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March 11, 1992 - Image 15

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-03-11

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*assifieds/MARCH 1992


Here's proof thatyour diploma is
definitely worth more than the piece of
paper it's written on. In fact, it can get
you into a wild, yet practical,'92 Toyota
Paseo. Or any one of our quality cars
and trucks.
Okay, motivated collegians, you can
now take advantage of the incredible
Toyota Class of'92 Retail Financing
Program-if your diploma is from a four-
year college, graduate school or regis
tered nursing program. Even if you're
six months away from graduation. The
hot scoop: Your dream Toyota can be

yours for no money down and a
90day* deferred payment! We offer
you all this plus special College Grad
finance rates. For even lower monthly
payments, talk to your Toyota dealer
about leasing.
So, call it a diploma. Or call it a
sheepskin. But be sure to calll-800-5-
COLLEGE for the location of your near-
est Toyota dealer
and a prochure TOYOTA TMCC
with full details , OTOR
and qualification C

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