8 U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER Comment and Opinion/FEBRUARY 1992 0 Dollars and Sense/FEBRUARY 1992 0 0 U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER 17 U THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER. By presenting a wide range of opinions and ideas rpted romhunresocmusnewsppen ~e acrossthenation,supported bytheirmediaadvisers to report the activtes ssues and concerns of their fellow dns. CHAIRMANANDEDITORIAL DIRECTOR PRESIDENTAND PUBLISHER JScttSchmidt MANAGINGEDITOR Mark C. Charnock ASSOCIATE EDITOR JackiHampton EDITORS ON FELLOWSHIP V alrieloner, Canpus Caer, Berry College J.S.NewtTon, la Pro , Eaten Keucky U. Ty lVengor, Te0anL, Ohio StteU. laurel Wissinger, The Breeze James Madison U. EDITORIALADVISORYCOUNCIL 'onm Rolniki Associated CollegiatePress Lesley Marcell The Nioll Worh, Nicholls State U. Laura Widmer h'eNohest0ssoriann NrthestMi~oui St. Edmund Sullivan ColmbiSholAtiPessAso. J.David Reed T.eDailyEasenNew, EasternnIllinois U. RichardC. Ltle ThnDaily Texan, U. ofTexasAutin Monan.ns Daily Tojn, U.ofSouthern California MarkGoodman StudentPressLawCenter Jan T. Childress UniversityDaily,Texas Tech U. Richard Sublete FloridanFlbe.n, Florida State U. IesHyde SMUDiy Cannpu, Southern MethodistU. Robrt Bullrd Th SateNxs, Mihign Sat . Kthy Lawrece s a CsnWhteU.fAabma Ericjacobs TheDailyPenyloanian,U.ofPennsylania David S. Adams Indiana Daily StudentIndiana U. W. 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VBPA eU.y Underage drinking provides more thrills By TODD KANE TheDaily Collegian, U. of Massachusetts Every person has a dream of what turning 21 is going to be like. I was awarded my 15 minutes of fame in November. To put it blontly, Ehe legal experience was nothing I had hoped for. For the past two or three years, I have been getting kicked out of bars for being under 21. When I did get into bars, I was so stressed out about being discovered by burly bouncers that I hid in the deepest, darkest, most anti- social part of the bar in hopes I could drink in peace. I swore my 21st birthday was going to be different. I envisioned myself gliding into my dream bar with all eyes fixed on my svelte coolness. "That's Todd Kane. He turned 21 today. Buy him beer." Instead of becoming a blithering fool as I sank into the depths of drunkenness, I would be the epitome of composure. Stairs would become places to show off my dexterity. Conversation would be intelligent, free of stuttering and belching. Onlookers would chant my name as I shot game after game of perfect electronic darts. Package stores would greet me with open arms. The beer cooler doors would swing open, showering me with cold snowflakes and arcticwind. I saw bars as forums for the development of minds and spirit. People would speak freely about current issues and problems with our society like philosophies. Chess, pool and darts would take the place of video games and pinball. Large screen TVs would be replaced by Shakespeare-in-the-round. Culture would overcome chaos. Go ahead, cheat your heart out ByJAMES ROBERTS Daily Targum, Rutgers U. Devilish back-row glances and sweatys -- s palmed crib notes have been the mainstays -iof most gritty cheaters for years. But now,a instead of using those old tricks, the Now, for the reality. After my classes, I ambled over to the neighborhood package store to buy my first legal six-pack. The guy behind the counter didn't even ask for my ID. I bought my six- pack and left in dismay. I returned home to my empty apartment to begin typing my resume. It struck me as slightly ironic that I was drinking my first legal beer while trying to glorify my loathesome employment history. Instead of going out to the dream bar, I went to a local "Good ol Boys" bar with my roommate. No, it wasn't the forum of culture I hoped for, but at least I got a free drink. Everything was fine until thejukebox started blaring Barbara Mandrell and other selections from "Hee Haw's Greatest Hits." My ears could stand no more, and I dragged my roommate to one of the more popular bars in town. This bar, which was packed every night before my birthday, now looked like Siberia at rush hour. I moseyed up to the bar and ordered a drink after my roommate told the bartender it was my "special day." I took the drink and did an about face. "Hey, that's $2.50 for the drink," the bartender yelled. I struggled with the reality that I was just another legal face in the crowd, fully subject to not much more than outrageously inflated bar prices. comprehensive-mindeu cheater can reau a new book on how to scam the exam. "Cheating 101: The benefits and fundamentals of earning the easy 'A.'" is an 87-page book written and published last fall by Michael Moore. It tells why students should cheat and what they should do if they're caught. Moore, a Rutgers U. junior majoring in journalism, said students should know about what's going on in higher education. "Education is impersonal, and it wouldn't be that bad if you weren't shelling out all that money for it," he said. "College is big business, so a lot of the time the plight of the student is secondary." Moore's advice for people that agree with this line of thinking: cheat. He claims 80 percent of college students do it anyway. "Professors cannot police classrooms." he said. "(Teachers) would lose their minds trying to memorize (cheating techniques)." Here are a few choice examples of what you will find in the book: Stick shift: On multiple choice tests, place your feet in positions similar to car gear shift positions, representing answers 'A' through 'E' to help out a fellow cheater. Subbing: Have an ace student take an exam in place of you. Make sure the ace knows your correct student and/or social security number, though. Make, fake, take: Before the exam ask the professor if you can make up a test later. Then go to the first exam anyway and memorize it for the makeup. Doctoring: Sneak into the exam room the day before and write the answers in code on a desk. It is no surprise "Cheating 101" has For the good of the frat... National fraternities and sororities, in an effort to protect their names and make profits, have asked retailers to recognize their Greek letters as trademarks - a move some say would hurt the Greek system. Twenty-three Greek organizations are working with Greek Properties Inc., a licensing firm from Atlanta, to convince vendors to recognize Greek letters as registered trademarks. Patrick Battle, vice president of marketing for Greek Properties, said the primary reasons for the licensing effort are to protect logos and names from any distasteful use and to expand the Greek market. Rocca Maria Balice, Daily Illini, U. of Illinois Testing the waters... A proposal by the Department of Education has got the attention of campus administrators and students, who believe it may threaten minority enrollment on U.S. campuses. "The purpose (of the new regulation) is: to help colleges and universities find ways to structure their financial aid programs so that they can effectively attract a diverse and educationally stim- ulating student body ...without un- lawfully discrim- inating based on race, color or national origin," a Alexander statement from the DOE said. U.S. Secretary of Education Lamar Alexander issued the proposal in early December, but will wait until after March 2 to decide when, and if, the proposal will be put into effect. Alexander's proposal would not allow colleges to use race as the only means of awarding certain scholarships. uJoe Vince, The Maneater, U. of Missouri LANY FOSTER, RAILY IARGUM, ITGES U. While three Rutgers students diligently study for their final exams, Michael Moore studies his book, "Cheating 101: The benefits and fundamentals of earning the easy 'A'." Animal abuse glorified your paper showed itself to be behind the members have included hanging cats, times regarding the treatment of animals. kicking chickens, biting the heads off To the editor: Your paper should have condemned rather turkeys, submerging dogs in beer and I was appalled to read in the September than celebrated the animal abuse involved countless other atrocities. Some universities 1991 edition of U. that during a benefit for in this contest. It is unfortunate that have responded enthusiastically to our the Association for Retarded Citizens mentally retarded human beings should be request that policies be implemented to organized by Penn State's Phi Kappa Psi the unwitting recipients of the blood money prevent animal abuse, and I'm sure that, fraternity chapter and Kappa Alpha Theta raised in this manner. like us, they would be disappointed to find sorority chapter, a man ate worms and a People for the Ethical Treatment of U.hampering this effort. women swallowed goldfishes and were given Animals has recently undertaken the task of a prize for doing so. ending animal abuse by fraternities across David Cantor In portraying these episodes as amusing, the country. Acts of cruelty by fraternity Campus Campaign Coordinator, PETA - Vj~iEW -8 62-e1 In 1986, afederal highwayffunding actforced states to raise the drinking age to 21. Since then students and administrators havestruggled with the issue ofunderage drinking. Is the drinking age an effective tool in curbing underage drinking?s Call our toll-free number today to vote yes or no. November results Readers were overwhelmingly in favor of being notified if their. doctor or dentist tested positive for the HIV virus. Final tally: For, 94%, Against, 6% An effective tool? received mixed reviews from school administrators and students. One Rutgers educator, Jim Reed, said, "Frankly, the manual is not going to provide any information which would help (anyone) improve theirlives." Moore, who transferred to Rutgers from St. Francis College, Pa., said he got the book idea after he saw students cheating in his classes during semester exams. A first-year student at Rutgers, who asked to be identified only as Ryan, said if he had obtained the book previously, he might not have been caught cheating recently. "The method I used wasn't very intelligent." he said. "I think (the book) would have sparked the flame of ingenuity and incited me to choose a more creative method." On sale for $6, (he makes about $1.50 per book) Moore has marketed it at Delaware State U., the U. of Maryland, Ohio State U. and Rutgers U. More than 1,000 copies were sold the first month of publication, and Moore plans to market his book in Boston later this year. Some, like Reed, are not so happy with the book's success. "I would like to see someone of higher intellectual ability than Mr. Moore show me how to cheat in my tests," Reed said. "I feel his publication is a way to exploitcredulous or weak students." Pro bono work may become the rule at law schools By COQUIASPIAZU TheDaily Campus, Southern Methodist U. A mandatory pro bono requirement is being considered as a prerequisite for law school graduation at campuses like American U. and Southern Methodist U., where some faculty and students believe it would help graduates become better acquainted with the people they will serve. "Many schools, including our own, teach about what it means to be a lawyer," said PeterJaszi, a law professor at the Washington College of Law at American U. "Lawyers are supposed to do more than earn the most money possible. They must provide legal representation to those who can't afford it." Washington College is considering implementing 70 hours of pro bono work. Still, students believe the idea of mandating volunteer "Lawyers are supposed to do more than earn the most money possible. They must provide legal representation to those who can't afford it" - Peter Jaszi work steps across the line of what many think should be the choice of the student. Sylvia Novinsky, Student Bar Association President at American U., said students at her school voted down a mandatory pro bono requirment in a schoolwide referendum because of differing interpretations about the functions of a lawyer. "Some do it for money, some do it for social work," she said. Still others find irony in the obvious contradiction of the phrase "pro bono requirement." Southern Methodist U. has just set up a task force to look into a possible pro bono requirement. "It's a good way to get off the books and get to see real people with real problems," said Jaime Diez, who heads up the school's Student Bar Association at Southern Methodist U. The school of law at U. of South Carolina, has found a happy medium, and some say it may be the best solution to the pro bono dilemma. The law school's student pro bono program is strictly volunteer. Pam Robinson, the program's director said students are responding so well to the program that many have even worked during semester exams. "You don't force people into sensitivity," she said.