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February 12, 1992 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-02-12

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The University Honors College is the paragon of
academic excellence, or is it? Through
questionable admissions standards, it excludes
most students from the education they deserve.

Hannelore Kober and Jonnie Dbbele are a pair of
University profs happily married to film (and each
other). Read a preview of a showing of their

The Michigan men's basketball team opened its
Big Ten season by winning at Iowa. Tonight, the
Hawkeyes come to Ann Arbor with revenge on
their minds.

Variable clouds and cold;
High: 23, Low: 13
Mostly cloudy; High 31, Low 16


ir a


One hundred and one years of editorial freedom
Vol. CII, No. 75 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, February 12, 1992 r Mwganay


may rise
desp ite
'92 breaks
families and investors await word
on how big a tax cut they will get
from Congress and President Bush,
millions should be watching instead
to see how much their taxes are go-
ing to rise.
Bush's budget, with its propos-
als for a reduction in capital-gains
taxes, an increased exemption for
children and a new credit for some
home buyers, would be financed in
part by tax increases exceeding $21
billion over the next five years.
Among the targets: State and lo-
cal government employees; boaters;
pay-phone users; securities dealers,
and buyers of certain life insurance
A Democratic plan to give a
temporary credit of up to $200 a
year to wage-earners would be fi-
nanced by higher taxes on couples
with incomes in the $200,000-plus
range ($100,000 for singles) and a
new surtax on millionaires.
The House Ways and Means
Committee will begin deciding to-
day what kind of tax-cut plan is
called for and how it should be fi-
The Democratic-controlled panel
is likely to reject Bush's proposal,
which the president billed as desir-
able to boost the economy. But the
committee probably will send the
president's bill to the full House
for a vote, along with a Democratic
substitute aimed at pleasing the
See TAXES, Page 2

Sorority gets approval
to occupy new house

by Hope Calati
Daily Staff Reporter

Despite criticism from neigh-
bors and a nearby elementary
school, the Ann Arbor Planning
Commission last night unani-
mously voted to allow Delta Zeta
sorority to move into the Perry
Nursery School on Washtenaw
More than 20 people addressed
the commission about Delta Zeta's
request for a special exceptions
permit, including neighborhood
residents, Delta Zeta members, and
representatives from Perry Nurs-
ery School and the adjacent Angell
Elementary school.
Seven neighbors and Angell
representatives said Delta Zeta
would create traffic problems and
cause a threat to school children.
Angell and Perry both use the

same driveway.
But Perry representatives urged
the need to sell their building, and
Delta Zeta members said that they
would be good neighbors.
Delta Zeta has agreed to buy the
Perry Nursery School Property on
1541 Washtenaw Ave. from the
United Way.
The Planning Commission has
clashed with the Greek system
twice during the past year because
of clashes between the houses and
the neighborhoods.
Last summer, it denied Pi Kappa
Phi a special exceptions permit, and
in the fall, refused to grant Sigma
Kappa expansion approval.
Neighbors pressured the com-
mission to reject both of those
plans, which resulted in lawsuits.
Delta Zeta President Kristin
Slocum said, "We would be con-

siderate and approachable neigh-
bors." She cited the favorable
comments about sororities made by
members of the Burns Park Neigh-
borhood Association during the
hearings about Pi Kappa Phi.
Debate last night centered on
access to the property, parking and
the safety of the students attending
the adjacent Angell Elementary
"It's not just a Delta Zeta mat-
ter, it's a Greek matter," Slocum
Parking highlighted the con-
cerns presented to the commission.
Barbara Starkley, parent of an
Angell Elementary School stu-
dent, said the increased traffic pro-
duced by a sorority would bye dan-
greous for the children at Angell
School. "Someone said that parking
See HOUSE, Page 2

Barbara Starkley, an Ann Arbor resident and mother of an Angell
Elementary School first grader, speaks against allowing Delta Zeta to
expand their house at the City Planning Commission meeting last night.

Tsongas latest to top N.H. primary polls

Rosemary Colliton waited more
than an hour to deliver her pledge to
Paul Tsongas: "I'm going to vote
for character and not charisma," she
"You can do both," said Tsongas
who suddenly sits atop the shifting
presidential polls in New
Hampshire replied with a smile.
The former Massachusetts sena-
tor for months was seen as the
Rodney Dangerfield of the
Democratic field.
Tsongas' painstaking organiza-
tion and steady campaign style, and

message seem to be paying off. With
New Hampshire's leadoff primary a
week away, he is leading the polls or
at least tied with Arkansas Gov.
Bill Clinton.
Even if he won New Hampshire,
cash-poor Tsongas would be given
little chance of getting the
Democratic nomination. And even if
he did somehow become the nomi-
nee, few believe he could beat
President Bush.
The perception is based partly on
the sour memory of 1988 nominee
Michael Dukakis. Democrats worry
about the impact a Tsongas-led

ticket would have on prospects for
the party's Senate and congressional
"Some of the candidates and
their supporters are very nervous
about the prospect of another
Massachusetts nominee," said
Democratic strategist Ann Lewis.
"This is supposed to be a national
Tsongas offers a no-frills eco-
nomic message anchored on restor-
ing America's manufacturing base.
He rejects politically popular mid-
dle-class tax giveaways favored by
some rivals.

Tsongas' ads brag "He's no
movie star." In his speeches, he tells
voters, "I'm not running to be Santa
To the surprise of many who
dismissed him, Tsongas is running
to win.
He's the first to admit he doesn't
have the rhetorical flair of Clinton,
or the feisty populism of Iowa Sen.
Tom Harkin. "But I have a message
of truth that has a power of its
own," he says.
When people ask how he knows
he's got momentum, Tsongas is
ready: "Look, I spent 10 months

without it, I know it when I see it."
Tsongas' campaign reflects the
defining experiences in his life -
the economic rise and fall of his
hometown of Lowell, Mass., and a
successful battle over cancer that he
had been told he could not win.
He's been counting the days ever
since. Tuesday was 3,054.
'These are not ordinary days,"
Tsongas tells voters. "There must
be purpose in these days."
Tsongas' favors capital gains and
other tax breaks to encourage new
business investment, and easing of
antitrust laws.

Students skeptical about

by Ben Deci
Daily Crime Reporter
Students have been bombarded by
slogans decrying deputization of
University police for more than a
year now. Recently, a new wave of
chalk axioms have carpeted the Diag,
urging students to action.
But many say the meetings
scheduled on the issue for 4 p.m.
Monday and Tuesday are pointless.
They contend that the police already
have guns, it looks like they're here
to stay, and wonder if any action can
be taken to reverse deputization.

The University regents, who pre-
viously voted 7-1 in favor of depu-
tizing the police force, will vote
next Friday to accept or reject the
power to deputize granted them by
the recently enacted Public Act 120.
Washtenaw County Sheriff
Ronald Schebil decided to end
Washtenaw County's deputization
of the University police by March
"There are some questions about
who's liable if there was a law-
suit," Schebil explained.
If the regents vote to accept dep-

utization responsibilities, tho
powers will take effect July 1.
However, in accordance wi
Public Act 120, this vote cannot1
held until there have been two pu
lic hearings on the matter. The Ur
versity will hold those hearin
next week.
Dave Monforton, aide to st
Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbo
said he feels that the hearings sh
that University is finally coming
terms with an issue that they we
trying to avoid.
"They've decided to bite the b

'U' deputization hearings
se let and withstand the withering zation before we could get the act of the hearings to shut them down.
abuse of people who are upset about passed." "If students can invalidate the hear-
th armed police," Monforton said. The sentiment is widely held ings so they are not completed, we
be Bullard sent a letter to the re- that the regents have already made will have a police force suspended in
ib- cr itb nrucinv them of ahsing the their decision and will just go air."


gums ac;ub~ u lu Vg g uj,
sheriff department's deputization
powers. "The only reason for not
using Public Act 120 is to appar-
ently avoid the public hearings and
the oversight committee," the let-
ter said.
But Walter Harrison, executive
director of University Relations,
said, "That accusation is ludicrous.
We needed to move towards deputi-

through the motions at the upcom-
ing public hearings.
"They made their minds up long
ago on the issue," Monforton said.
"The real underlying problem is
that the decision was made com-
pletely un-democratically," cor-
roborated LSA senior and Michigan
Student Assembly Rep. Todd Ochoa.
Ochoa is urging a massive protest

However, Schebil said, "If there
has been sufficient progress by the
31st, I will be satisfied." Schebil is
the only .authority who could re-
voke the University police force's
current deputized status.
MSA Rep. Robert VanHouwel-
ing agrees that the process hasn't
been representative. However, he
See HEARINGS, Page 2

Students agree with
Tyson guilty verdict

by Gwen Shaffer
Daily Women's Issues Reporter

Most University students said they are
not surprised by the guilty verdict handed
down against Mike Tyson Monday for the
rape of a Miss Black America contestant in a
well-publicized court hearing. The woman
said Tyson lured her into his hotel and
forced himself upon her.
Tyson, once heavyweight boxing cham-
pion, faces the possibility of 60 years in
Some students and faculty said they feel
race may have played a role in Tyson's con-
viction, especially when compared to the re-
cent William Kennedy Smith acquittal -
another highly visible accused rapist with a
reputation as a womanizer.
"You have to keep in mind that the sexu-
ality of Black men has always been con-
structed as a rapist," said Amy Jordan, a
Baker-Mandela Center board member. "It is
easier to believe that a Black man commit-

"William Kennedy Smith had more pres-
tige and more political pull. Race could
have something to do with it, but I didn't
think about it," Cook said.
Some students said they do not think
there is a connection between the Tyson
trial and other rape cases.
"Our legal system is set up so that each
case is taken individually," said LSA senior
Steve Ouwinga. "It sounded like there were
See GUILTY, Page 2
Lawyeis and analysts
c -iic - - creep defense'
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - In the end, the
Mike Tyson jurors believed the victim's
story that she was raped and the defense's
story thatsthe boxer was a foul-mouthed
womanizer who couldn't keep his hands to
Perhaps the defense strategy backfired, or
perhaps his attorneys simply made too con-


The people on the bus go up and down
Northwood bus driver Greg Hobdy looks to see if he has any more passengers before he closes the door.
VP Hartford survives week n dorm
New Student Affairs head hears 'very clear messages' about 'U'

by Melissa Peerless

Hartford said her roommate woke her

forces of fire and water, Hartford said her
otavi n Cuth (and wl u a e urv au a


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