The Michigan Daily- Friday, February 21, 1992 - Page 5 Kerrey made an appeal to unemployed voters. "I don't believe that George Bush knows what a job is to most people," Kerrey said. "I really believe that the President thinks that un- employment is a thing you use to get rid of inflation." Tsongas, explaining his fiscally-conserva- tive approach, spoke against a middle class tax cut in favor of a more pro-business approach. "Ninety-seven cents a day. I don't want to give you a tax cut, I want to give you a job," Tsongas said. "I don't see how you can claim to be pro-employment and anti-business at the same time." But some voters were cynical about the can- didates' ability to find an economic cure. "The kids today, they're left with a mess, and I don't . .. know how to fix it, and the politicians r don'teither," said Bob Pidgeon of S o u t h ° Lyneboro. I've been in theworkforce for 20 years, and I've never seen anything like this. "I think, they're all politicians, and I doubt that they'll do any- by Andrew Levy Daily Campaign Issues Reporter MANCHESTER, N.H. - Most Americans watch presidential campaigns from an easy chair, allowing the news anchors to analyze issues while the events that will shape the future of the nation flicker across the television screen in the form of sound bites and tracking polls. In New Hampshire, things are done a little differently. In most places, the reality of the modern political campaign forces candidates to rush through umpteen states in four days - giving voters little opportunity to make personal con- tact. But in New Hampshire, the presidential candidates sweep into the state to participate in one of the last vestiges of one-on-one, issue- based campaigning. On the Saturday before the primary, Presi- dentGeorgeBush was making his final campaign swing through the state. A group of onlookers braved the freezing wind chill to meet the presi- * dent in a crowded airport hangar in Nashua. "I want to see what the president is going to say, see ifhemakes sense," said Sean McGeough, a student at Daniel Webster College, just up the road from the airport. McGeough said he wanted to judge for him- self whether the president was sincere about the issues, particularly health care. "I'm a Democrat, but I like Bush a lot," he said. "If I like what he says today, I'll vote for him. If not, Clinton gets my vote." New Hampshire, political pundits say, has a mind of its own - at least when it comes to electing the President of the United States. McGeough is typical of the average New Hampshire voter. Whereas voters in other states have to rely on what they read in the paper or sound bites they hear on the evening news, New Hampshire voters often take advantage of the opportunity to see the candidates speak in per- son before making their decision. "Who can do the most for me?" asked Dave Quealey, a resident of nearby Kittery, Maine. Quealey attended a Paul Tsongas rally in Ports- mouth the day before the primary to decide if Tsongas was the candidate for him. "Well, I don't think any of them have any solutions to the problems," Quealey said. "But my decision will be based on Will my life be better off because of who's elected. And my kids." Tsongas finished first in the Democratic race with 35 percent of the vote. His theme: "I'm not running for Santa Claus, I'm run- ning for president," apparently hit home with voters who said they were tired of false prom- ises and lies. "I'm basing my vote on the fact that Tsongas calls things as they are," said Charles Griffin, a Portsmouth resident who labeled the campaign a "dogfight." Bob Caswell, a Gorham, Maine, resident, agreed. "I was listening to a commentator who said that Tsongas' support was an enigma," Caswell said. "But he's a straight shooter - like Harry Truman. The former Massachusetts senator has made concrete policy proposals - including an 82- page documenttitled "A Call toEconomic Arms" in which he outlines his plan for recovery With the exception of Brown, Pidgeon said he thought the candidates are wary of discussing that issue for fear of scaring away voters. "I don't see anybody talking about that be- cause people don't want to hear it," Pidgeon said. "They don't really say anything." Tsongas supporter Jill Goldthwait said she also sees the economy as the major issue of the campaign. "I have a feeling that a lot of people put health care at the top of the list, but I say the economy, because if not for financial problems, health care wouldn't be the issue that it is," Goldthwait said. But even people who didn't see any new thinking in the candidates' financial proposals said they still based their vote on how well they thought their candidate could manage the economy. "I don't think Bush's plan is going to work," said Dover resident Wilma Sowerby, who cast her vote for the President. "But the man's expe- rience - he belongs in there. The other guys are Johnny-come-latelys with no experience to speak of." Paul Seaver, another Dover resident who voted for Bush, said, "Both parties try to say they're going to cut the deficit, they're going to create jobs, they're going to do this or that - they aren't going to do anything," he said. "I think the rest of the people aren't going to solve a problem that's been there for years. "(Bush) is just a figurehead - he's a puppet. Let's keep the President and flush the people underneath him," Seaver said. Clinton supporter Greg Norris, from Durham, said he voted for someone he thought would do well in November and as president. "I'm not sure about his plan, but he seemed to appreciate the complexity of the economic issues and exhibited leadership qualities that will help him deal with Congress," Norris said. So, the people of New Hampshire made their choice. Tsongas picked up the Democratic vic- tory, and Buchanan won a moral victory, capturing a seemingly impossible 40 percent of the Republican vote., Now the candidates have moved on to their multi-state whirlwind tours, and they have left New Hampshire behind. But the candidates left a mark on New Hamp- shire. Their personal approach was embraced by voters numbed by four years of negative adver- tisements and sound bites. "I think it's been really exciting," said Uni- versity of New Hampshire student Carolyn Lambert. "I've been more informed because I've been exposed to the issues. And, being in an educational community, there's a lot more ac- cess than where I came from." Lambert said she isn't sure what effect New Hampshire will have on the rest of the cam- paign. But she was confident that the majority of voters in the state now have the ability to make their decision based on clear conceptions and ideas. "The candidates are doing a good job of talking about the issues as opposed to propa- ganda - well, not propaganda, but slogans," Lambert said. Organizing a one-on-one campaign is rela- tively easy in New Hampshire because it is a small state with few voters. But as voter apathy and cynicism invade the electoral process, New Hampshire shines as an ex- ample of how the process could be. Jerry Brown has made "taking back the process" an issue in the campaign. Whether or not they voted for Brown this week- end, New Hampshire took back the process - at least for now. "There's been a lot of exposure," Durham voter Adam Gerloff said. "I feel like the candidates have reached out to us and made an appeal, and that's good." Student concerns fall on deaf ears Today, the University Board of Regents is going to transfer the deputization of the University police force to itself. I don't think anybody believes otherwise. Not the regents, who will actually perform the act. Not University President James Duderstadt. Not any of the people who have protested this action over Mate the last two Matthew years. Rennie Nobody. Since it's a foregone conclusion, I don't want to talk about it here. What has happened over the last two days is not about deputization, so much as it is about the rights of students, something which apparently does' not concern the regents. I'm not talking about the possibility of a cop shooting a student. I'm not even talking abut how the money used for this endeavor could be better utilized somewhere else. I'm talking about students' having the chance to voice their opinions over an issue which will clearly affect their lives. I cannot honestly say that I know how most students feel about this issue, but neither do the regents. And they don't appear interested in finding out. The regents were required by law to hold two days of public hearings before they could deputize their own police force. And the regents held two days of meetings. Three hours. No more. The administration didn't worry about how many people wanted to speak; they just wanted to cover themselves legally. And if you wanted to speak a#: these meetings, you had to call m advance and state on which side f the issue you stood. The administration provided 35 five-minute slots for any member of the community to speak. If you weren't signed up for one of these slots, then your voice didn't exist so far as the regents were con- cerned. The administration will say that giving everyone a chance to speak is unrealistic, that the regents just don't have that kind of time. No time? Issues of this magni tude come up so rarely that when' they do, the regents should take the time to hear everyone who wantito speak. If that means taking 10 hours, take 10 hours. If the University doesn't mean enough to them to warrant a.10-hour investment, then they don't deserve their jobs. At Wednesday's hearings, Regent Deane Baker dismissed the crowd that was clamoring to gain entrance to the Alumni Center by' saying that they were the same . people who showed up at every other protest. "Today, it's deputization. Next month, it will be something else," Baker said. Apparently, Baker feels that all students' concerns can be wadded up into a ball and thrown away. Others pointed out that this year's deputization protests were considerably smaller than last year's. This is not a sign that students have been won over to the idea of deputization. It is a sign that students are tired of screaming at a. university that is deaf to their complaints. Apathy breeds apathy. Many students who marched in protest last year no longer feel they can make a difference. They saw how their efforts were ignored a year, ago by the same administrators - who are still around today. These students don't feel protesting is worth the effort anymore. They're content to go to classes, pay tuition, and graduate. Unless this trend changes, all. communication between students, and administrators will break doWn completely. Each group will lead lives isolated from one another, and Pidgeon, a Democrat, said. "There's a real problem in the United States. People here have had it too good for too long, and the honeymoon seems to be over." individual eco- nomic messages during rallies and meetings at VFW halls, schools, and hotel ballrooms. Republican Pat Buchanan preached, "America first!" in an appeal to conservatives in favor of placing trade restrictions on Japan and giving aid to America before trying to support the former Soviet Union. President Bush touted the seven-point re- covery plan he submitted to Congress during his campaign trip to the Granite state. Democratic candidates Tsongas and Bob PHOTOS BY THE ASSOCIATED P R E S S Top Left A shopper at a Manchester shopping mall shows candidate Bob Kerrey who she