Current Events
Residents may recycle phone
books at all seven area Kroger stores
and at the Recycling Drop-Off Sta-
tion on 2050 South Industrial during
a three-week collection period this
fall. The phone books will be made
into insulation and " hydroseed
mulch," a mixture of grass seed,
shredded paper, fertilizer and water
that is sprayed over soil to produce
lawns. Kroger stores will also col-
lect and recycle the phone books'
plastic shrink-wrap.
Dubbed " DirectoRecycle,"
the campaign involves Ameritech
Publishing Inc., Kroger, Pepsi-Cola,
Recycle Ann Arbor, the City of Ann
Arbor and Nu Wool. A special
drop-off program for large quanti-
ties of phonebooks from Ann Arbor
business complexes is being funded
by the City of Ann Arbor. For more
information on the phone book col-
lection program, please call Recycle
Ann Arbor at 971-7400.
Street 1; 1 Collection
Prog'ra T Rns TIrough
N ernb er
Unless a heavy snowfall
forces the City's trucks to haul snow
instead of leaves for a few days, the
street leaf pickup program will clear
all City streets twice this fall accord-
ing to the published schedule. Leaf
collection schedules have been
printed in theAnn Arbor Observerin
October and November and in the
Ann Arbor News on October 12 and
October 29. If you missed these
schedules, call the Solid Waste De-
partment at 994-2807 for your leaf
collection day.
Please rake your leaves into
the street by 7 a.m. on the scheduled
collection day. To prevent potential
fires, do not park cars with catalytic
converters over dry leaves. Please
remind children not to play in street
Cars will be towed if parked
on streetsbetween7a.m. and3p.m.
in posted areas. These posted areas
are in the downtown and campus
areas. The Leaf Collection Hotline,
994-2827, gives a recording of
currently posted tow-away streets
and the locations of the leaf collec-
tion trucks.
Weekly Yard Waste
Collection Program
Ends November 30,
Starts Again April 1
The City's weekly curbside
yard waste collection program is
provided during Michigan's grow-*
ing season, from April 1 through
November 30. There will be no
curbside pickup of yard wastes from
December through March. Please
keep these materials until April or
use them in your home compost pile
(see pages 6-7 on how to compost).
Yard wastes are also accepted year-
round at the Ann Arbor LandfillO
Drop-Off Site on Platt Road near
East Ellsworth, 994-2723.
Junior League Promotes
The Junior League of Ann
Arbor is promoting recycling in the
Ann Arbor schools. Members com-
piled and distributed a Recycling
Activity Packet to all Ann Arbor
school teachers in September and
are planning to provide a periodic
newsletter with more recycling edu-
cation ideas. The Junior League
also sponsored scholarships for 30
bus trips to the new Recycling and
Education Station at 2050 South
Industrial. Thank you!
Halloween pumpkins will be
accepted with the weekly yard waste
collection program through Novem-
ber 30, 1991. Pumpkins may also
be placed with the fall street leaves.
Ann Arbor Waste Watcher Fall/Winter 1991/92 page 2
Ann Arbor Waste Watcher Fall/Winter 1991192
page 2