The abortion rights bill recently passed by the
Michigan House is no victory at all for pro-choice
supporters. The bill still includes a 24-hour
waiting period, an open insult to women.
Vocal, opera, folk, ethnic and rock music -The
Bulgarian State Television Female Vocal Choir has
it all. "The most beautiful music on the planet?"
Could be.
The Michigan lacrosse club team suffered an
18-5 defeat at the hands of Michigan State. The
Wolverines, defending Big Ten club league
champs, hope the worst is behind them.
Cloudy, falling temps;
High: 33, Low: 15
Blustery, flurries; High 24, Low 13
One hundred and one years of editorial freedom
Vol I-9I I -cia-- usa, ac 0,19 19 ihia a
prepare for
Associated Press
Bill Clinton and Paul Tsongas
barnstormed through Florida yester-
day in a final, hurried hunt for Su-
per Tuesday votes as Sen. Tom
Harkin bowed out of the Demo-
cratic presidential race. The White
House predicted a sweep for Presi-
dent Bush.
Democrats are discussing the
implications Harkin's removal from
the race will bring.
Rick Wiener, former chair of the
Michigan Democratic Party and a
Harkin backer, said Harkin's depar-
ture would be good news for
"I think that Senator Harkin's
departure makes Governor Clinton
a clear front-runner in Michigan
and if he wins Michigan and Illi-
nois, I believe he will be the nomi-
nee," he said.
Brown said Clinton could not
win in the fall because of the accu-
sations he faces. "You can't elect a
candidate with a scandal a week.
I'll tell you that," he said in Rhode
Island, referring to a New York
Harkin leaves
race; students
not surprised
by Ren6e Huckle
Daily Staff Reporter
As Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa)
bowed out of the Democratic presi-
dential race, he left with a parting
shot at President Bush and a pledge
to "bear any burden" to help unseat
him in the fall.
His departure left Arkansas Gov.
Bill Clinton, Massachusetts Sen.
Paul Tsongas and former California
Gov. Jerry Brown still afloat.
Harkin, who quit after a string of
setbacks and a $300,000 debt,
vowed to continue fighting for the
cause he espoused in his campaign.
"Circumstances may change, but
the work of care and compassion
still continues," Harkin told an audi-
ence at Gallaudet University, a
school for the deaf. He signed the
beginning of his remarks to his audi-
ence before stepping to the
All three remaining Democrats
said they would reach out to
Harkin's constituency, particularly
Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) embraces his wife yesterday after announcing
that he is no longer a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination.
the union workers whose votes will
be critical in next week's primaries
in Illinois and Michigan.
Many University students said
they were dismayed that Harkin
pulled out of the Democratic primary
race, but said they were not
LSA sophomore Dave Dayen
said Harkin's departure from the
campagin trail was inevitable and
added there is no competent candi-
date to replace him. "The race lacks
a true person for the people now,"
Dayen said.
Despite this, Dayen said he
would probably support Tsongas.
David DeVarti, a member of the
Ann Arbor Harkin Steering
Committee who helped organize van
trips to New Hampshire for
University students, said he would
most likely work for former
California Gov. Jerry Brown.
"I thought (Harkin) would stay in
See HARKIN, Page 7
Jerry Brown:
Brown's plan for economic
recovery is based primarily on a
wholesale overhaul of the federal
tax system. He favors ending the
current graduated income tax
system, and replacing it with an
across-the-board 13 percent tax
on income. The only deductions
from this tax would be for home
mortgage, rent, and charitable
contributions. Also, a 13 percent
consumptio tax on all goods and
services would be implemented.
Theformercalifornia governor
would abolish all other federal
taxes, such as the gasoline excise
Pat Buchanan:
The Buchanan economic strategy
calls for "broad and deep" tax
cuts.;Specifically,these would
include targeted income tax cuts
at the middle class and working
class; the abolition of the capital
gains tax for the middle class and
the working class; a 50 percent
reduction in the capital gains tax
for people making more than
$50,000 per year; indexing the
capital gains tax rate to inflation;
and providing investment tax
credits for business and
manufacturing. Buchanan would
also freeze federal spending,
eliminate nearly all foreign aid,
and streamline the federal
bureaucracy, while imposing
regulations to "even the playing
field" with unfair trading partners.
George Bush:
The president's planfor economic
recovery is based on tax code
changes. These modifications
would include cutting the capital
gains tax from 28 percent to under
16 percent, a $5,000 tax credit for
first-time home buyers, and an
increase in the personal
exemption for children.
Bill Clinton:
Arkansas Gov. Clinton would
immediately give middle-income
Americans a tax cut, paid for by
increasing the tax burden on the
wealthy. Clinton would introduce
a targeted capital gains tax cut for
investments in new businesses
that create jobs, and would
increase government spending for
transportation projects.
David Duke:
The former Louisiana State
Representative plans to stimulate
the economy by instituting a
national sales tax to replace the
federal income tax. Under this
plan, Duke says, the financially
burdensome IRS will no longer be
necessary. Duke would also bring
about comprehensive welfare
reform, including requiring able-
bodied people to do some kind of
work in order to get benefits, and .f
would crack down on unfair
trading partners to protect
American jobs.
Paul Tsongas
Former Sen. Tson gas emphasizes
ha is not in favor of short-term,
middle-class tax relief. The
Tsongas plan calls for a targeted
capital gains tax cut, aimed at
Times article raising questions
about an investment Clinton made
in the 1970s with a friend who was
the owner of a failed savings and
.Each of the three remaining
Democratic candidates said he
would try to reach out to Harkin's
Political analyst William Bal-
lenger said Clinton figured to be the
logical choice for the Harkin back-
ers, since his views were the closest
in line with Harkin's.
"If you look at the alternatives,
by the process of elimination, Clin-
ton looks to me like he'd be the
beneficiary," he said.
Clinton issued a statement in
ITD announces layoffs, cutbacks
by Hope Calati
Daily Staff Reporter
Information Technology Division
(ITD) laid off 20 to 30 employees as
part of a restructuring effort resulting
from anticipated budget cuts for the
1992-93 fiscal year, and ITD
representatives say further layoffs
are possible.
ITD plans to make the staff cut-
backs through Reductions in Force
(RIF), attrition and transferring
ITD representatives were unable
to confirm the number of jobs which
would be lost and Doug Van
Houweling, vice provost for
Information Technology, was out of
town and unavailable for comment
ITD must reduce its budget by
$3.2 million according to a computer
conference memo posted by Van
Houweling. The reduction is a result
of anticipated cuts in budget alloca-
tions, which aim to reduce overhead
costs by $575,000.
According to the memo, ITD
must comply with a new administra-
tive requirement shifting funding
from the central administrative bud-
get to the individual schools and col-
"There were no good places to
cut where no one would be
affected," McClatchey said.
"(Further layoffs) depend so
much on what happens with funding
from Lansing and student tuition ...
a whole lot of unknowns,"
McClatchey said.
Additional budget cuts will be
made in services and nonsalaried-
McClatchey said ITD will reduce
the distribution of specialized infor-
mation, but general informational
guides such as the New Users'
Guide and orientation information
will continue to be produced.
She added, "(ITD) is trying to
look at ways of putting information
on line."
Van Howeling's memo stated
other planned reductions including
the elimination of the ITD library
and a reduction in walk-in services
at the North Campus Computing
See LAYOFFS, Page 2
3 parties announce
candidates for MSA
March elections
by Jennifer Silverberg
Daily MSA Reporter
The Michigan Student Assembly
received its final applications for
electoral candidates yesterday. Three
parties and forty-eight candidates
will be vying for the 24 open as-
sembly seats and three candidates
are running for the presidential spot
in the March 30 and 31 elections.
Progressive Party and
Conservative Coalition (CC) will
each run 17 candidates - not includ-
ing the presidential and vice presi-
dential candidates. The assembly's
newest party - the Michigan Moose
Party which emerged yesterday -
will run nine candidates plus the
presidential and vice presidential
candidates. Five independent candi-
dates have also declared their
candidacies for MSA seats.
LSA sophomore Scott Gast and
LSA junior Beth O'Connor are CC's
slate for president and vice presi-
dent. LSA junior Rob Van
Houweling and Engineering junior
Brian Kight will run for the
Michigan Moose Party and LSA ju-
niors Ede Fox and Hunter Van
Valkenburgh will run for the
Progressive Party.
Gast said CC supports a cap on
MSA's biannual fee and the com-
mission referendum to put all MSA
commissions up to a student vote.
The party would like to see an in-
crease in the money allocated to stu-
dent groups, as well as continued
concern about academics and the
speech policy.
Progressive Party members said
they are concerned about the possi-
ble cuts in Student Legal Services
(SLS) and the Ann Arbor Tenants
Union (AATU).
"They provide student services
and without them a lot of students
See MSA, Page 2
Brown wfi
appear at
by Andrew Levy
Daily Campaign Issues Reporter
Former California Gov. Jerry
Brown is returning to campus
today, as the campaign's focus
shifts to Michigan's March 17
presidential primary in the wake
of the Super Tuesday contests.
Brown is riding a -wave of in-
creased support since his surprise
wins in last Tuesday's Colorado
primary and Sunday's Nevada
caucus, and will be appearing in
the Michigan Union's Anderson
Room today at noon.
Brown initially came to
campus in October, before he had
officially announced his
candidacy. In a speech before 150
people, he denounced government
The event is co-sponsored by
the College Democrats and the
Students for Jerry Brown. Brown
will also be speaking today at the
University's Flint campus and at
Michigan State University.
Blow me down
Ann Arbor resident Tom Teur struggles through the wind under the south
section of the Graduate Library yesterd ay.
Activists rally at pretrial hearing to support AIDS education
by Gwen Shaffer
Daily Staff Reporter
they are the fastest growing group of
nannP wii th mTV (the virnu
from returning to public school
nronnrtv Mnurer's attornev Mol lv
intendent for curriculum and in-
struction for Ann Arbor Public
someone for educating people."
ACT-UP members said the Ann