Page 2--The Michigan Daily- Friday, March 27, 1992
Continued from page 1
the actions made by council during
her term. She pointed out while the
Republicans rant about a 10 perecent
salary increase, the difference
amounts to an $800 addition to an
annual $8,000 income.
Peter Nicolas, the 4th Ward
Democrat vying for a council seat
said he would like to see more pro-
ductive suggestions from candidates
- referring to mainly to Mogdis, his
Republican opponent - and fewer
"Any of us can complain," he
said. "However, complaining with-
out attempting to provide clear solu-
tions or positions is irresponsible
and inappropriate and does not pro-
vide voters with any indication of
how you serve them on council."
"People want to meet individuals
and listen to their ideas and they are
tired of the partisan politics which
you continue to advocate," said
Nicolas to Mogdis.
The 1st Ward candidates ad-
dressed the lack of parking in the
campus areas.
Incumbent Larry Hunter said he
hopes to introduce city-wide
. _ - - __
residential parking permits similar to
ones already instituted in the 1st
His opponent, Howard King,
suggested working with the
University and students to find alter-
natives to car transportation such as
the increased use of bicycles, and the
possible use of shuttle busses to
satelite parking areas.
"This is a real opportunity to
strengthen relationships with the
University," King said. "I think you
alter people's behavior by involving
them in the problem solving ...
Everyone involved ought to be in-
volved in creating the solution."
Candidates from the 3rd Ward
also discussed student-related issues.
Joe O'Neal, the Republican can-
didate from the 3rd Ward said he
would like to join the recently-
formed committte of the City
Planning Commission tosdiscuss
special exception ordinances.
All fraternites, sororities and co-
ops need to obtain special exception
permits before making changes to
their houses or moving into a new
O'Neal said he would like to
work toward "developing harmony"
between the Greek organizations and
their surrounding neighborhoods.
"Both of these are here to stay,"
he said. "And both deserve to know
how to respect things in the future."
In response to a question about
city-student relationships, both 3rd
Ward candidates, present at the de-
bate said they felt relations with the
students have been strong.
"I think city-student relationships
have not deteriorated other than in
the aftermath of the South
University incident," said incumbent
3rd Ward candidate Bob Grady.
"That particular incident was a func-
tion of the University's failure to
provide appropriate opportunities for
students on the campus."
O'Neal agreed city-student rela-
tions have not deteriorated. "As long
as you have a large university in a
city the size of Ann Arbor, there will
be areas of friction," he said. "But
one must be able to handle those and
I do not see a serious problem in this
"It was a vigorous, spirited de-
bate," said incumbent Larry Hunter
(D-1st Ward). "I had my first oppor-
tunity to answer many of the distor-
tions that have issued in this cam-
E-mail message calls on students
to oust CC in assembly elections
by Jennifer Silverberg
Daily MSA Reporter
Rackham graduate student Todd
Shaw sent an electronic mail mes-
sage to hundreds of students
Wednesday urging them to vote
against Conservative Coalition
(CC) candidates in next week's
Michigan Student Assembly elec-
The message was sent in re-
sponse to a fight at Tuesday's meet-
ing between LSA Rep. Bill Lowry
and Max Weintraub, a constituent
attending the meeting.
The message - sent to the
Black Student Network, Students of
Color Of Rackham (SCOR), the
Latino Network and the Asian
American Association - compared
the Conservative Coalition to
"Hitler Youth" and stated the sexist
and racist attitudes of CC came to a
climax Tuesday night.
Shaw, who wasn't present at
Tuesday's meeting and only heard
second-hand accounts of the event,
could not be reached for comment.
CC members said they were
upset by the message.
"I'm outraged by the message. It
is obvious that our opponents don't
feel they can win the MSA election
on substance. It was a complete
work of hateful fiction," said MSA
President James Green. "I have rel-
atives who died in Nazi Germany
and to equate CC with the Nazis is
a very hurtful thing."
SCOR co-chair Colin Leach,
who received Shaw's message but
wasn't present at Tuesday's meet-
ing either, said, "I thought it was
justifiably angry and frustrated.
"It was a strong message to all
organizations that specifically have
people of color.... This was just
one recent incident that was very
blatant. This is an example of what
goes on. In light of that, we need to
go out and get involved." .
"s ;
Continued from page 1
denied on the basis of failure to
abide by guidelines for Diag use,"
she said. "The decision was content-
neutral. It was in no way an effort to
silence what NORML has to say."
Alfaro-Lopez said NORML ex-
tended the use of amplification for
last year's Hash Bash well beyond
the allotted one hour.
"Clearly the loud, disruptive
noise caused by the up to 10,000
people on the Diag disrupted the ed-
ucational mission of the University
for the students trying to study in the
libraries and other buildings near the
Diag," she said.
"The University is under a legal
obligation to take action when we
know that there is illegal substance
use going on our campus," she
Shelton questioned the
University's refusal of the permit.
"How do you think that not issu-
ing a loudspeaker permit would pre-
vent drug use?" he asked. "If you are
allowed to deny permission to plug
in speakers and people come to the
Diag and do whatever it is that you
don't like, what are you going to
Alfaro-Lopez called upon
Associate Vice President of
Academic Affairs Mary Ann Swain
-- who made the decision to ban
NORML from using the Diag - and
Department of Public Safety
Director Leo Heatley to testify on
behalf of the University.
Heatley said police stayed on the
perimeter of the crowd because they
feared direct confrontation could
lead to violence or rioting. "We can-
not arrest three or four hundred peo-
ple in a crowd of 7000. Two years
ago law enforcement officers were
injured while trying to make
Swain, who was at Hash Bash for
an hour in the early afternoon, and
returned later in the day, described
the atmosphere as "a big party."
Continued from page 1
received a call that the meeting was
Washington and De Roo agreed
that the anonymous phone call can-
celing the meeting might be con-
nected to next week's elections.
"Because of the timing of this
event I think it could be related to
the upcoming elections,"
Washington said. "One of these
parties wants the fee limit and one
does not. This is speculation but it
seems to me that if your party
wanted the fee cap on the ballot,
then not laving this meeting
worked in their favor. Now there
can be no tampering with the
amendment before the elections."
De Roo agreed there might be a
link between the cancellation of the
meeting and the elections.
"Purely speculatively, I think
someone who did not want this case
to go forward prevented it from go-
ing forward," De Roo said. "All
those strongly in favor of it, the
Conservative Coalition and the
Moose Party, would suffer. They
made this a cornerstone of their
platforms to get this amendment."
MSA President James Green
doubted any connection between
ballot amendment creating a student
vote to determine if there should be
a cap on the MSA fee at the current
level of $6.27.
Washington said De Roo's com-
plaint is that temporary statements
belong at the end of the MSA con-
stitution not as part of the amend-
'They are trying to get this thrown out on an
absurd technicality.'
- Brian Kight
Engineering representative
the canceled meeting and the elec-
"I find it highly unlikely that
anyone from Conservative
Coalition would have any involve-
ment in calling justices," Green
said. "I think that's a ridiculous
De Roo's pretrial hearing con-
cerns the legality of the upcoming
ment itself. This amendment will
only be adopted once, making it a
temporary statement and violating
the constitution.
Kight, who wrote the fee cap
amendment, disagreed. "They are
trying to get this thrown out on an
absurd technicality," Kight said.
De Roo's hearing has been
rescheduled for Monday.
Calvin and Hobbes
TO Sk( 1T.
CW'LD '{tOkJ .3sT- RNML
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(A campus ministry of the
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1236 Washtenaw Ct. 9 668-7421/662-2404
Rev. Don Postema, Pastor
Service lead by Campus Chapel Undergrad
Group-10 a.m.
Evening Prayers-6 p.m.
Undergrad Group-Join us for conversation,
fun, refreshments-9-10 p.m.
(The Chaplaincy of the Episcopal Church
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218 N. Division St. * 665-0606
Eucharist-5 p.m. at St. Andrew's Church
(across the street)
Supper-6 p.m. at Canterbury House
WEEKDAYS (except Thursday):
Evening Prayer-5:30 p.m.
36E.: Eucharist-4:10 p.m. at Campus Chapel
The Rev. Dr. Virginia Peacock, Chaplain
2455 Washtenaw (at Stadium)
SUNDAY: Worship-10 a.m.
Van Rides Available From Campus.
Call 769-4157 for route info.
1432 Washtenaw Ave.
(Between Hill & South University)
Worship-9:30 & 11 a.m.
Campus Faith Exploration Discussion
Bagels & coffee served-9:30 a.m.
Campus Worship & Dinner-5:30 p.m.
For information, call 662-4466
Amy Morrison, Campus Pastor
801 South Forest (at Hill Street), 668-7622
SU.NDAY: Worship-10 a.m.
WEDNESDAY: Bible Study-6 p.m.
Evening Prayer-7 p.m.
(A Roman Catholic Parish at U-M)
331 Thompson Street
SAL: Weekend Liturgies--5 p.m., and
SUN.:-8:30 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 noon,
5 p.m., and 7 p.m.
Continued from page 1
she said.
She added there was a visible dif-
ference in the air near a smoke eater
currently in the billiard room and the
rest of the room. Carpenter said, ''I
think if we can get another couple of
smoke eaters, it'd pull out a lot of
excessive smoke."
The changes follow two informal
polls taken on student attitudes con-
cerning smoking in the Union and an
earlier decision by the board to re-
frain from making smoking policy
A majority of respondents to the
second poll - taken earlier this
month - said that they would like
smoking prohibited from the MUG,
but only 38.3 percent claimed to
want smoking banned from the
whole Union.
The board also discussed making
the following conditions to the alco-
hol policy, but after discussion the.
proposal was sent back to
Requiring all guests be 21
years of age or accompanied by a
parent or guardian at all catered
events hosting a student group and
serving alcohol;
Mandating that food of a sub-
stantial nature is served at all such
Placing time limits - maybe
two hours - on the bar service and
closing the bar a half-hour to an hour
before the event's close.
These guidelines follow the 1991
University Task Force recommenda-
tions pertaining to alcohol and other
But many board members were
opposed to the idea of requiring only
student groups to meet these
MUBR member John DeSue said
he believed the distinction was mo-
tivated by financial concerns since
private groups pay more for Union
facilities. He added he believes the
proposal does not adhere to the poli-
cy's intent to create a safer
"My major problem with this is
that we're distinguishing between
student and non-student groups. I
think it's a money issue," he said.
"That's a terrible message to send."
UAC President Joe Merendino
said the increased cost stemming
from heftier food requirements is
detrimental for student groups.
Other board members empha-
sized that the policy should keep in
mind that the University faces liabil-
ities if underage drinking occurs.
But DeSue added he was con-
cerned about a possible increase in
the number of students who would.
go to Ypsilanti to drink and drive
home as a result of the proposed
He said, "We are ... slamming
the door on all student organizations
that have members over 21 who can
drink and want to be around their
under 21 friends who can't drink."
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the Fall and Winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. On-campus subscription rate for fall/winter 91-92is $30; all other
subscriptions via first class U.S. mail, winter semester only, are $80. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
The Michigan Daily Is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
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