The long-awaited deputization hearings begin today in the Michigan League Ballroom from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. All should attend. Indulge your primal teenage urges this weekend when Primal Scream and Teenage Fanclub - two of the hippest British bands on the Creation label - play in Detroit. The Michigan ice hockey team moved into a first-place tie with Lake Superior State by beating Ohio State last night, 3-2. Brian Wiseman and Denny Felsner led the way. Today' Dreary, sprinkles; High: 39, Low: 27 Tomorrow Mostly cloudy; High 37, Low 29 V 41r 4ir Yi One hundred and one years of editorial freedom Vol. ClI, No. 80 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, February 19, 1992 TCoyigt199 'U, cop hearings *begin today by Melissa Peerless Daily Administration Reporter The University Board of Regents will hold the first of two public hear- ings on deputization today from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Michigan League Ballroom. The hearings will address plans to transfer responsibility for the dep- utization of the University police force from the Washtenaw County Sheriff to the regents. The regents will vote on the transfer during their regular meeting Friday. The public will also have the op- portunity to address the regents dur- ing a hearing from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow in the Michigan Union Ballroom. More than 20 people are expected to speak at the hearings, but University President James Duderstadt said in an interview Monday that he thinks most students o support deputization. "I think the overwhelming major- ity of the campus is in favor of deputization. A small, very loud mi- nority is not in favor. Most people have been relatively happy with the way deputization has been going. It is making a difference," he said. However, an April 1990 MSA poll showed that 70 percent of stu- dents did not support the * University's establishment of an armed police force. Several student groups have or- ganized a massive effort against the transfer of deputization power. The faction called the Coalition of Students Against Deputization (CSAD) is planning to protest at the League at 3 p.m. today. The group includes the Black Student Union, Progressive People of Color and 0 See COPS, Page 2 Buchanan message to Bush: 42 percent by Andrew Levy Daily Campaign Issues Reporter MANCHESTER, N.H. - Former Massachusetts Sen. Paul Tsongas may have walked away with the nation's first Democratic primary yesterday, but the real story was Republican challenger and former political commentator Pat Buchanan's large percentage of the vote in the GOP primary. Buchanan, who polled 30 per- cent in the final Boston Globe tracking poll Monday, shocked media analysts by pulling in 42 percent of the vote in the final tally - sending a clear message to President Bush, who barely man- aged to gain a majority of New Hampshire Republican votes with 55 percent. "The Buchanan brigades met King George's army all along the Concord-Nashua line," Buchanan said. "And we hear reports that George Bush's army is retreating back over the Massachusetts line. "Tonight what began as a little rebellion has emerged and grown into a full-fledged middle- American revolution." Analysts predicted Buchanan would garner no more than 35 per- cent of the vote in the days before the primary, but the 42 percent he actually won was well above the 40 percent plateau that numerous onlookers - including former President Richard Nixon - said would pose a serious problem to Bush. Indeed, many people said they see the unexpectedly high Buchanan percentage as a protest vote - in- tended to send the message to Bush that he is off-track. "(The Buchanan vote) was driven by the economic issues," said William Schneider of Public Opinion, in a CNN interview last night. "He won in big margins among people who were angry about the economy." See PRIMARY, Page 2 VHARY 35% 26% 11% 10% 4% 55% 42% Andrew M. Levy/DAILY GRAPHIC Ar PPHOT Republican presidential hopeful Patrick Buchanan talks to the media at a polling station in Nashua, N.H., yesterday. Students 'surprised' by N.H. primary results by Hope Calati Daily Staff Reporter University students expressed surprise at the results of yesterday's New Hampshire presidential primary. LSA first-year student Shaad Ahmed said he was shocked by Republican candidate Patrick Buchanan's strong showing. "He seems to be coming on (Bush's) rear. Buchanan is a threat. I think he is going to make (the race) interesting," Ahmed said. Engineering sophomore Mac Lynch said Buchanan's strong per- formance will cause.Bush to view him as a serious contender. "I think it's going to be an eye-opener to Bush," he said. LSA sophomore Brent Knight said he felt that if former Massachusetts Sen. Paul Tsongas - the New Hampshire primary- winner - were to win the Democratic nomination, he would be unable to beat the Republican nominee. "The Democrats can't win with Tsongas. He has no national appeal. I think Clinton will win in the South and split the Democrats." LSA sophomore Chuck Ford said he disagreed with Knight's assessment of Tsongas. "(The candidates) are all TV personalities. People want substance. That's why they want Tsongas," he said. Law student and chair of The University of Michigan Bill Clinton for President Committee Matt Moore said he was impressed with Clinton's showing. "The people of New Hampshire have helped buoy his campaign to help him compete nationally," Moore said. LSA first-year student Scott Sould said he thought write-in candidate New York Governor Mario Cuomo - who received approximately 4 percent of the vote in New Hampshire -- could win the Democratic Party nomination if he were to throw his hat into the ring. However, Soul said he though Bush would ultimately win due to the popularity of the Persian Gulf War. He said, "People will remem- ber the war. Bush is going to carry because he is a leader." Kevin Hewett, Engineering first-year student, said he disagreed with the assessment of Bush as a shoo-in candidate. "It doesn't seem to me he fulfilled all of the promises he made last time," Hewett said. Engineering sophomore Derek Christensen said the results of the Republican primary are an indicator of Bush's popularity. He said, "There is no Democrat with serious charisma. It is an 'against-Bush' vote that will beat him." I Jeffries defends himself against "alleged racism Pollack speaks against third women's party senator cites meta, governentabies by Mona Qureshi Daily Staff Reporter City University of New York's Chair of Black studies Leonard Jeffries spoke to a crowded Union Ballroom audience last night, de- fending himself against the contro- versy that has surrounded him for al- legedly making remarks such as an "You can't trust the white boy," at an Albany, N.Y. cultural festival last summer. "One of the things you need to appreciate and understand is that this (issue) is not about Leonard Jeffries. It's a process by white people to in- timidate ... and destroy African leadership," Jeffries said in his opening. "If you were rich, white, and in power, you would be at Yale, Harvard, or Princeton. You wouldn't be here at 'Cow College,"' Jeffries said, referring to the University. Jeffries said he is not anti- Semitic, but that he sympathized with Jews. "Jews are the victims of white supremacy. Whenever they made a contribution, they were vic- timized by everyone who passed them," Jeffries said. He explained that he was the president of his college fraternity, which was predominantly Jewish and had only three other Black See JEFFRIES Page 2 by Nicole Malenfant Daily Staff Reporter Sen. Lana Pollack (D-Ann Arbor) discussed the ramifications of creating a third political party last night before approximately 75 ac- tivists at a talk sponsored by the National Organization of Women (NOW). In response to the performance of Democrats and Republicans in re- cent years, many activists - primar- ily feminists - are proposing the creation of a third party. The recent confirmation of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court was cited as an example of the failures of ruling parties to act in the interest of women. Pollack said she agreed neither party has been sensitive to women's issues, but said she does not believe a third party would be successful under.the current governmental system. "It just won't work," Pollack said. "It is the quickest way to lose the power we do have." NOW President Bev Fish said she agreed with Pollack. "It's a waste of our time and energy. We've worked so hard to get women elected into the existing two-party system, why go and pull them out?" -S. --: Pollack cited several shortcom- ings with the creation of a third party. She said states often erect barriers to these smaller parties - making it difficult to get on the ballot. She added that federal law also discriminates against third parties by Ties that bind Robby and Jan DeBoer of Ann Arbor play with their one-year-old adopted daughter. The couple is embroiled in an unusual custody battle with both I hnl nn UIIJIIJUI .i. II I An fl hll I -. -_",. - -m u i--ca m me- an rt-r._ a U.S. internment camps ignored civil rights by Mona Qureshi Daily Staff Reporter Today marks the 50th anniver- sary of President Franklin Roosevelt's Executive Order 9066, which asked the military to build. concentration camps to intern first- and second-generation Japanese Americans. the Residential College Gail Nomura said the camps had devastating ef- fects on the interned Japanese Americans. "It was a prison camp and the government certainly was . not following due process." "It was a great psychological loss for Japanese Americans. Here they were, fighting at home in the "People of Japanese ancestry were in their second or third genera- tions as Americans by 1942," Nomura said. "It is strange to look at December 1941 and look at these people as foreign." Yuzuru Takeshita, professor of Health Behavior and Health Education, was confined to two dif- Takeshita was one of four "No- No Boys," who answered "No" to two questions about Japanese American loyalties. One asked Japanese Americans if they would serve in the armed forces whenever ordered, and the other asked if they would "forswear any form of alle- giance or obedience to the Japanese Pollack withholding public campaign funds and not including them in the Equal Time laws that the media must follow when running campaign ads. "There is nothing in our history that would indicate that a third party would have any major impact shap- ing the future of our country,"