WE ATii.E TODAY Late showers; High: 40, Low: 33. TOMORROW Some snow; High: 35, Low: 26. 4F 44or 4446V If tqw,-c t!gan :43aitil MLK Day should remain focused. See OPINION Page 4. One hundred and one years of editorial freedom Vol. CI, No. 61 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, January 22, 1992 CTeMiganDi92 Supreme 0 Court to rule on abortion by Gwen Schaffer *Daily Staff Reporter The Supreme Court set the stage yesterday for an important election- year ruling on abortion but left open the question of whether it will broadly reconsider its 1973 abortion- legalizing decision. The court said it will review a re- strictive Pennsylvania law that has been substantially upheld by a federal appeals court. Activists on both sides of the abortion debate said they expect the court to use the Pennsylvania case to undermine its landmark Roe vs. Wade ruling. They said the decision likely will make abortions far more difficult to obtain even if states are not allowed to putlaw virtually all abortions. Several activities will be taking place on campus this week in com- memoration of the Nineteenth Anniversary of Roe versus Wade. Students for Life are sponsoring a pro-life rally in the Diag at noon to- day. The Fourth Annual Students for Life Candlelight Vigil will be held at 5:30 p.m. on the steps of the Union tonight. In addition, the Pro-Life See ABORTION, Page 7 Howard to pass up final season Desmond Howard announced yesterday that he will forego his final year of eligibility and enter the NFL draft. Jeff Slwran Desmond made -Sheran My Thoughts A When Desmond Howard announced his decision to forego his final year of football eligibility at Crisler Arena yesterday, few heads turned. That's amazing. Not because the decision was a sur- prise, but because there were just so many heads. Writ- ers, broadcasters, photographers, and camera operators swarmed Howard, who finally informed them of what they'd been buzzing about since midseason. If you ask me, Howard's decision was a no-brainer. Not because of the money, or the threat of injury, or even the fact that he will earn his degree anyway. Simply because Desmond Howard shouldn't have right decision to endure another year of handling the enormous me- dia strain while still a student. He's handled the pressure well - evidenced by his 3.44 GPA amid the enormous demand last semester. But last semester featured very answerable questions,. like, "What would winning the Heisman Trophy mean to you?" Desmond always answered these questions. Always. Even when, after a sound Rose Bowl defeat for Michigan, the questions turned to, "How do you account for making only one catch all game?" See SHERAN, Page 10 by Phil Green Daily Football Writer Ending weeks of speculation, Michigan wide receiver Desmond Howard announced yesterday that he will forego his final season of eligibility and will play profes- sional football next season. "I consistently told the media during the course of the season that I had planned on returning to Michigan for a fifth year and to play football again and to pursue my Ph.D. in social work. I meant everything I said," the Heisman Trophy winner said at a press con- ference at Crisler Arena. "Four years ago a young child left Cleveland, Ohio to come to Michigan to pursue a degree ... and to be the best college football player he could be. I'm graduating in May and the Heisman's in Cleveland." Michigan coach Gary Moeller, though not ecstatic with the an- nouncement, stood behind Howard. "Obviously his teammates and the coaching staffs would like to see him back in Maize and Blue in 1992, but I'll support him," Moeller said. "He's a true student- athlete.... We want to wish him the best. We want him to remember, hopefully, some of the values he's learned at Michigan and he will take those with him forever." Howard, who earned a 3.44 with one incomplete last term, will re- ceive his bachelor's degree in Communication in May. "There's nothing new that I could have done. Maybe break a few more records, but as far as awards and accolades are concerned, once you've won the Heisman most peo- ple in college football think you've done it all," Howard ex- plained. "I don't think there's any- thing else I could have done indi- vidually. All I would have been striving for had I elected to come back would have been the national championship." Howard called his parents just past midnight Monday to tell them to drive to Ann Arbor for his See HOWARD, Page 14) ''U' police force wields $25,000 worth of weaponry by Ben Deci Daily Crime Reporter Twenty-nine shiny new 9-mil- limeter pistols, some nickle-plated, will be hanging in the holsters of the recently deputized Department of Public Safety (DPS) officers as they make their rounds this semester. The pistols are among the new equipment ordered by DPS for the upcoming year. This choice of weapon is standard among University police forces, said Officer Roger Herman of the Michigan State University Police, whose department also uses a 9- millimeter pistol. Michigan State University has had deputized police officers for about three years. "It's probably the least potent round carried on the street," said Bill Green of CMP distributors, the suppliers of the DPS weapons. "I would suggest a .45, but those are big military style weapons and would scare the public - and a 9- millimeter can still get the job done." Although none of the DPSoffi- cers has ever fired a weapon while patrolling campus, the officers are required by both Michigan law and departmental policy to register high scores on a firing range. "The departmental guidelines are stricter than the state guide- lines," said Leo Heatley, director of DPS. "We require officers to take a target test 10 months out of 12," he explained. While Heatley says he hopes that none of his officers will ever have to use their weapons, the ammuni- tion ordered by his department should insure they have a practiced aim. Twenty cases of 9-millimeter ammunition, and 20 magazines were ordered along with the pistols. "The elimination of error increases safety," explained Green. This can be accomplished by practice and such equipment as night sights, which aid officers aim in the dark. "Most crimes don't happen at 12 noon out in the open," Green added. DPS has nine pistols equipped with such night sights. "The newly deputized officers have all attended and graduated See COPS, Page 2 EQUIPMENT QTY. COST: Nickel-plated, 9mm pistols ,1 Silver-tipped 9mm ammo ..... 9mm ammo Magazines p 226 9mm ammo .w Bullet-proof body-armor ves226 Deputization hearings set for near break as students, 'U' negotiate by Jennifer Silverberg Daily MSA Reporter University administrators and Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) representatives met yester- day to discuss plans for new deputi- zation of campus police. Vice-President for Academic Affairs Mary Ann Swain, Vice President of Student Services Dr. Maureen Hartford, her Associate Vice President Royster Harper, MSA President James Green, Rack- ham President Mark Buchan, Law School Rep. Michael Warren and LSA Rep. Robert Van Houweling, both from the Students' Rights Commission (SRC) attended the meeting. State-mandated public hearings over regental deputization are set for February 19 and 20 - the Wednesday and Thursday before spring break begins. The hearings, non-binding fo- rums.for expressing public opinion, were originally planned to last for one hour each but the student repre- sentatives at the meeting asked the administration for them to be ex- tended to two or three hours each. See HEARINGS, Page 2 Philip Cohen/DAILY GRAPHIC Haley discusses impact of oral tradition on his work and Mona Qureshi Daily Staff Reporters Alex Haley has seven comput- ers at home, yet he does most of his writing on an old typewriter, the renowned author told an overflow crowd of about 600 in the League Ballroom yesterday. Haley said that while he loves computers, they leave no evidence of a first or second draft, "just a final copy." It was by searching through such old drafts and records, and hearing stories passed on orally, that Haley was able to track down the information needed for Roots, his famous book about his family life, he said. In a world of rapidly advancing technology, Haley stressed that people need to remember the value of seemingly old-fashioned meth- ods of relating information. "Before there was writing, in all of our culture ... there was no other way to retain and relay in- formation but from ear to brain and out of mouth to ear, from gen- eration to generation to genera- tion," he said. Haley illustrated the value of the oral tradition with a story 'You should open your arms wide and physically hug them and say thank you for making you possible.' - Author Alex Haley about his work on Roots. He told of being in Africa, researching his genealogy, and meeting members of a tribe in the country of Gambia. The tribe members told a story about Kunta Kinte, a young man who had been chopping wood to make a drum when he disappeared. Haley immediately recognized this as the same story he had heard as a young boy from his grand- mother and great-aunts. "I got goose pimples," he said, when he realized the man he was told of in Africa was his ancestor, the same man he had heard about in Tennessee. Afterward, Haley returned to Africa again on a ship, but avoided the luxuries of a stateroom. Rather, he said he slept on a wooden shelf like Kunta Kinte did when he was brought over as a slave. Haley said he imagined Kinte's feelings and possible conversations between Kinte and other slaves and recorded them in the dark. One night he said he heard voices of his ancestors telling him he was doing a good job and should continue. From these experiences, Haley See HALEY, Page 2 Engler Governor Alex Haley addresses a question from the audience during a panel discussion yesterday afternoon in the Hussing Room of the Michigan League. stresses education by Barry Cohen Daily Government Reporter "Michigan is a state of change on course for a great future," Gov. John Engler said last night in his State of the State address in Lansing. The speech emphasized positive changes to enable Michigan to gain an upper hand in educational stan- dards and economic opportunities. Stressing that workers cannot compete for jobs on the open mar- ket unless they have the necessary skills, Engler said he is not satisfied New Student Affairs V.P. plans to increase student input in 'U' by Melissa Peerless Daily Administration Reporter She has a new house. A new last name and a new husband to go with it. And a new job. For Maureen Hartford, the Uni- versity's new vice president for stu- said. Hartford will be spending the first week in February living in South Quad. "I will be eating in the residence hall. I will have a roommate, and I plan to go to all of the events," she Hartford said a priority is to es- tablish a Student Research Office, which will help her gauge what to expect and how to improve the cur- rent Student Services program. "I'm interested in meeting with students that I might not otherwise fits in on campus and what pro- grams would benefit the system. ' Hartford will also join the Uni- versity's Task Force on Alcohol and Other Drugs. She said new federal legislation has established more regulations for the use of these con- Safety should prove to be a hot issue on campus as the regents pre- pare to convert campus police from sheriff's deputies to regental police. Hartford hopes to involve students in this process. She met with stu- dent leaders Monday to organize the II