I We'd like to believe racism is a distant thing. If you believe this, think again. The Nazis held a rally this weekend, and it wasn't in Germany. It was in Ann Arbor.j The much-ballyhooed film Basic Instinct is basically insulting. Since its release, the film has generated a great deal of criticism, all of which is deserved. Critics have accused the Michigan basketball team of being all show and no go, but the Wolverines proved themselves this weekend by making the Sweet 16 of the NCAA tournament. Today Partly cloudy; High: 34, Low: 24 Tomborrow Starting to thaw; High 46, Low 30 V i:! 11 t t :4 44464rr One hundred and one years of editorial freedom Vol. CII, No. 98 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, March 23, 1992 a1992 The Michigan Daily Russian teMtory votes for freedom KAZAN, Russia (AP) - Tatarstan's president, seeking to al- lay fears his region's overwhelming vote for independence could help * splinter the Russian Federation, said yesterday he will move swiftly to reaffirm ties with Boris Yeltsin's government. "Our first step will be to an- nounce a tighter union with Russia, to strengthen and intensify ties, to create new relations with a reformed Russia," President Mintimer Shaimiyev said in an interview with The Associated Press. He spoke a day after citizens of the region voted nearly 2-1 in favor of declaring Tatarstan a sovereign state. The referendum raised fears that the so-called "autonomous republic" of 3.7 million people would secede from Russia, starting a process that could unravel the federation's patchwork of ethnic homelands. The Russian government has re- *fused to accept the Tatarstan referen- dum, which was declared unconstitu- tional by a Russian court and strongly opposed by Yeltsin. Shaimiyev said previously that the region, 500 miles east of Moscow, was simply trying to gain control of its oil and other natural resources to benefit its own people. He contended yesterday that the referendum could save Russia - rather than destroy it - if Yeltsin's government took the opportunity to grant real autonomy to territories that have been autonomous in name See SOVIET, Page 2 Clinton, Brown gear up for Conn. BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (AP) - interview and his later event Democratic presidential front-runner tack Clinton. Bill Clinton defended his wife and Brown said Clinton's A his integrity yesterday as he and ri- administration "will go dow val Jerry Brown dueled over the air- history books for what not t ts to at- rkansas n in the to do in waves and across Connecticut in preparation for their first head-to- head showdown. Clinton kept his focus on President Bush, saying Connecticut and other states that rely heavily on military work were "about to be blindsided" by defense cuts because Bush had no plan for converting to a civilian economy. "No other nation would consider the kinds of cuts we are about to have in defense without a plan for what these people will be able to do," the Arkansas governor told a community meeting in Bridgeport, an impoverished city that filed for bankruptcy last year. But during a national television appearance, Clinton was peppered with questions about his integrity, and Brown used a separate television f ____ ___1!.!__ T. _!.L __ American politics. It either comes out now or George Bush and his irimary New York television studious to a day of campaigning in Connecticut, including a joint appearance at a church anti-violence rally with Jesse Jackson - where Jackson was greeted with chants of "Run Jesse Run" by the predominantly Black audience. Jackson stole the show from the Democratic candidates, leading a spirited sermon in which he de- nounced the grip of drugs, violence and decaying families on America's inner cities. "This is not your fault, but it is your challenge," he told the candidates seated behind him on the altar. Connecticut's primary tomorrow is the first contest since Paul Tsongas suspended his Democratic campaign and left Brown the sole obstacle to Clinton's all-but-certain nomination. Clinton kept a frenetic schedule despite his 7 to 1 delegate lead over Brown, because aides said much of Tsongas' support appeared to be shifting to Brown. samurai warriors make mincemeat of Mr. Clinton." Clinton, interviewed on NBC's "Meet the Press," dismissed such suggestions. "I have been subjected to attacks in the press that are unprecedented for anybody running for president," Clinton said. "I don't have any reservations about the strength of my character or my ability to be president." Both Democrats headed from To the victors... ..~~ Lake Superior State University tri-captain Mark Astley holds the Central Hockey Association championship trophy yesterday in Detroit For complete weekend sports coverage see SPORTSMONDA Y. 20th Pow Wow combines old and new traditions by Mona Qureshi Daily Staff Reporter A flurry of colorful feathers, cloths and sequins graced the floor of Crisier Arena this weekend during the Ann Arbor Pow Wow. More than 700 dancers represent- ing more than Native American tribes from across the United States and Canada came to celebrate their heritage and the coming of spring at the twentieth annual pow wow. University President James Duderstadt and Vice President for Student Affairs Maureen Hartford attended the opening ceremonies. Hartford greeted the crowd in a Native American language. The Pow Wow was sponsored by the Native American Student Association. "It's not only an activity to dance and see friends, but a spiritual gath- ering. For the Grand Entrance (when all the tribes dance together for the first time), I was afraid we all couldn't get in. It's a special time," said Judy Corp, a dancer in the Pow Wow and an Ojibwe Indian from Davison, Mich. Songs and dances addressed the themes of love, friendship, peace, and bravery. Dancers acted out scenes from their ancestral pasts to drum beats and songs from recent and traditional times. Traditional dancers kept at least one foot on the floor as they moved to symbolize their connection to the earth. "You could feel the beat and get caught up in it. It's very emotional," said Courtney Quinn, an LSA junior who attended the event. From infants to the elderly, the dancers wore regalia - the preferred name for Native American clothing - such as the traditional buckskin dresses and modern colorful sequined and "jingled" dresses. Jingle dresses are dresses deco- rated with tobacco can lids shaped into cones. As the dancer moves, the "jingles" create a bell-like sound. The tradition dates back to World War I, said Susan Hill, a Mohawk Indian and president of the Native American Student Association. Many believe jingle dresses pos- sess medicinal and spiritual proper- ties, and once a woman chooses or is chosen to wear a jingle dress, she cannot dance any other type of dance, Hill added. On the concourse surrounding the arena floor, Native American mer- chants sold authentic crafts and foods. "We heard it was a good pow See POW WOW, Page 2 Students give environmental achievement award to Grateful Dead guitarist Bob Weir - - by Nicole Malenfant Daily Staff Reporter Bob Weir, a member of the band the Grateful Dead, took time out from his latest tour yesterday to ac- cept an award from University stu- dents for outstanding environmental achievement. The WolveGREEN award was given by the University Activities Center after students were asked to nominate the person they felt had contributed the most to an environ- mental cause, said Mark Bernstein, chair of Viewpoint Lectures. "The award is a direct recogni- tion by the students of the University of heroic, courageous and noteworthy environmental pursuit," Bernstein said. Weir has chosen the preservation of the rainforests as his cause, and recently wrote a children's book about the deforestation in Africa, donating all of the proceeds to the Rainforest Action Network (RAN). The Grateful Dead also con- tributed the profits of their album Deadicated to RAN. The grassroots organization recently received its first installment check for $160,000, and expects another one soon. Weir has balanced his cause of saving the rainforests with his job as an entertainer, organizing fund- raising concerts and coordinating RAN outreach tables at performances. He recently organized a concert at Madison Square Garden and raised $300,000 for RAN, Greenpeace and Cultural Survival. "L""""""""""""" "Part of working for a living is working for a world in which to live, and that's not always a given," Weir said. Weir spoke to about 500 students and environmentalists, and encouraged them to get involved in issues surrounding the rainforest move-ment. "You are all college kids and you are the motivated sort, there are things you can do," he told them. Weir suggested lobbying for leg- islation that would outlaw the clear- cutting of the rainforests and that would support sustainable industry. Weir emphasized that a large share of the problem lies in America. "We can't expect Brazil to stop cutting down their rainforests when we cut down more of our rainforests than they do. We need to get our act together before we can start exporting this philosophy," he said. Also speaking last night was Francesca Vietor, director of opera- tions for RAN. She encouraged students to get involved in grassroots organizations and to monitor what products that they buy by being conscious of what is produced out of the rainforests. "This is a crisis that our genera- tion has inherited, and our children will have us to blame if we don't do something," Vietor said. Many students were interested to know Weir's stance on the use of maijuana as an environmental alter- native in such things as paper and See Bob, Page 2 MOLLY STEVENS/Daily Grateful Dead guitarist Bob Weir speaks to more than 500 students at the Power Center last night about the environment Weir received the WolvGREEN environmental award. Each day this week, the Daily will publish the party platforms of three major campus parties competing for the Michigan Student Assembly seats in nex week's elections. Today's topic is speech codes. Currently an interim speech policy governs the campus community. The University is in the process of developing and determining if a permanent policy should exist. MSA has been working with the administration on this policy. Students want MSA members to address deputization, speech code Conservative Coalition Conservative Coalition is opposed to all regulations of free speech, and is currently working to ensure that the University respect students' First Amendmentrights.'Ihel Conservative Coalition led Student Rights Commission is on the brink of Michigan Moose Party The Michigan Moose Party supports the right to free speech for all students. We oppose any code or regulation which would abridge the freedom of speech as ensured by the United States and Michigan Student Assembly Constitutions. Speech codes Progressive Party While many students find speech codes an infringement of the right to speak freely,offensive, abusive language is an infringement of other students rights to live comfortably and feel safe on this campus. Considering the by Jennifer Silverberg Daily MSA Reporter As Michigan Student Assembly elections approach, students have expressed concern for many issues that they would like to see their fu- ture representatives address when they become assembly members - including deputization, speech codes, the Union access policy and communication between students and the administration. "Students should have more of a say in deputization and I'd like to for the way the police treat minority students on campus. "It sounds like an issue that po- lice are harassing minorities. MSA should go to the administration with the situation and say, 'We agree we need safety but we can't have these people harassing students,"' LSA first-year student Sephora Morrison the implementation of such rules." LSA first-year student Chris Adelsbach agreed. "If they start making codes, it may create more violence and ani- mosity. The student government should fight speech codes by any means possible," he said. Other students said they hope the assembly will look into the Union Access Policy. "There are pros and cons to the Union Access Policy but it's a pain in the ass to check everyone in,"