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March 26, 1992 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-03-26

Disclaimer: Computer generated plain text may have errors. Read more about this.

IMovie director Spike Lee is coming to speak at
the University, but at what cost? Well, $15,000 to
the groups bringing him here, which means
$6.50 to anyone who wants to hear him.

The weather may not feel like spring yet, but
when it does, what are you going to wear? Turn
to the inside section and allow the cast of Ann
Arbor 48019 to show you.

Michigan football coach Gary Moeller is entering
the upcoming season with cautious optimism.
His Wolverines have a chance to be the first
team ever to win five consecutive Big. Ten titles.

Mostly cloudy;
High: 47, Low: 33
Cloudy, colder; High 38, Low 25




One hundred and one years of editorial freedom

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flat tax
Associated Press
As a Jerry Brown anti-establish-
ment campaign gains horsepower,
the former California governor's
proposed 13 percent "flat tax" is
coming under increased scrutiny.
While Democratic front-runner
Bill Clinton derides what he calls
"Jerry's tax" as an assault on the
poor, Brown defends the scheme as
simple and fair and says "people like
Clinton all but abandoned his at-
tacks on President Bush as he moved
to blunt Brown's momentum follow-
ing the former California governor's
1-point upset in Connecticut's presi-
dential primary Tuesday.
At the White House, Bush calmly
shrugged off the latest Republican
protest votes against him, saying he
was "very glad at the size of the
win" in Connecticut.
Clinton launched an aggressive
attack designed to keep Brown from
riding a surge of support out of
Connecticut and into the April 7
New York primary.
Clinton clearly showed how
Brown's win changed the texture of
the race overnight. For a week after
his Midwest wins, Clinton's target of
choice was Bush and Brown no
more than an afterthought.
Yesterday morning Clinton was
See TAX, Page 2



go to court for
Diag permit

by Melissa Peerless
Daily Administration Reporter

In preparation for next week's Michigan Student Assembly elections, Progressive Party presidential candidate
Ede Fox (left) and Conservative Coalition presidential candidate Scott Gast (right) debate last night in the Union.
Pres. candidatesde
Tuesda y'MSscfl

The University is going to court
The campus chapter of the
National Organization for the
Reform of Marijuana Laws
(NORML) is suing the University to
obtain a permit for the Diag during
Hash Bash April 4.
Associate Vice President for
Academic Affairs Mary Ann Swain
ordered the Student Organization
Development Center to deny
NORML use of the Diag when the
group applied for a permit last
Washtenaw County Circuit Court
Judge Donald Shelton will hear to-
day's case. In a court case brought in
1990 after the University refused to
let NORML use the Diag, Shelton
ruled for NOR ML.
NORML members said they are
confident they will win this case as
"I wouldn't be surprised if the
judge looked at the case and decided
in 15 minutes," said NORML
Secretary Adam Brook. "This is
ridiculous. The University caused a
frivolous lawsuit."
Brook added, "I believe that this
case is the same that we had before."
However, University General
Counsel Elsa Cole said the'
University will attempt to prove that
today's case is not like the 1990 suit.
Cole said, "(Judge Shelton) will
be familiar with the issues after the
other case, but it is our intention to
show him that the facts are different

this time."
The University has scheduled an
indoor forum to discuss the issue of
marijuana legalization April 1.
Because NORML has been invited
to participate, the University claims
that denying the Diag permit does
not limit the group's free speech.
However, Robert Carbeck,
NORML's attorney, said that an in-
door forum which charges admission
for entrance is not like a Diag rally.
"That's about as blatant a prior
restraint of political speech as I've
ever seen," he said.
Cole said the University will
probably appeal the case if Shelton
finds for NORML.
The Michigan Student
Assembly's Student Rights
Commission (SRC) reserved the
Diag for April 4 to protest the
University's denial of NORML's
However, SRC Chair Michael
Warren said if Shelton rules to let
NORML use the Diag, he will let
them fill the entire time slot.
"I would still like to get my five
minute speech in, but the whole
point of me getting the permit was to
make a statement against the
University and to make sure that
NORML gets to speak," he said..
Brook said he expects this year's
Hash Bash will be the largest one in
recent history.
"It is getting much more national
publicity this year," he said. "I know
of people who are planning to come
from New York, California and

by Jennifer Silverberg
Daily MSA Reporter
The fight that erupted at
Tuesday night's Michigan Student
Assembly meeting was one of the
topics discussed at a debate last
night between MSA presidential.
Progressive Party candidate Ede
Fox and Conservative Coalition
(CC) candidate Scott Gast debated
in the Union Kunzel Room last
night. About 40 people attended.
The candidates were asked to
comment on the events that took
place at Tuesday night's MSA

meeting that resulted in one repre-
sentative allegedly being hit for
calling a constituent a derogatory
"The events were unfortunate
but no Conservative Coalition
members were involved," Gast said.
"CC is often accused of discrimina-
tion, but anyone who knows our
party knows that's not true. It was
obviously a political stunt because

the platform of our oppostion is not
strong enough to carry the party
into MSA on its own merit."
Fox disagreed that the event was
a staged act designed to attract pub-
"It was not a stunt," Fox said.
"Obviously this woman was treated
with no respect and this is an ex-
ample of how students in general
are treated on campus. I won't put
all the blame on CC, but they learn
what they do from the institution
who keeps institutional racism alive
and going. What happened last
See DEBATE, Page 2


Applications to 'U' increase despite slump in economy
by Purvi Shah ous years. rollment deposits and I haven't had a great creased financial aid packages for in-state threat of a double-digit tuition increas
Daily Administration Reporter Swain said that in comparison to past increase in requests for waivers." students. the University is still Renaissance s
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In a time when the number of graduat-
ing high school students is down, the num-
ber of applications submitted to the
University is up. Yet the slight increase in
applications belies high school and campus
officials' claim that prospective students
are biding their time before committing to
a college in light of current economic con-
The University has accumulated 17,706
first-year undergraduate fall applications
this year - up 1 percent from the 17,469
applications received last year said Don
Swain, associate director of Admissions.
Although the number of people ac-
cepted to the University has increased by a
corresponding 1 percent, acceptances - es-
pecially from out-of-state students - are
trickling in at a slower rate than in previ-

years, fewer prospective students are sub-
mitting enrollment deposits at this point
in time.
"Those are lagging behind a little bit,
partly because the fee has been increased
$100 to $200," he said. "People are hold-
ing off making commitments until finding
out about other offers and financial aid
While the fee increase may be deterring
some future University students, Swain
added that it is helping to give a more accu-
rate picture of the number of people who
truly intend to enroll.
But Admissions Counselor Kristi
Laakko said she thinks the fee increase is
having a minimal effect on the number of
students who are planning to matriculate.
"We usually don't get a lot of enroll-
ment deposits until we get closer to the
deadline," she said. "I work with the en-

Tuition increases may also cause out-of-
state students to wait longer before com-
mitting. While the thought of a 10 to 15
percent University tuition hike may lead
out-of-state seniors to hesitate before en-
rolling, the hike will be offset by in-

At least for the in-state students, we
try to give a corrected financial aid package
increase," Swain said.
Audrey Lester, the Guidance
Department head at Renaissance High
School in Detroit, said that despite the

"(Students applying to out-of-state
schools) are kind of waiting for financial
aid packages," she said. "The ones that are
applying to Michigan schools are just

Application levels vary among universities nationwide

by Karen Sabgir
Daily Higher Education Reporter
Admissions officers nationwide are
pointing to a stagnant economy and their
schools' reputations as factors influencing
changes in the application pools.
While the number of high school gradu-
ates is shrinking, universities have ac-
knowledged both increases and decreases
in the number of applicants for next year's
entering class.
Associate Director for Admissions for
Recruitment at Michigan State University

(MSU) Richard Hensen said, "The number
of high school graduates has gone down in
Michigan, in the region and in the nation."
The size of graduating classes are expected
to go down until 1994 and then level off,
he said.
While applications to MSU are down 1
to 2 percent this year, Hensen said "there
are far fewer multiple applications than in
past years." He said students are not apply-
ing to as many schools - or sending out as
many fees - because of the staggering

Applications to Ohio State University
(OSU) are also down less than 2 percent,
but Gail Stefanoff from the OSU admis-
sions office said, "We're feeling pretty
good about it - especially because the
number of high school graduates for 1992
is down 2.5 percent."
Economic difficulties may be prevent-
ing students from applying to some
schools. Margaret Folger, associate director
of admissions at the University of North
Carolina (UNC), said money is one reason

by Jennifer Silverberg
Daily MSA Reporter
Michigan Student Assembly
representatives passed a compiled
code change at Tuesday's meeting
even though proceedings were tem-
porarily interrupted when a fight
broke out between a constituent and



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