20U THAI-O 0151NA OLLEGE NESPAPR0 0 Carer antiW aton Direcon ERUARY 19920 0 &V V. I nL IVMI IVINML WLLLUL IVGYY. rmrLn vm.". N..U [ VUVIAYV w i - . -- b ree r/Ed uin Di rector ..,*r6. ? S3" _1:.- Ik *=a Y ° 1 0. '1 '}? 1.1- " .. _.. . .. -..,5L c,.._. + .:,... , r .. - -.. .s ._..a. . r .. . . . .5 _._ ar . .-. .. .s _. N - rC" , ' I . ,._ SCHILLER ' INTERNATIONAL ___________________ UNIVERSITY International study at one of our8 campuses in: ~3 < ENGLAND: London and SWest Wickham GERMANY: Heidelberg and Berlin I® FRANCE: Parns and Strasbourg -~SPAIN: Madrid UL® SWITZERLAND: Engelberg JI Earn credit toward your degree at any olour canmpuses. 0 All classes are aught in English. GIraduate programs in International Business, Internatiomnal lintel and Tourism Management, International Reations and Diplomacy, and mare. Ji Undergraduate programs in Business, Hotet Management, International Relations and Diplomacy, Earorpean Studies, Liheral Arts, Psychorlogy, Languages, Computer Systems Management, Coimmercial Art, and mome. J Spanish and German Language tnstitutes. 0i Summer, Semester, Year aod Degree programs. THE UNIVERSITY QE ADELAIDE SOUTH AUSTRALIA The University of Adelaide offers one and tmo semester programs to students wishing to hmoaden their educational and personal horizonm throughr Study Abroad. The Univesity isocnotrally located in cosmopolitan Adnlaidn, a city of overonomillionopeople and the capital of South Auutralia. 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