S Page 4-The Michigan Daily- Wednesday, February 19, 1992 Editrcb 4jn C& I Editor in Chief _ r { ,,,,_ C "' " T MA a 7z E T Hrs= -Fc:Toiy5* AgaCP7/N&- 0000 J 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 764 - 0552 MAITIEW D. RENNIE Opinion Editors YAEL CITRO GEOFFREY EARLE AMITAVA MAZUMDAR Gi. /~ j I ." Edited and Managed by Students at the University of Michigan Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. ... "f 17 a[;:SR '7 T. ._? .1' 1 ,,t ...,.,..,,.:,...A,,..... .,............,..,.......--- T- --....,:,... .:.<..., ._.....,,. Duderstadt is ilel Ilegal consul for the University filed a legal brief asking the Michigan Su- preme Court to overturn a recent State Appeals Court ruling which stated the University con- ducted illegal meetings in its search for a new University president. The closed meetings held during that the search process was in direct viola- tion of the Open Meetings Act. The University's move to appeal the decision is disheartening and ill-advised. Despite the appeals-court decision, the regents are willing to continue openly breaking the law. It is unfortunate that they chose to waste University resources on additional fines and legal costs that will accompany the trial. The University is asking the state to grant it the authority to pick administration officials "any way it wants." This requestis superseded by the public's interest to be privy to the dealings of governmental bodies, including elected regents, as defined by the Open Meetings Act. The University's argument that it will be unable to attract qualified candidates to fill top positions if it follows the law is ludicrous. Institutions that comply with the law have no trouble finding suitable candidates. It is crucial that the community, and especially students, have the right to have a voice - and a right to be informed - during the presidential selection pro- cess if the institutions governing universities are to remain democratic nand responsive to the voters gal, why appeal? thatelectedthem.Unfortunate y,theregents prefer the public is kept in the dark throughout the pro- cess. The administration argues in a legal brief that simply because the state constitution charges the regents with selecting a president, the regents can select the president in any manner it sees fit. On this basis, any governing body from the U.S. Senate to the Ann Arbor City Council could make decisions in secret, without regard to the public interest, as they see fit. If the Michigan Supreme Court decides to hear the case, the decision will have lasting im- pacts on the rights of the people to be involved in the governing of colleges and universities through- out the state. The Court must then affirm that the regental action is a clear and willful violation of the Open Meetings Act. Without upholding the decision of the appeals court, the court would allow the Uni- versity to meet in secret, through conference calls and smoky back rooms, dictating public policy, without considering the concerns of community residents, University employees, or students. The University's decision to appeal means that the regents will continue to view the public, includ- ing students, as an enemy to openly deceive, rather than a public that has a constitutionally guaranteed right to oversee the activities of the government. OZONE~d tom!A N ." ' r"' oskA. K+7CE~ ~7(Lr 1K~JA~Pift~WD/4?. A _T.. Tr1'T'l Tf C9... Don't mess with the press 'r e Michigan Court of Appeals ruled yesterday that a Detroit judge must return notes confis- cated from a reporter and and allow the media to return to the courtroom. Last week, Judge Vera Massey Jones confiscated a reporter's notebook and ejected aphotographer in the trial of Cassandra Rutherford, one of six Black women accused of beating three white women at last July's Detroit fireworks festival. Jones barred all note-taking and photography from the courtroom. Citing fears that the jury might be affected by the media presence, she stated that "If I don't stop it, we won't have a fair trial." The Appeals Court ruling is welcome. Jones' decision was a direct violaton of the First Amenment. The public and the press have a right to monitor the administration and application of criminal justice. This is constitutional law. That basic right implies that members of the press, as representatives of the public, should be able to do their jobs and report on a trial. The notion that note-taking could be prohibited in a court of law is extraordinary, if not unprec- edented, in the history of the U.S. legal system. It is difficult to understand how note-taking could disrupt the trial. But Judge Jones stated this as one of her reasons for confiscating the note pad. If the jury is chosen and agreed to by both the prosecu- tion and the defense attorneys, then bias is irrel- evant. The judge should realize that even if it is her responsibility to ensure a fair trial, she should not limit the public's access to the facts or the proceed- ings of the case. Surely, the fairness of the case rests on the judge's ability to protect the rights of the accused within the court room. . But, reporters can have little or no effect on the opinions of the jury by looking at them and taking notes. This case has relevance to the entire Detroit metro area. Since there is no way the nearly six million residents of the area can attend the trial at the same time, it is necessary for coverage of the trial to be available to interested parties. Jones surely has a difficult task in keeping the trial as fair as possible. But the press, by simply taking note of the events that occur, does not have a great influence on the outcome of the case, unless the members of the jury are allowed to read the reports - which is not allowed. In order to restrict the access of the press, the judge must give plau- sible and specific reasons why the press is endan- gering the fairness of the trial. The fact is she has not. Daily tells lies To the Daily, Regarding your attack on Jeff Muir and the Academic Affairs Commission's effort towards a 24-hour library ("We can't take any Muir" 2/3/92) I wanted to correct some of your lies. First, you stated that no other student governments were involved. Since the beginning I, Brett White LSA SG President, have been involved with and have attended every Academic Affairs Commis- sion meeting on this subject. You state that there had been only one meeting. This is untrue, in fact there had been two. You criticized the Commis- sion for not contacting Maureen Hartford, the new vice president for student Services, concerning the subject. The truth is that I spoke to her personally about the subject in a meeting on January 31. All of this could have been avoided if you would have bothered to either show up at one of our meetings or called someone to verify your false information. To do otherwise is extremely unprofessional and unethical. Brett White LSA SG President FIier tacky, not sexist To the Daily: This letter is in response torthe letter (1/31/92) regarding the flier distributed by Theta Delta Chi Fraternity for winter rush. The woman who views this flier and thinks only of rape is missing the point. Beer and scantily dressed women display the lack of taste and sophistication promoted by Theta Delta Chi. This particular woman in the flier is not pre- sented as a future rape victim, but as a slut, a woman of loose morals, a willing participant in the whole copulatory act. Beer and cheap sex, the stuff of which fraternity pipe dreams are made. Or is that just a stereotype? Rick Shick RC Senior The Daily encourages its readers to write. Send all signed letters to: The Michi- gan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109. Or via MTS to: The Michgian Daily, Letters to the Editor. To the Daily: Kudos, for once, to Mary Ann Swain and the 'U administration for denying NORML the right to hold their rally on the Diag for the Hash Bash (2/4/92). While the legalization of marijuana is certainly a legitimate political question, the Diag is not the place for it. People go to the Hash Bash to relax and have a slightly illicit good time, and I for one do not want my valuable brain-free time taken up by the Kudos to Swain r t t I c K 1 * l f I c 1 l c 1 l c c i t c I c Y i t 1 exhortations of a group of people who have smoked so much pot that they're willing to devote their lives to its cause. Although the rallies generate a certain amount of unintentional high camp, I and most other Michigan students, and perhaps even the sullen teens from Livonia who seem to have invaded the event in recent years, would much rather indulge in the activities that make the Hash Bash such a pleasant tradition: Frisbee, staring at the sun, and saucy grins. Ian Campbell LSA student Protesters disruptive, abusive To the Daily: Demagogic chants meant to Not only was the disruptive further disrupt the lecture dis- display by Ann Arbor Committee played the closed-minded to Defend Abortion and Repro- ignorance of the demonstrators, ductive Rights (AACDARR) at who openly believed that all the lecture on "Racism and students and others attending the Abortion" violent, vulgar, and lecture were racist, sexist, anti- misguided, it also attempted to gay, supporters of the KKK, suppress not only the freedom of communists and against mastur- speech we enjoy, but also the bation and birth control. University's attempts to create a Before I had said a word, I learning environment in which all was condemned as inherently sides of an issue, however racist and sexist because I am a unpopular with certain members dreaded "white male." of the campus, may be subjec- Though none of my open tively and creatively explored and questions were intelligently expressed. answered by the group's mem- Reactions of AACDARR bers, who seemed more interested members to the speaker and in personal attacks, and who audience members (who were declined to stay for the majority indicted by their mere presence) of the lecture, I was offered an included violent shrieking, analogy comparing abortion to yelling, assorted bodily noises, cutting fingernails. and constant outbursts of profan- Though I fundamentally ity. respect AACDARR's right to free AACDARR seemed quite speech and disagreement, the upset that MSA gave financial hatred in their eyes as they all support for the speaker to come yelled at me led me to the and speak from an anti-abortion conclusion that they have become perspective, though they failed to like the racists they claim to be produce a speaker of their own against, in that their misunder- with a grant request. standing stems from an ignorance Such disorganization and lack they have no desire to learn about. of insight was also evident in the More open-minded students propaganda flyer they distributed who are responsible enough to before the lecture began, which seek the opinions of both sides on suggested that AACDARR an issue as important as abortion members, in seeming contrast to should not be subjected to anger anti-abortion people, were against and violence because they are racism and sexism, but for AIDS searching for their own personal research, and improved health truth. AACDARR's actions were care and educational systems. " a display of ignorance and Almost every listed goal of showed a lack of responsibility AACDARR that is not supportive toward the University community. 0 of abortion is also a goal of anti- abortion and other human rights groups at this campus and nationwide. Rich Martin SNR junior !' 1 AU ,mi'l'T TWVU" T WU.T[IT!'iT71^ Polk distorts by Andrew Mutch Deputization public hearings will be held today from 4to 6p.m. in the Michigan, League Ballroom and tomorrow from 4 to 5 p.m. in the Michigan Union Ballroom. The viewpoints of MSA representatives are so rarely seen in the Daily that it was unfortu- nate to see a MSA representative use the opportunity to attack other representatives. However, Amyr rPolk's use of the Daily to slander her fellow representatives can not be ignored. Starting in the Daily (12/11/92), Ms. Polk accused Conservative Coalition (CC) members of voting "the party line" in order to secure every committee and commission chair on MSA. In an opinion article in the Daily (1/15/92), she continued spewing her lies which included: Lie 1: Budget Priorities Chair Sejal Mistry had "almost no previous experience with budgets facts in op-ed Lie 3: "MSA representatives from opposition parties, indepen- dent representatives from small schools and interested students with no previous affiliation to MSA were all rejected by the CC- dominated assembly." First, an independent and a student who had run against CC in the fall elections were both elected chairpersons. Secondly, only one small school representative ran for a vice-chair position. The CC candidate won by nine votes because of the support of indepen- dents on the Assembly. The same representative was later selected for a vice-chair position by the same "CC-dominated assembly." Finally, after criticizing the piece those with whom he disagreed could not attend." Actually, he said that he would "stack" the- commission with people favorable towards his goals. This was a tactic used by Corey Dolgon when he was the Students Rights Commission chair. "Stacking" a commission is perfectly legal and Mr. Vanderburg has publicly an- nounced where and when his meetings are held. How quickly Amy Polk has forgotten the days when the radical-left dominated Assembly passed around sheets asking fellow radicals which commis- sions and committees they wanted. Back then there was never any talk of representatives Nuts and Bolts Howes'voE DO IW 'D,11NK 4qED I-WDLE THE IeA OF CAU00NO H~OWL WtI WORSE by Judd Winick L 1''NEPN AN1? KR UP PSA 1A1(AND TO W C44E6 NOD O a