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December 11, 1991 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-12-11

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High: 42, Low: 28.
Increasingly cloudy;
High: 44, Low: 28.

£1 44w

Dee Dee Ramone
hangs in
Ann Arbor.
Page 8.

One hundred and one years of editorial freedom
Vol. CII, No. 51 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, December 11, 1991
'U' wll deputize
through regents

by David Rheingold
Daily Staff Reporter

The University may soon depu-
tize its campus police through the
Board of Regents rather than the
Washtenaw County Sheriff's
A series of letters from the sher-
iff's department to the University
Department of Public Safety (DPS)
expresses a growing desire for the
University itself to deputize its of-
ficers, instead of continuing to use
the sheriff's department.
County Sheriff Ron Schebil said
yesterday that he wants to turn over
authority to the regents because
right now he is responsible for the
University police, but he does not
supervise them.
"My personal feeling is if a per-
son is going to have powers of depu-
tization, I'd like to have them di-
rectly under my control," he said.
Michigan Public Act No. 120,
passed in June 1990, grants the re-

gents the authority to deputize
campus police. And with increasing
pressure from the county, that may
soon be the University's only
Although the University has
taken no formal action yet, the ex-
ecutive officers will meet within
the next several weeks to discuss
the possibility, said Walter Harri-
son, executive director of Univer-
sity Relations.
Harrison said the University has
"long-term" plans of making such a
conversion, but he added, "The Uni-
versity has no plans at the
If the University makes such a
move, campus police officers would
still have the same authority that
they have now, but they would be
accountable to the regents instead of
the county sheriff.
Before the University could in-
stitute the change, it would first
have to hold two public hearings,

and establish an oversight commit-
tee consisting of two students, two
faculty members, and two staff
Committee members would be
"nominated and elected by the fac-
ulty, students, and staff of the insti-
tution," the act states.
Michigan Student Assembly
Rep. Jeff Hinte, an opponent of dep-
utization, said he fears the Univer-
sity might not give the students ad-
equate notice of such hearings.
Hinte's concerns echo sentiments
from last year's anti-deputization
movement, which criticized the re-
gents for approving deputization
during the summer - when most
students were not on campus.
Schebil said that based on discus-
sions with DPS Director Leo Heat-
ley, he expects the process to begin*
as early as January or February.
In a Sept. 11, 1991, letter to
Heatley, County Undersheriff

Follow your nose
Eighth graders who remembered their permission slips sniffed their way through the Michigan Theater
yesterday to see the National Theater's performance of "Babes in Toyland."

Minorities, women still lag behind in rank, salary
Of the 17 University deans, two are Black and three are women 4

by Karen Sabgir
Daily Staff Reporter
Despite efforts to increase the
ranks of minorities and women fac-
ulty members, discrepancies re-
vealed in the recently-released
salary list suggest the University
still has a long way to go in achiev-
ing parity at all levels.
It is only necessary to go as far as
the salary lists of the 17 deans. Only
two are Black and three arc women.
. "'We definitely have a long way to
go," said John Matlock, director of'
Minority Affairs, referring to the
low number of African-American
However, underrepresentation of
women and minorities at the admin-
istrative level is just one example
of the gap that still exists for
women and minority faculty and
administrators at the University.
* Outside of the medical field,
deans earn some of the highest pay-
ing salaries at the University with
salaries ranging from $102,563 to

Deans are hired for five-year
terms and initial salaries are based
on experience, previous positions
and salaries, and a comparison of

Salary discrepancies are also pre-
sent further down the ranks of fac-
ulty and staff.
According to this year's faculty
and staff salary supplement, 337

'Tenure is given selectively. It's an up or out
system that promotes quality in the faculty'
- Susan Rasmussen
Affirmative ACtion offiCe

of what he called a "revolving door
in the lower ranks."
Usually faculty that do not get
tenure after six years are forced to
In the mid-'80s, there were mi-
nor fluctuations in the number of
women and minorities in tenure-
track positions, but in the past three
years, that number has grown
MItlock stressed the importance
of making sure that people, particu-
larly minorities and women, move
through the system so that there
aren't new people coming in every
six years.
"Tenure is given selectively,"
said Susan Rasmussen of the Affir-
mative Action office. "It's an up or
out system that promotes quality in
the faculty."
Faculty members who are lec-

Lee Bollinger
Peter Banks
B. Joseph White
Business Administration

$164,100 John D'Arms


Dr. Giles Bole $174,000 Dr. June Osborn $140,500
Medicine Public Health

Rhetaugh Dumas

$152,200 Paul Boylan


staff salaries at other universities,
said University administrators.
The deans' salary increments are
adjusted after yearly reviews by the
Provost with consultation of the
University President and are based
on a "complex set of criteria," said
an administrative spokesperson. The
raises reflect the deans' performance
in conjunction vyith the performance
of faculty within their department,
the size and complexity of their
units, as well as budget constraints.

University employees make more
than $100,000 a year, and less than
30 of these are women. The figures
for minority salaries are not
Increasing the number of women
and minorities in upper-level posi-
tions is the first step to increasing
their salaries on a whole, Matlock
Matlock said he believes it will

Edie Goldenberg $145,000
Literature, Science and Arts

Garry Brewer
Natural Resources
Cecil Miskel

Ara Paul


Bernard Machen
Harold Johnson
Social Work
John Stephenson

Robert Warner $106200
Information and Library Studies

$143,500 Robert Beckley $106,000
Architecture and Urban Planning
Art $60,000

take several years betore a profound
change is seen, particularly because See SALARIES, Page 2


Kelly brings color to
vice president's office

Alcohol policy gets
Panhel's approval,
awaits vote of IFC

ry Andrew Levy
Daily Research Reporter
In the office of William Kelly,
the University's Vice President for
Research, a Michigan Daily photog-
rapher was taking pictures.
"You didn't get a picture of
me," Kelly said, pointing around the
room. "This is me on the walls. The
pictures, this sculpture."
Kelly does not fit the stereotype
* of a University administrator. His
office, adorned with his original
watercolors and sculpture, reflects
an abundance of creativity, and it

an incredible variety of activities
and responsibilities. They range
from coping with the truly rare eth-
ical problems on campus, to manag-
ing some 16 research units, to liai-
son with the government and fed-
eral agencies, to representation of
the institution at all sorts of con-
ferences, meetings, and festive occa-
Indeed, Kelly spends an inordi-
nate amount of time at work each
"He's an early riser," said Judith
Nowack, the Research Policy Advi-
sor in the Office of the Vice Presi-
dent for Research. "That's one of
the things we kid him about. We get
e-mail messages when we get in, at
7:30 or 8 o'clock, responding to our
messages from the day before."
Kelly's dedication extends be-
yond just arriving at work early. In
addition to his regular vice presi-
dential responsibilities, Kelly con-
tinues to advise a number of gradu-
ate students.
"For the majority of my 37 years
(at the University), I've been a fac-
ulty member, teacher, researcher,
and then the minority of time has
been in administrative positions,"
Kelly said. "Right now, I have three

by David Wartowski
Daily Staff Reporter

Last night, 19 of the 20 sorori-
ties of the Panhellenic Association
voted to pass the newly-proposed
alcohol policy which would prevent.
sororities and fraternities from buy-'
ing alcohol or having kegs at parties
unless approved by the national
Alpha Delta Pi was mandated to
abstain from the vote by its national
organization because it did not want
them to promote alcohol in any
form, even a BYOB policy.
Before the policy can be imple-
mented, it must pass the
Interfraternity Council's (IFC)
vote tonight.
Panhellenic President Katie
Kendall said she was not surprised
that Panhel voted to pass the policy.
"We have such a good communica-
tion with the houses," she said. "We
knew that the policy would pass."
Kendall-and other board mem-
bers of Panhel are not so confident
that the policy will make it through
the IFC vote tonight.

Panhellenic Judicial Vice
President Cyndi Mueller said,
"Some days I wake up and I think,
'Yeah, the policy will pass.' Then I
wake up the next, and I really don't
think so."
Kendall said she had "no idea"
whether or not IFC would pass the
"It's hard to tell now (whether
or not the policy will pass)," said
.Mike Rice, IFC chair of the
Committee on the Alcohol Policy
(CAP), but he said he hoped that
IFC would pass the policy since it
has already been passed by represen-
tatives from each fraternity and
sorority through CAP.
Rice said the popularity of the
alcohol policy has increased re-
cently among fraternities as the
committee has worked to make it
more appealing.
Assuming that IFC passes the
alcohol policy tonight, Mueller
said that each sorority will be re-
quired to:
0 register all parties with
See ALCOHOL.Page 2


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