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February 17, 1992 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-02-17

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Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Monday, February 17, 1992

Continued frome page 1
"I think the faculty are involved
in too many things. We have to re-
duce involvement to the crucial
points ... We need to make sure fac-
ulty focus on issues that are essential
to the faculty," Penchansky said.
Faculty members have made an
attempt to remedy the perceived rifts
in communication by introducing a
resolution to the Senate Assembly
asking the administration to consult
with the faculty governing body in
al decisions that would affect them.
"They should have been doing
that years ago," Engineering Prof.
Maria Comninou said. "I welcome
the resolution ... but it doesn't mean
the administration will listen."
Some faculty members think
their lack of input is similar to the
communication gap found in many
corporations between executives and
Ken Lockridge, a history profes-
sor at the University of Montana,
said he left the University last year
because of the administration's cor-
porate attitude.
"The University of Michigan is a
brutal, hard-nosed, corporate place.

It is a poor interpretation of GM ...
and that's disgusting," he said.
English Prof. Bert Hornback,
who announced his July resignation
last month, said he saw the corporate
atmosphere begin about 12 years
Hornback said the University's
corporate attitude has brought with it
a lack of concern for undergraduate

working at the University in 1974 it
was not run like a corporation, but
now she said Horback's concerns
are valid.
"It is a general climate ... the
University wants to be an efficient
corporation," she said.
Comninou said Hornback's con-
cerns are real, but the University's
corporate attitude is not a reason to
bail out.

'I think the faculty are involved in too many
things. We have to reduce involvement to the
crucial points ... We need to make sure faculty
focus on issues that are essential to the


- Roy Penchansky
Prof. of Health Services Management

"The corporate entity which uses
the title 'University of Michigan' is
a sham. Those who run it - and so
many of those who work in it - are
no longer interested in teaching, and
they care not the least about stu-
dents," he wrote in the letter an-
nouncing his resignation.
Comninou said when she started

"I will not resign. I believe the
faculty are the University, not the
administration ... I will not take the
same road (as Hornback). I will stay
here and try to change things," she
Hornback specifically faulted
Gilbert Whitaker, provost and vice
president for Academic Affairs, for

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his recently-issued report which said
students should be considered
"consumers" of the University, as a
perfect example of how undergrad-
uate education is suffering from a
corporate attitude.
Whitaker defended his intentions
of the report.
"The statement that students are
consumers can be interpreted in dif-
ferent ways. I did not mean it in the
capacity of a corporation, but more
in the capacity of giving students
what they want just as a company
will give its clients what they want,"
he said.
But Hornback said "giving stu-
dents what they want" is the prob-
lem. Too many times this means
making certain classes, like
Anthropology 101, too easy, and as-
signing too few papers, he added.
Some faculty members said they
disagreed with Hornback's assess-
ment of the corporate model. "There
are bad corporations, there are good
corporations," Penchansky said.
He added he is not concerned as
long as faculty concerns are taken
into consideration within its corpo-
rate structure.
University President James
Duderstadt said sometimes commu-
nication has to suffer for the sake of
"Many people throughout the
country and the state have very high
expectations of The University of
Michigan. In trying to be a multi-
faceted University, sometimes some
things have to suffer," he said.
Maureen Hartford, vice president
for Student Affairs, said she recog-
nizes that more work must be done
to solicit more faculty and student
"I hear the news that undergrad-
uate education is getting less atten-
tion with sadness. Our school should
be for the students, and I will try to
cultivate an administration that is
more receptive to student needs,"
she said.
-Daily Administration Reporter
Melissa Peerless contributed to this
Continued from page 1
and added, "That work and the
experience serves as the basis of ex-
pertise that I draw upon in my
Bishop said he is continually
pleased with the novelty that he ex-
periences in class. "First and fore-
most, I find teaching and contact
with students energizing. Through
class discussion and teaching, gener-
ally there are always new challenges,
new ideas and ways to look at prob-
lems," he said.
When she is not teaching her
Introduction to Psychology class at

Georgetown Law School Prof. Byrne speaks at Friday's debate on speech
codes while Harvard Prof. Fried takes notes.

Continued from page 1
tempts to deal with the intolerable
rise of racial insult and harass-
ment," Byrnne said.
"What I want to argue for today
is the notion that speech codes
broader than the one enacted here at
the University of Michigan ought to
be permissible under the
Constitution," Byrnne added.
During the question and answer
period, one student expressed con-
cern that no people of color and few
women attended the debate.
"It worries me that a bunch of
white people in this room are dis-
cussing this," she said. "Is the at-
mosphere being created by this just
saying to people that they don't
Debate moderator and Law
School Professor Alexander
Aleinikoff expressed further con-
cern that offensive speech directed
at people of color might not be un-
derstood by dominant groups.
"There's a tendency for people
not subject to these statements to
dismiss the pain of these state-
ments. It's not just a symbolic
threat, and a lot of people in domi-
nant groups don't appreciate this,"
Aleinikoff said. "There's a real pain

here that has to be met in a support-
ive way. There are victims of
The speakers also addressed the
differences between the University
and other institutions.
"Within a community devoted to
discourse, it's necessary to have a
certain dampening of natural spirits
that arise behind words," Byrnne
said. "In a university, you can't
have the same linguistic license to
express your feelings as in society
at large."
"That's altogether too vague,"
Fried responded. "I wonder if peo-
ple are losing their constitutional
rights just because they are
Third-year Law School student
Daniel Plants, president of the
Federalist Society, said he felt it
was important to hold the debate so
students could become familiar
with the issue of speech codes.
"It's particularly important be-
cause the University is reconsider-
ing the speech code," Plants said.
The University has had two
Discrimination and Discriminatory
Harassment policies. The first was
ruled unconstitutional in 1989, and
the University responded by issuing
its present Interim Policy on
Discrimination and Discriminatory



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the University, Professor Carol
Holden works at the Center for
Forensic Psychology, a state-run fa-
cility, interviewing criminals to de-
termine if they are mentally compe-
tent to stand trial and evaluating
their degree of sanity when they
have committed a crime.
Holden said she benefited
through the variety of her jobs. "I
really enjoy being able to say I do
both. It's nice to have a balance of
two different things."
Holden also expressed enthusi-
asm regarding her teaching.
"Nothing keeps you thinking like
students. Just when you think you've
heard every possible question or
criticism every semester ... I'm

astonished by the things people
come up with, and that's incredibly
American Culture Teaching
Assistant Corey Dolgon said he first
became interested in playing the
guitar in high school, and he contin-
ued playing at bars while attending
Baylor University.
Dolgon is in graduate school
working on his dissertation, and
when he is not "swamped" with aca-
demic work, he sings folk songs and
plays guitar.
Dolgon said performing and
teaching are alike.
"Engaging the audience is part of
the process of performance, and
teaching is very similar," he said.



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Continued from page 1
said that when he fasted for
Ramadan three years ago he realized
there was no system in which
Muslim students could cancel meals
during the month. The next year in
conjunction with the Islamic Circle
- a Muslim student group -
Zahurullah started the current
"Last year we had between 3
and 40 students who canceled meals
during Ramadan," Zahurullah said.
Some students said Ramadan
serves as a model for self-restraint
and enables Muslims to experience
the hunger less fortunate people feel

LSA sophomore Deana Solaiman
said, "Ramadan's purpose is mainly
discipline and you can't eat, drink,
'Last year we had
between 30 and 40
students who canceled
- Fazlur Zahurullah
have sex or even chew gum during
this period."
Levy added that fasting for
Ramadan falls into the category pro-
vided by the University for reasons
of conscience for religious purposes.
Refunds are also given to Jewish
students who fast for Passover.


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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the Fall and Winter terms by
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NEWS Henry Goldblatt, Managing Editor
EDITORS David Rheingod, Bethany Robertson, Stefanie Vines, Kenneth Walker
STAFF: Lan Barager, He Caleb, Barry Cohen, Ben Dod, Lauren Dormer, Erin Elnhom, Rene Hucide, Loreta Leo, Andrew Levy,
Robn Litwin, Nicole Malenfant. Travis McReynolds, Josh Modkler, Melissa Peerless, Karn Pier, Mona Qureehl, Karen Sabgir,
Christopher Scherer, Gwen Shelfer., Purvi Shah, Jennifer Siverberg. David Wartoweld, Chaeity Wilson.
LIST: David Shepardson
OPINION Yael Citro, Geoff Earne, Amitava Mazumda, Editors
STAFF: Matt Ader, Jenny Alix, Renee Buehey, Doron Hubbard, David Lmitner, Jennifer Matson, Ad Roenberg, Dave Rowe, David
Shepardson, Steve Small. Daniel Stewart
SPORTS John Myo, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Josh Dubow, Albert Un, Jeff Wiliarns
STAFF: Andy DeKorto. Kimberly DoSenrpelere, Matthew Dodge, Shawnr DuFreene, Jeni Durst. Jim Foss, Ryan Harrington. Mike Hill,
Bruce lnoaendo, Dan Unna, Rod Loowenthal, Sharon Lundy, Adam Miller, Rich Mitvabky, Bornadette Rney. Mike Rancilo, eimn
Rardn, Chad Safran, Todd Schoenhaus, Jeff Shoran, Erc Sidar, Tim Spdear, Andy Stabile, Ken Sugiura.
ARTS Elizabeth Lenhard, Michael John Wilson, Editors
EDITORS: Mark Binel(Fikn), Diane Frieden (Rn & Performing Arts), Alan J. Hogg, Jr (Books), . e Komom (Weekend c.),
Annet. Petiuso (AMusic).
STAFF: Nick Arvin, Gr gBoise, Margo Baumgart, Skot Beal, Kenny Bell, Jen Bilik, Andrew J. Cahn, Jonathan Chait, Jani Dahmann,
ichard S. Davie, Gabriel Feldberg, Rosann. Freed, Forrest Green Ill, Aaron Hamburger. Jonathan Higgns, Nm Hod", Marle
Jacobson, Kristmn Knudsen, Chris Leptey. ike Kolody. Kristen Mcdurphy, Amy Meng, Josh bihnidk, John Morgan, Michelle Philip,
Dan Poux, Austin Raner, Jeff Rosenberg, Chrietne Siovey, Scott Stering, Alessa Strauss, Sarah Weidman, Josh Worth, 10m Yagsd.
PHOTO Kristoffer Gillette, Kenneth J. Smoller, Editors
STAFF: Brian Cantoni, Anthony M. Croll, Michelle Guy, Doug Kanter, Heather Lowrnan, Sharon Musher, Suzie Poley, Moly Stevens,
Pal Taylor

... . ... . ... ... .. ... . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .

DISPLAY SALES Shannon Buke, Man.
STAFF: Greg Anda, Alizah Bahan Michael Barry, Yagmin Choudhr, Meghan Cleary, Moina Dam, Kim Dully, Amy Fant, Shed



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