The Michigan Daily -Weekend etc. February 13,1992 Y \IV Save your milk cartons Pat Bateman, the cultural icon of Bret Easton Ellis' newest novel American Psycho, is my kind of guy. He's rich, powerful and intensely devoted to the maintenance of his health and fitness. Being wealthier than anyone at all attending this University, Pat's health club Xclusive is a paragon of physical fitness technology and facilities. Modeled with only the best weight machines from Nautilus to Universal, Xclusive's equipment in- cludes free weights, two swimming pools, life cycles, a gravitron ma- chine, treadmills, massage, sauna and steam rooms, a sun deck and that treasure of 20th century Western civi- lization - tanning booths. Healthier and better-looking than you, Pat is devoted to epitomizing the American dream with his plati- num AmEx card, his psychosis and a dazzling wardrobe, boasting only the best from Luciano Soprani to Armani. My only problem with Pat is that outside his scrupulous health regi- men and care for himself lies a kind of callousness for other human be- his year's health and fitness issue is prone to make an obvious prescription for stress relief - vig- orous (and safe) sex, of course. This is not always the most accessible or practical solution, how- ever. Your partner might not be avail- able after you've stood in line for an hour at CRISP or you bombed your Biology exam. As unbelievable as it may seem, there are many other plea- surable solutions to your winterized stress attacks. Stress and students go hand in hand. Most of you ambitious workers are holding down a full credit load, have several jobs/internships, and are involved in some extracurricular ac- tivities as well. You might even be gutsy enough to try and fit a social life in there too. There aren't enough hours in the day for you. But the work keeps building up and you sacrifice sleep, healthy meals and relaxation to fit everything in. If you don't see yourself getting an eight-hour snooze until May, there's hope for you yet. The new age gurus have come up with several solutions for our winter discontent. From 50 cent/five-minute miracles to a once- in-a-while after- noon of pamper- ing,therearesev- eral ways to get yourself through those trying times that make you hell to be around. Happiness starts at home, and stress relief can too. But who wants to come A home to a pile of dirty clothes on 0 the bedroom floor, an unmade bed and the rem- nants of last bE week's term pa- per scattered about? Taking five min- utes to hang up your clothes and throw a comforter over those tousled sheets will make your room a haven rather than a pit of retreat. If you're like me and you reli- giously avoid neatness, I recommend in the sink. This is incredibly relaxing a large laundry basket in a closet or and you won't have to tip him/her. storage space. When the piles get to Anotherhomt be a bit much, throw k v ad%4 them in your basket, slide the door closed ~ and voila, mess noga( au more. You won't >?tw .s have to think about n that junk until spring, P- L and by then, you'll be in the mind-frame to deal with it. Taking a hot shower or bath (es-( pecially if you in- clude herbal bath oils to make your steam smell sweet - con- ot 6A coctions of all kinds,+ made from earth and sea minerals, plants, fruits and more can be found at Seva for $2.50 to $11) is a wonderful way to relieve stress. If it's you can't make esourceofrelaxation can be found in the kitchen. Nothing's more comforting than Mom food - you know, maca- roni and cheese, mashed potatoes, oatmeal with lots of raisins, PB & J. If you just can't face your semi-grown- up responsibilities one day, curling up for a lunch of Idaho Spuds with Oprah (especially com- forting, since ev- erybody on that show is more fucked up than you) in footie pajamas is especially nice. If it home for lunch, minutes is enough to get you going again), burn a scented candle. The air will be filled with a lovely amber glow and a warm potpourri scent. The most importantelementof this therapy is the music. Earth Wisdom, a small music store in the same building as Seva (just come your fear of exams or raise your self-esteem. Psychiatrist Emmett Miller has released a tape called Let- ting Go of Stress. It's a lot cheaper than therapy, and the music is beauti- ful. Taking a break with some music or an afternoon bath tends to be a a fix 0 the middle of the day and your room- mates aren't banging on the door, go ahead and use up the hot water. A blast of cold water at the end of a shower can be invigorating too, but I prefer that languid lounge in the tub where your feet turn bright red and I: rmmT 1sr 0Ws ings. Like the Black derelict whose eyes he removes in a doorway using a switchblade. Or the Asian-Ameri- can delivery boy whose throat he slashes before dumping cartons of Japanese food over his body, recall- ing that he can now complete two hundred abdominal crunches in less than three minutes. Pat's a bit nicer to the women surrounding him (in his own words, "little blond hardbodies") when he isn't butchering their firm, healthy bodies. He confides in us, "My arm muscles burn, my stomach is as taut as possible, my chest steel, pectorals granite hard, my eyes white as ice. In my locker in the locker room at Xclusive lie three vaginas I recently sliced out of various women I've attacked in the past week." We find him compensating for his dearth of spirituality while chew- ing on a dead girl's intestines and gagging on the bad-smelling paste inside. As he mechanically relates to us, "I want to drink this girl's blood like champagne and I plunge my face deep into what's left of her stomach, scratching my chomping jaw on a broken rib." I could tell you about how Ellis uses Pat as a symbol of the decay of Western civilization. I could cite Pat's expert criticisms of classic Whitney Houston and Huey Lewis and the News albums, or his love of The Patty Winters Show, with topics ranging from Dwarf Tossing to Teen- age Girls Who Trade Sex For Crack. But I won't bore you. I'll suffice to say that, typical to the formula, Pat's own penchant for cruelty and lacl of compassion ulti- mately cause him to renounce his own humanity. As he tells us, "There wasn't a clear, identifiable emotion within me, except for greed and, possibly, total disgust." He decides that God is not alive. Justice is dead. Individuality no longer an issue. One of his deepest self-apprais- als tells us, "Surface, surface, sur- face was all that anyone found mean- ing in ..." Tf vn,'re e hia n elt nt, carry a bag of vanilla wafers (ginger snaps, and even a small flannel blan- ket to rest your head on are good too) to class with you. Better than Calgon for taking you away from it all. One of the best (and a little more dignified) ways to unwind is with a cup of tea. Celes- tial Seasons Mel- low Mint or Sleepytime teas or Good Earth teas are delicious and caffeine free. If you don't have time (and most of us don't) for an hour or more of lounging yourself back into * * * shape, there are quick fixes that are surprisingly effective in unknotting those shoulders so you h a r d can getback to the library. Tea saves the day again - cool, damp chamo- mile tea bags placed on the eyelids will do wonders for tired eyes that have been in the library or at a com- puter terminal all day. While you're resting (five or ten LSA first year student, Jeannie Boersma, relaxes in the soothing jets of a steamy hot tub at Oasis Hot Tub Gardens. follow the cinnamon-scented vibes to this cozy, caramel-colored nest) has a host of new age music. You can relax to the sounds to of the ocean, airy wisps of bamboo flute or complex synthesizer. Many of the tapes are meant for meditation or study aids, such as Great Lakes Suite or Accelerated Learning by Steve Halpern. The latter uses sub- liminal messages (it may come in the form of a heartbeat, or you never know, it might be Prince reciting the periodic table) which will help you study more efficiently, and relax while you do it. Others can help you over- when you need it. But if you're into relaxation rituals or moreconcentrated techniques, there are accessible solu- tions for you too. Horst Rechelbacher can teach you breathing exercises, massage techniques and give you tips on herbal and scented oils in his book Rejuvenation. A regimen of stretching and breath- ing every night can help put some order in your life, but if the regularity of the practice is a little more than you can handle, you might try the occa- sional professional beauty treatment. These may be pricey, but the effects See RELAX, Pge 4 your fingers pucker up. While you're at it, put on a mud mask. That crackly effect of dried seaweed may not be the most comfortable, but that soft-skin, clean-pore feeling can't be beat. Bet- ter yet, get a friend to wash your hair --ftft .. ,Mal)ourshed oa)Me) diqest Media' 9Grbie iMaqeryj } V v 1 by Gwen Shaffer W hen Joette looked in the mirror at her five-foot, eight-inch frame, all she saw was flab. "If only I could get down to 110 pounds," she thought. In reality, Joette was actually star- ing at ribs which poked out of her sides. Her joints were barely covered by flesh. Because society places increasing pressure on women to look thin - as exemplified with clich6s such as, "Thin is in," and barrages of emaci- ated models presented as the female ideal - it is not surprising that eating disorders are affecting more people than ever, crossing age, race and class barriers. Anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and compulsive overeating are the most frequent and well-known eating dis- orders. Because the majority of bulimia and anorexia cases are found in women ages 12 to 25, the subject is of great concern to many women in college. In talking to students on cam- pus, it seems that everyone knows at least one person affected by bulimia or anorexia. In fact, it is estimated that 15 to 20 percent of women at the University have some type of eating disorder. If a broad definition of eating dis- orders is used - such as anyone who uses food for purposes other than for sustenance - then nearly every woman who is on a diet, preoccupied with calorie counting, or eats when she is not hungry, could be consid- ered to have a problem, said Dr. Toby Jacobowitz, a University Health Ser- vices physician who treats patients with eating disorders. "A women's obsession with her body is often a distraction, a way of dealing with stress," Jacobowitz said. "But I don't think you can generalize because we all have a certain preoc- cupation with food." Joette Thomas, an Eastern Michi- gan University graduate student and a volunteer at the Center for Eating Disorders, developed bulimia her first year in high school and continued binging and purging at least once a day until she was 19 years-old. Tho- mas said she was what physicians and psychologists consider "the stereo- typical bulimic." - "I was a high-achiever, voted best- dressed in high school ... My Mom was the model '50s housewife who cooked all the time," Thomas said. "But certain foods weren't for me because I was a woman." In many households, the men may be encour- aged to enjoy their food, while "eat- ing like a bird" is a complimentary comment about a woman. Thomas said that while suffer- ing from bulimia, her whole life was centered around food. "I would go to bed thinking about what I was going to eat the next day," she said. T h o m a s blames both cul- tural factors and family influences for fostering her obsession with body image. "Society equates beauty and suc- cess with being thin, and I was trying to meet that standard. Also, my par- ents tried to control my life-always trying to make sure everything was perfect -so that I felt my weight was something I could control," Thomas said. "This is a real paradox because very soon the eat- ing disorder be- gins controlling them," said Doreen Murasky, a clinical social worker for- Uni- versity Counsel[ ing Services. If a woman develops an eating disorder and becomes dangerously thin because of dissatisfaction with her appearance, she may achieve the opposite effect. Laura Verona, an En- gineering senior, said she is "dis- gusted" by some of the women she sees at the CCRB. "There is one woman that I see Women who emulate this Virginia Slims ad will find they've chosen an impossibly thin Ma --'-. .~___b___ m I