1U.CTHE NATIONALCOLLEGE NEWSPAPER 4 02 t in"JAPRIL 1992 Life and Art/!ARL 1992 0 U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER u1 M~ck y Ro rke 'de ga'nPROMVOTIONAL CONTEST Mickey Rurke ridesagi By MICHAEL MORDLER He says such industry trash talk is more about "politics TheDaily Bruin, U. of California, Los Angeles and playing a certain game" than about good acting, and he casually shrugs off his displeasure with the business of Mickey Rourke doesn't pull any punches. And if he dares Hollywood. to ride his motorcycle down Sunset Boulevard at high speeds "I just wish maybe along the line with learning all this or step into the boxing ring, what the hell does he have to be Stanislavski shit Iwould have taken a business course." afraid of It does appear that Rourke, who insists he isn't proud to Certainly not Hollywood. be an actor, is distancing himself from the Hollywood "There's a certain way that you have to live your life," community. Lately he's turned to professional boxing as a Rourke says. "And I choose to diversion. live my life just the way I grew "I've got four bouts set up," up. I'm not gonna change." he says. "I think down the line His rationale is simple. He it's gonna help my acting. It's wants tto be able to look at gonna give me an edge that himself in the mirror every the rest of them don't have. You can be a winner with morning and know he's his And I know it, and they know Yb a nnerith, own man. it." (T *~j 3 1' He cites Marlon Brandon as Rourke would rather tell W te en CA t jUi pf a role model for his style of anecdotes about his past than H ,m living. "He was probably one plug his new film, "White Here's your chance to score a slam dunk with White ~ Men Can't Jump." of the first actors in modern Sands," a Warner Bros. IMenatp.t times that sort of hung his release and Morgan Creek It's the fast-paced hustle of basketball, played against balls over the fence in a way' production. the game of life in the fast lane. And U. The National where, if he made a choice, he For example, after he was College Newspaper has teamed up with 20th Century Fox lived or died by it." cast in his first movie, "Body to bring you off the sidelines and into the action. But Rourke admits to Heat," the producers said We're giving away jackets, hats and T-shirts from having made some poor COURTESY OF MORGAN CREEK PRODUCTIONS they would pay him $500 a Wee Cant Jump 20th Century Foxs release choices of late, saying "(the) Mickey Rourke doesn't want to sell his soul to Hollywood. day. He refused to do it for stern pr innersw re ackets, 25 first- last couple of years I've had to less than $1,000 a day. When ga e winners will recei ve jackets, 25seot- do some movies I didn't believe in. I did it for financial it was apparent Rourke wouldn't budge, the producers place winners will receive hats, and 50 second-place reasons." caved in. wneswl ahrcieaTsit reasns. avd i.ndr all you have todo to enter is send your name, Failed movies, though, inevitably lessen an actor's stature He laughs about it now, but it's that capacity to risk adde, in the industry - and Rourke knows it. He also realizes many everything that has hurt his career. Things, however, have a address and the school you attend to "White Men Can't Hollywood producers will consider his performances in way of turning themselves around. But if for some reason Jump" contest, Su Te National oCollege Newspape 1800 "Diner," "9 1/2 Weeks" and "Barfly" a thing of the past, things don't work out, he doesn't want sympathy. He doesn't 90067. instead focusing on the more recent "Harley Davidson and need it. Anyone who has ridden a Harley Davidson for as Entries must be postmarked by May 15. Winners will the Marlboro Man" and "Wild Orchid." long as he has is, if nothing else, is a survivor. be selected by a random drawing and notified by mail. Ok *Apill releases look lik a teaser to summer schedule Life and Art X hats represnt fsion, actoMsm By PATRICK HEALY r The TuftsDaily, Tufts U. While bills of rights have documented beliefs of peoples throughout the world, a hat has recently symbolized a powerful ideology that is gaining attention across college campuses. Designed to invoke memories of Malcolm X, the slain civil rights leader who advocated unity among oppressed blacks, the hats have struck a chord in a new generation of college students - a chord similar to the one his effect had on students during the 1960s Black Power movement. "The hats themselves symbolize a renaissance among the youth recognizing the importance of Malcolm X," said Lyle Mays, a freshman at Tufts U. who wears one of the hats, which are generally black with a large centered X. "What applies to 1963 applies to 1992 - that is that black people need to get off the streets and get some economic solidarity among themselves." Gerald Gill, a Tufts history professor, credits trends in popular culture, as well as the power of Malcolm X's messages of racial pride and uncompromising values, as reasons why students identify with the black leader. According to Gill, in the past five years filmmakers like Spike Lee and rap groups like Public Enemy have used Malcolm's tenets as a basis for their works. "Over the context of his whole life, Malcolm X can be seen as a strong figure, a role model. Young blacks might gravitate more to him than other black leaders for many reasons," Gill said. He said that conservatives like former President Ronald Reagan, who espoused ideas not always conciliatory to black people, quoted Martin Luther King often. Therefore, he said, blacks may have been turned off to King's beliefs. Malcolm X spent much of his youth in urban centers like Harlem and served some time in prison. After converting to the Nation of Islam while in jail, Malcolm X wrote several books and became a minister following his release. His message was clear: black unity and defense through violence. Karen Johnson, operations manager at the African Institute at Northeastern U., said she was "not sure" how to react to the popularity of Malcolm X and the hats. "I question why certain groups of people would be embracing the LIFE ADART BRIEFLY Pick up schticks... Before going to college, Lisa Ruskanen received a warning from one of her father's best friends. He said if a young man approached her at a party and said, "Was someone in your family a thief? He stole that twinkle from the stars and put it in your eyes," she had better stay away from him. That line, he said, was in use in the 1960s. Ruskanen's father's friend intended this as a warning, but Ruskanen took it differently. She wondered how many pick-up lines were floating around college campuses these days, especially at her own school, Kansas State U. She began to listen to them at parties and write them down. Now, she has an extensive list pinned on the door of her dorm room. Some of the pick-up lines are seemingly simple, from, "My roommate is out of town," to the innuendo, "That's a nice shirt, but it'd look better crumpled up on my floor," to the lines from an old country song, "If I told you you have a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?" Some other famous or infamous lines: Your pants are so clean, I can see myself in them. .Can I see your tan lines? I'm not trying anything. I always put my hand there. Wanna go back to my place and do the things I'm going to tell my friends we did anyway? . Do you want to order a pizza and have sex? What-you don't like pizza? Beauty is only a light switch away. Does Lisa actuallyuse these lines? "Just for fun," she said. "It's funny to see the initial expressions on people's faces. Then they usually laugh and tell you one." Tara Hun, Kansas State Collegian, Kansas State U. By RANDY GENER The Sagebrush, U. of Nevada, Reno box his way are about u the top, ab- Well, it couldn't be avoided. What many who becon consider the worst time of the year for experience movies is finally upon us - right after the championc Oscars and just before summer, when all of One" deal the hottest movies are released to compete sweepinge for the big bucks at the summer box office. about a yo The Babe - Universal Studios. "Roseanne" starJohn I Good-man is sure to puff cigars and chew tobacco before he even hits a home run in this movie biography of baseball legend George Herman (Babe) Ruth. That's because the Sultan of Swat< lived it up. He had a gargantuan appetite not just for baseball but also for wine, women and hot dogs. The last movie made of Ruth's life was the 1948 clinker "The Babe Ruth Story' starring William COURTESY OF UNIVERSAL STUDI Bendix. And Ruth played Goodman plays Babe Ruth. himself in the 1942 movie "Pride of the Yankees" in which Gary movie is ens Cooper played Lou Gehrig. This film should the multipl tell us whether Ruth fans can accept the King" have truth about America's most famous baseball he's not eve legend. directorial The Power of One - Warner Bros. with Emili Academy Award- winning director John junk thatr Avildsen, who brought us "Rocky I and V" "Sleepwalk( and "The Karate Kid I,11 and III," likes to could be a to box-office uplift. His movies nderdogs who fight their way to out the rite of passage for boys me men in the boxing ring of . Avildsen fancies himself the of the little guy. "The Power of s with similar territory. It's a epic set in the 1930s and '40s ung South African boxer who learns his trade from a German prisoner of war and a black jailbird. In the process, he learns about the inhumanity of apartheid. Stephen King's Sleep- walkers - Columbia Pictures. It has been said that Stephen King has such a huge following that he could publish his grocery list and still have a reasonable chance at The New York Times best-seller list. In Hollywood, the mere men- oS tion of his name somehow remotely connected to even the lowest-grade horror tough to get those cash registers at ex in heat. The words "Stephen become a sales pitch. And yet en passable as a film maker. His debut "Maximum Overdrive" o Estevez was smashingly stupid needed a maximum overhaul. ers" sounds like a potboiler, but it sleeper. It's the first screenplay the novelist has everwritten. newspaper tycoons Joseph Pulitzer and rival Mad Dog and Glory - Universal. When William Randolph Hearst declare an Robert De Niro is at his best, he has a increase in the cost of their daily news- bulldog's fierceness and a puppy's warmth. papers, a price war erupts, and it's the His volatile shifts from one mode to the other Newsies (newspaper sales boys)who feel the are why he's been regularly hailed as the best pinch. These poor kids who hawk tabloids on actor on the American scene. When wacky the streets of New York threaten to strike - Bill Murray is at his best, he has a sneaky- but not before they burst into song about the funny wise-ass wit and a Scrooge crankiness. injustices of the newspaper bigwigs of the In this Martin Scorsese pro-duction about a 19th century in this live-action musical. cop who saves the life of a gangster, the yuks Robert Duvall plays Pulitzer. This movie will should be plentiful. As a gift for the cop, in have plenty of singin' and a dancin'. return for his bravery, the gangster gives away Shadows & Fog - Orion Pictures. Just a girlnamed Glory. The Hitch- Murray, who reading this forbidding title of Woody plays the gangster, Allen's new movie is wantshis girl back. enough to make us Beethoven - Uni- realize that his 21st versal. Rin Tin Tin. feature-length movie Benji. Lassie. Hooch. will not be a return to Add Beethoven to the rude, naughty this growing list of comedies he used to canine cadets. He's make. The black and the new dog in town ) white comedy- who wants his day at drama, set in dark the movies. This big and moody Europe St. Bernard disrupts in the '30s, is about a the quiet lives of a COURTESY OF UNIVERSAL STUDIOS strangler who strikes suburban family in Move over Lassie. Beethoven Is movin' In. when the circus this bowwow comedy comes to town. In from producer Ivan Reitman, who directed other words, Allen offers a crash course in "Ghostbusters," "Twins" and "Kindergarten Existentialism 101 - The Sad and Funny Cop." Beethoven soon leads the family into Aspects of Man's Eternal Helplessness in the a dogfight with an evil veterinarian. Charles Universe. The all-star guest line-up includes Grodin is the head of the household thathas Kathy Bates,John Cusack, Mia Farrow,Jodie gone to the dogs. Foster, John Malkovich, Lily Tomlin and Newsies - Walt Disney Pictures. When Madonna.Yes, Madonna. JOHN CHUNG, THt DAIL'Y'BRUSIN, S. OFOCALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES A generation of American youths are identifying with Malcolm X. teachings of Malcolm X, like white Anglo-Saxons... and union types," said Johnson, who owns an X hat. "You have one group of people who understands what the X hat symbolizes, and another group of people wear it because they think it is in fashion right now." Because of Spike Lee, who owns an X hat, many students have been purchasing the hats. Karla Bounin, an employee at Urban Outfitters in Cambridge, Mass., ascribes interest in the hat more to trend than ideology. "Spike Lee started the whole thing to promote his movies, and people have been buying them up. But other people do want to make a statement by wearing them," she said. Although the X hat is in vogue, students like Tufts senior Anthony Barfield believe the interest in Malcolm X should based on the leader's convictions, not on popular culture. "A way of expressing admiration for the man is to wear the hat, the jacket, other paraphernalia," Barfield said. "He is the perfect example of a strong man who stood his ground and stood up for his beliefs." Breakfast cereals: They'rre Grrreat By SUSANWILLIAMS Daily Utah Chronicle, U. of Utah As one of the few remaining extensions of youth, those old favorite sugar-coated cereals are being gobbled up by students across the country. And some cereals have become such a part of the morning routine, many students can't get through the day without their daily fill. That's the reason Willie Boldt, executive chef for the U. of Utah Union Food Services, has to fill cereal bins with 10-pound bags of Cap'n Crunch every day. And everyone has an opinion why certain cereals are selling better than others, including Boldt. "You'd be surprised how many adults and college students are watching Saturday morning cartoons," he said. Phil Gyori, Quaker Oats Co. brand manager, said college students are affected by advertising aimed at children. The fair Cap'n holds about 3 percent of a 200-cereal market. "I think it's got a good-natured, almost a reverent, kind of humor," Gyori said of the Cap'n and his appeal to college students. In fact, Cap'n Crunch was created by the creator of such personalities as Bullwinkle and Moose. Randy Shields, a U. of Utah student, said Cap'n Crunch is his favorite cold cereal, and he thinks he is affected by the commercials during Saturday morning cartoons. Although he generally doesn't eat cereal for breakfast, he eats it when he gets the munchies. But Thomas Spivey, senior food services manager at the U. of California at Berkeley, said the favorite cold cereal of students on his campus is Frosted Flakes. The cafeteria only sells Kellogg's assortment packs. "We've tried Kellogg's and somebody else, and ... Kellogg's was the vote," Spivey said. Although Tony the Tiger, the Frosted Flakes' spokescat, is not specifically targeted toward a college market, Karen MacLeod, Kellogg's publicity manager, said students like Tony for various reasons. "He, we feel, communicates vitality and energy," which are associated with youth, she said. Both Boldt and Spivey said Raisin Bran is another cold cereal favorite of students. But when it comes to the most popular, college students seem to enjoy the cereals their mothers never let them have when they were kids. At the U. of Buffalo, students follow this rule without much variation. JUDD HILLMAN, DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE, U. OF UTAH Students at the U. of Utah chomp down 10 pounds of Cap'n Crunch per day. But SSHHHHHHH. Don't tell their moms. Cap'n Crunch, Crunchberries (a Cap'n relative), Fruit Loops and Lucky Charms are the most popular cereals. And a few years ago, students at the U. of Notre Dame boycotted meals when the Cap'n was banned from the dinner menu. Whether the Cap'n or other cereals will attain cult status is still up in the air. "It isn't just something that's happened in a year or two," Gyori said of Cap'n Crunch's success.