play. And these six were
compromised since David Kass
(forearm tendinitis) and John Lingon
(knee) were still recovering from
touch-and-go ailments.
No. 1 Kass and No. 3 Adam
Wager won their matches, but Lin-
gon retired in the second set of his,
and Michigan trailed, 4-2, after
singles play.
When Lingon was unable to con-
tinue through doubles, Michigan was
down to five players and was forced
to default the doubles matches -
producing the final, 7-2, result.
The No. 19 Hoosiers (4-1, 9-6)
capitalized on Michigan's weakness
to drub the Wolverines Saturday,
though there were three three-set*
matches and the Wolverines won
two of them for their two victories of
the day.
Kass defeated Nigel Russell, 6-7;
6-3, 6-1, and Wager edged Chris
Angell, 4-6, 7-6, 6-4. The other
matches were decided in two sets,
including Brakus' retired match.
"The thing about the regular sea-
son is that it really doesn't matter ,
once you get to the tournament,
Eisner said, referring to the Big Ten
Championships, May 4-6. "We've
got three weeks, and we're going to
try to have this (injury) situation
handled by then."
LSU roll
over field
in Texas

Spring Forum

Thursday, April 9, 8:00 PM
West Conference Room, Rackham

The induction is at 9:00 PM,
(NOT at 7:30 as stated in the lefter),
in the Michigan Union Ballroom
Wednesday, April 8.

The Effects of the Reward
System On Research
L. Ross Chambers, James S. House
W. Allen Spivey Open Discussion

The Research Club

by Rich Mitvalsky
Daily Sports Writer


Despite opening the spring sea-
son with promising times in Texas
over the weekend, the Michigan
women's track team, along with the
rest of the field, was dominated by
teams from Stanford and Louisiana
While the Wolverines sent nine
runners to the Texas Relay meet -
which attracts many of the nations
top collegiate runners - Michigan*
finished only twice in the top six po-
The Wolverines managed their
two top six finishers in rookie Carrie
Stewart, placing fifth in the javelin
throw, and the 4 x 800 meter relay
team of Carrie Yates, Amy
Bannister, Kristine Westerby, and
Jessica Kluge. The quartet placed
sixth in 8 minutes, 56 seconds -18
seconds off its pace three weeks ago*
at winter nationals.
"We've only had one week off
from the winter season, so we're still
a little tired," Yates said before the
Adding to the intense atmosphere
in Texas was the presence of the San
Antonio Track Club, which attended
the final day of competition. Inter-
nationally-renowned sprinters Carl*
Lewis and Leroy Burrell traveled
with the club, but did not compete.
Michigan's 4 x 400 meter relay
team consisting of Jennifer
Ridgeley, Richelle Webb, Westerby,
and Bannister did not place, but fin-
ished in 3:49.
Webb, who ran the 100-meter
dash at Texas in 11.98 seconds, and
the other Wolverines travel to
Virginia Friday to face the Cavaliers.
"I think we came away from that
meet with a good feeling," said
Webb, a sophomore sprinter. "For
our first meet of the seasons it's
good. At least we now have a place
to start from. We'll be ready for
Virginia this weekend."
Daly to leave *
- Chuck Daly will leave after this
season as the coach of the two-time
NBA champion Detroit Pistons,,a
published report said yesterday.
Booth Newspapers quoted an
unidentified Pistons player as saying
Daly called the team together Satur-*
day to tell the players his decision.


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