* Page 4-The Michigan Daily- Monday, March 23, 1992 Wbe M74i3aUU IOCIIU EdIitor mn Chief 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 764 - 0552 MAT'HEW D. RENNIE Opinion Editors YAEL CITRO GEOFFREY EARLE AMITAVA MAZUiMDAR Edited and Managed by Students at the University of Michigan IIII - ~MA1F- /T N O li-e, -E ~T/MF:. 1 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board.. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. FRMa. THE homeL*::n..A "::".*A.rb : ..r. Rac~pism-- at home in Ann Arbor - 0 H ate invaded Ann Arbor this weekend. Twenty Nazis screamed slogans about their own superiority forone solid hour._ They proclaimed their right to dominance because of their race. They intended to inform the pub-, lic of the evil that they claim has polluted America: Blacks and Jews. They chanted for only an hour. They chanted only hate. Saturday was nothing new. The world has seen hate in every com- munity and in every civilizationp since the beginning of time. These ideas come from fear and from ignorance. But what they amount to is hate. History dictates that during . times of economic strife, those most effected often look for a scapegoat. As residents of a lib- eral town in a democratic country, people have a tendency to dismiss scapegoating as foreign or as something to be studied. Many of Ann Arbor residents who witnessed the demonstration faced the reality that scapegoating applies not only to history but also to Ann Arbor in 1992. While most students rolled out of bed to a lazy Saturday afternoon, those who witnessed swastikas emblazoned on arm bands and on shields wondered if they had been transported to a different time and a different place. To some, the protesters from Dearborn Heights seemed weird and obscure. But these blatantly racist and anti-Semitic attitudes reflect more subtle ones. The Nazis demonstrating this weekend were not the fringe ele- ments of society. People like this are the constituents of the Republi- can presidential candidates Patrick Buchanan and David Duke. Both Buchanan and Duke have expressed a variety of hateful sen- timents. In one of his columns, Buchanan asserted that because children trapped in a school bus with poisonous gases managed to escape alive, Nazis could not have killed hundreds of thousands of Jews in the gas chambers of Auschwitz. Duke has based his presidential campaign on racism, using welfare as a code word to single out Blacks for criticism. Excusing the bigoted statements expressed by weekend protesters as those of harmless reactionaries means ignoring the political parties that have risen in response to their concerns. Racism and anti- Semitism are real threats. No one should ignore them. WHC-4WfFOiR A SECONZJt'2- TH O4 (HTIMY'1'( TT NJCAR 10M c L ( r* '0 5 _. I .r., i L2~1 ®Ef ; h": ::: no| :|1|.jj|: ":Y |r1 |||':::: |:j||t:V:|:||||..|.....|....|..| r|.|.. |:|||::|: r| :|| 1|: |'.1 :.a:.w.:a:.toonist :we ::.-co::n :.:r.::::.y:an a nvolo ::::.1w1 ::v To the Daily: It is hard to find the words to express my disgust and outrage at the editorial cartoon that appeared in the Daily on Friday. It was viciously insensitive and shames those responsible, the Daily, and the University. I am appalled that we have in our midst people capable of exploiting the terrible suffering of the people of South Africa and of purveying ugly racial stereotypes for their own sick or sophomoric purposes. It is an insult to our entire community. The editors of the Daily are justly proud of its one hundred and one years of editorial freedom. Freedom of the press is vitally important to all of us. But with that freedom comes respon- sibility - a responsibility that both the cartoonist and the editors of the opinion page have be- trayed. This is the third occasion during the current academic year that the Daily has displayed such insensitivity and irresponsibility: first with the Holocaust revision- ist ad, then with a cartoon that stereotyped Asian students, now with this outrage against Black South Africans. The Daily editors owe this community an apology. I believe they also must use this occasion to reflect on how such things could possibly happen, and on their responsibility to make certain they do not happen again. And I ask everyone in the University community to demand higher standards from a newspaper with a proud tradition to uphold. James J. Duderstadt University president Voter turnout was a real turnoff L ast Tuesday, Michigan held its first presiden tial primary since 1976. The candidates inun- dated the state with television and radio advertise- ments, debates, and speaking engagements. Mil- lions of dollars were spent to convince people who to chose on the ballot. But the primary was one party where nobody came. Polls showed that less than 14 percent of Michigan's voting-age popula- tion showed up to vote in this presidential primary, significantly fewer than 1990's gubernatorial elec- tion. Many of the obstacles to voting were eased for this election. Same-day declaration of party prefer- ence was permitted for Democrats. Republicans were not required to register a preference. Organi- zations openly advertised that they would provide rides to the polls for those who could not get there otherwise. Students living in many residence halls had to go no further than the lobby of their building to cast their ballots. Between now and the Nov. 3 presidential elec- tion, there will be four opportunities for students to vote, including the March 30-31 MSA elections. In addition, voters will have the opportunity to par- ticipate in the April 6 city elections and the August Congressional primaries.. The current trend in U.S. elections is to "throw the bums out." Americans are increasingly dissat- isfied with the quality of their elected officials, as government becomes more and more responsible to special interests and less and less responsible to the electorate. Voting-age Americans who do not exercise their right to vote forfeit their input into who their elected officials are. Only those who vote have expressed a true, active interest in the quality of government. All others, like the Wash- ington fat cats who ignore those who do vote, are just full of hot air. Vote against fee% To the Daily: A referendum is scheduled for March 30-31 1992, on whether or not the Michigan Student Assembly fee should be capped. Of the current MSA fee of $6.27 a semester, more than half ($3.89) supports Student Legal Services (SLS). Capping the MSA fee would be catastrophic for SLS. SLS is a pre-paid legal insurance plan that serves the entire student community. It has no student party affiliation and its daily operations are completely independent of MSA. Last year almost 3,000 students were served by SLS, in cases ranging from landlord- tenant matters to the defense of criminal charges. SLS employs three full-time attorneys, one paralegal, a secretary, a part-time bookkeeper, and many work- study students and student volunteers. SLS is run under the supervi- sion of a board of directors, which is comprised of a faculty member from the Law School, the directing attorney of SLS, an SLS staff representative, an MSA vice-president, a student services representative, and four students who volunteer to serve on the board. The board's duty is to ensure that SLS is responsibly run and that it provides the highest quality legal representa- tion to all eligible student-clients. The board of directors does not support any student political party or group. cap, save SLS Over the years SLS has been able to fulfill its mission by making reasonable budget requests through MSA. The program has not grown much since its inception in 1979, and it remains smaller than many similar offices at other universi- ties. However, in order to operate from year to year, and in order to keep good lawyers and good staff people in the program, it simply cannot operate on a fixed budget. Capping the MSA fee would by definition freeze the SLS budget at 1992 levels. No professional law office can attract good people, or keep good people, or offer high-quality representation, when its budget is frozen in advance. Such a fiscal policy would result not only in fewer legal services, but also in poorer quality legal services, and eventually in the disintegration of the program. The cost of legal services, like the cost of medical services, has risen far faster than the general cost of living. With a zero-growth budget at SLS, the office would soon lose its critical mass of enthusiastic people willing to work hard in a small public- interest practice. If you want to preserve low- cost Student Legal Services for the whole student community, don't cap the MSA fee. Doug Lewis SLS Director This letter was signed by the entire SLS Board of Directors Women have a right to protect themselves To the Daily: I am writing to express my anger and sheer disgust at Philip Cohen.'s op-ed piece ("Rape and women's self-reliance," 1/23/92). I resent the implication that I am adding to society's paternal- ism. Asking for a walk home at night certainly puts women in no more danger than walking alone. Society is structured to protect the status-quo of men dominating women. I do not wish to'contribute to this, but, hey, I have to look out for number one. I am not going to walk alone at night to prove my self-reliance. I prove my self-reliance and self-respect by protecting myself in the best way I find available. I will not sacrifice myself, nor should any other woman, to test Cohen's irresponsible assertions. You suggest that women stay home in seclusion to avoid rape. Well, I have another idea. how about imposing a curfew on men? Surely then the rate of rape will drop. Then I really will be able to enjoy my life. My point is, Mr. Cohen, until you have to walk with your keys grasped tightly between your fingers, heartbeat pulsating above normal and head perpetually looking over your shoulder, don't even infer that I don't have the right to protect myself. 01 Tear down barriers of Apartheid Those who have been following the metamor- phosis of South Africa over the past five years can now say that they have witnessed history in the making. Last week, South African President F.W. de Klerk received approval in a whites- only referrendum to move forwardv with his plans of reform in South H Africa. Hopefully this will mean an end to Apartheid - the system of ~ segragation in South Africa places' South Africa's Black majority un- der white minority rule. Credit for the victory in South Africa belongs to the people who have struggled against Apartheid: The people who have participated in the boycotts, spent decades in jail demanding that their lives are worth the price of real freedom. These people are the true soldiers in the war against Apartheid. The victory also belongs to F.W. de Klerk, who realized and accepted that South Africa's system of legal racism could not stand. De Klerk should be commended for pressuring South Africa's white minority and threatening to resign if he did not receive their support. One of the ways that Black South Africans, who comprise 70 percent of the population, are ex- cluded is that they are prohibited from voting in national elections. The fact that there had to be a whites-only vote to decide the fate of Black South Africans epitomizes why it is essential that dra- matic reform take place in South Africa. Of the 2.8 million whites who voted in the referendum, 1.9 million (68.7 percent) voted to support de Klerk's move toward reform. While his supporters may have been sympathetic with the plight of their fellow South Africans, there are also a wide variety of other reasons why Apartheid is becoming undesirable. International sanctions, a freeze on their partici- pation in international sporting events, and a worldwide reputation for beign racist has severely hurt South Africa. In addition, the internal boycotts by Blacks, aimed at the economic and social infrastructures of South Africa have exhibited the collective power of Black South Africans. As de Klerk enters into negotia- tions with top Black leaders like Nelson Mandela of the African Na- tional Congress and Chief Mangosuthu Gattsha Buthelezi of the Zulu-based Inkatha movement, there will be many issues to discuss. It is important to remember that the referendum only supported nego- tiations and did not officially end Apartheid. Now the real work begins. Mandela said it best, "Ending Apartheid is not just announcing the results of a referendum. It means there should be enough housing, more medi- cal facilities and better pensions for Blacks. We are still far from this." South Africa still has a long way to go before realizing a state of true equality for all its citizens. The only acceptable outcome is the complete anni- hilation of Apartheid. There is no compromising on this issue. 0 Katherine Rosman LSA sophomore ... : '. . ^.....rii..... .. ...............1". i . :f 1 Japan bashing: Hiroshima revisited 0 by Mike Fischer "I'm not Japan-bashing. I'm defending against America- bashing." Though Senator Ernest Hollings (D-S.C.) had just finished urging American workers to "draw a mushroom cloud and put underneath it, 'Made in America by lazy and illiterate American workers and tested in Japan,"' he was, he insisted, simply defending his country. Never mind Hiroshima; Pearl Harbor trumps it every time. In Hollings' Orwellian logic, the country that bombed a defenseless city into oblivion becomes a defenseless victim of "the yellow peril." Unfortunately, Hollings is not alone.Unable to place the blame where it belongs -- in Detroit and Washington -- millions of Americans have decided that Japan is responsible cars; Honda and Toyota dealerships throughout Michigan have been picketed. In Ohio, a tire dealer refuses to sell to owners of foreign cars. At a gas station in Illinois, drivers of American cars receive a two cent discount on every gallon of gas they buy. And in California, a Japanese businessperson who had received racist threats was murdered. All, presumably, in the name of defending America. But what gets included in this "America" that everyone from Hollings to Chrysler Chair Lee Iacocca appear so intent on defending? Does it include the 164,000 Chryslers, Dodges and Chevrolets built for the American market in Japan? What about the Pontiacs, Mercuries and Plymouths built for the American market in Mexico? And just what is it that makes these cars more goods from the Midwest grew by a quarter last year, setting a record high. Japan, in other words, is creating jobs in the United States - not stealing them. Japan is also the world's third largest importer - and imports only $150 less per capita than the United States. Its average tariff on industrial products (2.6 percent) is lower than the comparable U.S. tariffs (2.9 percent). According to a recent World Bank study, even Japan's non-tariff barriers (quotas, licenses and voluntary export restraints) are lower than the U.S. equivalents. So much for carica- tures of Japan as a closed market and a closed society. Perhaps what is really closed in this debate is the American mind. Japan-bashing racism doesn't have an economic fig leaf to hide behind -just as refer- ences to Pearl Harbor provide no I Nuts and Bolts TOA SC6450R1?iR 00O$ II W PP?5 O OF WFAVORITES. II&3Y S_ T 1AT HEGOERN-l by Judd Winick IfWEN ~ITS 1TWINE T~~ B AN TOYS WWA0evk rr t g Gam I1EINT 440OLP NUrT WKSc WEUO CAU.ERyot),RE ON 6 Iris AIR. CTm SAME V~su O C- 54Y IT ON 'MlE RAD1O, Ste.