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March 24, 1992 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-03-24

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 24, 1992 - Page 3

Fuel leak
(AP) - Yesterday's scheduled
launch of the space shuttle Atlantis
was canceled because of fuel leaks,
but NASA decided it was a fleeting
problem that posed no danger.
The launch was rescheduled for
8 a.m. today.
Launch director Bob Sieck said
he was confident the trouble was
not a recurrence of the hydrogen
leaks that grounded the shuttle fleet
for almost half a year in 1990.
The seven astronauts had not yet
boarded Atlantis when yesterday's
launch was scrubbed.
Unusually high levels of hydro-
gen and oxygen were detected in
Atlantis' engine compartment early
yesterday shortly after fueling be-
The launch team tried to dupli-
cate the seepage by loading more
propellant, but nothing leaked.
Sieck said that indicated that the
problem was temporary and in
Teflon seals rather than the exten-
sive plumbing between the external
fuel tank and the orbiter and its
rocket engines.
In the past, metal components
have been slow to adapt to the liq-
uid fuel's temperature of 420 de-
grees below zero, but never has so
much propellant leaked, Sieck said.
However, he said no leaks were
detected outside the spaceship, un-
like two years ago. Atlantis' exter-
nal fuel tank and related plumbing
had to be replaced because of the
1990 leaks. Columbia required
even more repairs.
Sieck said officials planned to
analyze data from Atlantis' latest
leaks and review all the work per-
formed on thefuel system "to make
sure all that was done properly and
is properly documented."
NASA officials estimated yes-
terday's postponement cost
$500,000, including fuel and labor.
Until yesterday, preparations for
the eight-day flight had gone well,
and the weather yesterday morning
was better than expected.
Forecasters said there was a 70
percent chance of good weather at
launch time today, improving to 80
percent through the morning.

U.S. Congress redistricting
pits Michigan incumbents
DETROIT (AP) - Democrats of his current district. Democrats now hold an 11-7
Sander Levin and Dennis Hertel "Howard has made a commit- edge in the 18-member Michigan
would be pitted against each other ment to Michigan, you'll definitely delegation. The state will lose two of
and two others, Howard Wolpe and see him on the ballot this year," she those seats this year. Political ex-
Bob Carr, would face re-election said. "He has always had success in perts said an early analysis of the
fights in GOP districts under a con- getting support from Democrats, in- plan showed that it gave Republi


gressional redistricting plan released
The plan by a special three-judge
panel also would carve up the cur-
rent district of Rep. Carl Pursell (R-
Plymouth). However, Pursell would
have his choice of three GOP dis-
tricts to run in, including the two
that Carr and Wolpe would be most
likely to run in.
A spokesperson for Carr said the
East Lansing Democrat wouldn't
comment on the plan until he'd had
time to review it. Pursell's office
didn't return a call seeking com-
Link Nicoll, a spokesperson for
Wolpe said he still was studying the
plan, but would seek re-election.
Wolpe lives in Lansing, which
would be in Carr's district under the
plan, but could move to get into a
new district that would include part

Under the plan, six
Democratic and five
GOP incumbents
would have districts
similar to their current
ones and would keep
their current partisan
tilt, according to early
dependents, and Republicans and we
don't expect that to change."
Former GOP gubernatorial can-
didate Dick Chrysler said yesterday
that he'd look seriously at challeng-
ing Carr, since Carr's new district
would be mainly Republican.
The lines for congressional and
legislative districts are redrawn ev-
ery 10 years to reflect population

cans a chance to close the gap to 9-7
or even perhaps an 8-8 tie.
The panel of judges set April 1 as
the deadline for comment and objec-
tions to its plan. After that, the
judges will decide to change or keep
the current plan. An appeal can be
filed with the U.S. Supreme Court,
but the high court traditionally lets
stand the plans put together by such
Under the plan, six Democratic
and five GOP incumbents would
have districts similar to their current
ones and would keep their current
partisan tilt, according to early re-
The Democrats are: Robert
Traxler of Bay City, David Bonior
of Mount Clemens, John Dingell of
Trenton, William Ford of Taylor,
John Conyers of Detroit; and Bar-
bara-Rose Collins of Detroit.

A'''H ' T
Space shuttle mission STS-45 was scrubbed hours before the scheduled
flight when liquid hydrogen and oxygen were discovered leaking in the aft
compartment when the orbiter, Atlantis, was being refueled.

Ambassador says world, not just Bolivia,
is responsible for cocaine production

Umversity program
delayed due t fuel
leak in space shuttle
by Christopher Scherer antennas and observation kits
Daily Staff Reporter dp t I mnr bh t

, in

A fuel leak at Cape Canaveral
yesterday not only delayed the
takeoff of the space shuttle Atlantis,
but also a NASA-funded University
program that allows high school
students to listen to sounds from the
High school students nationwide
planned to listen to electromagnetic
signals generated from a University
device aboard the Atlantis, but the
launch was aborted due to a leak in
a compartment.
The device was designed to
transmit an electron beam into the
Earth's upper atmosphere, which
approximately 1,000 students
would then pick up on portable

atmosphere and other fields
surrounding the Earth.
Torsten Neubert, an associate re-
search scientist in the University's
Space Physics Research
Laboratory, said the experiment
would benefit many students. "It
should be a wonderful experiment
for students," he said. "They will be
a part of a space experiment and
will learn about the electronics,
radio waves, the physics of the
atmosphere, ionosphere and
Students listening to the signals
will hear whistling generated by the

by Karen Talaski
Daily Staff Reporter
"Drugs, Lies, and International Cooperation" is not
the name of a new movie. Instead, it was the title of
speech last night given by Jorge Crespo Velazco,
Bolivia's ambassador to the United States.
In a speech at the Law Quad, Velazco discussed
Bolivia's economic, social, and political problems
caused by drug production. The main focus of
Velazco's speech was Bolivian-based production of the
coca leaf, which is used to make cocaine.
"Bolivia has been blamed as the source country for
cocaine production," Velazco said. "The coca farmers
in Bolivia only grow the leaves and then sell it. The co-
caine is produced elsewhere."
Velazco said coca leaves are one of the main crops
exported from Bolivia. "Each year, $1.2 billion is made
'Our country is trying to fight this
threat by replacing the coca-
cocaine economy with a legal one.'
- Jorge Crespo Velazco
Bolivia's ambassador to the U.S.
from the cocaine industry. The green leaf is worth very
little to the coca fanner. But on the streets of industrial
countries, one kilo of the cocaine made from the leaves
is worth $30,000.
"In the last 20 years, the production of coca leaves
has increased by three times. Our country is trying to
fight this threat by replacing the coca-cocaine economy
with a legal one," Velazco said. "We are trying to give
the people an alternative crop to produce other than
Velazco said he believes the solution to the cocaine
problem will involve a worldwide commitment. "To tell
you the truth, it's not our problem. It is international.
Like in the United States, we are spending more than
$10 billion a year on the war on drugs.

Yesterday's Progressive Party position statement on speech codes repre-
sents the view of Ede Fox, the presidential candidate, not the entire
Progressive Party.
What's happening in Ann Arbor today

Ann Arbor Committee to defend
Abortion and Reproductive rights
(AACDARR) weekly mtg, Michigan
Union, Tap rm. 6:30 p.m.
MSA Weekly meeting 3909 Michigan
Union, 7:30 p.m.
Social Group for bisexual Women,
9:30 p.m. call 763-4186 for location
and more information
Student Education Peer Program,
STEPP 4th floor Union, 8:30 p.m.
SADD general meeting, 2nd Prescott
Lounge East Quad, 6:30 p.m.
IASA Board Meeting, Nikki lounge,
Mo-Jo, 9-11 p.m.
Fascism in Germany: 1930's," MLB
Rm B122, 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Asian American Student
Association, weekly meeting, Nikki
lounge, Mo-Jo, 7:30 p.m.
Time and Relative Dimensions in
Ann Arbor, 2439 Mason Hall 7 p.m.
University Cancer-
Information/Discussion Session,
Michigan Union-Anderson Room,
6:30 p.m.
Jewish Feminist Group Study
Session, Hillel 7:00 p.m.
Recycle UM 2520 School of Natural
Resources weekly meeting, 6:30 p.m.
Psychology Concentration
Requirements--Bachelor of Science
as Natural Science, Angell Hall Aud
D, 5:00p.m.
Anthropology Club, meeting
Dominick's, 7 p.m.
"The Issues of Professional
Responsibility in the Savings &
Loan Clean Up," Harris Weinstein,
Chief Counsel of the Office of Thrift

States," Benzinger Library, 8 p.m.
Colloquium, 1640 Chem, 4:00 p.m.
"Physics, Teaching, and Research in
Africa," Rm 337, W. Engineering, 12
"Campus forum on Homophobia at
the University Hospital," Baker
Mandela Center, Room 3 E.
Engineering, 7:30 p.m.
"Gender: fact or Freud," L207 West
Quad, 4:00-5:30 p.m.
"Prospects for U.S. Business in
Southeast Asia, the fastest economic
growth," U.S. Ambassador from
Malaysia & Senior Foreign
Commercial, Michigan Business
School, 4:10 p.m.
Career Planning and Placement,
The Law School Application Process,
CP&P Program rm, 4:10-5:00 p.m.
Safewalk, night-time safety walking
service. Sun-Thurs 8 p.m.-1:30 a.m.,
Fri-Sat 8 p.m.-11:30 p.m. Stop by 102
UGLi or call 936-1000. Also, extended
hours: Sun-Thurs 1-3 a.m. Stop by
Angell Hall Computing Center or call
Northwalk, North Campus night-time
team walking service. Sun-Thurs 8
p.m.-1:30 a.m. Stop by 2333 Bursley or
call 763-WALK.
Stress and Time Management,
Consultations with peer counselors
available, 3100 Michigan Union, 11-1
Undergraduate Psychology
Department, Undergraduate psychol-
ogy advising, walk-in or appointment,
K-108 West Quad, 9 a.m-4 p.m.
Kaffeestunde, weekly German coffee
and conversation, 3rd floor Commons
Rm., MLB, all welcome, 4:30-6 p.m.

U.S. Supreme
Court to hear
sacrifice of
animals case
Supreme Court agreed yesterday to
review communities' power to ban
the sacrificial killing of animals at
church rituals, a case that could
yield important new guidelines on
religious freedom.
Although the Florida case in-
volves a church practicing an under-
ground religion, the court's decision
- expected sometime in 1993 -
could carry significance for mainline
religious denominations as well.
In the animal-sacrifice case, the
Miami suburb of Hialeah passed or-
dinances in 1987 to restrict the
killing of animals just after the
Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye
leased an abandoned car lot and pre-
pared to open a Santeria church.
Santeria is an ancient African re-
ligion carried in past centuries to
Cuba by slaves and then to the
United States in the late 1950s and
early 1960s.
The sacrifice of animals -
chickens, pigeons, doves, ducks,
goats, sheep and turtles - is an in-
tegral part of the rituals and cere-
monies conducted by practitioners of
U.S. District Judge Eugene
Spellman of Miami, although not
citing his statistical source, esti-
mated in 1989 that as many as
60,000 practitioners of Santeria live
in South Florida.
The judge upheld the ordinances
after noting that they "are not reli-
giously neutral." The ordinances
permissibly regulate conduct rather
than interfere with beliefs, he ruled.
In 1990, the Supreme Court ruled

"Bolivia is trying to help all countries on behalf of
the international community by reducing our role in
drug production," Velazco continued. "We are trying to
find crop alternatives to the coca which makes the killer
product, cocaine."
Velazco has been the Bolivian ambassador since
1989. He has also been the Bolivian Local United
Nations Consultant, Secretary of Industry and
Integration, and Minister of Industry, Commerce and


Bachelor of Science
in Psychology as a Natural Science

Tuesday, March 24, 5:00 - 6:00 pm
Angell Hall Aud D

Dr. Terry Robinson, Chair, Biopsychology Area
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general concentration questions
Friday, March 27, 12:00 noon - 1:00 pm
Angell Hall Aud B

Sunday, March 29,7:00 - 8:00 pm
Angell Hall Aud D

Dr. Lance Sandelands, Interim Undergraduate Chair
Psychology Undegraduate Office, K-106 West Quad - 764-2580


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