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March 10, 1992 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-03-10

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 10, 1992 - Page 3

leaves 'U'
by David Wartowski
Daily Research Reporter
The University was well-pre-
pared and left relatively unharmed
by the Michelangelo virus last
Friday, University Computing
Consultant Bruce Burrell said.
"The University did wonder-
fully," he said. "A lot of time getting
(anti-viral programs available) pre-
vented anyone from getting hurt," he
'Two departments caught the
virus - spread through the internal
information stored on floppy disks
, but were able to destroy it before
the Renaissance painter's 417th
birthday - the attack date for the
With few exceptions, students
who reported having the virus were
able to eradicate it in time, Burrell
Engineering junior Todd Morgan
said the virus struck his computer
early Friday morning, when he sud-
denly could no longer boot his
computer off the hard drive.
He said he is not sure how he
cbntracted the virus. "I don't have
apy pirated programs.... The only
things I use, I buy ... so I got it from
something I bought," he said.
He added that he did not lose
anything important from the virus.
tThe Population Studies
Department reported detecting the
virus on one of the researcher's per-
sonal computers, but said depart-
ment members erased the virus in
less than an hour.
Ron Loveless, the department's
computer network manager, said the
department is very susceptible to
computer viruses.
"We have people from all over
the world coming in with floppy
disks," he said.
Loveless said that even though
the virus is easily eradicated, it could
bring serious implications to an
individual or department.
"It's a minor kind of thing, given
it is caught early," he said.

Engler plans ban
on smoking in all
state buildings
LANSING, Mich. (AP) - Gov. Smokers are forced to stand at least
John Engler plans to issue a ban on 100 feet away from the entrances to
smoking in all state-operated build- the agency's offices.
ings and will announce support for Sally Spalsbury, a technician in
several proposals curtailing smoking the department, said some people go
elsewhere, a newspaper reported to their cars and others go to a
yesterday. nearby covered bus stop. She said a
But Engler doesn't plan to come grievance filed a year and a half ago
out in support of a cigarette tax in- is in arbitration.
crease, the Lansing State Journal
said. "The thing that happened when I
Engler is scheduled to present his first became upset with it at public
health-care program tomorrow in a health was that I could see the
meeting at Detroit's Hutzel Hospital. handwriting on the wall," said
"There also will be a major focus Spalsbury, steward for United Auto
on prevention," said his spokesper- Workers Local 6000. "To me it's
son, John Truscott. "We're looking trying to tell adults how to live. It
at a major push on health care and upsets me to see them go this far."
preventative lifestyles to help avoid She said smokers are usually
threatening chronic diseases. courteous, but some non-smokers
"We use the term in the speech can be rude.
.L_ l - _- A___ 1. _. . c n b u e

that Michigan runs dead last in that
category. There's nowhere to go but
up and we'd like to get much better
as quick as we can," Truscott said.
According to a draft of the
speech obtained by the Journal, the
governor will issue executive orders
banning smoking in all state build-
ings. Currently, state workers can go
to designated rooms to smoke.
But the Department of Public
Health already has a total ban.

"If they put as much energy into
getting drug dealers off the street, as
they spent on knocking people who
are doing something legal, then I'd
feel a little more sympathetic,"
Spalsbury said.
Rep. Michael Bennane (D-
Detroit), chair of the House Public
Health Committee, said the current
ban with designated smoking areas
is enough.

Pressing situation
Abraham Elite, of Elite Tailoring on Liberty Street, presses a pair of slacks yesterday after altering them.

Students angered by late arrival of tuition bills

by Christopher Scherer
Daily Staff Reporter
For many students spring break
did alleviate academic stress but
added an economic hardship. Many
tuition bills failed to arrive before
the beginning of spring break.
Some University students said
they did not receive their tuition bills
in ample time to pay them by the
February 28 due date. Consequently,
students said the short time period
left them with the burden of paying a
$10 late fee.
Student Accounting Office
Supervisor James Roane said the ac-
counting office followed the regular
distribution pattern of sending the
statements out on the 12th workday

of the month.
Roane said there were complaints
because many students received their
tuition statements before and during
spring break. He said the
Accounting Office does not have the
ability to change the billing process.
"There is a new student account-
ing system that is currently being
planned with one of the goals being
to speed up the process of issuing
statements," Roane said.
He gave no specific time frame
for the new system's operation.
"We have done a lot of research
interviewing students and staff. The
statement issue was always a major
issue. It is one we are aware of and
are addressing," Roane said.

LSA first-year
Smallwood said her1

student Gina
bill arrived two

'I do not see why they
cannot send the bill
out with plenty of time
to send the payment
- Greg Esmer
LSA junior
days before the February due date at
her home in Colorado.
She read on the bill that recipi-
ents are to call the Accounting
Office if there are problems. When

she called the office, they told her to
get the bill in as soon as possible.
Unfortunately, she said she still
had to pay the late fee. "There was
nothing we could do about this so
we lived with the late fee," she said.
"They should be sent out sooner or
change the due date."
LSA junior Greg Esmer said the
estimated date of reception on the
bill did not reflect the date he actu-
ally received it. "The estimation of
when you are supposed to receive it
is always wrong," he said.
Esmer said he did not have any
difficulties in paying the bill within
the short time frame, but said he was
disturbed by the Accounting Office's
inefficiency. "I do not see why they

cannot send the bill out with plenty
of time to send the payment back."
LSA first-year student Elise
Pressma said when the bills are sent
late, parents also feel a burden of
having a limited time to pay the bill.
"They should give students more
time," she said.
Although Pressma said that her
payments were late, she was not
penalized by a late fee.
Pressma speculated that because
she paid her bill in person the pro-
cessing costs were reduced. In light
of this, she said the Accounting Of-
fice should add a stipulation to the
bill saying a personal appearance
will directly result in a waiver of the
late fee.

City Council candidate Peter Fink is a Republican. His opponent Ralph
Michener is a Democrat. Both are vying for the 2nd Ward seat in the April 6
elections. This was incorrectly reported in Wednesday's Daily.
What's happening in Ann Arbor today

SACUA discusses access to legal counsel

Gov. Edmund "Jerry" Brown
Campaign meeting, 7:30 p.m.b
Ann Arbor Committee to
,defend .Abortion and
Reproductive rights
(AACDARR) weekly mtg,
Michigan Union, Tap rm. 6:30 p.m.
MSA Weekly meeting 3909
Michigan Union, 7:30 p.m.
Social. Group for Bisexual
-Women, 9:30 p.m. call 763-4186
,for location and more information
:SADD general meeting, 2nd
Prescott Lounge East Quad, 6:30 p.m.
IASA Board Meeting, Nikki
lounge, Mo-Jo, 9-11 p.m.
Asian American Student
'Association, weekly meeting,
Nikki lounge, Mo-Jo, 7:30 p.m.
Anthropology Club, meeting
Dominick's, 7 p.m.
"Guest Speaker for Human
Rsourcee Development,"
Wolverine, Union 8 p.m.
"Obtaining Start-up Capital to
Begin your Company" 1200 EECS
7-8:30 p.m.
"The Willow Run Plant Closing:
A Labor Perspective," C E O
Rackham West Conference Room,
7:30 p.m.
"Topics in Psychology: Sex
differences in the Brain," Jill
Becker, L207 West Quad, 4 p.m.-5:30
"Voices from the promised
land: Israeli and Palestinian
Peace Activists speak their
Hearts," Rackham West Conference
Room, 4th floor 12-2 p.m.
"How the Democrats can win
the White House in '92" Carl
Marlinga, Henderson Rm, Michigan
League, 8:00 p.m.
"The Human Dimension of
Global Change," 1046 Natural
Resources 6:30 p.m.

East Conference Room Rackham 4th
floor. 7:30 p.m.
Career Options & Summer
Opportunities, Angell Hall 4:00
p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Career Pathways in Political
Career Pathways in Politcal
Science, 5:10p.m.-6:30 p.m.
Michigan Union
Employer Presentation,
Campus Concepts Michigan League
Rm D, 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.
"Candidates forum on the
Environment" Ann Arbor Public
Library 7:30 p.m.-9:0O p.m.
"Triumph of the Spirit," Hillel,
8:00 p.m.
"Hebrew Union in College"
Hillel 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
National Two-Cents for
Housing Congressional
Phone-in, Michigan Union
Basement, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Safewalk, night-time safety walk-
ing service. Sun-Thurs 8 p.m.-1 :30
a.m., Fri-Sat 8 p.m.-11:30 p.m. Stop
by 102 UGLi or call 936-1000. Also,
extended hours: Sun-Thurs 1-3 a.m.
Stop by Angell Hall Computing
Center or call 763-4246
Northwalk, North Campus night-
time team walking service. Sun-Thurs
8 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Stop by 2333
Bursley or call 763-WALK.
Stress and Time Management,
Consultations with peer counselors
available, 3100 Michigan Union,
11-1 p.m.
Undergraduate Psychology
Department, Undergraduate
psychology advising, walk-in or
appointment, K-108 West Quad, 9
a.m-4 p.m.
Kaffeestunde, weekly German
coffee and conversation, 3rd floor
Commons Rm., MLB, all welcome,
4:30-6 p.m.
ECB Peer Writing Tutors,
Angell/Mason Hall Computing

by Robin Litwin
Daily Staff Reporter
The Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs (SACUA) met
with Bruce Frier, chair of the Legal
Services Task Force, yesterday to
discuss faculty legal representation
and access to counsel.
The Legal Services Task Force
was established in December to con-
sider two issues - the legal ramifi-
cations of lawsuits involving faculty
members sued while doing their job,
and the lack of legal advice for fac-
ulty involved in disputes with the
Frier said the recent adoption of a
written policy stating the University
will defend faculty - if they are
sued while doing their job appropri-
ately - is a big accomplishment.
Previously, this policy was not

"We regard the written policy as
a considerable step forward," Frier
said. "It is not perfect, but we are
willing to settle for a less than per-
fect world."
The University attempted a few
years ago to draft a policy that was
tabled because it attempted to protect
the University's position without
taking into account faculty's
concerns, Frier said.
He said the current policy does
protect the University's position and
it may offer an opportunity for
greater faculty input by giving more
weight to the provost's office.
However, faculty legal represen-
tation for people in dispute with the
administration is less clear, Frier
Typically, when faculty members
have a grievance against the
University they can go through in-

ternal University procedures which
at the present time is not a legal fo-
rum. However, SACUA Chair Jim
Diana said in recent cases the
University has provided the adminis-
tration with free legal advice, while
faculty members have had to pay for
similar assistance themselves.
"The chances of a faculty mem-
ber being represented as opposed to
a dean are almost nonexistent," said
former SACUA Chair Peggie
Hollingsworth, professor of public

Frier said there has not been a
case in which an employee was
provided legal assistance involving
internal procedures.
The task force is considering
forming a legal services office for
faculty or perhaps providing them
with some type of legal insurance.
"It is certain that the type of con-
flicts that arise over administration
decisions is inevitable. What isn't
inevitable is how we react to them,
Frier said.

Producedby MSA Communications Committee
Chair. Steve Stark
F S A Vice-Chair Melissa Saari
taffMeghan Carey, Tom Hemr
We are your student government, the student voice. We elected
representatives from each school and deal with issues of student
concern on campus. We have direct contact with the administra-
tion and are responsible for the allocation of over $37,000 to
student organizations. We meet every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in
the 3rd floor of the Union. At 7:45 any student may address the
assembly. We have many committees and commissions that are
always looking for student help and input. For further informa-
tion or to voice a concern, call 763-3241.
" The University Board of Regents approved deputization of the
University police force. MSA and the Student Rights Commis-
sion will work to create an effective oversight board for the new
police force.
" MSA resolved that the question of capping the student fee
would be placed on the March ballot.
" MSA will consider a resolution creating a constitutional refer-
enda on an upcoming ballot, allowing students to decide which
MSA commissions, if any, shall be eliminated.
* MSA passed a resolution making committees and commissions
more responsible to the compiled code.
" MSA allocated over $1800 to aid in the publishing of ADVICE
magazine. $1100 was allocated to the Engineering Council for
Springfest. A total of $6963 was distributed to 27 other student
" Six groups were registered with MSA during the past two
" There are four more resolutions currently before the Assembly.

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