W:AT H E4i
Increasing clouds;
High: 42, Low: 30.
Cloudy, chance of rain;
High: 39, Low: 29.
Sugar and
spice and
everything nice.
See WEEKEND etc.
One hundred and one years of editorial freedom
Vol. CII, No.67 Ann Arbor, Michigan- Thursday, January 30, 1992TchyrGail
Frat rush
flyer not
by house
by Gwen Shaffer
Daily Staff Reporter
A rush poster depicting a
scantily-clad woman leaning on a
beer keg was distributed "as a joke"
by a few members of the fraternity
and was not approved by the house,
said Theta Delta Chi President
Graig Griffith.
Griffith said three men decided
to print the flyers independently
Monday evening as a result of a
small turnout at rush the previous
"What happened is that our rush
numbers were pretty small. These
guys heard that when houses hung
posters like this in the past, their
rush numbers increased," Griffith
said. "Three people made the flyers
and hung and printed them
Griffith added that the men dis-
tributed the posters "to get a
The poster - which many
women found offensive - depicted
a woman wearing a bathing suit be-
side a keg and posed the question,
"What is a real fraternity all about?
Brotherhood. Rush Theta Delta
The fraternity members respon-
sible for hanging the flyers could
not be reached for comment. Grif-
fith said the men are submitting a
letter of apology to the Daily.
Griffith said his house will not
take disciplinary action against the
men who hung the poster.
But Interfraternity Council
(IFC) Advisor Joe Foster said he is
planning to meet with the frater-
nity members that hung the poster
See FLYER, Page 2
Bush brings budget
plan tc
President Bush unveiled a $1.52
trillion budget yesterday that
would lighten tax loads for fami-
lies and businesses in hopes of easing
the recession's "winter's gloom."
He would boost spending on chil-
dren but limit other programs in-
cluding Medicare help for the aged.
Military spending also would be
trimmed, but the federal deficit
would still rise to a record level of
about $400 billion.
Bush urged Congress to "lay
aside partisanship" and speedily en-
act his election-year spending plan
in order to "get the economy mov-
ing again."
After setting a March 20 target
for action in his State of the Union
address Tuesday night, he visited
GOP legislators yesterday and asked
them to "help communicate with
the American people" to win sup-
port for his program, according to
But majority Democrats, who
have their own ideas for reviving the
economy, criticized the 2,000-page
spending plan for fiscal 1993 as it
arrived at the Capitol. As for Bush's
deadline for action, Senate Majority
Leader George Mitchell, D-Maine,
scoffed, "We don't operate that
Bush would throw the financial
might of the government at a wide
collection of programs in the fiscal
year that starts Oct. 1.
For example, the Head Start pre-
school program for poor children
would grow by $600 million next
year to $2.8 billion, the fight
against AIDS would grow from
$4.4 billion to $4.9 billion, and
highway building would grow from
$17 billion to $19.2 billion.
But to help pay for the expansion
of some initiatives, 246 domestic
programs would be eliminated and
84 others would be trimmed. Bush
would eliminate new public hous-
ing construction while taking big
bites out of prison construction and
ol Hill
fuel-bill assistance for the poor.
And once again, Bush proposed
limiting the growth of Medicare,
the $127 billion program that helps
the elderly and handicapped pay
their medical bills. The president
would save about $1.4 billion next
year by limiting government reim-
bursements to laboratories and hos-
pitals as well as money for the pur-
chase of medical equipment.
With the end of the Cold War,
Bush proposed whittling $50 bil-
lion over the next five years from
the amount he foresaw authorizing
the military to spend just a year ago.
Democrats, however, insist the
time is ripe for even deeper military
cuts, perhaps in the $70 billion to
$100 billion range.
If the budget has one main theme,
it is its effort to take a swipe at the
recession, mild though the swipe
may seem.
But it is missing the quick,
broad-based tax cut for the middle
See BUDGET Page 2
The Wolverines men's basketball team won an overtime thriller,
upsetting MSU last night at the Breslin Center 89-79. See SPORTS, page 5.
by Ben Deci
Daily Crime Repc
denies dorm
surveillance by DEA
University officials disavowed
any knowledge of Drug Enforcement
Agency (DEA) activities at East
Quadrangle yesterday, but several
Residence Hall Assembly members
insisted that building officials said
the DEA might be watching the
Shirley Clarkson, director of
Presidential Communications, said
she was shocked to learn of the
Monday meetings held by RFs to
warn their residents of DEA
surveillance. Students on at least
three halls were present at such
Clarkson also denied allegations
made by RFs in yesterday's Daily
that the president contacted the DEA.
"We know nothing about this, and
there has never been such an incident
as far as I can remember," Clarkson
DEA officials also denied any
agency activity in University
"If there is a trafficking problem
taking place we would relish the op-
portunity to help the University, but
to think that we are out there watch-
ing students ... we have too much to
do," said Assistant Special Agent
Jim Nielson.
Alan Levy, Housing Program
Director, also denied any knowledge
of DEA involvement at East Quad.
And an RF who had told her resi-
dents that DEA agents were in the
dorm said yesterday she had misin-
terpreted the discussion at the
Monday staff meeting.
"We all feel really stupid. It turns
out that there are no agents," said
one RF. "We misunderstood
(Building Director) Deba (Patnaik's)
thick accent."
Still, other RFs who were alert-
ing their residents of the DEA pres-
ence - one newsletter distributed
Tuesday night in 4th Tyler Hall said
the dorm is under "observation" by
DEA agents - are supported by two
other sources.
Jessica Pfeiffer, a residence as-
sembly member, said she was told at
the Monday meeting that "I was in-
structed to inform residents that the
DEA has received an inordinately
large number of phone calls from
residents and parents. There was a
large enough number of calls for
them to put up surveillance."
Pfeiffer added, however, that later
in the meeting she was told that
DEA was informed of the matter,
but that the University Housing
Department was actually handling
the situation.
Another residence assembly
member said Tuesday that he was
told during a meeting by Patnaik,
"The DEA is in the dorm checking
things out." Yesterday, however, the
member said he was confused about
the issue.
Another student, speaking under
the condition of anonymity, said
Patnaik conveyed a similar message
See DEA, Page 2
State Dems, GOP
see State of Union
address differently
by Barry Cohen
Daily Government Reporter
Democrats are berating Bush for
choosing style over substance and
Republicans are praising him for
presenting a concrete plan that ad-
dresses the needs of the public as
politicians' reactions to the State of
the Union address have split strictly
along partisan lines.
"The President was calm, relaxed,
and exuded confidence and leadership
in his plans," said John Truscott,
press secretary to Gov. John Engler.
He said Bush's economic proposals
combined with lower inflation inter-
est rates are a good start for recovery.
Truscott described Bush's pro-
posed capital gains tax - the cen-
terpiece of Bush's economic recovery
plan - as a tax cut that will create
jobs and spur investment.
Bush's proposal lowers-, taxes
drastically on profits from invest-
ment to put more money in con-
sumers' pockets to reinvest in the
State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann
Arbor) expressed his disapproval by
citing Republican analyst Kevin
Phillips. "His speech was caviar for
the rich and pretzels for the middle
class," said Bullard.
"He clearly misrepresents, and
knowingly so, to say that the major-
ity of the benefits of the capital
gains tax goes to families earning
less than $50,000," Bullard said.
Two-thirds of the benefits go to
the richest 1 percent of the popula-
tion, he added.
See SPEECH, Page2
MSA rep. condemns
'U' corporate model
by Jennifer Silverberg directors, himself as the CEO, th
Daily MSA Reporter people of Michigan as stockholders
A heart to art talk
Michael Mead, a Ypsilanti resident, admires the works of Pablo Picasso which are on exhibit now at the University art museum.
Clinton cheated? Students don't care
by Andrew Levy
Daily Campaign Issues Reporter
With the Feb. 18 New Hamp-
shire Primary drawing nearer, con-
sensus Democratic frontrunner Bill
Clinton's sex life has all but be-
rnte rntrnl i.ai. ;n the n)amn_
lieves the allegations, but it is the
last issue she would consider when
deciding who to vote for.
If sentiment at the University is
any indication, then Prasad's com-
ment is not unique. Most students
seem to think that this has been
blown way out of proportion.
1988, it seems not to have caused the
same type of stir.
When the allegations hit Hart,
he went from the consensus choice
to be the next president to a politi-
cally scarred politician with little
chance to win even his party's nomi-
Rackham Rep. Amy Polk will
bring a resolution to the Michigan
Student Assembly (MSA) next
Tuesday to condemn University
President James Duderstadt's cor-
porate model for the University.
The resolution was on Tuesday
night's agenda but was postponed
until next week's meeting due to
lengthy discussion of the Interim
Speech Code.
1 1 Y
faculty and staff as workers and
students as customers.
"I perceive what's happening as
an academic crisis," Polk said. "A
lot of that stems from Duderstadt's
corporate image. I hope that other
members recognize this crisis as
Polk sees the corporate model as
taking power away from "demo-
cratic structures of self-government