Page 8- The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 7, 1992
Shakespeare just
as you like him
Butts on
As You Like It,
dir. Jerald Schweibert
Trueblood Theatre
April 4, 1992
The partying on South U wasn't
te only great thing going on
Saturday night. As part of the com-
egy semester a magnificent produc-
tion of Shakespeare's As You Like It
Theater review
was performed by the University
4yers at the Trueblood Theatre.
Director Jerald Schweibert, a profes-
sor in the theater department, de-
scribes the story as "a tale of spring-
time and love - a celebration of
Eros." It's a perfect show for the
The story revolves around two
pairs of feuding brothers. "The play
is similar in many ways to King Lear
and the conflict between Edmund
and his brother Edgar," says Schwei-
'"And, as in Lear, we're presented
with a family in crisis, a rebellious
daughter, and the threat of banish-
ment. But As You Like It is a com-
edy, and this comedy begins the mo-
ment we enter the Forest. The power
of the pristine wilderness changes
Everything about this production
was strong. All the performances
were great. It's difficult to single out
certain individuals - they were all
convincing and endearing in their
roles - but the strongest links in the
play lay in the interaction between
Rosalind (Erin Dilly) and Celia
(Gwendolyn S. Grote).
The scenes between these two
characters were charming and funny;
some uninhibited "girl talk" was at
the core, and the audience hung on
every word and reaction.
The play, was presented in-the-
round. The actors faced all directions
and moved around without the hin-
drance of a "fourth wall." This gave
'As You Like It is a
struggle between the
natural and the
artificial ... While the
play holds a
resemblance to daily
life, it does not seem
to be governed by the
rules of cause and
-Jerald Schweibert,
the play a sense of naturalness ideal
for the Forest of Arden setting. The
play denied the often painful over-
theater for
Rosalind (Erin Dilly) and Celia (Gwendolyn S. Grote) share a tender moment in the University Players' production of
Shakespeare's As You Like It, running through Sunday at the Trueblood..
staging given to many Shake-
spearean productions.
One of the most important factors
determining the success or failure of
a Shakespearean production is the
pace. Saturday's performance was
quick and lively, with short transi-
tions between scenes to keep the au-
dience interested. Much credit goes
to Schweibert, who not only directed
flawlessly, but also researched thor-
oughly, making the entire show
Michael Moore's costumes were
well-designed; the scenery purposely
varied from minimal to nothing in
order to, in Schweibert's words,
"place the emphasis on the poetry of
the language in the play." It worked.
"As You Like It is a struggle be-
tween the natural and the artificial,"
says Schweibert. "The play offers an
escape from the usual elements of
everyday life. While the play holds a
resemblance to daily life, it does not
seem to be governed by the rules of
cause and effect."
"The thinking behind As You Like
It is based more on intuition and the
synchronicity of events than on the
cold logic of ordinary reality. This
play is really about the magic of life
and the human spirit," Schweibert
There's one more weekend to see
an exceptional performance by the
University Players. Even if you
aren't a Shakespeare fan, you may
just be converted by this one.
As You Like It will play tomorrow
through Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sun-
day at 2 p.m. at the Trueblood Thea-
tre in the Frieze Building. Tickets
are $9, $6 students. Call 764-0450
for info. -Jenny McKee
by Melissa Rose Bernardo
'! ith the frenzy of last-minute
term papers and upcoming finals;
what's a student to do for fun? Re-
live your childhood with the Unia
versity Children's Theater, and its
performance of The Stories of Dr
The University Children's Thea-
ter was designed to bring entertain-
ment to disadvantaged children. It
also provides a performance op-
portunity for students interested in
theater. At the beginning of each
term auditions are held; this term's
cast is comprised of eight actors,
theatre majors like Elizabeth Keiser
and non-majors alike. k
This semester, the cast members
are performing at low-income hous-
ing projects, Mott Children's
Hospital and inner-city Detroit - a
variety of places catering to under-
privileged children. The Theater is a
non-profit organization, and runs on
funds from MSA and the LSA std-
dent government. Primarily the goal
of the group, as producer Ilana
Trachtman explains, is to "do some-
thing nice for the kids and to make
them smile."
One challenge posed to the actoris
is financial. Trachtman says that one
actor plays many parts and thus must
use body and voice to the fullest,
since there are no "elaborate sets or
When asked about the
difference in
performing children's
theater and adult
theater, Trachtman
referred to the
sensitivity children's
theater requires.
Children are much
more impressionable;
the group tries to steer
clear of violence and
props to hide behind." Each actor is
forced to compensate for this exter-
nal dearth with internal energy and
When asked about the difference
in performing children's theater and
adult theater, Trachtman referred to
the sensitivity children's theater re-
quires. Children are much more im-
pressionable; the group tries to steer
clear of violence and depression.
Trachtman adds that overdone
costumes or sets would be wasted on
children whose attention is directed
toward the human sights and sounds
of the production. Children laugh at
different things than adults do. Kids
"always laugh at anything involving
butts, because they're still at that
stage," Trachtman says.
Trachtman hopes the show will
appeal to college students as past
productions have. The point may be
to perform for children, but who
wouldn't enjoy watching Horton
Hears a Who or The Lorax?
Stories is also part of Project
Serve, this week's University-spon-
sored display of volunteer projects
and organizations.
be performed Tuesday, April 7th at 8
p.m. in room 2518 Frieze Building.
Admission is free; anyone is wel-
come, and children are encouraged
to attend.
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