01 Page 4--The Michigan Daily- Monday, February 17, 1992 te £ticbgan 1aiIy d(iIor in Chief 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 764 - 0552 MA'ITHEW D. RENNIE Opinion Editors YAEL CITRO GEOFFREY EARLE AMITAVA MAZIMDAR Edited and Managed by Students at the University of Michigan Unsigned editorials represent a maijority of the Daily's' Editorial Board. All ,tlhflr ,,,rti ontfvO t l tirt~l,.r l lttn)ir, /lr) not .,flflflC-ril tfron lpflf* d nrnnn fLfth In;1, All (Ililbif..uI l(IIni, signeu ul t dl., (Af(C4 lUtllrs (1(1Inotj FceC).l LI)'ry representF(thelI(tiIUIofJJ 'le Llull)'. :.MTH.AIY. oP C)AtIc(/ ONEl G.- /le;: ~ Hl ?P"'C/ "s; -- a r -r o - e l , I - N I m 1 -4 E SH R r NG 1 5 z INCHS rI% %/E 'fO149 -- I'S*- ( - " "- - /e- ":'_ -'_ ." "," %344 C, - z Blacks seek empowerment A t last Tuesday's Michigan Student Assembly DPS. Women spoke abo meeting, voices that are often neglected by ability, and refuted the r the Assembly were heard. Students representing a could do anything about variety of organizations, ranging from the Black But most of all, thes Student Union (BSU) to Progressive People of that the Assembly, as the Color (PPC) to Students Halting Institutionalized for students on campus,) Terrorism (SHIT Happens) appeared during con- administration. stituents' time. They voiced their opposition to the Not every student orb upcoming decision to deputize the University po- not every student, has thi lice force through the University Board of Re- get meetings with top lev gents. The Assembly would do well not only to President Duderstadt ref receive this message, but to carry it to the admin- students after the macinj iStration. last year. The students who spoke, most of them Black, Clearly, not all studen voiced a variety of opinions. Many cited prior value by the administrat instances of harassment by the University police, Assembly should devot including that of a Black woman harassed near ensure the views of all typ Angell Hall last term. Earlier, a Department of Fleming building. Public Safety (DPS) officer randomly stopped Students hold a vc African-American women near the CCRB looking deputization. Many are s for a concealed weapon. The fear that the first issue. But MSA memb victim of a DPS stray bullet will be a Black student regardless of the compos is understandable. must represent adiverse c Others took the long view and acknowledged the Assembly fails toi that, as Black students, they have the most to lose presents a monolithic vie when an armed police force is patrolling campus. administration. With i Others cited fears about the large arsenal, includ- deputization at stake, stu ing some 40,000 rounds of bullets purchased by this happen. at MSA ut their particular vulner- notion that armed police it. e students were insistent most representative body take their message to the ganization, and certainly e resources or prestige to el administrators. In fact, used to meet with Black g incident at South Quad ts' views are given equal tion. For this reason, the e considerable energy to pes of students reach to the ariety of views about urely even in favor of the ers must remember that sition of the Assembly, it constituency. All too often represents students, and ew of student issues to the issues as important as dents can not afford to let 0I 2E T U E R^ .'::'::........!:'...........:..;"'.........l:!':::!:!...!.......!.t.!.....!:...!:......!.....::...":"'!."::":..::.!:..............."...:! : : There's no place like home Last Tuesday, the Ann Arbor Planning Commis- sion unanimously voted to allow the Delta Zeta Sorority to move into the Perry Nursery School. Perry, which is located on Washtenaw Ave., needed to sell its building and Delta Zeta agreed to purchase the old school from the United Way. Delta Zeta requested a special exemptions permit from the Planning Commission, attracting opposition from several nearby residents and rep- resentatives from the Angell Elementary school. The planning commission's final decision is a positive sign for all students. Students and the City ,Council have a long history of conflict concerning group student housing. This hostility is especially visible when the Greek system is involved. Last summer the plan- ning commission barred Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity from moving into a house previously occupied by a sorority. This discriminatory decision was over- turned in court. The commission also denied ex- pansion approval for Sigma Kappa Sorority. In both of these instances, the planning commission wrongly tried to restrict students' living options. Those that opposed issuing the special exemp- tions permit to Delta Zeta cited parking and traffic astheir primary concerns. ThePerry Nursery School Firs Amendment I ast week, the Michigan Senate passed an anti- flag desecration, or "flag-burning" bill. This act, sponsored by Sen. Gil DiNello (D-Detroit), cleared the Senate by a vote of 26-6. Currently, the flag-burning bill is stalled in the House Judiciary Committee, which is chaired by State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor). For the state of Michigan to preempt the U.S. Constitution in favor of its own is a dangerous and unacceptable principle. Of all rights Americans enjoy, none are as cherished as the rights of freedom of speech and political protest. This bill represents a serious threat to these basic freedoms. If flag burning is unilaterally deemed unprotected by the state legis- lature, then what other First Amendment rights are next to be open to reversal? Conservative Democrats and Republicans may be able to force a vote in the House and might be able to muster the votes needed to pass the bill. Gov. John Engler has stated that he strongly sup- ports an anti-flag desecration bill and will sign it immediately. This statute is modeled after the Congressional anti-flag-burning act which passed in the last ses- sion of Congress, but was declared unconstitu- tional by the Supreme Court by only one vote. With its current make-up, the court may decide to re- is right next to the Angell Elementary School and uses the same driveway. School representatives and concerned parents claimed that the increased traffic in the area would be dangerous to children walking to and from school. Though the safety of these children is important, if Delta Zeta moved in, the children would not be exposed to any height- ened threat. The complex problems with traffic and safety to pedestrians is city-wide, and does not justify deny- ing Delta Zeta its permit. In fact, if Delta Zeta moved into the nursery school, the traffic will likely be less than it is now. There are currently 208 car trips a day from the parking lot, according to Karen Bolles, Perry Nursery School treasurer. A sorority can be expected to make far fewer trips than this, especially during the times that children are going to school or coming home. Ann Arbor is a college town. The City Council should treat it as such when dealing with student issues. Councilmember Bob Eckstein (D-5th Ward) once referred to students as "swine," who deserve to be treated as such. This is simply an unaccept- able attitude for a city that harbors a large number students. Hopefully, this recent ruling will help l6ssen the long conflict between the two. up in flames strict political speech under the First Amendment and reverse its decision. Since the Supreme Court's rejection of the anti- flag-burning bill, two of the most liberal members of the Court, Justices Thurgood Marshall and Wil- liam Brennan, have been replaced by two Bush appointees, Justices David Souter and Clarence Thomas. These new justices are considered likely to reverse the ruling. Flag burning has been recognized as protected political speech. The standard arguments for ban- ning flag burning go up in flames when compared to other key decisions by the Supreme court. Cross burning, the wearing of armbands, and other forms of physical expression have been protected under the First Amendment. In Michigan, Bullard has been an advocate of individual rights, and has opposed similar attempts in the past. Bullard should continue to stall the bill in committee and should not allow it to reach the floor. If, however, the opposition is successful, then the state of individual rights faces a grave situation. Members of the Michigan House must work to ensure that this dangerous bill does not become law, for if the state begins to censor unpopular ideas, then the rights of all are in jeopardy. Message is important To the Daily: I am surprised that the editors of the Daily ("MSA unaware of alcohol realities," 2/11/92) are unable to recognize the role of alcohol in problems faced by campuses across the nation. The reality is that alcohol has been cited as a major factor in the occurrence of date rape, property damage and the South University riots. The fact is that most college students are, for the first time in their lives, in a position to consume alcohol openly and in an unrestricted supply. With these new freedoms, one might think a certain degree of education on the subject could go a long way. I cannot comment on the success or failure of the previous Alcohol Awareness Week, but the message is a necessary one. Perhaps format changes should be made to increase the audience. The issue should not have been trivialized as wasdone by the editors of the Daily. Barry Hart Rackham student Ricky Green not Mike McGee To the Daily: In Sports Monday Trivia (2/3/ 92) asked, "Who holds the Michigan men's basketball record for points in a rookie season?" I would like to differ with your answer that "Mike McGee holds the record with 531 points in his '77-'78 rookie season." Mike McGee holds the varsity scoring record for a freshman season. For many years before 1974, freshmen were ineligible to play on the varsity team. The rookie season for a player during this period would be his sopho- more year. Bill Buntin (534) and Cazzie Russell (670) both scored more points in their rookie season than Mike McGee. Freshmen and rookies are not always interchangeable. This season's captain, Freddie Hunter was a rookie during his junior year. Rumeal Robinson and Terry Mills were rookies during their sophomore years because of Proposition 48. -Do you think that a junior college transfer would be consid- ered a rookie during his first year at Michigan? If you do, then Ricky Green had 638 points in his 1975-76 rookie season. Tom O'Brien University graduate Alphabetic diversity To the Daily: As a reader of the Daily for my four undergraduate years at the University, I have always been impressed with your commitment to diversity in your Tell the whole Holocaust story To the Daily: I am writing in response to the editorial ("Never Forgetting the Final Solution," 2/4/92). There has been much controversy about the Nazis, Jews and the Holo- caust, and I find it sickening. First off, I want to say that I am not a Nazi, and I believe the Holocaust occurred. Nazis caused great pain and suffering through- out the world, but I think the Daily writers and a few other people have overlooked the fact that others besides the Jews suffered under the Nazis. For example, the religious and political opponents of Hitler who were also thrown into the camps and executed. In regards to the polls that were taken in Germany, you reported that, "42 percent of all Germans believe that the Nazi regime possessed at least some positive attributes." What those Germans believe is the truth. The Nazis, while preparing for war, brought about an economic recovery from the Depression and World War I. Hitler built the autobahn, the first expressway in the world, which the United States and other countries copied. The Nazis also made great advances in medicine, unfortu- nately at the cost of countless lives. Further, the Daily also stated that, "62 percent of Germans desire to end the discussion of the Holocaust because they feel no moral responsibility for the acts of their parents and grandparents." I, for one, am sick of hearing so much about the Holocaust. I don't need to hear about it every day to remember it and take heed. I imagine that is what the Germans are feeling. Also, why should younger Germans feel a moral responsibil- ity for the acts of their parents and grandparents? They weren't even alive when it happened! Do you feel a moral responsibility for what your parents and grandpar- ents did? I do not have a problem with the discussion of the Holocaust and other related subjects, but I am tired of selected omissions of the facts. If you are going to print a story of this nature, you should not forget to include the whole story. You're probably not going to print this, but I feel that I had to write something to remedy this injustice of the facts. James Andrew LSA first-year student 0' news articles and editorials. Consequently, it was with great dismay that I read, "Students State Silly Sentiments" /213/92). While the letter "S" not inherently better than any other letter, it is consistently allotted greatly disproportionate space in English dictionaries. Other letters, just as valid, are some- times afforded only a page or two. To publish an article consist- ing solelyof words beginning with "5" shows a gross lack of consideration for our language's historically underrepresented letters. I hope that in the future you will think twice before compromising your paper's commitment to alphabetic diversity., Paul Debevec Engineering senior RCOgMUNs NsGTah Regents must be accountable to the law by Rep. Perry Bullard The University's plans to deputize its own police force under Public Act 120 should be of great concern to students and the rest of Ann Arbor com- mu- pity. I ac- a tively T op- posed the lgs- lation in 1990. I did not author the legislation as the Daily stated ("Sending out an S.O.S. to Bullard" 2/10/92). On the contrary, I organized the opposi- tion. After my efforts to stop the bill failed, I sponsored successful University independent police authority on practical, financial and philosophical grounds. The University's scattered holdings throughout the city of Ann Arbor will make it very difficult for officers or citizens to know whether the University police or the city police have primary jurisdiction at a particular location - confusion that could be dangerous in an emergency situation. Establishing a University police force will cost both the University and the city substantial amounts of money. A University police force would eliminate the nearly $1 million annually that the city receives from contracted police serviced to the University, and from parking violations on campus. At the same time, some estimates show that the University's police costs could more than double with the establishment of the independent force. This is a bad budget choice in a time of stagnant state budget accountable police force invites abuses that would be immune from community-based political pressure.The Legislature, despite my efforts, did grant the Univer- sity the power to establish its own police force. The act requires public hearings before the regents decide to set up a police force, and requires they provide for the establishment of an oversight committee of elected representa- tives of students, faculty and staff. It is now up to students, faculty and concerned members of the community to hold the University to the letter of PA 120. The campus community is best able to identify its interests and to protect them. Organizing to keep citizens attention and action focused on the regents' delibera- tions about the police force issue will be a necessary part of any strategy aimed at ensuring the regents comply with the law. Should this month's public hearings result in the regents deciding to establish their own Nuts and Bolts WI AHA' DowN? N to "NJ- W HA*,6 w4-IIt1NrIAT iWO ~WOI) 5smss R ~SENIORS SIoULP BE "iJUST HANGIN"' WHEN'~ TN 8 AE S, PYSLEFT UNTIL ( by Judd Winick LAAAAo 01