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February 06, 1992 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-02-06

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Judge Donald Shelton betrayed the Ann Arbor
community by throwing out City Council member
Kurt Zimmer's case accusing the city of

We've all experienced penis envy, but envy no
more. Stefanie Vines exposes the Men's
movement in this week's cover story.

While next year's football season may seem like
a long way off, a chorus of The Victors seems
appropriate for Wolverine coach Gary Moeller's
latest recruiting class.

Cloudy, chance of rain;
High: 38, Low: 23
Colder; High 25, Low 19


. ti


One hundred and one years of editorial freedom
Vol. CII, No. 72 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, February 6, 1992 TCyight ©1f992

Board to
Consi der
-Union ID
entry rule
by Karen Talaski
The Michigan Union Board of
Representatives (MUBR) is consid-
ering further revisions to the Union
access policies for students and
groups due to problems over the
weekend between students and
Union security,
A fight last Thursday between
University and Eastern Michigan
University students and a second in-
cident that occurred Friday night
during an Alpha Kappa Alpha soror-
ity dance led to the current
discussions. 0
The current access policy allows
any student to enter the Union after
8:00 p.m. on Thursday, Friday and
Saturday nights with a valid picture
ID. Students can bring a maximum
of two guests with valid IDs from
any other university.
The student-sponsored events
policy requires student groups to
plan events 28 days in advance and
send a representative to a meeting 72
hours before the event occurs. The
meeting is attended by a representa-
tive from the Union, a member of
the student group and a representa-
tive from security to discuss their
responsibilities before, during and
after the event.
A sorority member met with
Union representatives the morning
of last Friday',s incident and
promised to provide student moni-
*tors to share the responsibilities of
security in order to avoid any vio-
lent situations. But when Union se-
curity requested help from the mon-
itors, they were unavailable.
"They didn't live up to their end
of the bargain," said Priti Marwah,
LSA junior and chair of MUBR.
"We are placing the matter into
committee to decide whether or not
to bring sanctions against them."
James Green, an LSA junior and
president 'of the Black Greek Asso-
ciation (BGA), said he is confident
the changes will be minimal.
"We work with the MUBR and
I believe they would not do any-
thing rash. There was a slight prob-
See UNION, Page 2

Gov. Engler unveils

next year
LANSING, Mich. (AP) - Gov. "In fact,t
John Engler vowed yesterday night nearly all o
to serve as a thrifty trustee of the growth will b
state's tax dollars and make sure mandates, co
Michigan follows the same budget fixed costs, su
rules that families do. Engler sa
"Especially in these tough times, even more i
we are going to guard your hard- the Legislatu
earned tax dollars just as cautiously cut the size
and as carefully as you safeguard governmentv
your paycheck. We're not going to ficiency andq
raise your taxes and break your bud- Engler, w
get," he said in a 15-minute speech year in offic
outlining his proposed budget for harshly for
the next fiscal year. balance last3
"This budget is like your family year's budget
budget, responsible and prudent, He used
spending no more than what we take speech to exp
in. That's why I think of it as the that he inhc
Michigan family budget." deficit when
Engler offered few specifics said he couldl
about the budget for the fiscal year education bui
that begins Oct. 1. The actual budget priorities -n
will be presented tomorrow to the grams - an
Legislature. top of the lis
It will call for $7.9 billion in Engler pra
spending from the general fund, the employees f
state's main checkbook. That's about freeze for 199
a 4 percent increase from this year. ommendingr
Overall state spending will be up many depart
about 3 percent, to $21 billion. That Legislature an
includes dollars, earmarked taxes The gove
and fees, and other funds. $131.5 milli
"We expect inflation to be garten-throug
roughly 3 to 4 percent, making this but much of
budget a no-growth spending plan," as much as$
Engler said. have to go fo

's Sbu
the harsh truth is that
f this year's revenue
e consumed by federal
ourt orders, and rising
;ch as health care."
aid given that, it was
mportant for him and
re to work together to
and the cost of state
while improving its ef-
who marked his first
e Jan. 1, was criticized
welfare cuts made to
year's budget and this
the first part of his
plain those cuts, saying
erited an $1.8 billion
he took office. Engler
have raised taxes or cut
ut "we had to set new
make cuts in other pro-
d put education at the
aised the state's 62,000
or agreeing to a pay
93 and said he'd be rec-
no budget increase for
ments, his office, the
rnd the judicial branch.
rnor said he wanted a
on increase for kinder-
gh-12th grade schools,
it - experts estimate
$100 million - would
ar fringe benefit and re-

tirement costs.
Engler's education adviser said
earlier this week that the governor


wanted to shift some of the money
that now goes to the wealthier
school districts back into the main
school aid fund. That would provide
a boost for the poorer districts.
Engler said the departments of
social services, public health and
mental health would get increases,
but didn't mention corrections.

Let the games begin
Technicians in Albertville, France, prepare the flame lighter for the
opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics Saturday.

by Gwen Shaffer
Daily Women's Issues Reporter

The American Civil Liberties
Union (ACLU) of Michigan repre-
sentatives who are defending a
woman who became impregnated af-
ter being gang-raped are saying the
case may be the most important in
their history.
TheThe ACLU is contending that
the state's cut-off of Medicaid fund-
ing for abortions is unconstitu-
tional, while the state is adhering to
its policy of not funding abortions
with Medicaid money.
Although the state won at the
trial court level, the Michigan

uing stal
Court of Appeals reversed the deci-
sion by a 2-1 vote, declaring that the
cut-off is unconstitutional under
the Michigan equal protection
clause. The state is appealing that
A 1989 state law prohibits Med-
icaid funding for all abortions un-
less a physician certifies that the
life of the mother is at "imminent
risk." No exceptions for rape or in-
cest exist.
Both sides had an opportunity to
present their cases during oral ar-
gument November 7.
"This issue was passed through a
public referendum by a fairly large

margin," said Chris Dewitt,
spokesperson for State Attorney
General Frank Kelley, of the state's
position on Medicaid-funded abor-
tions. "Based on the information we

Jane and Nancy Doe - whose real
names are being withheld. Jane Doe
was gang-raped when she was 15
years old and denied Medicaid fund-
ing to terminate her subsequent

'Based on the information we have available
to us, it appears constitutional.'
- Chris Dewitt
spokesperson for the State Attorney General

te for abortion funds

have available to us, it appears con-
ACLU Attorneys Elizabeth
Gleicher and Bill Goodman are rep-
resenting the plaintiffs in the case,

Gleicher and Goodman contend
there is no reason that an abortion
should not be treated as any other
Medicaid-funded health care option.

Admimstration delays ad;
SRC expresses frustration

by Jennifer Silverberg
Daily MSA Reporter
The Michigan Student Assembly
Student Rights Commission (SRC)
expressed disappointment again at
the administration's failure to run
an advertisement publicizing the
Feb. 19 and 20 police deputization
The administration told the SRC
in a meeting last Friday they would
run an ad in the student newspaper
by the beginning of this week, SRC
Chair Michael Warren said. Instead,
the University Board of Regents
submitted a press release to the
* Daily.
"I said I would try to (run the ad
by the beginning of this week), but
it didn't occur to me that the Daily
had as long a lead time as it does,"

Associate Vice President for
Academic Affairs Mary Ann Swain
The advertisement will appear in
Friday's paper. There is a possibility
that another one will appear next
week as well, Swain said.
SRC members said they were
frustrated with the
administration's actions.
"The things we've asked for, the
reasonable things we've asked for,
have not occurred," Warren said.
"The most reasonable thing, like in-
forming students when the hearings
will be, early on, has not occurred."
"At the current time, I question
whether or not this short notice is
long enough to allow the hearings
to be viable in February," he said.
"Because of this short notice, we're

inclined to believe that the hearings
should be extended until March to
allow for adequate student input."
Swain said extending the dates of
the hearings was not an option.
"We're all set with the Regents
to do it this month," Swain said.
"Since most of us in the University
are used to doing things- with
deadlines, I think there's still
enough time. We still have a couple
of weeks."
On Tuesday night, Vice President
for Student Affairs Maureen Hart-
ford tried to explain the delay of
the advertisement.
"It was my understanding that
there would be two (ads), one
earlier and one near the hearings,"
Hartford said. "I think they're
See HEARINGS, Page 2

They added that there is no legiti-
mate government interest in the cut-
off of funding.
Eileen Spring, public affairs co-
ordinator for Planned Parenthood
of Michigan, said that Gov. John
Engler currently holds the power to
use Medicaid funds for poor women
who wish to obtain abortions, as a
result of the Michigan Court of
Appeals decision.
"Since the case is still in litiga-
tion, the governor chose not to re-
lease Medicaid funding," Spring
See ACLU, Page 2
Spike Lee
to address
in April
by Rachel Freedman
Although the details are still be-
ing finalized, there is a "97 percent
chance" that acclaimed film-maker
Spike Lee will be coming to Hill
Auditorium this spring, said Mark
Bernstein, committee chair of the
Viewpoint Lecture Series.
Viewpoint Lecture Series - a
committee of the University Activ-
ities Center (UAC) - and the
Black Student Union (BSU) are or-
ganizing the event, scheduled for
April 2.
B'nai Brith Hillel Foundation
and the Black Greek Association
will help sponsor Lee's visit.
"It is an incredible opportunity
for groups to provide an event that
will benefit the whole community
and will bring together student
groups that have never worked to-
gether before," Bernstein said. "It's
alon ste en forward for iudent or-

Bush unveils health

President Bush's long-awaited
* health-care plan calls for $100 bil-
lion in vouchers and tax breaks to

An administration document ob-
tained by The Associated Press es-
timates that 95 million Americans
would use the vouchers and tax cuts.

care plan
poor Americans get medical care.
The president's plan allows him
to begin his re-election campaign
with specific proposals to address a

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