General Motors executives claim to be concerned about the American economy, but many of their actions indicate that they are more interested in investing in other nations. "She stood against the wall ... touching herself, frenzied, almost clawing." Who penned this dynamic prose? Melanie Rae Thon. Check out her fiction reading at the Rackham Amphitheatre. The Michigan men's basketball team came close, but not close enough, to upsetting Ohio State last night in Columbus. Turnovers spelled doom for the Wolverines, who lost, 77-66. Today1 Clouds and sunshine; High: 57, Low: 39 Tomorrow Possible showers; High 60, Low 41 Jr On unrd n oeysofeitralfeeo tYz One hundred and one years of editorial freedom Vol. CII, No. 85 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, March 4, 1992TehganDay Bush, Yeltsin -schedule summit WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush announced yesterday that he and Russian President Boris Yeltsin will hold their first formal summit meeting June 16 in Washington. They will try to use the two-day meeting to establish new momentum toward eliminating ad- ditional thousands of strategic nu- clear warheads. In the post-Cold War era, agree- ments to reduce nuclear arsenals have been easier to achieve than U.S. commitments for massive fi- nancial assistance to help Russia stabilize its foundering economy. That could prove even likelier for a summit taking place in the midst of a presidential campaign. Bush said he and Yeltsin would "get into the nuclear and military questions, and then the joint efforts in support of reform in Russia." Speculation in the capital was that Bush would press the Senate to ratify the pending Strategic Arms *Reduction Treaty (START) before the June summit and that he and Yeltsin would formally set a subse- quent goal of reducing each nation's arsenal to 2,500 to 4,500 such warheads. Bush and Yeltsin emphasized their mutual friendship and respect after a three-hour meeting at Camp David, Md., on Feb. 1. But the Russian president also cautioned that "if the reform in Russia goes under, the Cold War is going to turn into a hot war." At the June meeting, the two leaders are expected to try to move toward agreement on the broad dis- armament goals each has recently outlined. See BUSH, Page 2 Clinton Tsongas Sspt eorgia, m::2:: race Associated Press Paul Tsongas won Maryland's presidential primary last night and Bill Clinton countered in Georgia as Democratic rivals battled coast- to-coast for front-runner credentials. President Bush swept the GOP contests, but Patrick Buchanan maintained his determined challenge. The Democratic returns in Georgia showed Clinton with 58 percent, Tsongas 22 percent. Jerry Brown was third at 7 percent, trailed by Sen. Bob Kerrey at 5 percent and Sen. Tom Harkin, 3 percent. In Maryland, Tsongas had 42 percent to 32 percent for Clinton. An unusually upscale turnout of voters benefited former Massachusetts Sen. Paul Tsongas at Clinton's expense in Maryland, but the Black vote helped Clinton run a close second, Cable News Network reported in its analysis of exit polls. Clinton was leading for 87 delegates from the two states. However, Tsongas said his victory made him the "breakthrough kid," be- cause he was the first Democrat to prevail in a primary outside his home region. Strong Black support helped give a Democratic victory to Bill Clinton in Georgia, where the economy remained a po- tent issue in producing a sizable anti-Bush vote for Patrick Buchanan, according to exit polls. The first votes from Colorado showed a close, three-way finish among Clinton, Tsongas and Jerry Brown, and the night's re- sults appeared to assure a continuing, con- tentious string of primaries as Democrats pick an opponent for Bush in the fall. Democrats held caucuses in Minnesota, Idaho and Washington state and there was a primary in Utah. See PRIMARIES, Page 2 Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton speaks to the Temple Emeth Synagogue congregation in Delray Beach, Fla., yesterday where he promised support for Israel and national health care reform. City candidates debate parking problem by Erin Einhorn Daily City Reporter The 14 candidates running for City Council debated problems such as parking, safety and cleanliness in the downtown area yesterday during the first of a series of meet-the-can- didate forums. Because yesterday's forum was sponsored by the State Street Area Association, the candidates - one Republican and one Democrat from each of the city's five wards, as well as four Libertarianvcandidates - focused on merchant concerns. "We've always advocated a total privatization of the parking system," said David Raaflaub, the 5th Ward Libertarian candidate. He said the city has maintained a monopoly of Ann Arbor parking in the past. But Thais Peterson, a Democrat incumbent from the 5th Ward, disagreed. "The city has contributed a great deal to the downtown community by providing parking," she said. "I don't think (privatization) is economically feasible." Although the focus of yesterday's discussion was directed toward community business owners, several candidates have commented that See CITY, Page 2 Ciouciandi WV sI. ' r -I.);' x ~'.~5 s . WarIff Wa~~3rd D. cDemcat Drat at Larr unter* Peter Fink Boa 4Wy* Petr ls Tts Pterson* Repulican Republica Repub lia RepublcanROn HowadI King Ralph Midhener Joe O'Ne ranz M dis Jeff M Libe$.rian .ibertarii Ubo rin 1Libertar Ti.m rodel * iselman Nicholas ntaxes i R ub *indicates incumbent Erin Einhorn/DAILY GRAPHIC Cornell students charged in virus scam by Karen Sabgir Daily Higher Education Reporter The University's computer archive is one of several nationwide and abroad that may be infected with a computer virus allegedly planted by two Cornell University students. Cornell sophomores David Blumenthal and Mark Pilgrim, em- ployees at Cornell Information Technologies, were arraigned last Monday after pleading not-guilty to charges of computer tampering. The two allegedly planted a virus into three Macintosh computer games - Obnoxious Tetris, Tetricycle, and Ten Tile Puzzle - which were then sent to a filebank at the University, the University of Computer virus may strike 'U' Friday by David Wartowski Daily Research Reporter IBM owners may find their com- puters celebrating Michelangelo Buonarroti's 517th birthday by wip- ing out 8.9 Megabytes of its data. When an IBM or IBM-compati- ble infected with the Michelangelo virus is turned on Friday, it will permanently lose data before the Disk Operating System (DOS) is en- abled, said University Computer Texas, Stanford University, and Osaka, Japan. Reports of the virus have also been received from Wales, Britain, according to a written statement from Cornell News Services. "We haven't seen it," said Jim Sullivan, a member of the technical support group of University campus computing sights. "I assume it's pretty harmless ... We've put out the latest version of disinfectant at all of our sights." "Basically we're protected, but it's immensely irritating that people do this," Sullivan said. The disinfectant is a newly-re- vised program that kills a variety of viruses. Blumenthal said, "(The virus) copies itself and does nothing else. The vast majority of the damage re- ported is caused by users who restart their computers while the disk drive is spinning." Blumenthal would not comment, for legal reasons, on how the virus was created. Sullivan said he does not think the virus was designed to destroy software, and computers can only contract this virus when users copy programs from a computer network. "There is no way you can get it from MTS - just writing messages or using your own software," Sullivan said. However, problems could arise from sharing disks. Blumenthal said the virus is ex- clusive to Macintosh computers. "My only advisement would be to install virus-protection software," he said. The Cornell students were charged with computer tampering in the second degree and bonds were set at $2,000. Both bonds were posted last Tuesday afternoon fol- lowing a preliminary hearing. Another preliminary hearing is set for April 10. Students who find problems with their disks can go to any University computing sight to have the disks checked for the virus, Sullivan said. Close up Post-doctoral fellow John Kanki looks at Zebra Fish eggs under a microscope in the Natural Science Building for his research project. Senior pledge program begins donation drive by Robin Litwin Daily Staff Reporter will be calling seniors during the next few weeks, asking them to do- nate to the program. The six-year- Some seniors may leave a L' mark - .:, I