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February 10, 1992 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-02-10

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Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Monday, February 10, 1992

Continued from page 1
added. Chambers, a University Law
School professor, helped draft the
domestic partnership ordinance.
The Grahams' suit argued that
because of extended insurance bene-
fits, Ann Arbor citizens will face
higher taxes, Chambers said. But
little money is actually involved, he
"Tax money is not the issue to
them. It is the recognition of a les-
bian couple that bothers the Gra-
hams," Chambers said.
Jentzen expressed the opposite
"The Grahams feel disappointed
but undaunted," Jentzen said. "The
Grahams are unsure as to whether or
not they will appeal the dismissal
to the Michigan Court of Appeals."
There are also disadvantages to
being recognized as domestic part-
ners by the city, Chambers said. For
example, under the anti-nepotism


law, if one partner is offered a pro-
motion, that person cannot accept if
the promotion requires that partner
'It is simply a way for
two loving and caring
people to publicly
register their
- David Chambers
Defense counsel
to work under the supervision of the
Chambers said added benefits are
not the purpose of two people regis-
tering their relationship.
"The purpose of this ordinance
grows out of Ann Arbor's com-
mitment to family and recognitioq

of diversity. No financial benefits
are provided. Its purpose is purely
symbolic," Chambers said. "It is
simply a way for two loving and
caring people to publicly register
their relationship, and have it ac-
knowledged by the city."
"I am relieved that Judge Morris
dismissed this," Chambers said.
"The right remedy for the Grahams
is the ballot."
Chief Assistant City Attorney
Mel Laracey said of the judge's rul-
ing, "I think the judge made the cor-
rect decision. The plaintiff's remedy
is not in the court."
There are 14 couples currently
registered with the City Clerk's of-
fice, including three male-female
partnerships, four male couples, and
seven female couples.
Applicants must be at least 18
years old and unmarried or in any
other domestic partnership for the
previous three months. The fee is
$20 for city residents and $25 for

Continued from page 1
you. You had to be good and you
had to be lucky," Jackson said.
Jackson was stationed at Fort
Knox, Ky., when he returned
stateside. But after being away from
the action for a while, Jackson said
he missed the "energy, excitement
and utter challenge of what was go-
ing on." Jackson volunteered to re-
turn to Vietnam, and began his sec-
ond tour of duty in 1971.
"You learned how to do things
that you never thought the machine
would do," he said.
Jackson returned to the United
States in 1972 and spent the next
15 years piloting in Michigan, the
Gulf of Mexico, and Indonesia In
1987, he landed his current job at
the University.
Jackson said, "(The Survival
Flight) job is one of the more com-
plicated flying jobs I've ever had.
You fly in all different types of
weather, 12 months a year and 24
hours a day."
Doug Armstrong, a communica-
tions specialist for Survival
Flight, said he thinks Jackson
handles the job well. "He's an
excellent pilot. You feel very
confident when he's flying."
Armstrong said between runs,
Jackson likes to lighten up a little,
but he added, "At the same time,
he's very professional and business-
like when it's time to go to work."
When a call comes in, Jackson
said the weather is the first
concern. Before even learning the
patient's condition, the members of
the crew discuss weather
conditions. If someone decides the
flight cannot be made safely, the
helicopter remains grounded.
Citing the safety record of Sur-
vival Flight, Jackson said there
have never been any crashes.


Continued from page 1
their opposition to harsh market re-
forms, foreign aid and the breakup
of the old Soviet Union.
Also yesterday, a two-day con-
ference of Orthodox religious be-
lievers, nationalists and Russian
imperialists founded the new Rus-
sian People's Assembly to "restore
a united and great Russia," Russian
media said.
At the hard-line rallies, anti-for-
eign and anti-Semitic sentiments
was rife. "Get the Jews out of the
Communist Party!" one woman
shouted at the Moscow rally.
Hard-line demonstrations also
were reported in Chelyabinsk and
Yekaterinburg in the Ural Moun-
tains, Bryansk and Petrozavodsk in
central Russia, and Angarsk,
Irkutsk, Novosibirsk and Krasno-

yarsk in Siberia, Russian media said.
Each drew a few hundred people.
About 4,000 people rallied in St.
Petersburg, birthplace of the 1917
Bolshevik revolution, with banners
reading "Down with foreigners
from all organs of power!"
Counter-demonstrations also
were held in St. Petersburg and
elsewhere, but they appeared to be
outnumbered, as in Moscow.
"What Yeltsin is doing now is a
crime against the people. The price
liberalization is a crime against the
people!" retired teacher Nina
Solovyova said while standing
among protesters in Manezh Square
next to the Kremlin.
Placards and red flags of the
former Soviet Union rose from the
sea of people, while speakers de-
nounced Yeltsin and other re-
formist leaders, including former

President Mikhail Gorbachev. Hun-
dreds of police lined the square and
adjacent streets, but no serious
incidents were reported.
Russian media, quoting police es-
timates, reported the crowd size at
roughly 120,000. But AP reporters
and photographers on the scene said
the rally at its peak appeared to
draw closer to 60,000.
"No to the market, no to eco-
nomic murders," said one placard.
"For the motherland, the Soviet
Union, Stalin was right,"
proclaimed another banner.
Five blocks away, roughly 3,000
pro-Yeltsin demonstrators had
massed at an intersection to block
the hard-liners' route and sing a
mourning hymn at the site where
three young men were killed during
the coup.

University survival rescue pilot Rich Jackson stands next to the
copter on the landing pad at the University Medical Center.

The $1.5 million helicopter
Jackson flies reaches speeds of 120
mph. And in emergency situations,
speed is critical.
Still, the delicate process of
transporting a patient cannot be
too rushed. "Sometimes there's a
little expedience to the whole
thing. Still, everything follows a
pattern, and if you break that
pattern, it becomes an unsafe
situation," Jackson said.
Having lives constantly depend-
ing on his abilities creates a lot of
pressure, but Jackson said he has
been able to tone down the stress.
"You've dealt with (the pres-

sure) so long that decisions become
Jackson works a cycle of three
days of 12-hour shifts followed by
three off-days. When not working,
he exercises, plays golf, and shoots
pistols competitively.
Still, flying is the biggest part
of Jackson's life. "It's interesting
and it's challenging. The idea of do-
ing your part for people - that's
the important part."
The next time you see a heli-
copter rising to the sky from the
University's hospital, think of
Rich Jackson. He just might be the
one who is flying up, up and away.

Calvin and Hobbes

by Bill Watterson '

'G -


9, 1992 Waterso/dislributed by Uiversal Press Syndicate

da _

Continued from page 1
deferment during the Vietnam War.
In the Republican race, chal-
lenger Patrick Buchanan campaigned
along New Hampshire's seacoast as
the Boston Globe-WBZ-TV survey
released yesterday showed him
trailing President Bush by more
than a 2-1 margin.
Kerrey, a Nebraska senator, is
promoting himself as the Clinton
alternative, aggressively trying to
wrest the mantle of electability -
an effort that so far has seen little

After weeks of carefully avoid-
ing attacks on regional native
Tsongas, Kerrey lashed out yester-
day at Tsongas' claim that he is best
prepared to be president because of
his seven years in the private sector
since leaving the Senate.
With the New Hampshire pri-
mary a week from tomorrow,
Tsongas tried to sustain a surge in a
state he must win to give his candi-
dacy hope outside New England. He

had his Nashua audience roaring
with laughter after a series of jokes,
then launched into his pro-business
pitch and promised to make "human
rights the cornerstone of American
foreign policy."
Kerrey has lagged low in the
polls throughout the New Hamp-
shire campaign, and The Boston Sun-
day Globe survey that put a smile on
Tsongas's face offered no boost for
the Nebraskan.


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Continued from page 1
"There were five RAs and a
bunch of guys from the hall. Ev-
eryone was taking squeegees and
trying to push the water back into
the bathroom or into other drains
around the hall," he said.
The water damaged many stu-
dents' belongings when it seeped
into their rooms.
LSA first-year student Eric
Connor said, "I came in and our
room was just flooded. Our carpet
is still wet."
Lanier estimated the damage
will cost thousands of dollars.
Antieau said there is no official
estimate yet.
Students questioned why the
water was permitted to gush for
hours before South Quad's water
supply was shut off.
However, Lanier said he called i
building maintenance immediately I
when he discovered the leak.i
"We called the maintenance 4

man at home but we could not get
in touch with him. On the weekend,
people are not readily available so
we had maintenance people come
from the Hill dorms," he said.
"They didn't know South Quad, so
the only switch they could find
was the one which turned off all
the water to the dorm."
One student, however, was able
to see some humor in the situation.
Kinesiology first-year student
Meance Thompson said, "We were
going to open up the windows and
let it freeze and have a little ice
There was a second incident of
vandalism at South Quad Friday
night. The words "white," "sex,"
"KKK," and two swastikas, were
found scrawled in shaving cream in
the bathroom on the sixth floor of
Gomberg House.
The floor's RA said it was an
isolated incident. Security is inves-
tigating, but the act is currently be-
ing attributed to two people not
affiliated with the University.


be 1ga4aig
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