Mostly cloudy;
High: 38, Low: 29.
Chance of flurries;
High: 40, Low: 28.
One hundred and one years of editorial freedom
The debate over
Page 4.
Vol. CI, No. 52
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, January 8, 1992
Copynqht ', 992
The Mice y<an Daily
Rose Parade kY .
proves perfect
hangover cure
by Melissa Peerless
Daily Staff Reporter
PASADENA, Calif. - The
103rd Tournament of Roses Parade
was a perfect remedy for the year's
first hangover.
The parade's 60 floats, 22 bands
and 275 equestrians made many
spectators forget the early hour of
8 am.
University of Washington
sophomore Ryan Davis said, "I
must admit that my friends and I
partied pretty hard last night. We
had all planned to come to the pa-
rade, but they just couldn't drag
themselves out of bed so I came by
Davis added that he did not envy
his slumbering companions. "It
was definitely worth getting up a
few hours early. The floats were
great," he said.
Seventy-year-old Pasadena resi-
dent Marion Farrell, who has been
to each of the last 67 Rose Parades,
said this year's was by far the best.
"Every year, it seems to get
more beautiful and spectacular, es-
pecially with the increased move-
ment capability of the floats," she
Float motion was a highlight of
parade entries this year, as two
floats with innovative animation
delighted spectators and judges
alike. ^ , R
The General Motors float, ti-5
tied "Looking Into the Future," .1
won the Sweepstakes Award for \
the most beautiful entry. The float
depicted a futuristic, snake-like
space vehicle which twisted its e
way through the audience as it
cruised along the parade route. =F
Members of the audience were
given hand puppets to wave as the k'
float passed.
Another crowd-pleaser was5
Southern California Edison's
"Creative Energy ... Transporting
the Ages." The float represented s
two sphinxes in front of a vibrant "
sun, with Thomas Edison driving a
vehicle out of the beams of light. Its;
was the first float ever completely F
operated by electric power.
Southern California Edison a
spokesperson Neal Alexander said, KENNETH SMOLLER/Daily
"This float beautifully repre- The SEC-Pacific cruises down Colorado Ave. during the 103rd Tournament of Roses Parade. The float, entitled
sented SCE's motto of creative en- "Discover the Joy of Working Together," won the Judges' Special Award for the entry with the "most
See PARADE, Page 2 spectacular showmanship and dramatic impact."
Native Americans protest parade theme, Grand Marshals
LSA to
In stadium
thils year
by Melissa Peerless
Daily Administration Reporter
The University has relocated
1992 LSA Spring Commencement
to Michigan Stadium from Crisler
The move was announced in
fliers placed in various locations
around campus.
Director of Presidential
Communications Shirley Clarkson
said the switch was made to allow
graduates more tickets to the
With the ceremony at Michigan
Stadium, which has a capacity of
more than 101,000, students will
receive 10 tickets, whereas they
would be allowed only three in
Crisler Arena.
"The students can have more
guests and there is a lot of concern
for that," Clarkson said.
Graduating senior John Miller
said, "I think it's fantastic because I
would have had a hard time deciding
who to give the three tickets to."
And although he worried that it
might be a little empty with only
LSA, Miller said he thought the
stadium was a great location.
"I went to graduation last year
and I think the stadium was a great
atmosphere," he said.
The move prompted speculation
that a new speaker would address
graduates, since President George
Bush's appearance resulted in a
similar move last year.
Clarkson said the move is solely
a space consideration and the
University has not made any changes
in the proposed speakers list. ABC
Weekend News anchor Carole
Simpson, who was supposed to
speak last year, is the scheduled
Commencement will be at noon
on Saturday, May 2.
by Melissa Peerless
Daily Staff Reporter
PASADENA, Calif. - 1991
started innocuously enough for the
Tournament of Roses Committee.
Last year's parade, with its
theme "Fun and Games" and Grand
Marshal Bob Newhart, proceeded
down Colorado Ave. without caus-
ing so much as a small
However, no sooner had this
year's parade moved out of the
planning stages, than the event -
and the committee itself- came
under fire.
In early October, Pasadena City
Councilmember Rick Cole sent a
letter to Tournament of Roses
President Bob Cheney protesting
his selection of both the 1992 pa-
rade theme and Grand Marshal.
Cheney chose the theme
"Voyages of Discovery" and
Cristobal Colon, a direct descen-
dant of Christopher Columbus, to
be Grand Marshal.
In his letter, Cole called Colon
"a symbol of greed, slavery, rape
and genocide."
As Cole's position drew public
support, the committee faced fur-
ther allegations.
Cheney said, "Although the
quincentenary of Columbus' voy-
age to America inspired my choice,
he is not the focus of this parade. It
is about all of the discoveries that
have taken place or are going to
take place."
Within a month, Cheney an-
nounced the appointment of a co-
Grand Marshal, U.S. Rep. Ben
Nighthorse Campbell (D- Colo.),
the only Native American repre-
sentative to Congress.
While some protesters' objec-
tions were quelled, other activists
were still not satisfied. Ad hoc
commitcL organized r' lies along
the route during the parade and ev-
ery day for weeks prior to the
Alexander Winterhawk, a Cree
Indian who protested at the parade,
See PROTEST, Page 2
'U' shells out $400,000 to cover audit discrepancy
by Bethany Robertson
Daily Staff Reporter
The University refunded almost
$400,000 to the federal government in late
December although University administra-
tors originally said they had no plans to re-
pay money that a federal audit reported was
incorrectly charged.
"The auditors did the analysis and got
the facts. Then the negotiators and the exec-
utive branch become involved and decide
how to resolve that audit," said Chandler
Matthews, University associate vice presi-
dent for Finance.
Originally, the errors reported in the au-
dit for fiscal year 1989 were to be cleared up
during negotiations about the indirect cost
recovery rate for 1993.
But negotiations resumed after the
Department of Health and Human Services
(HHS) reviewed the results of the audit.
"There was a desire on the part of the
federal government that part of those costs
should be repaid," Matthews said.
Universities receiving federal money for
research projects report indirect costs in-
curred by that research. Items such as build-
ing maintenance can not be attributed to
specific projects, but a certain rate is charged
to the government to cover such costs.
Charges of incorrect spending have sur-
faced at several universities across the coun-
try in the past year.
The audit report calculated $197,000 er-
rors in costs the University charged to the
government during fiscal year 1989. After
discussions between the University and
HHS in late November, this figure was re-
duced to $98,000.
"We were able to sit down with the ne-
gotiators and provide them with additional
information so that they conceded that some
of those costs were appropriate," Matthews
An HHS official said when an audit un-
covers incorrect spending, the government
assumes that the same amount was misspent
in the year preceding the audit and the two
years following. Therefore, although HHS
See AUDIT, Page 2
. Fake ID users could
face fines and service
by Erin Einhorn
and Travis McReynolds
Daily City Reporters
Students might think twice before reaching
for their fake IDs to get into Ann Arbor bars.
Minors caught using fake IDs will now
face fines and possible community service fol-
lowing the unanimous passage of an ordinance
by City Council Monday night.
"The design of this ordinance is to tell mi-
nors we don't like underage people drinking in
this town," said Councilmember Larry
Hunter (D-1st Ward).
Minors attempting to dupe the bouncer at a
local bar can receive a $25 fine the first time, a
$50 fine for the second offense and may pay as
much as $100 for the third offense.
O'Sullivan's, a South University eatery and
pub, has confiscated about 150 fake IDs per
semester in recent years, said a restaurant
Tony Bonino, manager of Good Time
Charley's, another South University bar, said
the bouncers have confiscated more than 300
IDs during the last year.
"It's something that was already on the
books at the state level," said Bonino. "They
(City Council) just made their local ordinance
more severe."
He said his bar will not change its current
policy, and will continue only confiscating al-
legedly fake IDs and only call the police when
a conflict occurs.
Good Time Charley's catches about 95 per-
cent of fake ID users who attempt to enter the
bar, Bonino estimated.
"I think students in Ann Arbor know that
we confiscate and don't try to enter the bar,"
he said.
See FAKE ID, Page 2
Ann Marie Coleman will
resign from council in May
by Travis McReynolds
and Erin Einhorn
Daily City Reporters
City Councilmember Ann Marie Coleman (D-1st
S 4{ . q .5h., u x Y i : f