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March 24, 1992 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-03-24

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The Ann Arbor City Council blew its opportunity
to help the homeless when it refused to renovate
the Ann Arbor Inn. Now private interests are
taking a turn at it.

When they descend to the depths of the Law
Quad reading room, where you are not allowed,
you think, Let's KillAll the Lawyers. Filmmaker
Ron Semkowski agrees.

Oklahoma State coach Eddie Sutton and his son,
Sean, will be singing "My Old Kentucky Home"
this weekend when the Cowboys head into
Sutton's former place of employment, Lexington.

Partly cloudy;
High: 44, Low: 24
Mild, possible rain; High 50, Low 35


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One hundred and one years of editorial freedom

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level new
Democrats Bill Clinton and Jerry
Brown leveled new attacks on one
another over issues and ethics yes-
terday as Brown fought to quash
perceptions that his rival is the par-
ty's "anointed" nominee.
In an ad unleashed yesterday,
only a day before the Connecticut
presidential primary, Brown
dismissed predictions that Clinton
has all but locked up the Democratic
nomination, telling voters, "you still
have a choice."
* Clinton issued an ad calling
Brown's proposal for a flat-rate in-
come tax "a flat-out fraud" and criti-
cizing him for pledging to rid poli-
tics of corrupt money only a year
after he fought contribution limits in
Brown jibed Clinton over the lat-
est report questioning his dealings as
Arkansas governor, saying "I can't
even keep up with the scandals."
Clinton denied any wrongdoing
in the awarding of a lucrative
Arkansas state bond contract to Dan
Lasater, a political supporter later
convicted on drug charges. The deal
was reported in today's Los Angeles
Brown and Clinton campaigned
See ELECTION, Page 2

Bullard seeks
district court
judge position
by Erin Einhorn the move from enacting laws t
Daily City Reporter "working out on a case-by-case ba


A survivor from USAir Flight 405, which crashed in New York's La Guardia Airport , talks to medical personnel
yesterday upon his arrival at Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, N.Y. At least 26 people werekilled.
Jet crashes in New York,
killing a es 6people

After 20 years in the state
Legislature, Rep. Perry Bullard (D-
Ann Arbor) has decided to leave the
legislative branch of government in
favor of the judicial, he announced
Bullard plans to run against assis-
tant prosecutor Elizabeth Pollard for
the 15th District Court bench, after
Judge S.J. Elden retires at the end of
the year.
Bullard's announcement has
sparked speculation about possible
replacements for his seat. At least
one candidate - Ann Arbor
Democratic party chair Sabra Briere
- officially announced yesterday
that she will run for the House.
Bullard, who chaired the House
Judiciary Committee for the past 11
years said his decision to run for
judge was difficult. "But it is time
for professional challenge in my life,
and I want to focus my energies on
providing a people-oriented district
court," he said.
"The district court is where most
citizens go with legal problems, it
should be a user-friendly court that
gives people equal access to justice,"
Bullard said.
He said he is looking forward to

sis, the laws that have already been
enacted ... That's more significant
than making the laws."
Yesterday's announcement veri-
fied months of conjecture about a
possible vacancy in the House.

NEW YORK (AP) - Rescuers
yesterday braved smoldering fire,
rising tide and falling snow, but
found only bodies - some still
strapped in the seats of a USAir jet
that crashed into icy Flushing Bay,
killing at least 26 people.
The survivors had waded ashore.
As the grim collection wound
down yesterday at La Guardia
Airport, it appeared luck was all that

separated the dead from the 24
injured survivors of Flight 405. One
passenger was missing.
"I was amazed so many people
survived," said Fire Captain John
Kurtz. "There were bodies burnt to a
crisp and bodies cut in half, and then
there were people walking around."
The survivors suffered injuries
ranging from minor to severe burns
in Sunday night's crash. Rescue

divers had little to show for their
effort save two "black box" flight
recorders aboard the Cleveland-
bound plane.
Federal National Transportation
Safety Council investigators said
they did not know what caused the
A light snow was falling when
the plane took off at 9:30 p.m. It had
See CRASH, Page 2

ACT-UP protest calls on 'U'
to 'zap' Duderstadt, regents
by Melissa Peerless Maurer said that while a "phone zap" can be very
Daily Administration Reporter effective, it is impossible to gauge how may calls got

The Ann Arbor chapter of the AIDS Coalition to
Unleash Power (ACT-UP) asked concerned community
members to call University President James Duderstadt
and at least one regent Friday to complain about the
University Hospital's treatment of lesbian and gay male
patients and employees.
Organizers said they hoped the event - called a
"phone zap" - would call the administration's atten-
tion to the hospital, which the Study Committee on the
Status of Lesbians and Gay Men said exhibited the
"most blatant discrimination and harassment based on
sexual orientation" of any area of the University.
The report released in September 1991 suggested the
hospital "devise appropriate strategies to create an at-
mosphere of respect and understanding among its
ACT-UP member Pattrice Maurer said the "phone
zap" was not planned to be a large affair.
"We planned to use it as a way to raise conscious-
ness about this issue in the people who were doing the
calling," she said. "A whole lot of people are not aware
of this issue. These findings are the result of a two-year
study by a committee of faculty, staff and students."
However, Director of Presidential Communications
Shirley Clarkson said Duderstadt - who was out of
town Friday - received only four or five calls.

"I would not be so foolish to insinuate that anyone is
lying, but I have heard of zaps where the lines are
swamped with calls, but when a reporter asks (the peo-
ple being called) if they got calls; they say no."
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor) said that al-
though he was in his office all day Friday, he did not re-
ceive any phone calls. He also said he finds ACT-UP's
complaints unfounded.
"I think their case is well overstated. The University
works very hard to meet the needs of AIDS and every-
one who is ill," he said. "Their claims are unreasonable
and untrue."
Maurer said Baker received no calls because ACT-
UP did not put his number on the flyers announcing the
"phone zap."
"We knew it would be a pointless waste of time try-
ing to reach him," she said.
ACT-UP is holding a campus forum on the issue of
homophobia in the University Hospital tonight at the
Baker-Mandela Center.
"The way in which AIDS phobia and homophobia
are inextricably linked in our society is terribly danger-
ous - both for people who are not gay but who have
AIDS and gay people who do not have AIDS," Maurer

Bullard said there may be more
than one vacancy in the House. be-
cause Ann Arbor will be divided into
at least two - if not more -
"I think it's good that there'll be
See BULLARD, Page 2
cha nges
by Sarah McCarthy
Daily Staff Reporter
Partially in response to several
newspaper articles, the
Interfraternity Council (IFC) execu-
tive board recently announced it will
undergo significant internal restruc-
"These articles came at the per-
fect time to help show members of
the houses that sexual assault and
discrimination could be among sev-
eral crucial problems that exist
within the system," said LSA first-
year student and IFC Public
Relations Chair Dave Garcia.
"We're trying to change people's
attitudes toward the system," Garcia
said. "We don't want to be associ-
ated with animals. The Greek system
is about scholarship, community and
External reforms include a voter
registration drive, the establishment
of a fundraising committee, the fu-
ture revision of the IFC constitution
and the expansion of programming
- including an upcoming campus
appearance by film director Spike
Lee and a three-band "Reggae Bash'
See GREEKS, Page 2

The muffin man
Jim Darby, an LSA senior, makes muffins during breakfast time at a deli on
State Street yesterday.

'U' students express discontent,
apathy with assembly elections

by Robin Litwin
Daily Staff Reporter
Although Michigan Student
Assembly elections are approaching,
many students say they will not go
to the polls next week because they
are doubtful of the power the assem-

Some students said they will not
vote in the elections because they do
not think their voice is significant
and because the assembly does not
hold any significant policy-making
"MSA has a bad reputation. They

of the decisions are made in secret.
- Although voting gives people a no-
tion they have control, the fact is the
regents are being sued because of
choosing a president behind closed
doors," Doherty said.
"I think many of the decisions are

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