6 U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER News Features/FEBRUARY 1992 0 Decision to run Holocaust ad splits campus papers By GWEN SHAFFER The Michigan Daily, U. of Michigan An advertisement claiming that the Holocaust never occurred has been printed in several college newspapers, sparking controversy on campuses and increasing anti- Semitic concerns. To date, five college newspapers - The Michigan Daily, The Cornell Daily Sun, The Northern Star at Northern Illinois U., The Daily Northwestern, and The Duke Chronicle- have printed the ad, written by the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH). About 10 other student newspapers received the ad but declined to run it. Editors of the papers that printed the ads have defended their actions by citing CODOH's FirstAmendment rights. After the advertisement, titled "The Holocaust Controversy: The Case for Open Debate," ran, members of the respective Jewish communities on each campus reacted by organizing protests. Many Jewish and non-Jewish students said they were deeply offended by the material. Duke U. protesters react to ad appearing In The Duke Chronicle. "I was upset and offended because people who haven't had exposure to the Holocaust could be swayed by CODOH's arguments," said Susan Katz, a UMjunior. Statistics from the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL) in New York indicate bigotry on college campuses has increased dramatically in the past several years. In 1984, six incidents of anti-Semitism were reported to the ADL, while more than 100 were reported last year, said Jeffrey A new battle plan at Alfred U. The faculty at Alfred U. is implementing a unique battle plan in the war on ROTC's ban against gays. The faculty voted to strip ROTC classes of academic credit by 1996 unless the Department of Defense drops its ban before next September. Alfred Provost Richard W. Ott said that if the motion carries, ROTC classes will lose all curricular status and no longer satisfy the physical education requirement. But President Edward G. Coll,Jr., will attempt to bar that action as it would, in effect, dissolve the program. "It is a decision for the Board of Trustees," he said. The contract that grants ROTC scholarships requires that fully accredited courses are applied toward graduation, said Pentagon spokesman Col. Doug Hart. "If creditwas removed, I imaginewewould have to leave," he said.. Gregg Myers, Fiat Lux, Alfred U. "Coming Out" at Northeastern U. James Patterson, like many other college students, "came out" to friends, faculty and schoolmates on National Coming Out Day last fall. But his title as Student Government Association President at Northeastern U. made him uniquely visible. "Coming out was not a singular event - it's an ongoing process," he said. "I reached a point where I was sick of lying to everybody." The response from Northeastern's student body and the SGA organization has been "really positive," Patterson said. He added that "a few jaws dropped" when he told certain administrators. Patterson said being gay has brought him closer to certain issues that affect Northeastern's 15,000 undergraduate students. "If anything, the fact that I'm gay should forward my organization - both in allowing people to see that a lot of their generalizations and misconceptions are not true...," he said.. Shay Studley, The Northeastern News, Northeastern U. A "low-budget movie" kind of life Marshall Ledbetter is in limbo. The 22- year-old Florida State U. student who made headlines when he held the Florida Capitol building hostage last summer, is in the State Mental Hospital in Chattahoochee, Ha. awaiting a competency evaluation that will allow him to stand trial. Ledbetter said he broke into the Capitol to create a "soapbox" for himself to speak out on the problems plaguing the world. Ledbetter, who said he tripped on psychedelic mushroomsfor22 daysbefore the break-in, also refused to take state-ordered Lithium, saying that taking the medicine would imply he was insane when he broke into the Capitol. A new treatment team has since made a different diagnosis, rescinding the Lithium requirement. Ledbetter is now willingly taking Prozac to cope with depression. "They don't thinkI'mnuts," he said. "It's a relief." But if he passes another competency hearing, he will stand trial. "My life has degraded into a low-budget B movie," he said. "If I could find the scriptwriter, I'd fire him." " Lauren Lustig, FloridaFlambeau, Florida State U. Paying to park off-campus The U. of Montana, saddled with overcrowded parking lots and angry students, may pay students living in university residence halls tc campus. Ken Stoltz, directorc services, wants to pay studentsv dorms up to $50 per quart-er tol a mile from campus at a footba field. UM would in-stall a ne system at the field if the plan is Stoltz said. Parking at UM is because officials usually sell twi( parking decals as parking space This year the situation is even roughly 500 more students p campus, Stoltz said. But UM George Dennison believes payir won't curb the problem. "Peopl have their automobiles right nex he said.. Kathy McLaughlin, Kaimin, U. of Montana Liberty expels student for religious beliefs Three students were expe Liberty U. in Lynchburg, Va., la because their religious bel "incompatible" with those of ti afiliat - run by Jerry , Chuck one studen was becaus "doctrinal difference" from t taught at Liberty. Groom a students Guy Redmer and Mt Yacobi were asked to leave bet refused to sign a paper saying t never attend the United Pe Church, said UPC pastor Klinedinst. In a prepared st Falwell said, "Liberty University Pentecostal... but does have policy requiring students to church services which are con campus." Students need permission from the school to: outside services, Falwell added think it's fair that they take scholarship and kick me o different beliefs," Groom said.' to do is finish my educatios Morton, CavalierDaily, U. ofVirg Ross, director of the department of campus affairs and higher education for ADL. Mark Weitzman, associate director of educational outreach for the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a New York- based organization that documents the Holocaust crimes, said college-age students are removed from the events of the Holocaust. Weitzman said that CODOH is seizing this as an opportunity to make them doubt that these atrocities did indeed occur. Ross speculates that CODOH is targeting college news- papers, instead of bigger city newspapers, as a publicity ploy. "If you wanted to put an ad in the New York Times, it is very costly," Ross said. "But if you put an ad in the Michigan Daily, The New York Timeswrites a story aboutit and you get a free ad." But Bradley Smith, director of CODOH, said he is targeting student papers to reach an audience capable of maintaining "an open mind on the subject" of debate. "If you lived for 50 or 60 years, you have been inundated with the orthodox view of the Holocaust," Smith said. "When students are at a university, it is a time when they are questioning things." spark off Adrm sf campus who live in of cpractieIi R I1N (I park about all practice w security approved, s difficult ce as many s available. worse with arking on President Spring break is right around the ig students corner, and travel agents say students e prefer to should start planning now if they want t to them," to take advantage of the best deals. Montana They also advise students to consider alternate destinations this year. According to the Ft. Lauderdale S Chamber of Commerce, students heading for the traditional hot spot will be greeted with a rather chilly reception lled from this year. "We are mainly a family-type st semester vacation spot," a representative there iefs were said. he Baptist- Palm Springs also saw a slight decline ted school in the student crowd last year. A evangelist spokeswoman at the Chamber of Falwell. Commerce attributed the drop mostly to k Groom, the unseasonable cold weather and of the early date of last year's break. its, said he Meanwhile, South Padre Island in expelled Texas saw an increase in visitors last e he has a year. The 4 1/2 mile long island on the he beliefs Mexican border traditionally attracts nd fellow students from the Midwest. However, ohammed Larry Updike, executive director of the cause they Convention and Visitors Bureau, says last hey would year a large number of students came mtecostal from the East Coast and California. He Douglas attributes the increase to the fact that the atement, people there welcome student visitors. is not anti- "We want them to come, but we want a written them to be responsible and party smart." attend all ducted onY written attend any d. "I don't away my ut for my "All I want na" Will inia