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March 05, 1992 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-03-05

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You're already too late to vote in the Michigan
presidential primary, so don't miss your chance to
vote in April's city council elections. Register now
to vote.

Students have always been acting out, but some
University students have been doing it for credit
for 75 years. The theatre department celebrates
its 75th anniversary in this week's issue.

Former Michigan swimmer Mike Barrowman lost
for the first time in over three years at
yesterday's Olympic Trials. His second-place
finish still qualifies him for the Barcelona Games.

Windy and mild;
High: 62, Low: 45
Showers, t'storms; High 62, Low 43




One hundred and one years of editorial freedom

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rep. cut
by MSA
by Jennifer Silverberg
Daily MSA Reporter
The Michigan Student Assembly
(MSA) has re-apportioned seats for
*the first time in seven years, causing
confusion and controversy between
some representatives.
The School of Information and
Library Studies will lose their one
seat and Rackham will gain a repre-
sentative effective next fall.
"Every term someone in MSA,
it's not clear who, is supposed to
look at current enrollment figures
and calculate the number of seats
*that each school would get," said
Rules and Elections Committee
Chair Brain Kight. "I can't find any
evidence that it's been done since
the current system of representatives
was created in 1985."
Eight hundred fifty students are
needed for a school to obtain a seat
on the assembly.
Controversy emerged at Tuesday
night's MSA meeting when Kight
proposed an amendment that would
eliminate the name of the School of
Information and Library Studies
from MSA's Compiled Code.
"This amendment would just get
rid of the name," Kight said. "The
See MSA, Page 2.

State Rep. Bullard may
seek judgeship in '92

by Hope Calati
Daily Staff Reporter
Michigan State Rep. Perry
Bullard (D-Ann Arbor), a 20-year
veteran of the state legislature, may
make an attempt to jump from the
legislative to the judicial branch in
the 1992 November elections.
Although Bullard has not yet
confirmed his candidacy, he has re-
cruited a campaign manager for the
15th District Court judgeship race.
Bullard has served as a member of
the House Judiciary committee since
"He has been discussing it," said
Sabra Brier, Ann Arbor Democratic
party chair. "Nobody, perhaps not
even Perry, knows."
Bullard is expected to throw his

hat in the ring following Michigan's
March 17 presidential primaries.
Bullard's campaign chair, George
Sallade, said the campaign has not
'Nobody, perhaps not
even Perry, knows.'
- Sabra Brier
Ann Arbor Democratic
party chair.
officially started. But it will be "a
very well run and active organiza-
tion," he added..
If he runs for judge, Bullard
would vacate the 53rd district seat in
the House.
Washtenaw County Democratic
Party Chair Jean King said several

people are think-
ing about running
for the seat
Bullard is ex-
pected to vacate.
She speculated
that potential
candidates are
waiting for the
redistricting deci-


sion, which is expected to be
finalized early next week. District
lines are redrawn after every
national census to account for shifts
in the population.
The Michigan Supreme Court
heard arguments yesterday on the
legislative redistricting plan drawn
up by a special three-judge panel.

'U' Dems. hear Bullard
Addresses 'State of the Party,' presidential race

by Hope Calati
Daily Staff Reporter
"The State of the Party" and the
events of the presidential campaign
were the focus of State Rep. Perry
Bullard's (D-Ann Arbor) discussion
with the College Democrats last
"We need a mobilizing message
like Tom Harkin was trying to
carry," Bullard said. "A lot of people

are not participating who should be
Bullard expressed qualified sup-
port for Arkansas Governor Bill
Clinton. "I'm very troubled by his
roots and base in such a conservative
state ... I think he's completely con-
servative on economic politics,"
Bullard said.
"Clinton is the winner. Tsongas
is the unimaginable as the winner,"

he added. "I don't know if (Tsongas)
can dig into the Republican
switchovers. When you run
Republicans against Republicans,
people will vote for the real
"I'm fearful of Clinton's back-
ground ... On the other hand we
have to figure out how to win it,"
Bullard said.
See BULLARD,.Page 2

Wheel of fortune
Tim Kral installs training wheels on a kid-sized mountain bike at an Ann
Arbor bike shop.

.IDEA bill would give students new financial aid option

by Barry Cohen
Daily Government Reporter

College students will have a radi-
cally different means of obtaining
financial aid if the U.S. House of
Representatives and Senate pass the
Income-Dependent Education
Assistance (IDEA) Act.
IDEA provides students an alter-
native to existing financial aid op-
tions, such as Stafford Loans. The
proposed procedure would bypass
the current lending network - com-
prised of banks, secondary markets
and collecting agencies - to provide
students with direct loans ' from
revenues generated by government-

sponsored securities.
"We can make it so that all stu-
dents can pursue a post-secondary
education and save a huge amount of
money," said George Conant, leg-
islative aide to Rep. Tom Petri (R-
Wis.), a co-sponsor of the House
version of IDEA.
The Senate version of the bill
would be incorporated into the tax
bill President Bush requested the
Senate pass by March 20. The House
version is likely to be proposed as an
amendment to the Higher Education
Reauthorization Act, Conant said.
Neither version of the loan program
has been debated.

If passed, IDEA would begin in
1994 as a pilot program providing
financial aid to 300-500 higher edu-
cation institutions. A provision of
the bill would expand coverage in
the future.
Students would have 25 years to
pay back the loans, but payments
would be income-dependent, giving
students the option of choosing what
portion of their income they wish to
devote to their repayment.
Because the bill does not stipu-
late a fixed rate, students would have
the ability to pay back the loans
quickly or over a longer time period.

The Internal Revenue Service
(IRS) would collect IDEA loans by
withholding income from paychecks
- the same method used to collect
federal income taxes. Regular pay-
ments to banks, the method imple-
mented by current loan programs,
would be circumvented.
Conant said IDEA would elimi-
nate defaults on student loans, which
totaled $3.6 billion last year. After
25 years, unpaid loans would be for-
given. Also, repayments could be de-
layed if the borrower faces difficult
financial times but later recovers.
Conant said a provision in the

House version of the IDEA bill
would also deal with defaults on
other student loans, such as Stafford
"If students have trouble paying
them off, they can convertthem into
IDEA loans," he said. As a result,
credit ratings would not be affected.
David Carle, press secretary to
Sen. Paul Simon (D-Ill.), a co-spon-
sor of the Senate version of the
IDEA bill, said its passage will face
fierce opposition from both
Republicans and representatives
from the Student Loan Marketing
Association - SALLIE MAE -

Tsongas, Clinton
face off in the South

(AP) - Along Florida's "condo
coast" of retirement communities,
the very idea of limiting Social
Security increases is political
So Bill Clinton's suggestion that
his chief Democratic rival might
want to limit cost of living in-
creases in entitlement programs
drew gasps from the hundreds of re-
tirees assembled at their poolside
social hall.
Retirement communities are one
place where Tsongas has a chance
'Paul doesn't need a
lot of golds. But he
does need to show
everywhere that he is
a credible national
- Steven Grossman
Democratic chair

Tsongas, the former
Massachusetts senator, heads into
Super Tuesday with momentum
from a New Hampshire win and his
successful showings this week in
Maryland, Utah and Washington.
"Paul doesn't need a lot of
golds," said Massachusetts
Democratic Chair Steven
Grossman. "But he does need to
show everywhere that he is a credi-
ble national candidate."
Eight-five percent of Florida's
population was born elsewhere. Its
Democratic primary constituency
includes thousands of transplants
from the Northeast.
"Florida is too big for anyone in
a campaign of limited resources so
he can hit the condos and the
Jewish community," said
Democratic consultant Vic Kamber.
"You have to pick and choose but
there are opportunities for him."
A new poll showed Clinton
leading Tsongas 27 percent to 21
percent. A plurality in the polls
agreed with Tsongas' characteriza-
tion of a Clinton-backed middle

which is responsible for many fi-
nancial loans such as Stafford Loans.
"The lending institutions and
SALLIE MAE had a major impact
last fall with their attempt to poison
the well by distributing'
misinformation on (the IDEA bill),"
Carle said.
"The Bush administration went
on record against direct lending to
students," he added.
But the proposal gained momen-
tum in Congress after the IDEA bill
won added support from Sen. Bill
Bradley (D-N.J.) and Sen. Edward
Kennedy (D-Mass.).
See IDEA, Page 2
Group to
by Purvi Shah
Daily Administration Reporter
A working coalition of represen-
tatives from University organizations
decided yesterday to meet weekly in
order to present a revised Union
Access Policy to the student
populace in a month.
The group hopes to subsume the
Union Access Policy within the
Union Social Events Policy. Both
policies would be changed in an at-
tempt to reflect safety concerns in
light of recent disturbances during
social events held in the Union.
"We basically came to the con-
clusion that (the policies) should
come up for review," said Michigan
Union Board of. Representatives
(MUBR) Chair Priti Marwah. "As
we were dealing with the access pol-
icy, we discovered that there were
social events nolicies that we had to

Pat Buchanan learns to place components on a telephone circuit board at an AT&T plant in Louisiana yesterday.

Buchanan resists

Presidential challenger Patrick
Buchanan vowed yesterday to resist
pressure from the White House and
the GOP establishment to dron out

spokesperson Marlin F
back that "Buchanan h
his senses, Buchana
looney tunes on us."
Bush flew to Flori

GOP pressure
itzwater shot Despite Buchanan's declaration
as finally lost of "tremendous victory" in the lat-
.n has gone est primaries, his advisers were pri-
vately expressing disappointment
ida and an- with his showing in Georgia.


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