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March 19, 1992 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-03-19

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 19, 1992 - Page 3

'U' gets
grant for
by David Wartowski
Daily Research Reporter
The University's Super-
conducting Super Collider (SSC)
research grant has been renewed by
the Texas National Research
Laboratory Commission (TNRLC)
for the second year.
The University will receive about
$150,000 of the $500,000 grant for
work on a "trigger system," designed
to determine which of the 60 million
bits of data produced by the collider
each second are important, said
University Physics Prof. Myron
Cambell, one of 11 University
physicists involved in the project.
The remaining $350,000 will be
shared between researchers from the
Univeristy of Wisconsin-Madison,
University of Chicago and Northern
Illinois University, working on the
trigger system in conjunction with
the University.
The grant for trigger system re-
search is part of a $100 million
Sgranted to the Solinoidal Dectector
Collaboration (SDC) - a commis-
sion that involves over 700 physi-
cists from more than 65 countries
nationwide and abroad rearching for
the SSC.
The group's spokesperson said
the University plays a large role in
research for the SSC.
"The University of Michigan is
the largest group in the collabora-
tion," ranking among Harvard,
University of Wisconsin-Madison
and Northern Illinois University,
said SDC Spokesperson Professor
George Trilling. "(The University)
has made major contributions."
Nothern Illinois University is one
of the top SDC researchers because
they are the home of Fermi Lab, a
sub-atomic particle collider about
four miles in circumference.
The Texas SSC will be 54 miles
in circumference when completed in
1999, making it the largest super
collider in the world.
Remaining funds from the grant
will go to research an on-line pro-
gram that double-checks the validity
of data produced by the collider, said
Univeristy Physics Professor Byron
Roe, spokeperson for the "trigger
system" research project.
The Department of Energy in
1988 considered Stockridge, Mich.
- a city located halfway between
Ann Arbor and East Lansing -
among several other nationwide
cities as a possible site for the sub-
atomic particle collider.
Governmental officials approved the
Texas site in 1989.

MSA plans to air
weekly meetings
on- c

by Jennifer Silverberg
Daily MSA Reporter
Thanks to modern technology,
weekly Michigan Student Assembly
(MSA) meetings may now be tele-
vised on Community Access
Television, bringing representatives
into student dorm rooms.
While the idea is currently in the
planning stages, Communications
chair Steve Stark said MSA has a
camera and all it has to do is tape the
meetings, deliver the tapes to the
television station where they will be
Many students said they liked the
idea of televising MSA meetings,
but few said they would actually
"I think it's a good idea because
then everyone could be aware of
what was going on," LSA junior
Claudia Cabrera said. "I probably
would not watch though, because if I
was going to watch TV, I probably
wouldn't watch that."
LSA first-year student Andy
Sonnenberg said he might watch.
"It would be good because a lot
of people who can't get out to see

them have easier access to the
meetings," he said. "If I was able to
get to a TV, yeah, I'd watch it."
Some students felt that televised
meetings would increase student
interest in the assembly.
"Seeing their faces would make
them more accountable for what
they do. If you know who they are
by seeing them on TV, you could see
them around campus and could talk
to them about the issues," LSA
sophomore Kahlil Shillingford said.
Former assembly member and
LSA senior John Line felt that tele-
vising MSA would make the
meetings more organized.
"I quit because it got boring lis-
tening to political infighting. We
were getting nowhere. I was tired of
it," Line said. "People would be
more wary of what they said if there
was a camera in the room. I don't
think you would see as much fight-
ing as you see now because there
would be a camera on them."
"It would definitely make MSA
more dynamic because they'd feel
pressure to get the work done," Line

Sign o' the times
Edwin Ion Simpson paints a vacancy sign yesterday on a storefront window on S. Main Street.
Alcohol poisoned students face
'life-threatening consequences

by Greg Fedorinchik
Students who frequent parties and
bars are probably accustomed to
people who have had too much to
drink. These people are laughed at,
tormented, unable to speak or walk,
even vomiting or unconscious due to
the effects of alcohol.
Some may be lucky enough to
have a concerned friend keeping an
eye on their condition. Others end up
in the emergency room of the Uni-
versity Hospital.
Jennifer Holmes is the head
emergency room nurse at the Uni-
versity Hospital, and she says that
alcohol poisoning is nothing to
laugh at.
"It's life-threatening," Holmes
said. "On weekends, we receive a
regular influx of patients with acute
alcohol poisoning, some with blood

alcohol concentrations (BACs) near
five hundred (.5 percent). Although
the effects of alcohol differ greatly
from person to person, a BAC of .5
percent for an inexperienced drinker
is deadly."
People who arrive at the Univer-
sity Hospital disoriented, vomiting
or unconscious are kept for observa-
"Alcohol poisoning is a relative
term. Any patient with acute symp-
toms or any relatively inexperienced
drinker with a BAC near .3 percent
runs a risk of airway blockage. We
monitor these patients very closely
and they often need the breathing as-
sistance of a ventilator," Holmes
For more serious cases, observa-
tion isn't enough.
"When they come in really bad,

the first thing we do is hook up an
IV to try to speed up the dissolution
of the alcohol," said Holmes. "If se-
rious symptoms continue a nasogas-
tric tube is often inserted to empty
the stomach."
The effects of alcohol poisoning
can be more than physical. One stu-
dent who was recently hospitalized
after drinking too much called the
experience "painful and humiliat-
ing," adding, "But it did wake me up
. in more ways than one."
Arv Narasimhan, a student cur-
rently employed at the University
Hospital commented: "Believe me,
these people don't look as cool on a
hospital bed, in a coma, having the
contents of their stomachs removed,
staying alive only with the assis-
tance of an artificial respirator."


supporters of George I
Clinton began gearing
ticipated showdown y
ing the outcome would
offers the more convin
tion for economic healt
"It's going to be a
paign, tough economi
butter issues," Gov.
Bush all but van
Buchanan's insurgenc
slide victories in the I



Clinton clash
- Michigan Illinois presidential primaries Tues-
Bush and Bill day. Clinton posted solid wins there
up for an an- but needs a good showing in key
esterday, say- Eastern states before laying claim to
hinge on who the Democratic nomination.
cing prescrip- But to both candidates' Michigan
*h. supporters, it's on to the fall
classic cam- campaign.
c bread-and- "I think the rest of these pri-
John Engler maries around the country are anti-
climactic," said Wayne County
quished Pat Executive Ed McNamara, a Clinton
-y with land- backer. "We just won it as far as rm
Michigan and concerned right here in Michigan.'

State to investigate gas tanks

LANSING, Mich. (AP) - Some
contractors who specialize in clean-
ing up leaking underground gas
tanks may be overcharging the state
for the work or performing unneeded
work, according to a published re-
Booth newspapers said state po-
lice and the Michigan Department of
Natural Resources are conducting
separate investigations into possible
overcharging and abuse of state re-
imbursements for cleanups.
"It's kind of unusual for us to say
you're doing too much, but in this




What's happening in Ann Arbor today

case there seems to be examples of
contractors going overboard because
they know they're going to get reim-
bursed for it," said Rod Mosier, a
DNR district cleanup supervisor.
The Michigan Underground
Storage Tank Financial Assurance
fund has paid about $80 million for
cleanup work since February 1990.
The fund pays private contractors to
clean up. hundreds of leaking
petroleum tanks.
The fund helps get leaking tanks
cleaned up quickly but also is vul-
nerable to abuse, DNR deputy direc-
tor James Cleary said.
"It is set up so that if somebody
wanted to be dishonest, they could
take advantage of an uninformed and
somewhat scared person with a
leaking underground storage tank,"
he said.
Owners of underground tanks
who properly report leaks can get up
to $1 million from the fund. They
are required to pay the first $10,000
of the cleanup cost.
Complaints include overbilling to
pay for the initial $10,000 and charg-
ing the state for disposing of con-
taminated soil from ineligible sites.
Sgt. Milton Scales of the DNR's
investigations section said probes of
fraud allegations began last year. A
state police investigator joined the
investigation last month.
Responsibility for monitoring the
fund has been disputed, Booth re-
The DNR says the Department of
Management and Budget manages
the fund.

White House draws up plans for
bombing strike against Iraq

Bush administration has drawn up
plans for a bombing strike that
could be carried out against Iraqi
weapons facilities if Saddam
Hussein keeps blocking U.N. de-
struction of his arsenals, U.S. offi-
cials say.
The plans also call for possible
seizure of Iraq's bank assets in the
United States and in other allied
countries, expansion of the ban on
Iraqi helicopter flights in northern
Iraq, and an increase of U.N. in-
spections in Iraq to include moni-
toring human rights violations.
Money from the seized assets
could be used to keep the finan-
cially pressed U.N. inspection and
destruction team going.
The contingency plans are part
of a broader strategy - likely to be
announced within weeks - to fur-
ther erode the Iraqi president's
standing in his beleaguered country,
said the officials. They commented
only on condition of anonymity.
A decision to bomb would de-
pend in part on the outcome of a
trip by a U.N. team to Iraq this
Saturday to destroy equipment for
building Scud missiles. Iraq pre-
vented the team from carrying out
its mission last month, prompting

the Security Council to warn that
further defiance would result in se-
rious consequences.
"This next inspection could be
the trigger," said one official.
By agreement with U.N. allies,
any U.S. action "would be a lim-
ited, specific strike," said another
official who is familiar with the
administration's thinking. Iraq
would be given notice of the raid to
avoid harm to civilians, he added.
The United States maintains
bomber forces in the Persian Gulf
region, both on land and on the
USS America aircraft carrier cur-
rently in Gulf waters.
But Assistant Secretary of State
Edward Djerejian, asked Tuesday
during a congressional hearing
about policy on Iraq, appeared to
rule out any immediate attack.
First, he said that, given
Saddam's "cheat and retreat strat-
egy, the time has come to truly rein-
force the (U.N.) inspection regime
inside Iraq."
But when Rep. Lee Hamilton
(D-Ind.) said he understood that no
military action was under active
consideration, Djerejian answered,
"That is basically a correct state-
ment." Still, he added that "nothing
was ruled out."

Officials concede that such
veiled warnings, including ones
made in recent days by President
Bush, are designed in no small part
to keep Saddam off balance.
Since the Gulf War ended more
than a year ago, the United States
has made several vague threats of
military action but has failed to fol-
low through. This, said the first of-
ficial, reflected Pentagon nervous-
ness about a new conflict with Iraq.
But in internal policy delibera-
tions, the State Department has
been raising increasing doubts
about the effectiveness of the exist-
ing policy of tough language and
international economic pressure.
"There is genuine ferment, a real
feeling of unease" about the policy,
said the official. "Our current pol-
icy isn't sustainable in perpetuity."
Officials contend that the eco-
nomic sanctions imposed on Iraq in
August 1990 are impoverishing the
general population but not affecting
Saddam's inner circle on which he
relies for his survival.
They also have raised alarms
about the funding problems of the
U.N. Special Commission charged
with destroying the residue of
Iraq's nuclear, chemical and ballis-
tic missile arsenals.

ACT-UP Ann Arbor, meeting,
Crofoot Rm, Michigan Union, 7:30
Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 1311
EECS, weekly luncheon meeting,
12:30-1:30 p.m.
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship,
weekly group mtg, 1040 Dana Bldg, 7
Islamic Circle, weekly mtg, 3rd floor
Michigan League 5:15.
Pro-choice Action, weekly mtg, MLB
RmB118, 7:30 p.m.
Pre -Med Club Meeting, Pendleton
rm, 6:30 p.m.
Homeless Project Meeting, Trained
Volunteer Corp, Dominick's 5:00 p.m.
Amnesty Int'l, letter writing, Kenya.
East Quad, Greene Lounge, 7-8 p.m.
"Rape as a human rights issue in
Africa," Greene Lounge, East Quad, 7
Hindi Discussion/Class, MLB B 115, 8
"Molecular Beam Laser
Spectroscopy of the Indole
Chromophore in Van der Waals
Complexes and Small Peptides,"
1640 Dow Lab, 4 p.m.
"Using CP Violation in Semieptonic
Decays to Probe for New Physics," R
Garisto, 335 W Eng, 4 p.m.
"Evaluations of Administrators by
Faculty," Michigan League, 12:00
"The Future of Socialism," Michael
Kennedy and Tom Weisskopf, 12:00

Valley, New Mexico," 2009 Nat Sci
Aud, 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.
CRSO Brown Bag Lecture, 4051
LSA 12:00 p.m.
"Impact IfrEnvironmental Policy on
Dow," Jerry Martin, Director of
Environment Affairs-Dow Chemical
Co. Rm 130,7:00 p.m.
Anthropology Club, Norma Diamond
on: Ethnic Minorities in China," 7 p.m.
Federal Tax Workshop for
International Center Students and
Scholar, Rm 9, International Center,
10:00 a.m.
Career Planning & Placement,
Education Job Search, 4:10-5:30 a.m.
Bachelor of Fine Arts Exhibition,
Rackham Galleries, 3rd floor
Rackham, 7-9:30 p.m.
Safewalk, night-time safety walking
service. Sun-Thurs 8 p.m.-1:30 a.m.,
Fri-Sat, 8 p.m.-11:30 p.m. Stop by 102
UGLi or call 936-1000. Also, extended
hours: Sun-Thurs 1-3 a.m. Stop by
Angell Hall Computing Center or call
Northwalk, North Campus nighttime
team walking service. Sun-Thur 8
.p.m.-11:30 p.m. Stop by 2333 Bursley
or call 763-WALK.
ECB Peer Writing Tutors,
Angell/Mason Hall Computing Center,
7-11 p.m.
Stress and Time Management,
Consultations with peer counselors
available, 3100 Michigan Union, 1-3
Undergraduate Psychology
Department, Undergraduate

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