Page 4 -The Michigan Daily-- Wednesday, February 12,1992 Editor in Chief MATI'lHEW D. RENNIE 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 764 - 0552 Opinion Editors YAEL CITRO GEOFFREY EARLE AMITAVA MAZUMDAR Edited and Managed by Students at the University of Michigan Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Honors bet "yaf Honors benefits only a fiew ",.- ,,,,"," ,art/r = t \lIJ'iJ -"- I -" 2 ~ Kb 2s )s 1a ".1 .11.1 .. "ti " Y......1. ...1111":.h" Y: ':.*i":t11"::.* .. 0 0 s obstacles to obtaining a worthwhile under- graduate education at the University mount, it is good to know that there are some classes that consistently challenge students to excel. Unfortu- nately, many of these classes are open only to "honors" students. For some time now, the University has been marketing its honors program as an oasis of per- sonal treatment in a desert of red tape. And while this may be true, there are a host of problems with this program that do not make it into the University's glossy brochures. The selection process used to determine who is admitted into the honors program ignores most subjective criteria. It is widely accepted that the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is more an indica- tion of students' backgrounds than their intelli- gence. Yet the honors program continues to give tremendousweight to SAT scores during the selec- tion process. This is inherently flawed, and it serves to keep otherwise qualified students out of some of the best courses the University has to offer. Why is it that a student with an 1100 SAT score is not honors material, while a student with a 1250 score is? Access to smaller classes, more personal counsel- ing, and better instruction should not be limited to the so-called "best and brightest." The University is among the top 25 Universities inthecountry. Despite the huge number of students who attend, each one should be guaranteed a qual- ity education - regardless of some arbitrary cut- off point. Rather than determining which students are elite enough to participate in this program, the University should instead divert its resources into improving the quality of instruction for everyone. Honors courses should be open to every stu- dent. That is not to say, of course, that every course should be an honors-style course, but any students willing to put in the additional effort to challenge themselves should have that option available. It is time that the University started to remem- ber that instruction of undergraduates is a priority here, too. .. ...................... I- ........... --l--'---,- -------------------- -- ]Bush helps planet and himself Tt is no secret that President George Bush is not theenvironmentalpresident he claimed he would. be. His term has been riddled with environmental no-no's ranging from the destruction of wetlands to his recent attempt to block new Environmental Protection Agency clean air regulations. Last Thursday, the administration's apathetic attitude concerning the planet took a 180-degree turn when the Senate unanimously passed an amendment to an international agreement that would accelerate the elimination of ozone-damag- ing chemicals. Bush has stated that he will sign the bill. No doubt he is feeling increased pressure from envi- ronmental groups and statistics concerning ozone depletion. While such a move to protect the envi- ronment is welcome and long overdue, the presi- dent seems to have moved on the issue only for political reasons: The new proposal is a modification of the Montreal Protocol, an international agreement signed in 1987 which advocates the abolition of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) by the year 2000. Recent studies indicating that ozone depletion is occurring at twice the previously believed rate prompted the amendment as well as a response from Eileen Claussen, director of the EPA's Office of Atmospheric and Indoor Air Programs. "It is obvious that we have to move up the dates (to eliminate CFSs)," she said. "The Senate resolu- tion says to move them up as fast as we can. To the extent there is debate, and there isn't much, the debate is over just how early we can fix these dates." This bill currently enjoys the support of the Senate, where it passed 96-0, as well as the en- dorsement of the House. Had the president at- tempted to block this bill, as he did three months ago, it probably would have passed despite his attempts. Certainly having Congress showing-up the White House during an election year would hurt Bush in the upcoming polls. Perhaps the largest factor in the president's decision is a report by scientists of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration which stated that exceptionally high levels of an ozone-killing chemical derived from CFCs were discovered over a large portion of the northern hemisphere. Closer examination proved the ozone layer particularly thin over Kennebunkport, Maine, where the presi- dent owns a vacation home. William Reilly, an EPA administrator, described the president as "very concerned." Finally, after years of neglect as the ozone layer turned to swiss cheese and Johnson & Johnson made millions selling "30 plus" sunblock, Bush has become "very concerned."As Sen. Al Gore (D- Tenn.) said, "The president had abdicated his re- sponsibility. This amendment is a wake-up call ... Where was the president when the warnings came through so loudly and clearly for the last several years?" Good question. Workshop pushes pro-minority agenda To the Daily: On Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, I attended the College of Engineering's workshop entitled, "Demographics in the Workplace: 2001." I expected it to address the social issues arising from a multi- ethnic work environment. Instead, I was startled to discover such a strong emphasis in the session's tone on doctoral degrees awarded to foreign citizens. According to one of the panelists, Jaime Oaxaca, in order for the United States to remain "number one" in the world it must make more efforts to bring minority U.S. citizens into the higher levels of the professional cadre, rather than only foreigners. I am a Ph.D. student and a member of the minority for whom Oaxaca pleaded. This workshop seemed a subtle tool to engender political support for minority issues by playing on jingoistic tendencies. The message was that the uplifting of U.S. minorities is important only because they belong to the United States and our ultimate goal in examining diversity is making the United States strong and the world's "policeman." Such a conception of diversity which extends only as far as the U.S. borders deeply undermines the global sense of the word as Marting Luther King understood it. It is incredible that in his name this university can sponsor a talk which attributes to diversity such base connotations. Chandra Raman Engineering graduate student Write the Daily All letters should be 150 words or less, and should be sent to: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109. Or via MTS to.. The Michigan Daily, letters to the editor. Daily rejects feminity To the Daily: Your article, "What are Little Girls Made Of?" (1/30/92) in the Weekend section of the Daily, although written by a woman, perpetuates the Daily's long- standing policy that anything feminine is wrong, and that women should always attain to be (second-class) men. Why shouldn't a "thin, frail and tiny" girl be taught that thin, frail and tiny are attractive any less than a tomboy be taught that she is OK too? As far as ballet setting goals unattainable by many girls, I hope it would not be implied that girls, and boys too, should never aspire to be presi- dent, that our society take that goal away from children. Finally, I think that the article stresses too little an appreciation for art and emphasizes too strongly that feminine identities rely on overt sexuality - a feminine ideal, which if ex- pressed, the Daily is too often quick to censor. Pat Burkard Ann Arbor Get your tickets here To the Daily: In reference to the recent notice that appeared in the paper regarding the Detroit Symphony Orchestra's performances, you may want to inform your readers that student rush tickets are available immediately before showtime for five dollars, upon presentation of a student ID. These tickets are not available in the event of a sellout, an unfortunately rare occurrence. Waleed Meleis Engineering graduate student. 04 Learn both sides of the story To the Daily: In my history of art lecture today, my professor proposed that to understand .the art we are currently covering (the Renais- sance period), we should read the first four books of the New Testament. Upon saying this, she was greeted with a loud murmur. She then forgot she was not trying to push a certain religion, but many Renaissance works are based on the Gospels, and she just wanted students to be familiar with the stories behind the art. However, a strong feeling of discontentment was still present. I can only assume that the dis- gruntled ones were shocked at this apparent attack on diversity. I, on the other hand, think that this was a call for expanded diversity. If we were studying religious works from another culture, I would like to know the background of those works. I will admit that I am a Christian, but I am secure enough in my own beliefs that learning another culture's background could not hurt me. If-people are strong enough to live in a Chris-' tian based society such as ours and not believe in the Christian God, how can reading the Gospels hurt? Knowledge of the opposing side's arguments can only strengthen one's own. When people are given the choice to learn something they don't already know, even in regard to religion, it cannot be fairly equated with forcing them to learn a certain set of ideas. The people that refuse to be exposed to new ideas simply because they are held by the majority are as guilty of discrimination as those who refuse to learn ideas held by minorities. Joe Corrado Engineering first-year student Don't give us a November surprise jonce again, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is engaged in a covert operation to undermine the government of a foreign country. President Bush has authorized the CIA to use a contingency fund to try to oust Iraqi President Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq, according to administration officials. The plan, which for the time being only autho- rizes the use of propaganda and meetings with rebel leaders, will cost an estimated $20 million to $30 million. However, Pentagon officials have already prepared a report for the White House which details the necessary military operations should U.S. armed forces become involved in the CIA-instigated coup. In this case, Bush's imperial foreign policy will likely backfire, and the cost in American lives and money will increase enor- mously. These revelations of CIA operations are not surprising, considering Saddam is a two-bit dicta- tor. Meddling in other countries' internal affairs is not a new practice of either the CIA or its former director, George Bush. However, the sheer hypoc- risy of a CIA instigated coup is staggering. Bush repeatedly touted the Desert Storm opera- tion as a U.N. action to enforce U.N. resolutions. Now, when faced with Saddam's continued non- compliance with U.N. resolutions, Bush is under- taking unilateral action without U.N. auspices. Bush shed crocodile tears over the sovereignty of Kuwait, a non-democratic country whose lib- erty was snatched away by a miniature "evil em- pire." Now, when only Iraq is involved and when no country is threatened, the sovereignty of a non- democratic country seems to be of little or no importance in Bush's private vision of world order. Bush has repeatedly supported dictators when it suited his fancy. China, Syria, Panama and Iraq itself head the long list of countries that have received Bush's casual acceptance. Now, when Saddam's continued reign is perceived as a black mark on Bush's foreign policy record during an election year, Saddam's downfall is suddenly worth risking more bloodshed, even though there are no U.S. interests involved. Perhaps the motivation for this foreign policy move is revealed when one looks at Bush's declin- ing approval rating among voters, his State of the Union flop, and the increasing criticism of his domestic policy vacuum. Distracting the public from domestic affairs is an old trick for Bush and, like the producer of a hit movie, he seeks to repeat his demonstrated success at Saddam-bombing. However, like the sequel to a hit movie, this one will probably not do as well. The audience can only take so much of a stale plot, and the price of admission is just too high. .41.:.OM M UNITY:.::4::.4::::::X:": t:' ':.:" X.XGU Intri policy4"::poses :: thought control.. . by Peter Mooney and Michael Warren Recently, the Student Rights Commission (SRC) of the Michigan Student Assembly issued an investigative report recommending the abolition of the Interim Policy on Discrimina- tion and Discriminatory Conduct. In rare moment of unanimity MSA endorsed the SRC's recommendation that the Interim Policy be abolished, and that a student referendum be held on the issue. As the following incidents indicate, students consider the poliyca major campus issue: HIn 1989, a University student brought a suit in federal court which overturned the initial harassment policy. Instead of complying with the constitutional mandate of that decision, the University imposed the current Interim Policy. Last Spring, student publications united to oppose the Interim Policy. The editors of The Michigan Daily, The Michigan Review, Consider, The Res Gestae, and Prospect signed a letter urging the policy be aniee the MSA offices in the Union: The importance of freedom of speech: Freedom of speech is vital to the democratic foundations of America. Justice Cardozo noted that freedom of speech "is the matrix, the indispensable condi- tion, of nearly every other freedom." Benjamin Hooks, the NAACP president, agrees: "The civil rights movement would have been vastly different without the shield and spear of the First Amendment ... (It) is of particular importance to those who have been victims of oppression." Fighting Words: Since the fighting words exception to the First Amendment requires that speech incite violence to be regulated, that exception cannot be invoked to justify the policy. The policy does not require a violent reaction, but rather states that speech be intended to injure its target. We are sensitive to the reality that hate speech is extremely injurious. We reject racism, sexism, homophobia and similar attitudes. And we recognize that these ideas can severely scar their targets. speech. - EDue Process: Enforcement procedures currently resemble a Stalinist show trial more than an American courtroom. Jurors are political appointees; the Administration acts as prosecutor; the right to counsel is severely limited; and unreliable hearsay evidence is admitted. This is Kafka, not justice. s Thought Control: The Interim Policy imposes thought control. The University generally does not sanction non-academic conduct, yet the Interim Policy sanctions certain speech and conduct based solely on the motivation of the actor. For instance, Jane may impale John with an ice pick and not be sanctioned; but if she mutters an. insult about his maturity the full weight of the Fleming Building~ comes down on her shoulders. What is sanctioned is not her conduct, but her motivation. Justice Douglas and Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Tribe condemn such prohibitions as "thought control." We concur. Enforcement: Policy advocates assume 0 Nuts and Bolts r+NCE COAT. -. 4 1HMPI FUR~, IT'S THE ONLY~ i1HAUINC7 '~yA%- A... IUE"". e-IUMBL.".. 5ftp.. XRPC-l by Judd Winick '[ VHA5 -ME PMO M WrM11 YOUrfl t.fAAtE N E!I