It's time for Jeff Muir and Academic Affairs
Commission to get on the ball. 24-hour libraries
would be nice, but what about undergraduate
Oedipus would have been proud of this murder.
Director Pedro Almodovar never wobbles in
these High Heels. See the review of his latest
SP!R moda
The Wolverine hockey team put it to Lake
Superior State University this weekend with a
4-3; 1-0 sweep. Now who's number one; Lakers?
Mix of clouds and sun;-
High: 45, Low: 31f luresig.4..w2
Chance of flurries; High 40, Low 25
4 41£i:iuW~~
One hundred and one years of editorial freedom
Copyright.NA M-,y
Vol. CII, No. 69 Ann Arbor, Michigan- Monday, Februar 3,1992 m M hgn al
U.S. sends
(AP) - The Red Cross prepared
yesterday for the return of the first
of thousands of Haitian boat people
being sent back by the United States.
Human rights advocates warned
that the returning refugees will
likely face repression.
The refugee rights advocates said
they expected no immediate prob-
lems at the Port-au-Prince docks,
where the first of the refugees were
to disembark today. But the rights
advocates said they feared the re-
turnees will be "silently crushed"
later by security agents in their
home towns and villages.
The U.S. Embassy said the first
boatload of 150 returnees, expected
to arrive in Haitian waters late yes-
terday aboard a Coast Guard cutter,
would not disembark until this
morning because they would have
See HAITIANS, Page 2
Students discuss
Israel at seminars
by Robin Litwin
and Hope Calati
Daily Staff Reporters
Over 300 people attended the
seventh Israel Conference Day yes-
terday at Rackharn, participating in
debates and learning about Israel as
a multi-dimensional society.
Israeli Minister of Economic
Affairs Ammon Neubach opened the
day by discussing the effects of the
absorption of 5 million Soviet Jews
in five years upon the Israeli econ-
Economic growth rests on in-
creasing the size of the private sec-
tor, reducing the military budget and
increasing the number of foreign in-
vestors in the Israeli economy. A
lasting peace will bring the possibil-
ity of these economic rewards.
Neubach said, "The problem is
not providing homes but jobs." The
economy must expand to support an
influx of immigrants which will in-
crease the Israeli population by over
20%, he said.
Bilha Mannheim, a visiting pro-
fessor in the Institute of
Management and Labor Relations at
Rutgers University also addressed
this issue in her discussion of
Israel's labor force.
According to Mannheim, the
Soviet influx is just one of the many
adaptations Israel's labor force is
coping with as it attempts to become
a post-industrialized nation.
"There will be unemployment,
bitterness, and unhappiness for.quite
a while," Mannheim said. "We will
welcome them on a personal level,
but other things are problems of the
overall system."
Eytan Gilboa, a professor of
Middle Eastern studies at the
Hebrew University in Jerusalem,
also expressed a need to change the
overall political system along with
'Usually we have changed under crisis. Crisis
makes it clear that something is wrong and
that something has to change. The whole trick
is to change before the crisis to avoid crisis.'
-- Eytan Gilboa,
Prof. of Middle Eastern Studies
Kelsey clap together at the
She said the diffterence in the way
the two countries train their workers
will also be a source of conflict and
will force the Soviet Jews to adjust
their self-image tremendously.
other reforms during his speech on
domestic and foreign changes Israel
may undertake in the future.
See ISRAEL, Page 2
Hanky Van DeWege and her granddaughterI
Women's tennis meet on Saturday.
SRC members voice 'frustration' with administration
by Jennifer Silverberg
Daily MSA Reporter
Michigan Student Assembly
Student Rights Commission (SRC)
members said they were
"frustrated" by the University ad-
ministration's response to their re-
quests after the two sides met last
Friday to discuss public hearings on
University police force
"It was a very frustrating meet-
ing for students," said SRC Chair
Michael Warren, "because some of
the things we're asking for that we
think are reasonable, they won't
give us.
"I'm. very frustrated. I think
there's so much historical baggage
and emotion tied up in this issue
that it's very hard to have any type
of constructive relationship."
However, one administrator dis-
agreed with Warren's opinion of the
"I continue to think they are use-
ful discussions," Associate Vice
President for Academic Affairs
Mary Ann Swain said. "I was very
happy with the meeting."
Students repeated their concerns
Friday that the deputization hear-
ings, scheduled for Feb. 18 and 19,
will not provide enough time for
all students to voice their opinions.
"If you ask me I'll say they only
gave us three hours, but if you ask
them they'll say they doubled the
time," said SRC Vice Chair Robert
Van Houweling.
'Reasonable suggestions by the students to
increase trust in the administration and
increase the sharing of information
between students and the administration
have been rejected without good
-- Michael Warren,
Rights Commission chair
"Nothing was conceded of sub-
stance by the administration except
the open time slots," Warren said.
The adnii nistration agreed that
eight of the 36 five-minute speaking
times at the hearings will be open to
any student who has not previously
signed up to speak. Two or three of
these spots, however, may be as-
signed to certain groups which the
SRC wants to insure have a repre-
sentative speak, Warren said.
The administration assured the
SRC that they will put an adver-
tisement in the Daily this week. The
SRC requested that another ad be
placed at a later date and asked
Swain to write an editorial column
for the Daily. The administration
did not commit to either idea,
Warren said.
According to Van Houweling,
the SRC is planning to inform stu-
dents about the deputization issue
Sending letters to University
student groups tomorrow to inform
them of the hearing dates and how
they can make their opinions known
to the regents;
Inviting students to send
written comments to MSA by
February 9. These letters will be
included in a package given to the
regents at the hearings along with a
synopsis of the ideas written by
MSA. Ideas that appear in letters
received after the ninth will be
presented to the regents by members
See SRC, Page 2
Two hours on Wednesday, one
hour on Thursday and public com-
ments time after the University
Board of Regents meeting on Friday
have been allotted for student
speaking time. But the public com-
ments time will not be solely de-
voted to the issue of deputization.
Students at the meeting also
asked that a "neutral" person
moderate the public hearings.
The administration has chosen
University Secretary Richard
Kennedy to be the moderator instead
of University President James
Duderstadt, Van Houweling said.
Students give Golden
Fights break out at Union
Union policyfor guests altered in response to incident
Apple to
by Steve Small
Students Honoring Outstanding
Undergraduate Teaching (SHOUT)
have chosen English Prof. Ralph
Williams as the recipient of this
year's Golden Apple Award in
recognition of his contributions to
undergraduate education.
The decision was reached after
the SHOUT Steering Committee as-
sessed both the number and content
of nearly 1,000 undergrad
"Many of the comments empha-
sized the passion and energy that
Prof. Williams has for what he is
doing," said Geoffrey Jones of the
SHOUT Steering Committee.
One student described Williams'
lectures as "a joy to attend - his
obvious enthusiasm for the subject
is infectious."
Williams said he was "delighted
to receive the award," and praised
his students for being
"intellectually alive."
He added, "I care very deeply
about engaging the minds of stu-
dents to the very edge of my exper-
tise. Hopefully this award shows
that my attempts have, to some
degree, been successful."
The scope of Williams' activities
is wide, and he often works in col-
rof. W
laboration with
other depart-
ments to offer
courses on such
diverse subjectsW illiams
as the Bible,
world religion, renaissance epics,
18th century English literature and
Italian author Primo Levi.
Ironically, the award comes at a
time when many members of the
University community are ques-
tioning the quality of undergrad-
uate teaching, but Jones said he saw
the number of responses as an in-
dication that many undergraduate
See APPLE, Page 2
by Lauren Dermer
and Purvi Shah
Daily Staff Reporters
A small fight which escalated
into a series of individual fights in-
terrupted a party sponsored by
Omega Psi Phi fraternity in the
Michigan Union Ballroom early
Friday morning.
The fighting, which involved
about 30 people, occurred outside
the party around midnight on
Thursday. Officials said most peo-
ple involved were Eastern Michigan
University students and that the
majority of the 550 people at the
party remained calm during the
In a press release, Department of
Public Safety Director Leo Heatley
said the 10 security officers assigned
to the event and the three DPS offi-
cers called as backup broke up the
fight, restoring order in 25 minutes.
However, individuals present at
the party said University Housing
Security failed to perform their jobs
"There were three security guys
at each door, but when the fight
started, they stood around and
didn't do shit." said one man, speak-
ing on condition of anonymity. He
said it took security 10 to 15
minutes to react.
"The security officers can't do
anything - if all you have is your
sweaty palm, you don't stand a
chance in a fight," he added.
Three Housing Security officers
were injured by EMU students dur-
ing the fight, and warrants will be
sought against them, .-Heatley said.
No arrests were made.-
Building Director Frank Cianci-
ola said security measures were
taken at the Friday BGA-sponsored
Alpha Kappa Alpha formal in re-
ponse to Thursday's incident.
Students at the party were asked
to monitor the formal and students
See FIGHT, Page 2
Police officer
charged in Toledo
*,student slaying
Speaker presents problems
with upholding Constitution
by Nytasha Walters
The charging of a University of
Toledo police officer with the brutal
murder of University sophomore
Melissa Herstrum sent shockwaves
through the Toledo campus.
Officer Jeffrey Hodge was sus-
pended from duty last week and ar-
rested for aggravated murder on Sat-
urday. Hodge's preliminary hearing
strum stopped in the early morning
of Jan. 26 at a car accident to render
assistance and call an ambulance.
Hodge and another officer re-
sponded to the call. It has not been
confirmed that Herstrum talked to
Hodge at the scene of the accident.
Herstrum's roommate Debra
Dorotty reported that Herstrum ar-
rived back at her dormitory room
that e mn mnri klc ilht hflfl Oan t n
by Mona Oureshi
Daily Staff Reporter
The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Consti-
tution guarantees basic rights to all American
citizens. But what happens when the govern-
ment denies its people these rights?
Gordon Hirabayashi, sociology professor
at the University of Alberta, discussed the is-
sue in a speech titled, "A Personal Matter: the
Constitution at the Crossroads" Saturday at
Hirabayashi was a University of Washing-
ton senior in 1942 when the U.S. government
implemented a series of orders which denied
internal war hysteria that swept the United
States during World War II," Hirabayashi
said. "I had to drop out of school and was or-
dered to move from my home to a concentra-
tion camp. I wasn't charged for danger, espi-
onage, or sabotage - only ancestry," he said.
But Hirabayashi did not leave.
Hirabayashi said he and four other students
challenged the curfew set by the U.S. military.
Even after being questioned by an FBI agent
about disobeying curfew laws, he refused to
register for interment.
"I asked him, 'Were you out after 8 o'clock
last night?' He said, 'Yeah.' I said, 'Oh, so was