Is there any way to really solve the problem of segregation at the University? Mandatory busing between fraternity parties may help more than ,MLK day. Oscar-mania continues with Rodney Dangerfield's tour de force role in the latest heartwrencher Ladybugs. Check out this male Meryl Streep's moves. Good Knight, Bobby! Indiana University officials, apparently fed up with the antics of their controversial basketball coach, gave him his walking papers. Today Sunny and beautiful; High: 90, Low: 72 _ Tomorrow Heavy snow; High 4, Low -17 V t t Un z One hundred and one years of editorial freedom Vol. CII, No. 105 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Wednesday, April 1, 1992 ©1992 The Michigan Daily Greeks sponsor council forum by Erin Einhorn Daily City Reporter Students who are unfamiliar with the candidates and main issues in this year's April 6 City Council elec- tion will have an opportunity to pose questions and meet the candidates tonight. All 14 candidates are expected to attend tonight's forum - sponsored by the Interfraternity Council (IFC) and Panhellenic Association. Although there have been four major candidate forums this year, this is the first one which will di- rectly addresses student concerns. "This is an opportunity for the Greeks of the University of Michigan to really get their opinions across to the candidates and just to hear what they have to say," said David Garcia, public relations chair for IFC and candidate forum co- See FORUM, Page 2 Elections are over, but the jury is still out by Jennifer Silverberg Daily MSA Reporter Michigan Student Assembly presidential and vice presidential candidates described the range of voters' attitudes from supportive to apathetic yesterday as winter elec- tions came to a close. However, neither presidential candidate was willing to declare an early victory. MSA Election Director Carrie Pittman estimated that between 1,700 and 2,000 students voted Monday but total voter turnouts had not yet been determined. At press time last night, Conservative Coalition (CC) presi- dential candidate Scott Gast had garnered 853 votes and Progressive Party presidential candidate Ede Fox had 941 votes. MSA candidates said they were pleased with this year's voter turnout. "Scott and I have been milling around sites and it seems there are more people voting than in the past," said CC vice presidential candidate Beth O'Connor. Progressive Party vice presiden- tial candidate Hunter Van Valkenburgh also said he was happy with the high voter turnout. "Generally we've done well with high voter turnouts. Both times the Conservative Coalition has won it's been with a relatively low turnout," Van Valkenburgh said. "I'm more inclined to believe that people are coming out to get rid of CC than to confirm them or congrat- ulate them. For that reason I think a high voter turnout is a good sign for us," Van Valkenburgh added. Pittman said there had been few See MSA, Page 2 Cosmic prize Gilbert Whitaker, provost and vice president of Academic Affairs, presents the Saturn Award for teamwork to a representative for a group of College of Architecture and Urban Planning students yesterday. i Police and homeless clash over alcol by Ben Deci Daily Crime Reporter It's a cool, late March morning and the flashing lights of a police car are reflected on the front of East Quad residence hall. A police officer and a homeless man exchange tense pleasantries as duty command runs a * background check. The scene is a familiar one as more and more homeless people take refuge in the "hot spots" around campus - the East Quad heating vent, the bushes in front of the Graduate Library, and the doorways and open areas surrounding the Union. "We're here because he had open intoxicants," said Officer Kohtz of the University Department of Public Safety (DPS). "I'm just sitting and getting warm, it's hard when you gotta live on the streets," Randall Cobb, the homeless man, said while nervously scratching a tattoo that marked him as a convict. Two other men sleep nearby, unaware of the police officer. Later, DPS Lt. Vern Baisden dis- cussed the campus' homeless prob- lem in his office. "We don't have a set procedure; we don't have a pol- icy where we look for homeless people. Our contact more often is a result of a complaint," he said. DPS officers are empowered to read the trespassing act and escort homeless people off campus if necessary. 'We don't have a set procedure; we don't have a policy where we look for homeless people. Our contact more often is a result of a complaint.' - Ven Baisden DPS Lt. iol, trespassing The homeless problem has be- Ann Arbor ordina come more severe in recent months homeless people arreste because of the cuts in Michigan's cation should be taken General Assistance Program (GA), to sleep it off, and not said Laura Dresser, a member of the said Virginia Mahle, Homeless Action Committee (HAC). Hospital social worker. "People used to pay rent withGA, "Most (homeless pe and now the shelter has a lot more are intoxicated," shes people coming. that aren't are treatedj "The police know an amazing other patient. We don't] amount about where the homeless son's ability to pay be hang out. And they arrest them on a them. The doctors aren lot of charges that are a result of be- of their ability to pay or ing homeless, like drinking and Kohtz attempted to urinating in public," Dresser said. remaining homeless m "We get hassled by the cops all beat up - do you ne the time," said another homeless lance?" he repeated asI man who would not give his name. man covered with bruis "They're always looking for The man eventual something wrong." stumbled off without aN "We do have a responsibility to their personal safety as well. We en- courage them to find someplace safer than the streets," Baisden added. But shortly before he was ar- rested, Cobb said, "It's safer on the streets. There are too many freaks and weirdo's ... druggies." The Ann Arbor Police Department has no specific policy regarding the homeless, said AAPD Sgt. Sherry Woods. "It's up to the officers' discre- tion," said Police Chief Douglas Smith. "Officers normally direct them to a shelter, or sometimes if they are intoxicated we let them sleep it off in city hall. The days of imprisonment are gone and we don't miss them," he added. ances dictate ed for intoxi- to a hospital t imprisoned, a University eople) we see said. "Those just like any look at a per- fore we treat 't even aware T not to." wake up the en. "Are you ed an ambu- he shook one es. Bly rose and word. Grady fights to ' keep 3rd Bb Ward seatdy 3rd Ward Candidates * Environment The second phase of Ann Arbor's landfill, Phase 11, will soon be full. City Council recently voted to have refuse hauled privately. "As of May, Phase 11 will be filled to capacity. By contracting out with the lowest bidder, we can drastically lower current disposal costs." - Bob Grady Brown bags second straight victory in Vermont caucus The Daily will run five fea- tures this week profiling the City Council candidates in each or Ann Arbor's five wards. Today focuses on the 3rd Ward. by Erin Einhorn and Travis McReynolds Daily City Reporters Because this year's City Council election involves no mayoral race or tax-based referenda, the public has paid relatively little attention to the campaigns. But in the 3rd Ward, which con- tains one of the largest proportions of University students, the race is tight as Bob Grady (D-3rd Ward) fights to maintain his council seat against Republican Joe O'Neal. Mark Hiselman, a Libertarian candidate, is also campaigning for the seat. Partisan politics - an issue de- bated by candidates city-wide - has found its way into 3rd Ward debates as well. O'Neal, who started his own "Our present ordinance requires mandatory recycling. 1 really think it should be a voluntary thing." Mark Hiselman "I strongly favor the development of Phase lll... I also think Phase Iis a big enironmental problem. I see us digging it up one day, recycling it and re-burying." - Joe O'Neal U Homelessness "We must allow these people to all live together so they can empower themselves." MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) - Bill Clinton's front-runner status in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination is in jeopardy again tonight, as former California Gov. Jerry Brown won the Vermont caucus - his second consecutive victory. While Vermont Democrats cau- cused, Clinton and Brown con- fronted each other in a pair of New York debates, one televised statewide and broadcast nationally by C-SPAN. Political analysts have forecast that the Vermont contest might fore- shadow the result of the critical pri- mary in neighboring New York, to be held next yesterday. In a debate held in the Bronx, Clinton said Brown's 13 percent flat tax idea would be "very, very dam- aging to many of our cities," hurting the poor and swelling the federal deficit, too. Brown countered that the current tax system is "a wet blanket, a ball and chain on the economy..." Though neither candidate won a clear victory in the debate, the crowd seemed to favor the former California governor. With only 14 delegates to award, Vermont didn't see much of the candidates, and some Democrats thought a protest mood might lead voters to favor uncommitted dele- gates over either candidate. Clinton did not campaign in Vermont. Brown stopped by on Sunday, looking for the lift of an- other victory over the Democratic front-runner to go with his one-point Connecticut primary upset a week See BROWN, Page 2 Blanchard becomes governor for the day as guest-lecturer - Mark Hiselman "There is a need and we should qualify that need. The city can do things that facilitate housing." --Joe O'Neal "I do not know how the city, with its resources, can really do anything systematic about the homeless. Being realistic with budget constraints. A lot of money has to come from private organizations." - Bob Gradv Mark Hiselman by Barry Cohen Daily Government Reporter Former Gov. Jim Blanchard had the opportunity to resume his old post yesterday in an Institute of Public Policy Studies (IPPS) class. "Public Policy in Advocacy" stu- dents, posing as the governor's advi- sors, outlined strategies to pass a hy- pothetical G.I. Bill. As students pre- sented their suggestions, Blanchard critiqued the presentations as if he were Gov. John Engler. The students used different >? I Joe I ;:.. , ;.: .