Page 4 -The Michigan Daily- Friday, January 31, 1992 ib i~~z &I 420 Maynard Street Ann4Arbor, Michigan 48109 x - ANDREW K.GOTTESMAN Editor in Chief Edited and Managed STEPHEN HENDERSON by Students at the PiNionEdtSo University of Michigan Opinion Editor Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. 'I. - - -; - -5- S( > 4I J- MG1- i efl J D t sY l -/. ~f 1 ' - M, :.x Hello, is Ralph there? (2llective fines for damaging residence halls are out of control VIN DIVISIONS OFTHE ROMAN ARMY MADE MISTAKES the maintenance director to forgive the fine. -' showing cowardice in battle, for instance - This sobering anecdote demonstrates tha their superior officers would force them to draw dents must often take responsibility for preve lpts, and one in ten soldiers would be executed. collective punishment. Inaccurate vomiting While this may sound cruel and barbaric, residence instance, a leading source of hall damage, c halls here on campus utilize even more unjust prevented through training and practice. I methods of collective punishment. dents imbibe large quantities of alcohol on a In every residence hall lease, the University lar basis, rather than sporadically, they ma rpserves the right to fine every prove their vomiting acc resident in the hall in order to to the point where they car replace any damage done on sistentl y hit the toilet even the hall. Residence hall direc- under the influence of en tors often invoke this clause at alcohol to kill a large cov even the most trivial damage as And speaking oftoilets 4n-excuse to enrich dormitory defecation is anotherr coffers without making the source of hall damage. slightest attempt to find the ac- dent Advisors must be sui tual culprit. students get this message --One particularly galling ex- ecating near the toileti ample occurred in West Quad enough! Students must last year. A pair of fraternity ' sure that the entire bowel n members, displaying the intel- ment is completely insid ligence of cauliflower, decided toilet bowl. Those who f to ,paint rush signs out in the do so probably had treme hall without placing newspa- difficulties during the pers (such as the Daily) under- training phase and shou heath, vWhich of course resulted turned over to the Psych in;paint stains on the carpeting. department for experim This was in the fall. tion. .The entire year went by, and While students must too effort was made to erase the responsibility for accura 4amage. Then, at the end of the pulsion of bodily waste year, residents of the hall were unfair nevertheless for th fined fifty dollars each to re- Even the door signs are unhappy be held responsible for t place all the carpeting in the about excessive dorm fines. tions of others. As the s hail. The maintenance director goes, you cannot trace forN eplained that the paint could not possibly be Even the Bible teaches us that collective (e&ioved, and thus the entire carpeting must be ishment is wrong. replaced. When God threatened to destroy Sodoi Several residents, using cleaning supplies pur- Gomorra for the actions of some of the resi 6iased with their own money at a local drug store, Abraham objected, "Wilt thou indeed destri proceeded to completely erase the paint damage. righteous with the wicked?... Far be it from t Nevertheless, the maintenance director still in- do such a thing, to slay the righteous wit sisted that the residents pay to replace the carpet- wicked, so that the righteous fare as the wic img. . Genesis 18:221 At this point, the residents covered the hall with Residence halls must not punish all ft signs stating that they would rather perform acts of actions of a few. The Romans knew it, the a oral sex upon their residential director than pay the Hebrews knew it, and now our Residenc fine. This tactic, surprisingly, succeeded in forcing directors must know it also. 9. Se Se Lndon run! 5.d at stu- enting g, for an be f stu- regu- y im- uracy n con- when nough w. , poor major Resi- re that : Def- is not make move- de the fail to ndous toilet ild be ology nenta- t take te ex- it is em to the ac- aying vomit. e pun- m and dents, oy the hee to th the cked!" or the' ncient e Hall Flier was sexist To the Daily: This letter regards the flier distributed by Theta Delta Chi Fraternity for winter rush. The flier attempts to promote the idea of brotherhood with a picture of a scantily dressed woman leaning against a keg of beer. I,.for one, do not see the correlation between the picture and brotherhood. For a woman viewing this flier, beer and men and a half-naked woman can only mean rape, and rape is not something to be promoted and publicized. This flier also taints the image and reputation of all other existing fraternities on campus. It fuels the stereotype that fraternities are concerned only with beer and women. If this is an unfounded generalization, and the real objective of fraternities is to promote brotherhood, then they should not use the objectification of women as a tool to do so; the two ideas are in no way related. Maybe the members of Theta Delta Chi should focus their collective brotherhood efforts on something other than the degradation of women. Cinzia laderosa RC sophomore Frats are cool! To the Daily: In the editorial "Babes and beer" (1/29/92), the Daily posed a very pertinent question: What is a real fraternity about? As the Kappa Sigma Fraternity core values reads: The ideals we pursue determine who we are, and what we will become. As an LSA senior, my experiences with Kappa Sigma have shown this to be true. Kappa Sigmas, first and foremost, believe that fraternities should complement and enhance the educational mission of the academic institution. Kappa Sigma promotes academic achievement and assists each memeber in realizing his academic potential and goals by helping members adjust to the college environment. Kappa Sigma promotes its own idea of brotherhood. The creation of lifelong friendships is the primary benefit of membership: As brothers, our members have an obligation to have a caring concern for the welfare of each other, as students and then as alumni, because brotherhood is a lifetime commitment. Kappa Sigma actively contributed to the personal growth and development of its members. WE teach young men social skills that benefit them throughout their lifetime. The multitude of leadership opportunites in the fraternity prepares members to succeed in life. We organize well-rounded programs and strive for excellence and quality in al undertakings. Kappa Sigma promotes ethical behavior. Kappa Sigmas are expected to be gentlemen at all times and the fraternity demands the highest standard of personl conduct. Kappa Sigma instills in its members a sense of responsibility. The dignity of all persons is always respected, and intolerant or abusive behavior is not tolerated. Last but certainly not least, kappa Sigma encourages service to others. Members, individually and collectively, work to improve the campus and community, and by doing so, improve themselves. There are both good and bad qualities in all things, including the Greek System. My fraternity, as well as the 37 others on campus continually attempt to better ourselves, the University and the community at large. The raising of tens of thousands of dollars annually during Greek Week is testimony to that. Above are but a few of the ideals that, I'm sure, all Greeks strive to achieve. I hope this provides the Daily and its readers a better understanding of what a real 0 frat He Tot 1/2 ernity is all, about. Monik Sanghv LSA senior x ey Jeremy! the Daily: *, In regards to Jeremy Katz's 7/92 letter: "CHA-CHING! ! ! !" Amy Quick LSA senior the Daily: This is in response to Jeremy z's 1/27/92 letter: "CHA- ING!" Bob Chen Engineering first-year student' Tot Kat CH To the Daily: In regar 1/27/92 lett ds to Jeremy Katz's ter: "Cha-Ching!" Christine Kloostra, 1 CA i senior To the Daily: In regards to Jeremy Katz's 1/27/92 letter: "CHA-CHING CHAS' CHING CHA-CHING!!" Sheri Haga LSA junior Ed.'s note: Please don't submit any more letters abou.t the controversial yet catchy phrase, Cha-Ching. Your cooperation is deeply appreciated. - The Eds. ACLU was right to challenge LaRouche's exclusion from the vote AN INGHAM COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE RULED LaRouche had not passed the standard of genera Tuesday that the Michigan Secretary of State Rich- consideration. This is clearly absurd. Given th and Austin had to place Lyndon LaRouche's name massive documentation, there is no question tha on the ballot for President of the United States. In he has passed the vague standard of P.A. 275. response to Austin's earlier denial, the Michigan The Michigan law is restrictive and vague; i chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union places too much powerinthehands of an unchecke (ACLU), had filed suit against the State of Michi- Secretary of State, to exclude candidates deeme , on LaRouche's behalf, saying he has been nonessential by the natio.nal media. LaRouch denied his constitutional right to run for the Demo- must be allowed onto the ballot. d'atic nomination for the presidency. He has passed the vague standard, and must be LaRouche is currently in jail, serving a sen- allowed on the -ballot, just as surely as Sen. Tom tence for income tax evasion. Earlier this year, Harkin (D-Iowa), Gov. Bill Clinton ofArkansas, o LaRouche paid his $1,000 filing fee and entered Sen. Bob Kerrey (D-Neb.). If LaRouche had beei the race for the Democratic nomination the presi- left off the ballot, the Democratic process woul dent. He is already on the ballot in 17 states. fail to extend to all political philosophies, bu Under Public Act 275, passed in 1988, to be rather, to mainstream, more readily acceptabl placed on Michigan's ballot, the Secretary of State ideas. must believe that you have been "generally advo- If States, such as Michigan, decide to mak cated by the national media." moral judgements based on the ideological legiti A recent 6th circuit court decision defined ad- macy of campaigns, then the political process ha vocated as recognized, rather than the media "ad- been subverted. P.A. 275 is a poor standard tha vocating" particular candidates. On Dec. 13, 1991, should be reconsidered by the state legislature. Th the Secretary of State's office concluded that, ACLU's successful suit on behalf on Lyndoi despite hundreds of pages of clippings complied LaRouche is a good sign that oversight of the ly the State election bureau, as well as documen- process through public interest groups is working tgion submitted by LaRouche's attorneys, to correct the flaws of the status quo. 'For better or for worse, today is the last day of Stephen Henderson's "reign of terror" over the Daily's Opinion Page. For the next year- at least -Geoff Earle, Ainitava Mazumdar and ael Citro will control the content of this page. We want to wish them luck - they will need .'yvannnrn nl rl d t koo thr nth gi mmwth erthin Ietters a1 nd obnous 1 ie t t d d e e Yr :n d it .e :e i- ts It ie n c e9 g Green blasts Polk, liberalS by James Green constructive leaders this commit- were not pleased with Polk's Sometimes the hypocrisy of tee has ever had. Following the leadership in this position. the radical left on this campus South University tear gassing Finally, I find it sickeningly really makes me crazy. Recently, incident, his committee produced hypocritical that while Polk is Amy Polk wrote (MSA appoint- a comprehensive fifty-page report decrying the state of party ments political favors 1/15/92) complete with recommendations politics, representatives of her 9 it- and encourage au rea ers tO Keep MeM Urt cuei- ir o.I esa w..c i sca& nUMgL6 phone cafls. Letters can be addressed to 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, 48109, or via MTS to "The Michigan Daily." In keeping with Steve's tradition, Geoff Aimitava, and Yael reserve the right to edit all letters for style, content and Political Correctness. about her surprise and anxiety that Conservative Coalition, after winning three straight MSA elections, would be so presumptu- ous as to elect its members to the committee and commission chairs at MSA. Without getting into the obvious countercharges of "sour. grapes," I would like to challenge the contention that any of those elected were somehow unquali- fied. While it is true that Sejal Mistry, the new Budget Priorities Chairwoman, is an LSA sopho- more, not a second-year MBA like her opponent, Sejal has more experience on the Budget Com- mittee having served for over a year. The same is true of her vice chair, Brent House, an engineer- ing sophomore, who faced an I would think Polk and her cohorts would be pleased. The pressure is now on us. The student body has given Conservative Coali- tion some big victories. and an action plan. The Ann Arbor Police have agreed to incorporate the recom- mendations of the report into their training techniques, the Ann Arbor City Council is considering endorsing the plan, and the University administration must listen to Students Rights Commis- sion for a change because someone responsible is pressing them for action. While the Daily refuses to report it, this year's SRC is getting more results than any in recent memory. little cadre on the assembly are approaching me with suggestions of backroom political deals whereby I would use my influ- ence to appoint their partisans to. vacant LSA seats in return for their influence in other appoint- ments. In case anyone is wonder- ing, I rejected the suggestion. I would think Polk and her cohorts would be pleased. The pressure is now on us. The student body has given Conserva- tive Coalition some big victories. We need to prove that we deserve _. Nuts and Bolts . - ll- O.K., COME -0 V 2T-K by Judd Winick To ALL. or oM)wo srAJT 54D~, THANKS. 2T is. HLJct AFP AED, E>ANH$OW COMNT5 sRcMTC~iItSM 70T: NDT5 AND c5.TS 4HI 'IAI.. ,IA