0 FRIDAY MontyPytho:Liveatthe Hollywood Bowl All your favorite skits, performed live in concert. (Tery Hughes, 1982) . . 8-30 And Now For Something Conletey Different Something Different is actually quite the same as Holyovd Bow butthis one has those tasteful Gilliam cartoons. (lan MacNaughton,1972) MLB3 1000 ' ' - * Gangsters in Osaka?Itcan't be worse than Mobstes. Part of the Japanese period film series. (Hideo Gosha, 1983) Lorch 7:00 FREE The Shop Around* the Comae Wonderful Lubitsch romantic come starring James Stewart and Margaret Sula. (Ernst Lubitsch, 1940) Aud A 7:00 It's a Wonderful Life Go ahead... you've earned it. An essential holiday tradition. (Frank Capra, 1946) Aud A 8:45 SATURDAY Aguirre, the Wrath of God Herzog one of the masters of modem German cinema (along with Wenders and Fassbinder). The late Klaus Kinski stars as a 16th century conquistador. (Werner Herzog, 1972) AudA 7:00, 8:45 & 1020 S. ." . .. Thekianud Lou*s Yet another chance to see one of the best films of '91. (Ridley Scott, 1991) Hillel 8:00 & 10:30 Monty Python Liveatthe Hollywood Bowl See Friday. MLB3 8:30 . . . . . And Now For Something Completely Different See Friday. MLB3 10:00 SUNDAY TheLady From Shanghai Orson Welles puts on a cheesy accent but his noir classic is visually impressive, with Rita Hayworth. (Orson Welles, 1947) AudAE :00 FREE TUESDAY Blue Velvet The quintessential Lynch film that blows Wild at Twin Peaks out of the water. Even Woody Allen admits it's a great film. (David Lynch,1986) Mich .7:00' Paris Is Burning Don't miss Livingston's eye-opening documentary this time around. (Jennie Livingston, 1990) Mich Th. 920 WEDNESDAY Blue Velvet See Tuesday. Mich Th. 7:00 ParilsIs Burning See Tuesday. Mich Th. 920 THURSDAY Jungle Fever Like him or not, you can't ignore Lee, and Fev's amon his best P 'eLee,1991) .i . Th.70 Paris Is Buming See Tuesday. Mich Th. 9:40 rr..rrs v r. w wto Iw' r nq lUN = br c o D At q w - ---___ I 40L4E.CE.I'AM 14E.cLrE..WEt W FQ~ ~O PURPOE.. WMIO VME. tHE. ~e. ; THE bFlt'UE ~SSA A NOOSE. l.ElNG SvT' ANL o1GI+- ISTIAOU?W 14Y .NrC APPLYNMirHE cots4LE. FWtS4.j ND T WSN- -ITS MVEN LAN~,SR ASPI EONj- 50C T4SA. DuM, WO VIE S~arl4lE FIS IJANp T'; WSW SrD AYA~OURI DREAMSj O -4VJ A - VEZ -7lCi Sy GxcrtErD pRylp A~ " STOP "LIKING MOUTrAINS SMEtI.. 46.L4 TEACHERS MI~1ND- B"&LINGj - c KF- ESlAJG On YOUR Sw JO(,4N4 YouIR MFF1Og LEARN t'0 ASK SCCH MOSTENMlAL QuE:S'1 M AS : "w go 2j:ALW CARE~S ? :W+Y, ALL. GONNA I)IEAM9 WAk " Focus ISON 74E MoA YY dF UV 2PMvCDAN ELIVES. D'I ABROAD! H'TKRElZJ- R B7. o