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March 11, 1992 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-03-11

Disclaimer: Computer generated plain text may have errors. Read more about this.

Letters, letters, and more letters. This opinion
page has more letters than a bowl of alphabet
soup. Readers told us we didn't know what we
are doing, so we let them try it.

Thee Hypnotics (can't you just hear Dave Kendall
pronouncing it?), a British import, are heavily
influenced by the rock 'n' roll of Detroit's past.
Now they're ready to show Motown why.

The Michigan basketball team proved it can beat
the second-ranked team in the nation, but can
the Wolverines beat Purdue? Sounds easy, but
they couldn't do it last time.

Very windy, cold;
High: 26, Low: 11
Sunny, still cold; High 28, Low 24


4F 4ir


One hundred and one years of editorial freedom

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Brown sits
by Andrew Levy
Daily Campaign Issues Reporter
Former California Gov. Jerry Brown
didn't get much sleep Monday night, after
whipping into Michigan following a three-
state campaign swing. So after his rally
yesterday in the Union's Anderson Room,
he laid back in the passenger chair of his
campaign minivan, wrapped a dark scarf
around his head to block the light, and
took a nap.
Brown has not run a conventional
campaign. And his policies are openly
characterized as liberal. But the man who
columnist Mike Royko says he regrets
calling "Gov. Moonbeam" comes across
as a stately, intelligent individual.
"Liberal?" Brown said. "I've heard
(my policies) called other things, too."
Brown has chosen "taking back Amer-
ica" as the theme of his campaign. And, in
a surprisingly soft-spoken manner, he

shotgun, t
dealt with a variety of issues affecting
He made a point of bringing up his
record on civil rights and minority issues.
"I think our biggest challenge is social
and economic justice," Brown said. "The
fundamental problem is a lack of access to
economic opportunity - that with African
Americans, 40 percent of them are in
"I've been focusing on (civil rights),
campaigning with Jesse Jackson in Mis-
sissippi and Selma, Alabama. In Califor-
nia, we were leaders in civil rights legisla-
tion, unlike Mr. Clinton in Arkansas. I
think Arkansas and Alabama are the only
two states without a civil rights act,"
He started to speak with the passion
typically reserved for his speeches.
"I would set up enterprise zones and
give the people a tax break. We need a full
employment policy - and that includes

lks politics
developing ... and maintaining a manufac-
turing base," he said. "I have a commit-
ment to a family bill of rights."
Brown often talks about creating jobs.
He consistently brings up the 2 million
jobs he created while governor. And he
says he plans to do it by jump-starting the
transportation and energy industries with
projects such as a high speed train. And he
proposes a simplified tax program.
"I don't see why an honest tax program
is seen as anything but just that," he said.
"What you have now is the wealthy buy-
ing loopholes, and getting lawyers to in-
terpret ambiguity so they get breaks. Cut-
ting the capital gains tax for some of us is-
n't going to give widespread help."
At that point, Brown suddenly switches
to the civil rights issue and brings out a
newspaper clip from an extensive file he
keeps with him. He held up the clip from
See BROWN, Page 2

Democratic Presidential hopeful Jerry Brown
addresses a crowd in the Union yesterday afternoon.

focuses on
by Hope Calati
Daily Staff Reporter
Presidential candidate Jerry
Brown hammered home his message
of investment in America to a crowd
which spilled out of the Anderson
Room in the Union yesterday.
The former California governor
was riding a wave of victories in
Maine, Colorado and Nevada. He
credited students, environmentalists,
independents, and Republicans who
are "tired of being ripped off and
want a voice" for his success.
Brown said incoming missles are
no longer the challenge to America
but rather inequality, illiteracy and
lack of job security. "(The Pentagon)
came up with a way to spend almost
the same amount of money as we
spent during the Cold War. That is
the threat to this country because it
is identifying our challenge as exter-
nal. That's the same error that the
Roman empire made," Brown said.
"In this obsession with the for-
eign adversary, we've forgotten
about our first responsibility which
is to revitalize and rebuild right here
at home," Brown said. "Not because
we are trying to be isolationist be-
cause we can best be effective in the
world if we have economic and so-
cial justice at home," Brown said.
He addressed the concerns of
University students when speaking
about the price of education and stu-
dent loans. "There's a lot of students
who can't get to college because
they can't get the loans," Brown
said. He recalled the government
program of 1945 in which the gov-
ernment sent millions of returning
soldiers to college.
See SPEECH, Page 2

Clinton, Bush
sweep South
in Super win

Associated Press


Republican Presidential candidate Pat Bu chanan g ives a spee ch to
supporters in South Haven, Mississippi in preparation for Super Tuesday.
Buchanan claims
strong campaign

Bill Clinton won an unbroken
string of Southern landslides yester-
day, brushing past Paul Tsongas to
become front-runner in the Demo-
cratic presidential race. President
Bush closed in for an eight-state Re-
publican shutout of Patrick
On the busiest night of the pri-
mary season, Bush was winning
from Florida to Texas, with six
states in between. He faced a dwin-
dling protest vote, picking up more
than 65 percent of the vote in each
Clinton far outdistanced Tsongas
and Jerry Brown in the Democratic
delegate competition, positioning
himself comfortably as the campaign
headed north. He was piling up mar-
gins of 65 percent or more in most
Southern states, including Texas,
Tennessee, Oklahoma and Missis-
Clinton had wanted Southern
margins so lopsided that Tsongas
would be limping as the primary
calendar turned to Illinois and
Bush led for more than 90 per-
cent of the delegates at stake and
said "we are winners tonight." Se-
nior congressional Republicans were
suggesting that it was now time for
Buchanan to drop his conservative
challenge and allow the party to
unify for the fall campaign.
Buchanan did best in Florida,
where he was in the 30 percent
Florida had been the bitter battle-
ground for Clinton and Tsongas, and
even there the Arkansas governor

had about 50 percent of the vote in a
three-way race.
Tsongas won at home in Mas-
sachusetts and was running well in
next-door Rhode Island. He said he
was ready for the next round of pri-
maries, and sought to frame the de-
bate for the next week's clashes in
Illinois and Michigan.
"Let me tell you something Bill
Clinton," he told supporters in his
hometown of Lowell, Mass. "You're
not going to pander your way into

by Melissa Peerless
Daily Staff Reporter
DEARBORN - Republican
presidential hopeful Pat Buchanan
claimed a moral victory before a
crowd of 600 supporters in Dearborn
last night as Super Tuesday primary
results filtered in.
"George Bush is winning votes,
but we are winning the hearts of the
people," he said. "The great and
good cause of conservatism and
traditionalism is winning the
national debate about how our

beloved country will be run in the
next decade."
Buchanan criticized Bush for his
economic policy and said the
president showed cowardice by not
campaigning against David Duke in
the South. Buchanan also criticized
the new world order.
"Mr. Bush, we are not going to
let you take our beloved country,
bound and gagged, hand and foot, to
your new world order."
In response to questions about
See BUCHANAN, Page 2

the White House as long as I'm
For all the brave talk, Tsongas'
was pushed to the brink by Clinton's
smashing showing. He must recover
next Tuesday to revitalize his candi-
dacy. Clinton's march through Dixie
redeemed the Super Tuesday strat-
egy developed by Democratic party
figures who wanted early Southern
primaries to propel a moderate can-
didate. If he were to win in the in-
dustrial north, Clinton's claim on the
nomination would seem secure.
The symbolism of Super Tuesday
primary night couldn't have been
more striking: Clinton attending a
victory rally in Illinois; Tsongas at
home in his New England base.
Texas and Florida were the
southern bookends, and they be-
longed to Clinton and Bush.
With 52 percent-of the precincts
See CAMPAIGN, page 2
enter not
guilty plea
by Lauren Dermer
Daily Crime Reporter
The two students arrested outside
the Feb. 20 University Board of Re-
gents public hearing pleaded not
guilty at their court arraignment yes-
LSA sophomore Marlesia

MSA to explore
possibility of a
student regent

by Melissa Peerless
Daily Administration Reporter

Students who feel out of touch with the University
Board of Regents may have the chance to become a
board member if a newly-proposed Michigan Student
Assembly committee is successful.
LSA Rep. Ken Bartlett - chair of the Campus
Governance Committee - proposed the formation of a
student committee to look into the possibility at the
MSA meeting last night.

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