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February 04, 1992 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1992-02-04

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 4, 1992 - Page 3

tax plan
*att acked
y ems.
Democratic governors took over a
White House ceremony yesterday
and pummeled President Bush with
criticism of his economic-revival
plan. Bush demanded to know if
Democrats wanted to raise taxes,
close military bases and lay off
The Democrats accused Bush of
trying to stampede them into sup-
porting his tax and spending plan,
and the March 20 deadline he set for
Congress to enact it.
They accused Bush of resorting
to budget "gimmicks," warned that
the nation was falling into "a sewer
of debt," and called for higher taxes
on the wealthy.
"There are some times and some
places in an election year that we do
have differences," said Colorado
Gov. Roy Romer, incoming chair of
the National Governors' Associa-
"More and more we're beginning
to hear people say this sluggish
economy is turning around," Bush
said, citing drops in interest rates.
Romer said Bush's $1.52 trillion
budget contained $40 billion in
"gimmicks" and said, "We're con-
cerned that some of those may end
up on ourbacks."
"Do you want it to be $100 bil-
lion, and if so, what bases do you
want to close?" the president said
heatedly. "What areas do you want
to shut down? What weapon sys-
tems do you want to knock off right
now? Or do you want to lay off the
White House press secretary
Marlin Fitzwater acknowledged
that reaction to Bush's proposal
"has been mixed."
Gov. John Engler, also present at
the conference yesterday, gave Pres-
1 ident Bush a vote of confidence and
said the best thing Washington can
do for the states is to quit burdening
them with rules and orders.
"I guess if you send enough
money you can live with any rule or
regulation," Engler said in an inter-
view. "But one person gets left out
of the equation and that's the tax-
payer who's supposed to pay for all
a this.

u New Student Affairs
VP gears up for true
'U' life in South Quad

Squaring off
A group called the "A-Squares" square dances in the Anderson Room at the Michigan
Union last night during one of its weekly get-togethers.
Japan leader says U.S.

by Melissa Peerless
Daily Administration Reporter
Maureen Hartford's father did not help her
carry her things up to the third floor when she
moved into South Quad yesterday.
"I carried it up myself," she said. "It made
me miss my parents."
Harford, the University's new vice presi-
dent for Student Affairs, said she will be living
in the residence hall through Friday night -
eating, sleeping and showering there, then go-
ing to work in the Fleming Administration
Also, Hartford will have the opportunity to
live with a student roommate.
Engineering sophomore Doneka Scott said
she is excited to have Hartford staying with her
for the week.
"My RD knew that my roommate from last
semester was not going to be coming back this
term so she asked me if I would mind having
this opportunity. I thought it was great," she
Scott added that she does not consider liv-
ing with Hartford to be a big deal.
"She'll only be here until Friday, so it will
be brief," she said. "When I tell my friends,
they are usually like, 'Why?' It's not anything
major. I'm excited. She's charming."
Last night, Scott and -lartford ate dinner
together in the South Quad cafeteria and went
to an intramural basketball game.
Hartford said South Quad is similar to the
dorm in which she lived while she was a stu-
dent at the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hlill. She was a member of the first
class of women admitted to the university as
first-year students.
"It kind of reminds me of the dorms that I
lived in, except that the bathrooms weren't
locked," she said.

Hartford said she is also concerned because
the bathrooms are so far down the hall from
her room.
"When you're my age, you would like it to
be closer," she said.
Hartford said she was pleased to see how
clean Scott kept her room.
"It's much nicer than any college dorm
room I've ever stayed in before, in terms of
cleanliness," she said.
And while IIartford is excited to use this,
experience to get to know a large and diverse
'My RD knew that my
roommate from last semester,
was not going to be coming
back this term so she asked
me if I would mind having
this opportunity. I thought it
was great.'
- Doneka Scott
Engineering sophomore
body of students, she said she will miss her.
husband during the week.
1'11 hoping he can join me for dinner one
night so he can meet my other roommate," she
said. d{
Hartford added that she does not know if
other students on her hall knew that she was;
coming or not. She said she does not want this
to be a major event.
"I just want to learn as much as I can and
meet as many students as I can," she said.

wor kers
TOKYO (AP) - In Japan's lat
of its economic rival, Prime Minis
Miyazawa said yesterday that U.S
are losing the drive "to live by the
their brow" and a former Cabinet
said Americans work only three go
The Foreign Ministry later issue
ment saying Miyazawa "had no
whatsoever of criticizing American
but the remarks prompted a viscera
from White House press spokespers
Fitzwater, making an analogy to a
ing opponents' criticisms before a
spur his team to play harder said, "T
of comments are probably helpful in
of stirring the rages in all of us" wi
compete and show the best workforc
Two weeks ago, lower Hous
Yoshio Sakurauchi fueled a U.S. bac
"Buy American" campaign wher
Americans were lazy and 30 percer
couldn't read.
The fact that remarks such as
continue, despite the wrath they've
in America, reflects a belief among
politicians that the United States is
rating superpower.
American workers are too pr
with the coming weekend and "can
themselves wholly into their work

slacking off
est rebuke as they played too hard Saturdays and Sun-
ter Kiichi days," lawmaker Kabun Muto told Parlia-
. workers ment during a discussion of the auto industry.
sweat of "I think Americans should learn how to
t minister work properly from Monday to Friday,"
od days a added Muto, who served as minister of inter-
national trade and industry under Miyazawa's
~d a state- predecessor, Toshiki Kaifu.
intention The prime minister said many American
workers" college graduates "landed high-paying jobs on
al reaction Wall Street and as a result, you and I have seen
on Marlin that the number of engineers able to make
products has fallen year after year."
coach us- Ministry spokesman Masamichi Hanabusa
a game to later said Miyazawa only intended "to stress,
hese kinds as part of his economic philosophy, the impor-
the sense tance of producing things and creating value
ho want to by the sweat of our brow in our approach to
e. work.... The prime minister regrets any mis-
e Speaker understanding which may have been caused."
klash and a In Washington, the Japanese embassy sent
n he said the White House a statement that Fitzwater
nt of them called an apology.
"Beyond that, I would say that the Ameri-
Monday's can workforce is second-to-none, that the
provoked American work ethic is legendary and has
g Japanese promoted the greatest prosperity in the world
a deterio- and throughout the world, including other
countries like Japan, and that we have been a
eoccupied leader in these areas for many years, and any
Snot throw comments to the contrary are wrong,"
Mondays Fitzwater said.

Wu donates $100,000 to
College of Enineern
by Kate Rye Wu, a professor of Mechanical Engineering

University Professor Shien-Ming Wu, the
first recipient of the Chiang 'echnology
Achievement Award, has decided to donate the
$100,000 prize to the University's College of
The award, which will be presented every
two years to a Chinese engineer, inventor, or
scientist for lifetime achievement, was pre-
sented for the first time in Hong Kong by the
island's governor at a Dec. 28 ceremony.

and Applied Mechanics, said he hoped th,
money would be used to benefit graduate stu-
dents in the College of Engineering.
Associate Dean for Graduate Education and
Research, George Carignan, said the donationw
was a "nice gesture that cane as a complet-
surprise to us."
Carignan said the college has not decided
how the money will be allocated.

What's happening in Ann Arbor today

SACUA meets with Student Affairs VP

Ann Arbor Committee to Defend
Abortion and Reproductive Rights
(AACDARR), general mtg, Michigan
Union, Tapp Rm. 6:30 p.m.
Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity, open
rush meeting, Michigan Union Rin
1209, 7 p.m.
Asian American Association, weekly
mtg, Nikky lounge, Mosher-Jordan,
7:30 p.m.
Recycle UM, mass meeting, School of
Natural Resources, Rm 2052, 6:30 p.m.
Anthopology Club, meeting.
Dominick's, 7 p.m.
Phi Alpha Delta Pre-law Fraternity,
LSAT prep forum, Michigan Union,
Pond Rooms A-C, 7 p.m.
"Sex R Us," Conference on Cultural
Construction of Sexuality (CCCS)'
Michigan Union Rm 3100, 7 p.m.
Michigan Student Assembly, mass
meeting for students interested in
joining MSA committees and
commissions, Michigan union Rm
3039, 6 p.m.
Rainforest Action Movement,
"Economics of Rainforest
Exploitation," Shaun Paul, mass
meeting, Dana Rmn 2025, 7:30 p.m.
SADD, general mtg, East Quad, 2nd
Prescott Lounge, 6:30 p.m.
"Natural Language Meets
Information Technology: Access and
Understanding," John Lawler, Rm
409 West Engineering, noon.
"Self Realization," S-w ami
Shankarananda,, Friends Meeting
House, 1416 Hill St., 7:30-9:30 p.m.
"Strike Wave: The U.S. in 1919,"
Spark: Revolutionary History Series,
MLB Rm B 122, 7:00-8:00 p.m.
"Africa: A Vision for the Year 2000,"
Ugo Ikemba, 603 E. Madison, noon.
"From Political Economy of
Perestroika to Political Economy of
Catastroika," Gennadi Zoteev,
School of Education Rm 1309, 8 p.m.
Safewalk. niahttiine safety walking

hours: Sun-Thurs 1:30-3 a.m. Stop by
Angell Hall Computing Center or call
Northwalk, North Campus nighttime
team walking service. Sun-Thurs 8
p.m.-1:30 a.m. , Fri-Sat 8 p.m.-1l:30
p.m. Stop by 2333 Bursley or call 763-
Alpha Phi Omega Blood Drive, East
Quad. 2 p.m.-8 p.m.
Abbot Laboratories Presentation,
American Chemical Society-Michigan
Student Affiliates, Rm 1706
Chesmnitry, 5:30 p.m.
Kaffeestunde, weekly German coffee.
and conversation, 3rd floor Commons
Rm, MLB, all welcome, 4:30-6 p.m.
Spring Never Ever and Over 30
Hockey Leagues, registrations for
Ann Arbor residents begins Jan. 27;
begins Feb. 2 for non-residents, with
Ann Arbor Department of Parks and
ECB Peer Writing Tutors,
Angell/Mason Hall Computing Center,
7-11 p.m.
"What does it take to run your own
company?" The Entre-preneurship
Series, 120 EECS building, 7-8:30 p.m.
Registration for "Uncommon
Campus Courses," North Campus
Michigan Ultima Team, practice
times changed, 9:30 p.m.
Ann Arbor Department of Parks
and Recreation, registration for Over
30 Hockey Leagues, Spring Science
Day Camp, and Spring Pioneer Living
Day Camp.
"Food, Fiber and Fermentation:
Maguey Utilization in Central
Mexico," University Exhibit Museum,
Tues-Sat 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
"Study Abroad for Art School
Students", 2210 Art &Architecture
Bldg, 11-11:30 a.m.
"U-M Study Abroad for Engineering
Students", International Center, Rm1
9, 7 p.m.
Career Planning and Rlacement.,
Searching for a Summer Job or
Internship, CP&P Program Rmn, 6:10- 7

by David Wartowski
Daily Faculty Reporter
The Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs (SACIUA) met
for the first time yesterday with
Maureen Hartford, the new vice
president for Student Affairs, to dis-
Cuss stUdent concerns and ad-
ministration-faculty commutnicatioui.
Hartford called the meeting" a
first chance to get acquainted" rather
than a business meeting.
She told the committee she was
concerned to hear student com-
plaints of a lack of input in campus
affairs. She asked the committee for
advice on student relations.
SACUA members voiced con-
cern that the CRISP registration pe-
riod is too long, and students who
have not declared majors do not
receive adequate counseling.
The committee also said faculty

members ure not adequately trained
to handle students' personal prob-
SACUA Chair Jim Diana, an as-
sociate professor of Natural Re-
sources, asked I lartford to keep lines
of comnmnunication between faculty

seek advice from her Faculty
Advisory Committee.
SACUA member and professor
of -Ieailth Services Management Roy
Penchansky said he was satisfied
with Ilartford's approach to opening
communication with faculty and

'When something comes up that might need
faculty advice, tell us. This is a point where
many other administrators have failed.'
- Jim Diana
and administration open. students.
"When something comes up that "She certainly knows her busi-
might need laculty advice, tell us," ness," Penchansky said. "It she's
Diana said. "This is a point where half what she sounded like ... we
many other administrators have will have achieved an awful lot."
failed." SACUA members' discussion of
Hartford told SACIUIA she would poor communication between admin-
stay in touch with the committee and istration, faculty and students re-

APO launches first campus blood d

volved around campus police
deputization as an example.
Diana stressed that SACUA
should be. concerned with the pro-
cess of governance instead of merely
focusiig on a certain issue.
"We shouldn't be discussig.y
whether (the admninistratOrs) arei
right or wrong," Diama said. "We
need to be involved im a process so
that faculty can be involved when
problem comes up.
SACUA also decided to offer to
hold a meeting with two or three
members of the Michigan Student
Assembly to discuss student co-
SACIJA member Peg git
Hollingsworth supported the pro
posal, saying communication bet
tween students and faculty has bees
"sadly wanting.
r ."
rive of year
operations, she added.
Hooper said students are encouro
aged to give blood on today at East
Quad between 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.,
tomorrow at Bursley between- 3 R
p.m. and 9 p.m., Thursday at Mary
Markley between 2 p.m. and 8 p.mn.,
and Friday at the Michigan League p
between 12 noon aid 6 p.m.
University professor of chemistry
and a NASA project scientist, said:
the findings add increased urgency
to the need to halt releases of CFCs
and halons.
In addition to finding elevated'
levels of the chlorine and bromine*
chemicals, NASA scientists said at a
news conference that they had also'
found depressed levels of nitrogen

by Laura Adderley r
Alpha Phi Omega (APO) - a
coed national service fraternity - is
kicking off its first blood drive of
the year today. Members said they
hope to raise 620 pints of blood
during the four-day drive.
APO runs four blood drives in-
cluding the annual UIniversity of

Michigan-Ohio State University
Blood Battle in November in con-
junction with the Southeastern
Michigan Chapter ofThe American
Red Cross.
Anna Hooper, a member of the
blood drive publicity committee,
said there is a very high demand for
blood in the state of Michigan, and

that the southeastern area of the
state is chronically in short supply.
The Southeastern Michigan Red
Cross serves 72 hospitals and there-
fore has an enormous need for blood
donations, Hooper said. People are
denied surgery daily at area hospi-
tals because there is simply not
enough blood on hand to perform

NASA: Ozone hole may develop in N.

highest levels of ozone-destroying
chemicals ever measured have been
found in the skies over the northern
hemisphere. It is now likely that an
ozone hole will develop this winter
over parts of the United States,
Canada and Europe, National Aero-
nautics and Space Administration
(NASA) scientists said yesterday.
"Everybody should be alarmed

The levels are high enough, he
said, to destroy ozone at the rate of
1 percent to 2 percent a day for brief,
late-winter periods. With conducive
weather conditions, the northern
ozone layer could be depleted by 30
to 40 percent, he said.
Kurylo said the areas of depleted
ozone found by NASA satellites
extended as far south as New Eng-
land and France during parts of Jan-

cancer and cataracts, and to suppress
the human immune system. The nat-
ural radiation can also damage
plants and ocean plankton.
Atmospheric molecules of chlo-
rine monoxide and bromine monox-
ide react in the presence of sunlight
to cause a thinning of the ozone
layer. Thus, by measuring the levels
of these chemicals, scientists can
predict the level of ozone destruc-

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