Page 6- The Michigan Daily-Weekend etc.-January 30, 1992
(clockwise from upper left)
Lyle Lovett, the show's headliner,
closed the show with smooth style
(despite the goofy look on his face).
Ignoring a broken string, Odetta
continued her performance in full
The Four Bitchin' Babes, made up
of Christine Lavin, Sally Fingerett,
Megon McDonough, and Julie Gold,
stepped into the spotlight to intro-
duce the next act.
T he staff of the Ann Arbor
Therapeutic Massage Clinic was on
hand before the show to help ease
the tension. Here, musician John
Gorka gets - the royal Swedish
treatment after his soundcheck.
"An 1 want to do is sing great
songs and make people smile," said
Livingston Taylor.
Early Saturday afternoon was
spent setting up the sound and light-
ing equipment for the show.