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March 09, 1992 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-03-09

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The Michigan Daily - Sports Monday - March 9,1992- Page 7
'M' tennis sweeps weekend
Men eke out 5-4 victories over Illinois, Northwestern

by Todd Schoenhaus
Daily Sports Writer
The Michigan men's tennis team
began its season in a very
unimpressive fashion, losing four
straight times. Perhaps the
Wolverines needed to be in Ann
Arbor to start playing good tennis.
They finally entered into the win
column this past Friday at Liberty
Sports Complex. In their first home
match of the young season, the
Wolverines defeated the Fighting
Illini, 5-4.
Team captain David Kass, the
nation's fourth-ranked collegiate
player, might have been the
difference. Kass has been bothered
by tendinitis in his elbow and was
expected to be sidelined from the
competition. At the last moment, the
Wolverine ace was inserted into the
lineup at his usual No. 1 singles slot.
Kass easily defeated Illinois'
Ryan Clark, 6-3, 6-2, to improve his
singles record to 4-1. His presence
allowed sophomore Dan Brakus to
compete in the No. 2 spot, his
position ever since coming to
Michigan. Brakus slipped past Mark
Krajewski in a tight three setter, 6-4,
4-6, 7-6(8-6).
Mitch Rubenstein won at third
singles, convincingly beating Adrian
Devore, 6-1, 6-3. Teammate Terry
London followed suit with a 6-3, 7-6
victory over Dave Nasser.
The Wolverines were defeated in
both the fifth and sixth singles
matches. Illini's Sadri Gueche was

triumphant over John Lingon, 6-4, 6-
1. Michigan's Adam Wager captured
a first set tiebreaker over Ray
Puentes in the longest match of the
day. He then dropped the last two
sets by scores of 6-3 and 7-6. If
Wager had capitalized on one of his
six match points, doubles would not
even have needed to be played.
"In general, I was pleased with
singles," Michigan coach Brian
Eisner said. "It's impressive when
you can clinch the victory after
playing only the singles matches."
Michigan solidified the triumph,
when at first doubles, the team of
Dan Brakus and Eric Grand defeated
Clark and Gueche, 6-1, 6-4. At
second doubles sophomore Scooter
Place filled in for Kass, who had just
completed his singles match and was
still suffering from q sore elbow.
Place teamed up with London to
confront Nasser and Krajewski. The
Illini duo was triumphant, 6-3, 6-2.
"Scooter deserves credit for
filling in to compete in his first
match here at Michigan," Eisner
said. However, the absence of the
No. 4 college player obviously hurt
Devore and Chaudhuri posted a
6-3, 6-2 victory over Michigan's
Rubenstein and Lingon. The match
was inconsequential because the
Wolverines had already iced the

"This was very important for us
to get our first win under our belt,"
the coach said. "It eliminates a lot of
pressure the guys were feeling. We
can now move on from here."
The Wolverines did indeed move
on, in similar fashion. Yesterday
Michigan (2-1 Big Ten, 2-4 overall)
won at Northwestern (4-4, 0-1) by a
score of 5-4. Again they were
victorious in the first four singles
matches and two out of the three
doubles matches.
Kass defeated Giora Payes 7-
6(7-4), 6-4, while Rubenstein and
London were triumphant at third and
fourth singles over Marc Eisen and
Geoff Young respectively. At
second singles, Brakus squeaked
past Todd Occomy, winning two
consecutive tie breakers after
dropping the first set 6-4. Eric Grand
and Adam Wager were both
defeated in straight sets.
Northwestern doubles victories
by Rayes and Eisen over Brakus and
Grand, and Occomy and Giraldo
over Kass and London, tied the
competition at four wins apiece. In
the final match, Michigan's tandem
of Rubenstein and John Lingon
sealed the Wolverines' second
straight victory. They triumphed
over Tim Junker and Anthony Roy
in three sets.

Michigan No. 2 singles player Dan Brakus hits a backhand in his match against Mark Krajewski of Illinois. Brakus
defeated Krajewski in three sets, while the Wolverines slipped by the Illini, 5-4.

Spring training Tigers

LAKELAND, Fla. (AP) - It's
easy to get philosophical about
spring training. But that's mostly for
poets, and there arep't that many
John Updikes around.
Instead, it's better to approach
spring training the way Garrison
Keillor went about describing Lake
Wobegon. Think of the Detroit
Tigers as the Sons of Knute. Think
of them all as "above average."
The joyful round of games,
played under bright Florida sun-
shine, used to be known as the
Grapefruit League. Today, they're
just exhibitions.
But the purpose remains the
The managers try to give their
well-paid ballplayers a little look at
some live competition. Then they try
to give themselves a look at some
hungry kids who would love nothing
better than to take away the million-
aire's job.
That's why the outcome of these
games is frequently decided in the
late innings by a bunch of minor
leaguers unknown to the loyal fol-
" lowers reading the papers back
"If I had my way, I'd play noth-
ing but kids every day for the first
10 days or so," Detroit manager
Sparky Anderson said. "But the
rules say I've gotta play at least six

'regulars' in each game.
agree with that.
"I mean, sometimes I call
to tell him he's being sentc
the minor league camp), a
only had two at-bats."
So it was that in the sixth
Sunday, after his regulars hz
fied the record crowd of 6
Marchant Stadium, Anders
out seven new ballplayers. C
left fielder, a National Leag
gre named Mark Carreon,
pitcher, an unknown nam
Kiely, remained.
In the fifth inning, the
starters - people like Cecil
Mickey Tettleton, Tony P
Rob Deer and Travis Fryman
broken the game open wit
runs off an obscure Boston
named John Dopson.
In the ninth inning, Mi

'above average'
I don't neman struggled to close out the
game for Detroit. He issued walks to
a kid in John Valentin and Wayne Housie -
over (to not exactly household names, even
nd he's in New England.
Finally, Henneman came upon
h inning two Boston batters he recognized -
ad satis- Mike Greenwell and Tom Brunan-
5,854 at sky. He retired those guys easily to
on sent end the game, preserving a 7-2 De-
)nly the troit victory, the Tigers' first of the
ue emi- spring.
and the "It's tough to know what to
ed John throw to some of those guys," Hen-
neman said. "Some of these guys
Tigers' can drive you crazy."

Writing a Resume with a Bachelor's in Psychology
Monday, March 9 " 4:00 - 5:30pm
Program Room, Career Planning and Placement, 3200 SAB

Exploring Careers: An interactive discussion with graduates holding a B.A.
Monday, March 16 4:00 - 5:30pm
Ostefin Room, West Quad, 541, Thompson

in psychology

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Creating Careers: A chance to discuss your interests and how they relate to psychology
Monday, March 23
Ostefin Room, West Quad, 541 Thompson

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candidates for County, State
and Federal offices must
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May 5, 1992.
Contact Tisch Party or clerk.

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Paid for by:
Tilsch Independent
Citizens Party of Michigan
P.O. Box 4372
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Submit your nominations for
The University of Michigan
Student Recognition Awards
1 9 9 2
To honor outstanding student contributions
through cocurricular activities
Pick up nomination forms at:
Student Organization Development Center,
2202 Michigan Union; Campus Information Center,
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The Office of International Programs
Students participating in the Saint-Malo program will earn 6 University of
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Malo program. Former students will be on hand to share their experiences
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are due on

Wednesday, March 18, 1992
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For further details,

College and
Planning for




Career Pathways in Economics
Monday, March 9
5:10-6:30 pm
Michigan Union--Kuenzel Room
Sponsored with Michigan Economic Society
Career Pathways in Political Science
Tuesday, March 10
5:10-6:30 pm
Michigan Union--Kuenzel Room
Sponsored with Political Science Department

esday, March 11
., Hill Auditorium

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