Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Wednesday, April 1, 1992
Court ends control of racial balance
Ann Arbor voting wards
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Supreme Court said yesterday racial
integration of public schools may be
achieved piece by piece, making it
easier for federal judges to stop su-
pervising broad desegregation
The 8-0 decision permits an end
to federal court supervision over
sfdent enrollment in DeKalb
County, Ga., even though schools
there have never been fully
A five-member court majority
also emphasized it generally is not
unlawful for Blacks and whites to at-
tend different schools if they live in
different neighborhoods.
"Racial balance is not to be
achieved for its own sake," Justice
Continued from page 1
problems with the elections.
Things are still going pretty
smoothly though it's not over yet,"
Pittman said. "Things are smoother
than last year. Last year we had
problems with people not showing
up at polling sites but things are
better this year."
"The big problem yesterday was
that Rackham student government
ran out of ballots but they got more
to us today," Pittman said.
Fox said there had been a few
problems with the elections.
"There aren't people showing up
to work at polling sites and they're
running out of ballots. Otherwise I
Anthony Kennedy wrote.
"Residential housing choices and
their attendant effects on the racial
composition of schools present an
ever-changing pattern, one difficult
to address through judicial
The ruling could affect hundreds
of school districts nationwide, many
of which still engage in massive
busing for racial balance as part of
their court-supervised desegregation
Christopher Hansen, the
American Civil Liberties Union
lawyer who represented Black par-
ents in DeKalb County, said, "It's a
difficult decision to comprehend, but
we are very disappointed by it and
its overall tone."
He predicted the ruling would
cause "an explosion of litigation, and
given its lack of clarity who knows
how that's going to turn out." He
said many school districts now will
seek to end court supervision over
some aspects of their desegregation
"It seems the court's majority is
growing weary of its commitment to
racial justice. It is not prepared to
abandon that commitment, but it is
clearly frustrated," Hansen said.
Kennedy, writing for the court,
said, "Federal courts have the au-
thority to relinquish supervision and
control of school districts in incre-
mental stages, before full compli-
ance has been achieved in every area
of school operations."
He listed three factors federal
judges should consider in making
such partial-withdrawal decisions:
-Whether there has been full
and satisfactory compliance by
school officials in those aspects over
which supervision is to end.
-Whether continued court con-
trol over all aspects is needed to
achieve compliance in other areas.
-Whether a school district "has
demonstrated, to the public and to
the parents and students of the once-
disfavored race, its good faith com-
mitment" to integration.
Kennedy said judges should give
"particular attention to the school
system's record of compliance."
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think things are going O.K.," Fox
Candidates were optimistic about
their chances, but were wary of
declaring the final outcome of the
"I think we have just as good a
chance as anyone else," Fox said. "I
think we all worked really hard and
did the best we can do so now we
just have to wait and see."
"I think things are going well,"
Gast said. "You get people who are
really enthusiastic and some who
aren't. The majority are just really
apathetic about the whole process.
I'm not making any predictions."
O'Connor agreed. "I think it's
going to be close but I think Scott
and I have a pretty good chance,"
she said. "For the rest of th
will be rough because so m
resentatives are competing f
Hopefully, if people votedf
and me they just voted d
party line."
Workers began tallying
last night at 10:30 p.m. Th
with presidential ballots a
counted LSA ballots, Engi
Rackham and Business
Talliers counted oversigh
votes and responses to the t
lution questions through
Pittman estimated that
sults would be available a
this morning.
e party it
any rep-
Continued from page 1
cooperation between big business
and education.
"We just need to be tougher and
smarter, and in return we need to
demand more accountability here
from our workers and what our
companies do," Blanchard said.
In response to Rackham graduate
stuJent Patrick Moore's question
about recent changes in the
Michigan voting districts, Blanchard
said, "It's a real shame ... it means a
loss of influence and power and
clout when the delegates (from the
Democratic party) were finally
coming of age."
Blanchard said this fall's election
will be a measure of voter disgust
toward incumbents.
He said the real story of the 1992
presidential campaign is Gov. Bill
Clinton's qualifications.
"Either Clinton is the most horri-
ble person ever to seek office and
should very well be shot, or there's
'This country needs to
feel young again -
that we can be
masters of our own
- Jim Blanchard
former governor
this incredible media feeding-frenzy
bashing, the likes of which I have
never seen in American politics," he
"What I don't like about Brown
is that he's blaming Clinton for the
excesses of Reagan-Bush,"
Blanchard added.
Blanchard said he s
Clinton for his ability to fo
cial coalitions, to devise in
ideas, and to deliver insp
"This country needs to fe
again - that we can be mi
our own destiny," Blanchard
He added the United
should have a younger P
who believes the system
changed for the better.
"I think you have to tak
thing Blanchard said ab
Clinton with a grain of salt,
said, adding that Blanch
worked for Clinton's cam
"It was a unique oppor
have someone of that stat
class," LSA senior J
Grossman said of Blanchar
"I thought it was cool."
for seats. Continued from page 1
for Scott earlier.
own the Brown's Vermont coordinator,
Ken Dean, forecast victory for the
former California governor, saying
ballots "We may be behind in delegates, but
y began we're headed in the right direction."
nd then The Clinton campaign boasted a
neering, string of endorsements, including
ballots. backing from Gov. Howard Dean,
at board former Gov. Madeleine Kunin and
wo reso- House Speaker Ralph Wright.
lout the It was the first round in a New
York debate series Clinton de-
manded, an unusual challenge for a
final re- front-runner. He said the strategy
it 6 a.m. was designed to put his campaign
"back on offense" and deliver his
message directly to the voters.
upports In Albany, Gov. Mario Cuomo
rm bira- abruptly canceled plans to travel to
novative California to deliver the keynote ad-
iirationaldress at the state Democratic con-
vention on April 11, saying the trip
el young was prompting speculation he was
asters of still angling for the party's presiden-
t said. tial nomination.
I States Cuomo said he doesn't want to
tresident encourage that kind of talk. He said
can be in December that he couldn't run be-
cause of a state budget stalemate that
now is ending.
e every- He said Democrats should stop
," Moore trying to find a "white knight" can-
ard has didate as an alternative to Clinton
paign in and Brown. "This process would
chew them up as fast as they ap-
unity to he said. "There are no white
ure in a knights that'll stay white."
onathan Going into the Vermont cau-
svisit. cuses, Clinton had 1,015 of the
d's visi.2,145 delegate commitments needed
to claim the Democratic presidential
nomination. Brown had 153.
erson "Ithinkit's important that I have
as much direct contact with voters as
possible and that they get to know
me as a person," Clinton said in a
New York television interview. "I
enjoy contact."
"... They were going to avoid de-
bates and stick to their paid media,
and now they're finding out that
their situation is so desperate that
they're trying a debate program that
they would have never dreamed of
just a week ago," Brown said. "This
4 AM shows you that the race is volatile."
- He said front-runners don't de-
Il Y bate their challengers unless they're
E FOR losers. "That's the category he's in
R IT E now," Brown said.
THE - Daily Campaign Issues
Reporter Andrew Levy contributed
to this report.
Continued from page 1
"People who are just casually in
and out of politics find they are just
amazed with the time it takes to do
this job well," Grady said.
Hiselman said students could re-
late to him because he is "extremely
mellow" and "a modern man."
"The Libertarian party has two
things I think students really like,"
Hiselman said. "Economic freedom
and social freedom. ... One
Libertarian on council would make
life in this city a lot more enjoyable.
"We would probably vote with
the Republicans to make things a
lot less expensive in Ann Arbor,"
Hiselman said, "and would proba-
bly be making it a more liberal en-
vironment for having a good time."
He said the Libertarian party
supports the legalization of drugs
and elimination of the drinking age.
Grady said students should also
be able to relate to his candidacy.
During his term on the City
'I would like to see a
closer relationship
between the city and
the U of M.'
- Joe O'Neal
R-3rd Ward
Council, he said he has met and
worked with leaders from campus
Greek associations in order to
"create harmony between
surrounding neighbors and the
Most campus Greek houses are
located in the 3rd Ward, and Grady
said he has made a great effort to
meet not only the Greeks, but other
students in the area.
Continued from page 1
The doorsofhthe Pendel ton
Room in the Michigan Union will
open at 6 p.m. and a period of for-
mal questions, posed by a panel of
student and alumni leaders from the
Greek system, will begin at 6:30
"The questions are not going to
be strictly Greek," Garcia said. "We
also have concerns just living in
Ann Arbor."
He said in addition to issues like
the special exception permits that
all co-ops and Greek houses are re-
quired to obtain before remodeling
"I think students play a vital role
in this community," he said.
Grady said he took initiative to
eliminate the jail term punishment
from the Noisy Party Ordinance
which allows police to ticket people
hosting unreasonably loud parties.
O'Neal said he has also made ef-
forts to meet members of the
'People who are just
casually in and out of
politics find they are
just amazed with the
time it takes to do
this job well.'
- Bob Grady
D-3rd Ward
student community.
"I would like to see a closer rela-
tionship between the city and the U
of M," O'Neal said. "I am a resi-
dent and can appreciate the need for
peace and quiet, but I've also been
a member of the Greek system and
can appreciate the part it plays on
the life on campus. We've got to
find a way to make it work."
O'Neal has raised the most
funds of the 14 City Council candi-
dates, even though he has refused to
accept donations of more than $25
and will not take funds from public
interest groups. O'Neal has col-
lected more than $13,000 in
monetary and non-monetary
Hiselman said he is hoping to
earn fair consideration despite
being a Libertarian.
"There's an extreme bias in the
system toward the two parties who
are in power right now," said
Hiselman. "No law should be writ-
ten that favors any party over
or moving into a new house, the
panel also plans to ask questions
'This is an opportunity
for the Greeks of the
University of
Michigan to really get
their opinions across
to the candidates and
just to hear what they
have to say.'
- David Garcia
candidate forum
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