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March 23, 1992 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-03-23

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Page 2- The Michigan Daily - Monday, March 23, 1992

Bush devi
strategy V
President Bush's re-election team
sees a race against Democrat Bill
Clinton as battle against a resilient
candidate with untapped vulnerabili-
ties. But first, the campaign has to
shore up the president's faltering
Campaign officials insist that
Clinton's emergence as Bush's
likely general election opponent will
not change Bush's primary cam-
paign strategy for several weeks.
"Our approach is going to be to
focus on the president and his record
and his plans," said Charles Black, a
top Bush strategist.
That doesn't mean researchers
are not gathering information on
Clinton. But aides said, "It's really a
race to see who can define them-
selves first ... then you can start
defining the other guy."
With the persistent "protest vote"
dogging him in primaries, the Bush
team is well aware it must do a bet-
ter job of portraying Bush as capable
of pulling the nation out of economic
At the same time, the president is
expected to underscore subtly his ar-
eas of accomplishment in unspoken
contrast with Clinton's perceived
shortcomings - for instance, for-
eign policy leadership.
"We have in mind to do that at

elops new campaign
o counter Clinton ,

some point," said Black. "We don't
need to specifically reference him. If
we do our job, it doesn't matter what
he does."
Bush used that approach against
GOP primary rival Patrick
Buchanan. Without mentioning his
'It really doesn't
matter to us right now
what they're doing on
their side. We're not
veering off our
course.' - Mary Matalin.
Bush campaign staffer
opponent's name, he railed against
the perils of protectionism and at-
tacked bigotry in general, highlight-
ing two of Buchanan's weak points.
The president's advisers do not
want to elevate Clinton by having
Bush take him on. But if Clinton
launches attacks on the president
deemed worthy of reply, Vice
President Dan Quayle or other sur-
rogates will be ready to fire back,
aides said.
The president will highlight his
economic program, health care and
legal reform proposals and his ef-
forts to increase exports to create
"It really doesn't matter to us
right now what they're doing on
their side. We're not veering off our

course," said campaign strategist
Mary Matalin.
Still Bush's advisers are prepar-
ing for a fight, especially noting
what one described as Clinton's
somewhat "teflon" ability to survive
primary blows that would have flat-
tened other contenders.
"He's a good candidate and he's
got the best people in the party;
working for him ... They've done al
good job so far," Black said.
Down the road, Bush strategists;
are looking to portray Clinton as in-
decisive and lacking a core set of be-
liefs, ironically the same charge of-
ten leveled against Bush.
They are collecting campaign
statements on labor, government
spending and other topics to portray
him as becoming more liberal after
his earlier affiliation with the con-
servative Democratic Leadership
Council and as a candidate who pan-
ders to constituent groups.
They also see potential attack
points in surveys showing his home
state of Arkansas as lagging in
teacher pay, worker safety and envi-
ronmental protection.
Then there's the "family values"
"People will have to decide
whether they want to replace George
and Barbara Bush with Bill and
Hillary Clinton," said one adminis-
tration official.

Pow wow
Coptinued from page 1
wow," said Stony Larson of the
LacCourteOreilIles Indian
Reservation in Wisconsin. Larson
brought with him members of a local
Indian school and his crafts of
beadwork, basketwork, and carvings.
"Some people call our work
'crafts,' but they are really more
art," Larson said. He added, how-
ever, that there were so many mer-
chants that he faced a lot of competi-
Attendance numbers were not
available at press time, but Hill said
Saturday morning that she expected
at least 7,000 to attend the three ses-
sions Saturday and Sunday.
Some members of the community
are concerned about the commercial-
ization of pow wows.
"It's a good pow wow, but it's
too large. You lose the warmth and
camaraderie which is a part of the
pow wow," Corp said. "This is a
competition type of pow wow, but I
prefer the traditional, smaller, out-
doors kind where you can celebrate
the sky above and Mother Earth be-
l a low."
"We have seen several stereo-
types, especially from the movie in-
dustry. But hopefully, movies like
"Dances With Wolves" can hope-
fully break the tradition and show
people that Indians are honestly very
MOLLY STEVENS/Daily good and spiritual people. We have
The Bear Clan, a Native American musical group, performs during the 20th to pass this message on to our chil-
annual Ann Arbor Pow Wow this weekend at Crisler Arena. dren," she said.
Michigan workers deal with
hazardous working conditions



Contiiued from page 1
Weir said the industrial use of
marijuana would aid the problems
of global warming and toxic waste.
"It would help, there's no question
about it," he said.
Weir has also become politically
active, testifying before Congress
on forestry bills, and working with
the senate on rainforest issues.
Bernstein said this was not in-
tended to be a "slick commercial

event like the Spike Lee lecture that
will cost the University $15,000.
The whole event cost about $600,
and all the proceeds will be donated
to RAN.
"We wanted this to be an
evening where a particular cause
was recognized, and hope that this
award will be a catalyst to change
on the environment and the
rainforests," Bernstein said.
Nikki Neustadt, the award coor-
dinator, said Weir was more than
willing to come to accept the

"It was too easy," she said, "the
problem was getting funding for the
program, there is very little support
for environmental causes on
campus and in this city."
The program was sponsored by
the Michigan Student Assembly,
LSA student government, In Flight,
and Kappa Alpha Theta sorority.
Other candidates for the award
included Sting, the Indigo Girls,
and Don Henley. But Neustadt said
in addition to his great
achievements, Weir was the most


Continued from page 1
Tatarstan's prime minister,
Mukhamat Sabirov, said in a sepa-
rate interview yesterday that "it is
impossible to maintain the unity of
Russia by force."
The only way to preserve the
Russian Federation is for Moscow to
negotiate new relationships with its
constituent territories, he said.
A Tatar separatist leader, Marat
Mulyukov, told reporters yesterday
that Tatarstan should now receive
diplomatic recognition, join the
United Nations and become a full-
fledged member of the
Commonwealth of Independent

The huge Russian republic,
stretching across 11 time zones from
the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean,
dwarfs and completely encircles
Tatarstan, a territory the size of West
But Russian leaders fear that if
Tatarstan tries to break away, so
eventually will many of the 16 other
"autonomous" regions - such as
Karelia on the Finnish border, Tuva
on the Chinese border and Yakutia in
eastern Siberia.
At least one such region,
Chechen-Ingushetia in the northern
Caucasus Mountains, has actively
agitated for a break with Moscow,

although it has not held a
There was no immediate reaction
yesterday to the Tatarstan vote from
other autonomous areas.
Shaimiyev, sensitive to Russia's
anxiety, promised to follow a
moderate course.
"We plan to act constructively,
without being carried away by emo-
tion, in the interests of the peoples
of Tatarstan and Russia, in the
interests of us all," he said.
All the autonomous regions ex-
cept Tatarstan and Chechen-
Ingushetia initialed a cooperation
treaty with Yeltsin's government
this month.

DETROIT (AP) - Lax govern-
ment inspections and mild fines for
safety violations allow workers in
Michigan and nationwide to toil in
dangerous settings, a newspaper
reported yesterday.
Michigan has only 21 health in-
spectors to police more than 185,000
work sites for toxins, communicable
diseases and other medical risks, The
Detroit News said.
At the Kerr Manufacturing Co. in
Romulus, workers often did not wear
respirators as they worked with
deadly crystalline silica, which can
cause an often fatal disease if
ingested, The News said.
An employee, Leonard Parish,
died of silicosis complications in
October. By then, several other
workers and former employees also
complained of breathing problems.
State inspectors were unaware
that government records and court
documents dating back to the 1970s
indicated that silicosis had killed one
former Kerr employee and afflicted
two others, the newspaper said.
The inspectors let 11 years pass

without testing air in the plant, it
An estimated 71,000 Americans
will die of job-related illnesses this
year, including 3,000 in Michigan.
The federal Occupational Safety
and Health Administration is respon-
sible for ensuring safe working con-
ditions. Some states, including
Michigan, also enforce the federal
rules on their own.
But their efforts are undercut by a
shortage of inspectors, unrestricted
use of carcinogens on production
lines, mild government enforcement
and poor tracking of workers who
die or become ill, The News found.
"The whole system is a travesty,
from one end to the other," said
Joseph Kinney, executive director of
the non-profit National Safe
Workplace Institute.
About 1,200 inspections are con-
ducted each year in Michigan, said
Flint Watt, director of the occupa-
tional health division. Nearly all of
those are responses to complaints,

mainly from unionized plants.
In 1970, one former Kerr em-
ployee died of silicosis. In 1971, an-
other was diagnosed with the dis-
ease. In 1982, another employee shot
himself after having been diagnosed
with the disease sometime earlier,
The News said. Yet the state visited
the plant only once from 1979-90.
Kerr executives issued a state-
ment that said the company's policy
"has always been to provide a safe
work environment for its
A state inspection in October
1990 turned up 19 alleged violations,
including silica and silver dust over-
exposure. The proposed fines were
$8,360. Negotiations brought the
total down to less than half that
"People are really dying, and
there isn't the slightest idea that the
working man or woman is worth
saving," said David Ravid, a
Southfield attorney who represented
some of the Kerr employees diag-
nosed with silicosis.


Calvin and Hobbes


6Y Ti--- W~A,'{Ok.)CAN STOP


by Bill Watterson


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Continued from page 1
tion with students and the adminis-
tration was a top priority to other
"They could act as a better con-
duit between students and the admin-
istration without enflaming the ad-
ministration or the student groups,"
LSA senior Pete Kurczynki said.
Michigan Alumni
work here:
The Wall Street Journal
The New York Times
The Washington Post
The Detroit Free Press
The Detroit News
NBC Sports
Associated Press
United Press International
Scientific American Time
Sports Illustrated
USA Today
Because they worked here:
TheAIichigan Daily
Spring Special for Women 25-35
call for details

Another student agreed that the
assembly did not communicate well
with students.
"Communication with students
could be better," LSA senior
Michael Hrynik said. "With deputi-
zation they went behind students'
backs and tried to avoid students.
That's wrong, they shouldn't avoid
Many students said the assembly
should reform themselves before
addressing other issues.
"They should stop bickering
about foreign policy and should do

more for students, that's their con-
cern," LSA junior Doug Jacobs said.
"I'd like to see them do something
instead of passing resolutions that
say, 'We condemn this.' Big deal."
Other students agreed that inter-
nal assembly reform is necessary to
increase voter turnout on campus.
"If they would spark the interest
of students and get them out to vote
as a whole you might see a change in
leadership," LSA senior Kelly Quinn
said. "They need to communicate
their positions to students more and
say how the parties are different and
what they mean to do."

The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the Fall and Winter terms by'
students at the University of Michigan. On-campus subscription rate for fail/winter 91-92 is $30; all other
subscriptions via first class U.S. mail, winter semester only, are $80. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1327.
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Circulation 764-0558; Classified advertising 764-0557; Display advertising 764-0554; Billing 764-0550.
NEWS Henry Goldblatt, Managing Editor
EDITORS: David Rha'ngold, Bethany Robertson, Stefanie Vines, Kenne Walker
STAFF: Laura Adderley, Lari Barager, Hope Caladi, Barry Cohen, Ben Dea, Lauren Dermer, Erin Einhom, Ren6e Hucide, Loretta Lee,
Andrew Levy, Robin Utwin, Nicole Malenfant, Travis McReynolds, Josh Macder, Melissa Peerless, Karen Pier, Mona Qureshi, Karen
Sabgir Christopher Scherer, Gwen Shaffer, Purvi Shah, Jennifer Silverberg, Karen Talaski, David Wartowski, Chastity Wilson.
LIST: David Shepardeon
OPINION Yael Citro, Geoff Earle, Amitava Mazumda, Editors
STAFF Matt Adler, Jenny Alix, Renee Bushey, Daren Hubbard, David Leitner, Ad Rolenberg, Dave Rowe, David Shepardson, Steve
Sinal, Danial Stewart
SPORTS John Niyo, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Josh Dubow, Albert Lin, Jeff Williams
STAFF: Meg Beison, Andy DeKorte, Kimberly DeSempelaere, Matthew Dodge, Shawn DuFresne, Jeni Durst, Brett Forrest, Jm Foss.
Ryan Herrington, Mike Hill, Bruce inosencio, Dan Linna, Rod Loewenthal, Sharon Lundy, Adam Miller, Rich Milvalsky, Bernadette
Ramsey, Mike Rancillo, Tim Rardin, Greg Richardson, Chad Safran, Todd Schoenhaus, Jeff Sheran, Tim Spolar, Andy Stabile, Ken
Sugiura, Alan Susser, Benson Taylor.
ARTS Elizabeth Lenhard, Michael John Wilson, Editors
EDITORS: Mark Bine i (Fikn), Diane Friedn (Rne & Performing Arts), Alan J. Hogg, Jr. (Books), Jule Komom (Weekend etc.),
Ann ette Petruso (Mur~sc).
STAFF: Nick Arvin, Greg Bise, Margo Baumgart, Skot Beal, Jon Bilk, Andrew J. Cahn, Jonathan Chanf, Jenie Dahmann, Richard S.
Davis, Gabriel Feldberg, Rosanne Freed, Forrest Green III, Jessie Halladay, Aaron Hamburger, Stephen Henderson, Jonathan
Higgins. Nima Hodasi, Roger Hsa, Marie Jacobseon, Andrea Kachiudaa, Kristen Krudson, Chria Lepley, Emily Marriott, Jenny McKee,
Kristen McMurphy, Amy Meng, Josh Mitnick, John Morgan, Michelle Philip. Dan Poux, Austin Ratiner, Jeff Rosenberg, Christine
Slovey, Scott Stering, Alisa Strauss, Sarah Weidman, Josh Worth.
PHOTO Kristoffer Gillette, Kenneth J. Smoller, Editors
STAFF: Brian Cantoni, AnIhony M. Croll, Michelle Guy, Doug Kanter, Heather Lowman, Sharon Musher, Suie Paley, Moly Stevens,
Paul Taylor.

0 *

Golden Ke Honor Society
fY Officer Elections
(All new members who will be here
next year may run for an office.)


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DISPLAY SALES Shannon Burke, Manap


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